Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonMappingException JsonMappingException

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonMappingException JsonMappingException


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonMappingException JsonMappingException.


public JsonMappingException(String paramString) 

Source Link


From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.ActionJobDeserializer.java

public ActionJob deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(ActionJob.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Cannot deserialize actions job without type field");
    }//from   w ww .  j  av  a 2  s  . c  o m
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends ActionJob> subtypeClass = classForType(ActionJob.Type.valueOf(typeRaw.toUpperCase()));
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.TaskResultDeserializer.java

public TaskOnBatch.BaseTaskResult deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx)
        throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(TaskOnBatch.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Cannot deserialize task result without type field");
    }/*  w  w w  . j a v  a 2  s .c  o m*/
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends TaskOnBatch.BaseTaskResult> subtypeClass = classForType(
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.TaskOnBatchDeserializer.java

public TaskOnBatch deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(TaskOnBatch.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Cannot deserialize task on batch without type field");
    }//from   www . j  av a 2 s .c  om
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends TaskOnBatch> subtypeClass = classForType(TaskOnBatch.Type.valueOf(typeRaw.toUpperCase()));
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:org.opendaylight.alto.core.northbound.api.utils.rfc7285.RFC7285JSONMapper.java

public RFC7285Endpoint.PropertyRequest asPropertyRequest(String json) throws Exception {
    RFC7285Endpoint.PropertyRequest ret = mapper.readValue(json, RFC7285Endpoint.PropertyRequest.class);

    if (ret.properties == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Missing field:properties");
    }/*w ww . ja  v  a  2 s . c o  m*/
    if (ret.endpoints == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Missing field:endpoints");
    return ret;

From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.TaskNotificationWayDeserializer.java

public Task.Notification.Way deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx)
        throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(TaskOnBatch.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Cannot deserialize task notification way without type field");
    }/* ww  w. j  a  v  a2  s  .c  om*/
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends Task.Notification.Way> subtypeClass = classForType(
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:org.ohdsi.webapi.feasibility.TheraputicAreaDeserializer.java

public TheraputicArea deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext dc)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

    TheraputicArea type = TheraputicArea.fromId(jp.getValueAsInt());
    if (type != null) {
        return type;
    }/*from  w w  w .j a  v  a2 s.  c o  m*/
    throw new JsonMappingException("invalid value for type, must be 'one' or 'two'");

From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.ShortIdTemplateDeserializer.java

public ShortIdTemplate deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(ShortIdTemplate.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException("Cannot deserialize task on batch without type field");
    }//from w w  w .  j  av a 2s  .  co  m
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends ShortIdTemplate> subtypeClass = classForType(
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:com.hpcloud.mon.app.validation.Validation.java

 * @throws JsonMappingException if the {@code value} is not valid for the {@code type}
 *//*from w ww.  j  a  va 2 s . c o m*/
public static <T extends Enum<T>> T parseAndValidate(Class<T> type, String value) throws JsonMappingException {
    for (T constant : type.getEnumConstants())
        if (constant.name().equalsIgnoreCase(value))
            return constant;
    List<String> acceptedValues = new ArrayList<>();
    for (T constant : type.getEnumConstants())
    throw new JsonMappingException(String.format("%s was not one of %s", value, acceptedValues));

From source file:com.evrythng.java.wrapper.mapping.BatchPopulatingTaskOutputParametersDeserializer.java

public BatchPopulatingTask.OutputParameters deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx)
        throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
    JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
    JsonNode typeNode = node.get(BatchPopulatingTask.OutputParameters.FIELD_TYPE);
    if (typeNode == null) {
        throw new JsonMappingException(
                "Cannot deserialize adi generation output parameters without type field");
    }//from w  ww  . j  a  v a  2s  .co  m
    String typeRaw = getFieldValue(typeNode);
    Class<? extends BatchPopulatingTask.OutputParameters> subtypeClass = classForType(
    return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), subtypeClass);

From source file:org.eyeseetea.malariacare.layout.dashboard.deserializers.DashboardOrientationDeserializer.java

public Object deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    DashboardOrientation dashboardOrientation = DashboardOrientation.fromId(p.getValueAsString());
    if (dashboardOrientation != null) {
        return dashboardOrientation;
    }/* w w  w  .java2  s .  c  o  m*/
    throw new JsonMappingException("'orientation' must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'");