Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonDeserializer subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonDeserializer subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonDeserializer subclass-usage.


From source file pl.edu.pwr.iiar.zak.thermalKit.deserializers.ThermometerUnitDeserializer.java

 * HeaterUnitDeserializer is the recipe how to deserialize the HeaterDescription from
 * the JSON file or MongoDB.
 * @author pawel
 * @version ${VERSION}

From source file pl.edu.pwr.iiar.zak.thermalKit.deserializers.HeaterUnitDeserializer.java

 * HeaterUnitDeserializer is the recipe how to deserialize the HeaterDescription from
 * the JSON file or MongoDB.
 * @author pawel
 * @version ${VERSION}

From source file com.basistech.rosette.dm.jackson.MorphoAnalysisListDeserializer.java

 * Jackson deserialization that handles polymorphism of MorphoAnalysis without writing
 * out the type in each one.
public final class MorphoAnalysisListDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<MorphoAnalysis>>
        implements ContextualDeserializer {

From source file org.n52.tamis.core.json.deserialize.processes.execute.SosTimeseriesInformationDeserializer.java

 * Class to deserialize the JSON output of a timeseries-REST-api request
 * (/api/v1/timeseries/{id}?expanded=true) into an instance of
 * {@link SosTimeseriesInformation}
 * @author Christian Danowski (contact: c.danowski@52north.org)

From source file org.n52.tamis.core.json.deserialize.capabilities.CapabilitiesDeserializer.java

 * Class to deserialize the extended capabilities document returned by the WPS
 * proxy.
 * @author Christian Danowski (contact: c.danowski@52north.org)

From source file org.dswarm.common.model.deserializer.ContentSchemaDeserializer.java

 * Created by tgaengler on 29/07/14.
public class ContentSchemaDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<ContentSchema> {

    private Map<String, Attribute> attributeMap = new HashMap<>();

From source file org.n52.tamis.core.json.deserialize.processes.ProcessesDeserializer.java

 * Class to deserialize the extended processes document returned by the WPS
 * proxy.
 * @author Christian Danowski (contact: c.danowski@52north.org)

From source file com.msopentech.odatajclient.engine.data.json.JSONEntryDeserializer.java

 * Parse JSON string into <tt>JSONEntry</tt>.
 * If metadata information is available, the corresponding JSONEntry fields and content will be populated.
 * @see JSONEntry

From source file de.terrestris.shogun.deserializer.GeometryDeserializer.java

 * Class responsible for deserializing a Geometry
 * Makes a JTS Geometry object out of an WKT String
 * @author terrestris GmbH & Co. KG

From source file org.agorava.linkedin.jackson.LinkedInNetworkUpdateListDeserializer.java

 * @author Antoine Sabot-Durand
class LinkedInNetworkUpdateListDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<LinkedInNetworkUpdate> {
