Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core Versioned interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.core Versioned interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core Versioned interface-usage.


From source file dk.nykredit.jackson.dataformat.hal.PackageVersion.java

 * Reading module version from Maven properties files.
public final class PackageVersion implements Versioned {

    public static final Version VERSION;

From source file com.opentable.jaxrs.json.OTJacksonJsonProvider.java

 * Jersey Provider class that allows Jackson to serialize any media type starting
 * with <code>x-ot</code>.  By default, only types that end with <code>+json</code> will
 * be matched.

From source file com.nesscomputing.jersey.json.NessJacksonJsonProvider.java

 * Jersey Provider class that allows Jackson to serialize any media type starting
 * with <code>x-ness</code>.  By default, only types that end with <code>+json</code> will
 * be matched.