Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType isEnumType

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType isEnumType


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JavaType isEnumType.


public final boolean isEnumType() 

Source Link


From source file:org.candlepin.swagger.CandlepinSwaggerModelConverter.java

public Property resolveProperty(Type type, ModelConverterContext context, Annotation[] annotations,
        Iterator<ModelConverter> next) {
    JavaType propType = null;

    /**//from  w w w .  j av  a  2s . co m
     * See java doc of NestedComplexType. This unwrapping makes sure that a
     * real type of field is passed to _mapper
    if (type instanceof NestedComplexType) {
        propType = pMapper.constructType(((NestedComplexType) type).getOriginalType());
    } else {
        propType = pMapper.constructType(type);

    log.debug("resolveProperty {}", propType);

    Property property = null;
    if (propType.isContainerType()) {
        JavaType keyType = propType.getKeyType();
        JavaType valueType = propType.getContentType();
        if (keyType != null && valueType != null) {
            property = new MapProperty()
                    .additionalProperties(context.resolveProperty(valueType, new Annotation[] {}));
        } else if (valueType != null) {
            ArrayProperty arrayProperty = new ArrayProperty()
                    .items(context.resolveProperty(valueType, new Annotation[] {}));
            if (pIsSetType(propType.getRawClass())) {
            property = arrayProperty;
    } else {
        property = PrimitiveType.createProperty(propType);

    if (property == null) {
        if (propType.isEnumType()) {
            property = new StringProperty();
            pAddEnumProps(propType.getRawClass(), property);
        } else if (pIsOptionalType(propType)) {
            property = context.resolveProperty(propType.containedType(0), null);
        } else {
            // complex type
            Model innerModel = context.resolve(type);
            if (innerModel instanceof ModelImpl) {
                ModelImpl mi = (ModelImpl) innerModel;
                property = new RefProperty(
                        StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mi.getReference()) ? mi.getReference() : mi.getName());

    return property;

From source file:org.candlepin.swagger.CandlepinSwaggerModelConverter.java

public Model resolve(Type rawType, ModelConverterContext context, Iterator<ModelConverter> next) {
    if (this.shouldIgnoreClass(rawType)) {
        return null;
    }/*  w ww . j  a va 2 s.c om*/

     * See java doc of NestedComplexType. This unwrapping makes sure that a
     * real type of field used throughout the method. At the same time flag
     * 'isNested' helps to indicate later in the method that this type may
     * be introspected as Hateoas enabled field
    boolean isNested = false;
    if (rawType instanceof NestedComplexType) {
        isNested = true;
        NestedComplexType nested = (NestedComplexType) rawType;
        rawType = nested.getOriginalType();
    JavaType type = pMapper.constructType(rawType);

    if (type.isEnumType() || PrimitiveType.fromType(type) != null) {
        // We don't build models for primitive types
        return null;

    final BeanDescription beanDesc = pMapper.getSerializationConfig().introspect(type);
    // Couple of possibilities for defining
    String name = isNested ? "Nested" : "";
    name += pTypeName(type, beanDesc);

    if ("Object".equals(name)) {
        return new ModelImpl();

    final ModelImpl model = new ModelImpl().type(ModelImpl.OBJECT).name(name)

    if (!type.isContainerType()) {
        // define the model here to support self/cyclic referencing of
        // models
        context.defineModel(name, model, type, null);

    if (type.isContainerType()) {
        // We treat collections as primitive types, just need to add models
        // for values (if any)
        return null;
    // if XmlRootElement annotation, construct an Xml object and attach it
    // to the model
    XmlRootElement rootAnnotation = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(XmlRootElement.class);
    if (rootAnnotation != null && !"".equals(rootAnnotation.name())
            && !"##default".equals(rootAnnotation.name())) {
        Xml xml = new Xml().name(rootAnnotation.name());
        if (rootAnnotation.namespace() != null && !"".equals(rootAnnotation.namespace())
                && !"##default".equals(rootAnnotation.namespace())) {

    // see if @JsonIgnoreProperties exist
    Set<String> propertiesToIgnore = new HashSet<String>();
    JsonIgnoreProperties ignoreProperties = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(JsonIgnoreProperties.class);
    if (ignoreProperties != null) {

    final ApiModel apiModel = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(ApiModel.class);
    String disc = (apiModel == null) ? "" : apiModel.discriminator();

    if (apiModel != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(apiModel.reference())) {

    if (disc.isEmpty()) {
        // longer method would involve
        // AnnotationIntrospector.findTypeResolver(...) but:
        JsonTypeInfo typeInfo = beanDesc.getClassAnnotations().get(JsonTypeInfo.class);
        if (typeInfo != null) {
            disc = typeInfo.property();
    if (!disc.isEmpty()) {

    List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
    for (BeanPropertyDefinition propDef : beanDesc.findProperties()) {
        parseProperty(context, isNested, beanDesc, propertiesToIgnore, props, propDef);

    Collections.sort(props, getPropertyComparator());

    Map<String, Property> modelProps = new LinkedHashMap<String, Property>();
    for (Property prop : props) {
        modelProps.put(prop.getName(), prop);

     * This must be done after model.setProperties so that the model's set
     * of properties is available to filter from any subtypes
    if (!resolveSubtypes(model, beanDesc, context)) {

    return model;