Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get.


public JsonNode get(String paramString) 

Source Link


From source file:com.github.fge.jsonschema2avro.predicates.AvroPredicates.java

public static Predicate<AvroPayload> map() {
    return new Predicate<AvroPayload>() {
        @Override/*from   www. jav a2s  .co  m*/
        public boolean apply(final AvroPayload input) {
            final JsonNode node = schemaNode(input);
            final NodeType type = getType(node);
            if (NodeType.OBJECT != type)
                return false;

            final JsonNode digest = ObjectSchemaDigester.getInstance().digest(node);

            // FIXME: as for array digester, the result should really be
            // a POJO
            if (!digest.get("hasAdditional").booleanValue())
                return false;

            return digest.get("properties").size() == 0 && digest.get("patternProperties").size() == 0;

From source file:com.meetingninja.csse.database.NotesDatabaseAdapter.java

public static String createNote(Note n) throws Exception {
    // Server URL setup
    String _url = getBaseUri().build().toString();

    // Establish connection
    URL url = new URL(_url);
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

    // add request header
    //addRequestHeader(conn, true);

    // prepare POST payload
    ByteArrayOutputStream json = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    // this type of print stream allows us to get a string easily
    PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(json);
    // Create a generator to build the JSON string
    JsonGenerator jgen = JFACTORY.createGenerator(ps, JsonEncoding.UTF8);

    // Build JSON Object
    jgen.writeStartObject();/*from  w ww . jav  a  2 s.  com*/
    jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Note.CREATED_BY, n.getCreatedBy());
    jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Note.TITLE, n.getTitle());
    jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Note.DESC, n.getDescription());
    jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Note.CONTENT, n.getContent());
    jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Note.UPDATED, n.getDateCreated());

    // Get JSON Object payload from print stream
    String payload = json.toString("UTF8");
    Log.d("CREATENOTE_payload", payload);

    // Send payload
    int responseCode = sendPostPayload(conn, payload);
    String response = getServerResponse(conn);
    Log.d("CREATENOTE_response", response);

    String ID = "";
    if (!response.isEmpty()) {
        JsonNode tree = MAPPER.readTree(response);
        if (!tree.has(Keys.Note.ID))
            ID = "-1";
            ID = tree.get(Keys.Note.ID).asText();

    return ID;

From source file:org.primaldev.ppm.util.ChartTypeGenerator.java

public static ChartTypeComponent generateChart(byte[] reportData) {

    // Convert json to pojo
    JsonNode jsonNode = convert(reportData);

    // Title/*from   w w w  . j  a va  2s . com*/
    JsonNode titleNode = jsonNode.get("title");
    String title = null;
    if (titleNode != null) {
        title = titleNode.textValue();

    ChartTypeComponent chartComponent = new ChartTypeComponent(title);

    // Retrieve data sets
    JsonNode datasetsNode = jsonNode.get("datasets");

    // If no data was returned
    if (datasetsNode.size() == 0) {
        chartComponent.addChart(null, null, "Not enough data");
        return chartComponent;

    if (datasetsNode != null && datasetsNode.isArray()) {

        Iterator<JsonNode> dataIterator = datasetsNode.iterator();
        while (dataIterator.hasNext()) {

            JsonNode datasetNode = dataIterator.next();

            JsonNode descriptionNode = datasetNode.get("description");
            String description = null;
            if (descriptionNode != null) {
                description = descriptionNode.textValue();
            JsonNode dataNode = datasetNode.get("data");

            if (dataNode == null || dataNode.size() == 0) {
                chartComponent.addChart(description, null, "Not enough data");
            } else {

                String[] names = new String[dataNode.size()];
                Number[] values = new Number[dataNode.size()];

                int index = 0;
                Iterator<String> fieldIterator = dataNode.fieldNames();
                while (fieldIterator.hasNext()) {
                    String field = fieldIterator.next();
                    names[index] = field;
                    values[index] = dataNode.get(field).numberValue();

                // Generate chart (or 'no data' message)
                if (names.length > 0) {
                    Component chart = createChart(datasetNode, names, values);
                    chartComponent.addChart(description, chart, null);
                } else {
                    chartComponent.addChart(description, null, "Not enough data");




    return chartComponent;

From source file:nl.esciencecenter.xnatclient.data.XnatParser.java

public static int parseJsonResult(XnatObjectType type, String jsonStr, List list) throws XnatParseException {
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jsonStr))
        return 0;
    try {//w w  w  .j a v a 2 s  .co  m
        JsonFactory jsonFac = new JsonFactory();
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        // use dom like parsing:
        JsonNode tree = mapper.readTree(jsonStr);
        JsonNode rootNode = null;

        JsonNode resultSet = tree.get("ResultSet");
        if (resultSet == null) {
            logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'ResultSet' in jsonTree\n");
            // return 0;

        JsonNode result = resultSet.get("Result");
        if (result == null) {
            logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'Result' in jsonTree\n");
            return 0;

        if (result.isArray() == false) {
            // logger.warnPrintf("Couldn't find 'Result' in jsonTree\n");
            return 0;
        rootNode = result;

        // parse objects:
        Iterator<JsonNode> els = rootNode.elements();
        while (els.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode el = els.next();
            list.add(parseXnatObject(type, el));
    // wrap exception:
    catch (JsonParseException e) {
        throw new XnatParseException("Couldn't parse result:\n" + jsonStr + "\n---\n" + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new XnatParseException("IOException:" + e.getMessage(), e);

    return list.size();

From source file:org.openmhealth.shim.jawbone.mapper.JawboneDataPointMapper.java

 * @param listEntryNode an individual entry node from the "items" array of a Jawbone endpoint response
 * @param unixEpochTimestamp unix epoch seconds timestamp from a time property in the list entry node
 * @return the appropriate {@link ZoneId} for the timestamp parameter based on the timezones contained within the
 * list entry node//from ww w .j  a  va2  s . c om
static ZoneId getTimeZoneForTimestamp(JsonNode listEntryNode, Long unixEpochTimestamp) {

    Optional<JsonNode> optionalTimeZonesNode = asOptionalNode(listEntryNode, "details.tzs");
    Optional<JsonNode> optionalTimeZoneNode = asOptionalNode(listEntryNode, "details.tz");

    ZoneId zoneIdForTimestamp = ZoneOffset.UTC; // set default to Z in case problems with getting timezone

    if (optionalTimeZonesNode.isPresent() && optionalTimeZonesNode.get().size() > 0) {

        JsonNode timeZonesNode = optionalTimeZonesNode.get();

        if (timeZonesNode.size() == 1) {
            zoneIdForTimestamp = parseZone(timeZonesNode.get(0).get(TIMEZONE_ENUM_INDEX_TZ));
        } else {

            long currentLatestTimeZoneStart = 0;
            for (JsonNode timeZoneNodesEntry : timeZonesNode) {

                long timeZoneStartTime = timeZoneNodesEntry.get(TIMEZONE_ENUM_INDEX_START).asLong();

                if (unixEpochTimestamp >= timeZoneStartTime) {

                    if (timeZoneStartTime > currentLatestTimeZoneStart) { // we cannot guarantee the order of the
                        // "tzs" array and we need to find the latest timezone that started before our time

                        zoneIdForTimestamp = parseZone(timeZoneNodesEntry.get(TIMEZONE_ENUM_INDEX_TZ));
                        currentLatestTimeZoneStart = timeZoneStartTime;
    } else if (optionalTimeZoneNode.isPresent() && !optionalTimeZoneNode.get().isNull()) {

        zoneIdForTimestamp = parseZone(optionalTimeZoneNode.get());

    return zoneIdForTimestamp;

From source file:com.github.fge.jsonschema.TestUtils.java

public static String buildMessage(final MessageBundle BUNDLE, final String key, final JsonNode params,
        final JsonNode data) {
    final ProcessingMessage message = new ProcessingMessage().setMessage(BUNDLE.getMessage(key));
    if (params != null) {
        String name;/*from  ww w .ja v  a2 s. co  m*/
        JsonNode value;
        for (final JsonNode node : params) {
            name = node.textValue();
            value = data.get(name);
            message.putArgument(name, valueToArgument(value));
    return message.getMessage();

From source file:com.spoiledmilk.ibikecph.search.HTTPAutocompleteHandler.java

public static List<JsonNode> getKortforsyningenPlaces(Location currentLocation, Address address) {
    String urlString;/*www  .ja v a2  s .c o m*/
    List<JsonNode> list = new ArrayList<JsonNode>();
    if (address.city == null || address.city.equals("")) {
        address.city = address.street;
    try {

        urlString = "http://kortforsyningen.kms.dk/?servicename=RestGeokeys_v2&method=sted&stednavn=" + "*"
                + URLEncoder.encode(address.street, "UTF-8") + "*&geop=" + ""
                + Util.limitDecimalPlaces(currentLocation.getLongitude(), 6) + "," + ""
                + Util.limitDecimalPlaces(currentLocation.getLatitude(), 6)
                + "&georef=EPSG:4326&outgeoref=EPSG:4326&login=ibikecph&password=Spoiledmilk123&hits=10&distinct=true";
        if (address.city != null & !address.city.equals("") && !address.street.equals(address.street)) {
            // urlString = urlString + "&by=" + URLEncoder.encode(address.city.trim(), "UTF-8") + "*";
            // urlString += "&postdist=" + URLEncoder.encode(address.city.trim(), "UTF-8");// + "*";
        JsonNode rootNode = performGET(urlString);
        if (rootNode.has("features")) {
            JsonNode features = rootNode.get("features");
            for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) {
                if (features.get(i).has("properties") && features.get(i).get("properties").has("navn"))
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e != null && e.getLocalizedMessage() != null)
    return list;

From source file:com.spotify.docker.client.messages.AuthConfig.java

private static JsonNode extractAuthJson(final Path configPath) throws IOException {
    final JsonNode config = MAPPER.readTree(configPath.toFile());

    if (config.has("auths")) {
        return config.get("auths");
    }/*from   w  w w . jav  a2s  . c o  m*/

    return config;

From source file:controllers.Features.java

private static Promise<Result> removeTarget(String name, JsonNode json) {
    final ObjectNode feature = Json.newObject();
    feature.put("name", name);
    feature.put("type", json.get("type").asText());
    final ObjectNode target = Json.newObject();
    target.put("name", json.get("target").asText());
    // 1. Check if feature :HAS this target in some rule
    Promise<Boolean> hasValue = Feature.nodes.has(feature, target);
    // 2. If it doesn't, disconnect it from the target
    Promise<Boolean> disconnected = hasValue.flatMap(new Function<Boolean, Promise<Boolean>>() {
        public Promise<Boolean> apply(Boolean hasValue) {
            if (hasValue) {
                return Promise.pure(false);
            }//  www.  j av  a2 s.  c  o m
            return Feature.nodes.disconnect(feature, target);
    return disconnected.map(new Function<Boolean, Result>() {
        ObjectNode result = Json.newObject();

        public Result apply(Boolean disconnected) {
            if (disconnected) {
                result.put("message", "Target successfully removed.");
                return ok(result);
            result.put("message", "Target not removed.");
            return badRequest(result);

From source file:org.activiti.designer.eclipse.navigator.cloudrepo.sync.SyncUtil.java

public static void startImportModelBackgroundJob(final Shell shell, final String targetFileName,
        final IFile sourceFile) {

    Job uploadJob = new Job("Importing file") {

        protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
            try {
                JsonNode modelNode = ActivitiCloudEditorUtil.importModel(sourceFile.getName(),
                        IOUtils.toByteArray(sourceFile.getContents()), true);
                if (modelNode != null && modelNode.get("id") != null) {
                    ActivitiCloudEditorUtil.downloadProcessModel(modelNode.get("id").asText(), sourceFile,
                            false);//ww  w. j  a v a  2  s .  co m

                } else {

            } catch (ActivitiCloudEditorSameContentException e) {
                showCloudEditorErrorMessage(shell, "Already in-sync", e);

            } catch (ActivitiCloudEditorException e) {
                showCloudEditorErrorMessage(shell, "Process import failed", e);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
            return Status.OK_STATUS;