Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType getRawClass

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType getRawClass


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType getRawClass.


public final Class<?> getRawClass() 

Source Link


From source file:org.broadleafcommerce.core.web.api.WrapperOverrideTypeModifier.java

public JavaType modifyType(JavaType type, Type jdkType, TypeBindings context, TypeFactory typeFactory) {
    try {/*w w  w .j av  a  2s . c  om*/
        if (type.getClass().isAssignableFrom(SimpleType.class)) {
            Object overriddenBean = applicationContext.getBean(type.getRawClass().getName());
            return SimpleType.construct(overriddenBean.getClass());
    } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
        LOG.debug("No configured bean for " + type.getClass().getName() + " returning original type");
    return type;

From source file:org.candlepin.swagger.CandlepinSwaggerModelConverter.java

public Property resolveProperty(Type type, ModelConverterContext context, Annotation[] annotations,
        Iterator<ModelConverter> next) {
    JavaType propType = null;

    /**//from   w  w  w .  ja v a2s.  com
     * See java doc of NestedComplexType. This unwrapping makes sure that a
     * real type of field is passed to _mapper
    if (type instanceof NestedComplexType) {
        propType = pMapper.constructType(((NestedComplexType) type).getOriginalType());
    } else {
        propType = pMapper.constructType(type);

    log.debug("resolveProperty {}", propType);

    Property property = null;
    if (propType.isContainerType()) {
        JavaType keyType = propType.getKeyType();
        JavaType valueType = propType.getContentType();
        if (keyType != null && valueType != null) {
            property = new MapProperty()
                    .additionalProperties(context.resolveProperty(valueType, new Annotation[] {}));
        } else if (valueType != null) {
            ArrayProperty arrayProperty = new ArrayProperty()
                    .items(context.resolveProperty(valueType, new Annotation[] {}));
            if (pIsSetType(propType.getRawClass())) {
            property = arrayProperty;
    } else {
        property = PrimitiveType.createProperty(propType);

    if (property == null) {
        if (propType.isEnumType()) {
            property = new StringProperty();
            pAddEnumProps(propType.getRawClass(), property);
        } else if (pIsOptionalType(propType)) {
            property = context.resolveProperty(propType.containedType(0), null);
        } else {
            // complex type
            Model innerModel = context.resolve(type);
            if (innerModel instanceof ModelImpl) {
                ModelImpl mi = (ModelImpl) innerModel;
                property = new RefProperty(
                        StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mi.getReference()) ? mi.getReference() : mi.getName());

    return property;

From source file:org.candlepin.swagger.CandlepinSwaggerModelConverter.java

private boolean pIsOptionalType(JavaType propType) {
    return Arrays.asList("com.google.common.base.Optional", "java.util.Optional")

From source file:org.candlepin.swagger.CandlepinSwaggerModelConverter.java

private void parseProperty(ModelConverterContext context, boolean isNested, final BeanDescription beanDesc,
        Set<String> propertiesToIgnore, List<Property> props, BeanPropertyDefinition propDef) {
    Property property = null;//from  w w  w.  j a  va2 s. c om
    String propName = propDef.getName();
    Annotation[] annotations = null;

    propName = getPropName(propDef, propName);

    PropertyMetadata md = propDef.getMetadata();

    boolean hasSetter = false, hasGetter = false;
    if (propDef.getSetter() == null) {
        hasSetter = false;
    } else {
        hasSetter = true;
    if (propDef.getGetter() != null) {
        JsonProperty pd = propDef.getGetter().getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
        if (pd != null) {
            hasGetter = true;
    Boolean isReadOnly = null;
    if (!hasSetter & hasGetter) {
        isReadOnly = Boolean.TRUE;
    } else {
        isReadOnly = Boolean.FALSE;

    final AnnotatedMember member = propDef.getPrimaryMember();

    if (member != null && !propertiesToIgnore.contains(propName) &&
     * If the owning type is nested than we should include only those
     * fields that have the Hateoas annotation.
            !(isNested && !member.hasAnnotation(HateoasInclude.class))) {

        List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
        for (Annotation a : member.annotations()) {

        annotations = annotationList.toArray(new Annotation[annotationList.size()]);

        ApiModelProperty mp = member.getAnnotation(ApiModelProperty.class);

        if (mp != null && mp.readOnly()) {
            isReadOnly = mp.readOnly();

        Type nested = null;
        JavaType propType = member.getType(beanDesc.bindingsForBeanType());
        JsonFilter jsonFilter = propType.getRawClass().getAnnotation(JsonFilter.class);

         * At this point the propType is a type of some nested field of the
         * type that is being processed. The condition checks if this
         * particular type should have Hateoas serialization enabled. In
         * other words, if we should create a new Nested* model.
        if (jsonFilter != null && (jsonFilter.value().equals("ConsumerFilter")
                || jsonFilter.value().equals("EntitlementFilter") || jsonFilter.value().equals("OwnerFilter")
                || jsonFilter.value().equals("GuestFilter"))) {
            if (!nestedJavaTypes.containsKey(propType)) {
                nestedJavaTypes.put(propType, new NestedComplexType(propType));
            nested = nestedJavaTypes.get(propType);
        } else {
            nested = propType;

        // allow override of name from annotation
        if (mp != null && !mp.name().isEmpty()) {
            propName = mp.name();

        if (mp != null && !mp.dataType().isEmpty()) {
            property = resolveApiAnnotated(context, property, annotations, mp, propType);

        // no property from override, construct from propType
        if (property == null) {
            if (mp != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mp.reference())) {
                property = new RefProperty(mp.reference());
            } else if (member.getAnnotation(JsonIdentityInfo.class) != null) {
                property = GeneratorWrapper.processJsonIdentity(propType, context, pMapper,
            if (property == null) {
                property = context.resolveProperty(nested, annotations);

        if (property != null) {
            addMetadataToProperty(property, propName, md, isReadOnly, member, mp);
            applyBeanValidatorAnnotations(property, annotations);

From source file:uk.gov.gchq.koryphe.serialisation.json.SimpleClassNameCache.java

 * Gets the class name for a given id.//w  ww.  j  av a  2s. c om
 * @param id       the simple class name or full class name.
 * @param baseType the base type of the ID - used to help resolve conflicting IDs
 * @return the full class name or the original id if one could not be found.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are multiple classes with the same id.
public static String getClassName(final String id, final JavaType baseType) {
    String className = null;
    if (null != id && !id.contains(".")) {

        // Remove the array brackets if required, these will be added again at the end.
        final boolean isArray = id.endsWith("[]");
        String nonArrayId = isArray ? id.substring(0, id.length() - 2) : id;
        nonArrayId = StringUtils.capitalize(nonArrayId);

        final Set<Class> classesForId = getClassesFromId(nonArrayId);
        // If the class is unknown (not in the cache) then try the core packages
        if (null == classesForId || classesForId.isEmpty()) {
            for (final String corePackage : corePackages) {
                final String classNameTmp = corePackage + "." + nonArrayId;
                final Class<?> clazz = ReflectionUtil.getClassFromName(classNameTmp);
                if (null != clazz) {
                    className = classNameTmp;
                    addIdClasses(nonArrayId, Sets.newHashSet(clazz));
        } else if (1 == classesForId.size()) {
            // There is exactly one class name for the given ID so we are
            // confident that is this the class required.
            className = classesForId.iterator().next().getName();
        } else {
            // If the base type has been provided then attempt to use
            // it to resolve the conflicts
            if (null != baseType) {
                final Class<?> baseClass = baseType.getRawClass();

                // First check the conflict cache
                Map<String, Class> idToClass = baseTypeToIdToClass.get(baseClass);
                if (null != idToClass) {
                    final Class clazz = getClassFromId(nonArrayId, idToClass);
                    if (null != clazz) {
                        className = clazz.getName();

                // If the conflict has not previously been seen, then try
                // and resolve it and add it to the cache.
                if (null == className) {
                    Class<?> matchedClass = null;
                    for (final Class classForId : classesForId) {
                        if (baseClass.isAssignableFrom(classForId)) {
                            if (null == matchedClass) {
                                matchedClass = classForId;
                            } else {
                                matchedClass = null;
                    // If the conflict has been resolved then cache the result
                    if (null != matchedClass) {
                        className = matchedClass.getName();
                        if (null == idToClass) {
                            idToClass = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
                            baseTypeToIdToClass.put(baseClass, idToClass);
                        addIdClass(nonArrayId, matchedClass, idToClass);
            // If the conflict cannot be resolved then explain to the user
            // that they need to provide the full class name.
            if (null == className) {
                final List<String> classOptions = classesForId.stream()
                        .map(c -> isArray ? "[L" + c.getName() + ";" : c.getName())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple " + nonArrayId
                        + " classes exist. Please choose one of the following and specify the full class name: "
                        + classOptions);

        // Add the array information if required.
        if (isArray && null != className) {
            className = "[L" + className + ";";

    // If we couldn't find the class name, the just return the original value.
    if (null == className) {
        className = id;
    return className;