Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory binaryNode

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory binaryNode


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory binaryNode.


public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] paramArrayOfByte) 

Source Link


From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.utils.JsonNodeWritableUtils.java

/** Utility that goes from Writable to JsonNode
 * @param x// ww  w.j a  v a2 s.  co m
 * @return
protected static JsonNode transform(Object x, JsonNodeFactory nc) {
    if (null == x) {
        return null; //(missing->missing)
    } else if (x instanceof NullWritable) {
        return nc.nullNode();
    } else if (x instanceof BooleanWritable) {
        return nc.booleanNode(((BooleanWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof Text) {
        return nc.textNode(((Text) x).toString());
    } else if (x instanceof ByteWritable) {
        return nc.binaryNode(new byte[] { ((ByteWritable) x).get() });
    } else if (x instanceof IntWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((IntWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof VIntWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((VIntWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof LongWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((LongWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof VLongWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((VLongWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof BytesWritable) {
        return nc.binaryNode(((BytesWritable) x).getBytes());
    } else if (x instanceof DoubleWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((DoubleWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof FloatWritable) {
        return nc.numberNode(((FloatWritable) x).get());
    } else if (x instanceof ArrayWritable) {
        Writable[] xx = ((ArrayWritable) x).get();
        // (don't do this lazily, construct entire thing once requested)
        return new ArrayNodeWrapper(nc, xx);
    } else if (x instanceof MapWritable) { // recurse! (ish)
        return new ObjectNodeWrapper(nc, (MapWritable) x);
    } else
        return nc.nullNode();

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.metadata.types.BinaryType.java

public JsonNode toJson(JsonNodeFactory factory, Object obj) {
    return factory.binaryNode((byte[]) cast(obj));

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.v1.document_db.utils.JsonNodeBsonUtils.java

/** Utility that goes from various MongoDB artefacts to JsonNode
 * @param x/*w  w w . j av  a2 s  .  co m*/
 * @return
protected static JsonNode transform(Object x, JsonNodeFactory nc) {
    if (null == x) { // missing => missing
        return null;
    } else if (x instanceof ObjectId) {
        return nc.textNode(((ObjectId) x).toString());
    } else if (x instanceof Boolean) {
        return nc.booleanNode(((Boolean) x));
    } else if (x instanceof String) {
        return nc.textNode(((String) x));
    } else if (x instanceof Date) {
        return nc.numberNode(((Date) x).getTime());
    } else if (x instanceof Double) {
        return nc.numberNode(((Double) x));
    } else if (x instanceof Float) {
        return nc.numberNode(((Float) x));
    } else if (x instanceof Long) {
        return nc.numberNode(((Long) x));
    } else if (x instanceof Integer) {
        return nc.numberNode(((Integer) x));
    } else if (x instanceof byte[]) {
        return nc.binaryNode(((byte[]) x));
    } else if (x instanceof BasicBSONList) {
        // (don't do this lazily, construct entire thing once requested)
        return new ArrayNodeWrapper(nc, (BasicBSONList) x);
    } else if (x instanceof BSONObject) { // recurse! (ish)
        return new ObjectNodeWrapper(nc, (BSONObject) x);
    } else
        return nc.nullNode();