Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode iterator

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode iterator


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode iterator.


public final Iterator<JsonNode> iterator() 

Source Link


From source file:net.solarnetwork.node.support.JsonHttpClientSupport.java

 * Parse a standard {@code Response} HTTP response and return the
 * {@code data} object as the provided type.
 * //from w  w  w .  j  av a2s  .c om
 * @param in
 *        the InputStream to read, which will be closed before returning
 *        from this method
 * @param dataType
 *        the type of object to extract from the response
 * @return the extracted object, or <em>null</em>
 * @throws RemoteServiceException
 *         if the response does not include the success flag
 * @throws IOException
 *         if any IO error occurs
 * @since 1.1
protected <T> Collection<T> extractCollectionResponseData(InputStream in, Class<T> dataType)
        throws RemoteServiceException, IOException {
    try {
        JsonNode root = getObjectMapper().readTree(in);
        if (root.isObject()) {
            JsonNode child = root.get("success");
            if (child != null && child.asBoolean()) {
                child = root.get("data");
                if (child != null && child.isArray()) {
                    Iterator<JsonNode> children = child.iterator();
                    List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
                    while (children.hasNext()) {
                        child = children.next();
                        result.add(objectMapper.treeToValue(child, dataType));
                    return result;
                log.debug("Server returned no data for request.");
                return null;
        throw new RemoteServiceException(
                "Server response not successful: " + root.get("message") == null ? "(no message)"
                        : root.get("message").asText());
    } finally {
        if (in != null) {

From source file:com.amazonaws.samples.SamplesGenerator.java

private void getAssignmentValue(final StringBuilder sb, final JsonNode node, MemberModel memberModel) {
    if (memberModel.isSimple()) {
        sb.append(formatPrimitiveValue(memberModel.getSetterModel().getSimpleType(), node.asText()));
    } else if (memberModel.isList()) {
        ListModel listModel = memberModel.getListModel();
        Iterator<JsonNode> iter = node.iterator();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode entry = iter.next();

            if (listModel.getListMemberModel() == null) {
                sb.append(formatPrimitiveValue(listModel.getMemberType(), entry.asText()));
            } else {
                getAssignmentValue(sb, entry, listModel.getListMemberModel());
            }/*from w w  w . java  2  s  . co m*/

            if (iter.hasNext()) {
                sb.append(", ");
    } else if (memberModel.isMap()) {
        MapModel mapModel = memberModel.getMapModel();
        Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = node.fields();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, JsonNode> field = iter.next();
            JsonNode curNode = field.getValue();
            sb.append(String.format(".add%sEntry(", firstCharToUpper(memberModel.getC2jName())));

            sb.append(formatPrimitiveValue(mapModel.getKeyType(), field.getKey()));
            sb.append(", ");

            if (mapModel.getValueModel() == null) {
                sb.append(formatPrimitiveValue(mapModel.getValueType(), curNode.asText()));
            } else {
                getAssignmentValue(sb, curNode, mapModel.getValueModel());

    } else {
        sb.append(String.format("new %s()", memberModel.getC2jShape()));

        Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = node.fields();
        ShapeModel memberShape = model.getShapes().get(memberModel.getC2jShape());

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, JsonNode> field = iter.next();
            MemberModel fieldMemberModel = memberShape.getMemberByC2jName(field.getKey());

            if (fieldMemberModel.isMap()) {
                getAssignmentValue(sb, field.getValue(), fieldMemberModel);
            } else {
                sb.append(String.format(".with%s(", firstCharToUpper(field.getKey())));
                getAssignmentValue(sb, field.getValue(), fieldMemberModel);

From source file:org.eclipse.winery.bpmn2bpel.parser.Bpmn4JsonParser.java

protected Set<String> extractNodeTargetIds(JsonNode node) {
    Set<String> linkTargetIds = new HashSet<String>();
    /* Look for the 'connections' element within the node or its children */
    JsonNode connectionsNode = node.findValue(JsonKeys.CONNECTIONS);
    /*/* w ww .j a v  a  2s  . co m*/
     * The connection node hosts an array of all outgoing connections to
     * other nodes
    if (connectionsNode != null && connectionsNode.isArray()) {
        Iterator<JsonNode> iter = connectionsNode.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            JsonNode connectionEntry = (JsonNode) iter.next();
             * Should always be true as the connection entry is the id of
             * the target node
            if (connectionEntry.isTextual()) {
            } else {
                // TODO warn

    } else {
        log.debug("Node with id '" + node.get(JsonKeys.ID) + "' has no connections to other nodes");
        return null;
    return linkTargetIds;

From source file:de.hbz.lobid.helper.CompareJsonMaps.java

 * Construct a map with json paths as keys with aggregated values form json
 * nodes.//from  w  w  w .  j a v  a 2  s . c om
 * @param jnode the JsonNode which should be transformed into a map
 * @param map the map constructed out of the JsonNode
public void extractFlatMapFromJsonNode(final JsonNode jnode, final HashMap<String, String> map) {
    if (jnode.getNodeType().equals(JsonNodeType.OBJECT)) {
        final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = jnode.fields();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = it.next();
            extractFlatMapFromJsonNode(entry.getValue(), map);
    } else if (jnode.isArray()) {
        final Iterator<JsonNode> it = jnode.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            extractFlatMapFromJsonNode(it.next(), map);
    } else if (jnode.isValueNode()) {
        String value = jnode.toString();
        if (map.containsKey(stack.toString()))
            value = map.get(stack.toString()).concat("," + jnode.toString());
        map.put(stack.toString(), value);
        CompareJsonMaps.logger.trace("Stored this path as key into map:" + stack.toString(), value);

From source file:org.agatom.springatom.cmp.action.DefaultActionsModelReader.java

private ActionRole resolveSecurityRoles(final JsonNode roles, final ActionRoleMap.Connector[] connectors) {
    if (JsonNodeType.STRING.equals(roles.getNodeType())) {
        return new DefaultActionRole().appendRole(roles.asText());
    }// www  .  j  a v  a  2  s  .c  om
    final Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = roles.iterator();
    ActionRole actionRole = null;

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        final JsonNode node = iterator.next();
        final JsonNodeType type = node.getNodeType();
        if (JsonNodeType.STRING.equals(type)) {
            actionRole = new DefaultActionRole().appendRole(node.asText());
        } else if (JsonNodeType.ARRAY.equals(type)) {

            final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node;
            final DefaultActionRole role = new DefaultActionRole();
            for (JsonNode textRoleNode : arrayNode) {
            actionRole = role;

        } else if (JsonNodeType.OBJECT.equals(type)) {

            final ActionRoleMap actionRoleMap = new ActionRoleMap();
            final Map<ActionRoleMap.Connector, DefaultActionRole> map = Maps
            String strConnector;
            for (final ActionRoleMap.Connector connector : connectors) {
                strConnector = connector.toString().toLowerCase();
                if (node.has(strConnector)) {
                    final DefaultActionRole role = new DefaultActionRole();
                    for (JsonNode textRoleNode : node.get(strConnector)) {
                    map.put(connector, role);
            actionRole = actionRoleMap;


    return actionRole;

From source file:org.activiti.rest.content.service.api.BaseSpringContentRestTestCase.java

 * Checks if the returned "data" array (child-node of root-json node returned by invoking a GET on the given url) contains entries with the given ID's.
 *///from   ww  w.jav a  2  s  . c  o m
protected void assertResultsPresentInDataResponse(String url, String... expectedResourceIds)
        throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
    int numberOfResultsExpected = expectedResourceIds.length;

    // Do the actual call
    CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + url), HttpStatus.SC_OK);

    // Check status and size
    JsonNode dataNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()).get("data");
    assertEquals(numberOfResultsExpected, dataNode.size());

    // Check presence of ID's
    List<String> toBeFound = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(expectedResourceIds));
    Iterator<JsonNode> it = dataNode.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        String id = it.next().get("id").textValue();
    assertTrue("Not all expected ids have been found in result, missing: " + StringUtils.join(toBeFound, ", "),