Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory instance

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory instance


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory instance.


JsonNodeFactory instance

To view the source code for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node JsonNodeFactory instance.

Click Source Link


From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.metadata.parser.JSONMetadataParserTest.java


public void testParseConvertValueGenerator() throws IOException {
    JsonNode object = loadJsonNode("JSONMetadataParserTest-valuegenerator.json");
    EntitySchema em = parser.parseEntitySchema(object);
    SimpleField field = (SimpleField) em.resolve(new Path("name"));
    Assert.assertNotNull(field);/*from   w w  w. j  a v a2  s.c o m*/
    ValueGenerator vg = field.getValueGenerator();
    Assert.assertEquals(ValueGenerator.ValueGeneratorType.IntSequence, vg.getValueGeneratorType());
    Assert.assertEquals("seq", vg.getProperties().get("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals("1000", vg.getProperties().get("initialValue").toString());
    ObjectNode obj = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
    parser.convertValueGenerator(vg, obj);
    obj = (ObjectNode) obj.get("valueGenerator");
    Assert.assertEquals(ValueGenerator.ValueGeneratorType.IntSequence.toString(), obj.get("type").asText());
    ObjectNode props = (ObjectNode) obj.get("configuration");
    Assert.assertEquals("seq", props.get("name").asText());
    Assert.assertEquals("1000", props.get("initialValue").asText());

From source file:org.apache.usergrid.client.EntityTestCase.java

public void testEntityInsertInArray() {
    String collectionName = "testEntityProperties" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    String entityName = "testEntity1";

    //should set properties for a given object, overwriting properties that exist and creating those that don\'t
    UsergridEntity entity = new UsergridEntity(collectionName, entityName);
    entity.save();//from w  w w  . ja  v  a  2 s.co m

    ArrayList<Object> lenArr = new ArrayList<>();
    entity.putProperty("lenArray", lenArr);

    ArrayList<Object> lenArr2 = new ArrayList<>();

    entity.insert("lenArray", lenArr2, 6);

    UsergridEntity eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    ArrayNode toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("lenArray"), toCompare);

    //should merge an array of values into an existing array at the specified index
    lenArr = new ArrayList<>();

    entity.putProperty("lenArray", lenArr);

    lenArr2 = new ArrayList<>();

    entity.insert("lenArray", lenArr2, 2);

    eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("lenArray"), toCompare);

    //should convert an existing value into an array when inserting a second value
    entity.putProperty("foo", "test");
    entity.insert("foo", "test1", 1);

    eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("foo"), toCompare);

    //should create a new array when a property does not exist
    entity.insert("foo1", "test2", 1);

    eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("foo1"), toCompare);

    //should gracefully handle index out of positive range
    entity.putProperty("ArrayIndex", "test1");
    entity.insert("ArrayIndex", "test2", 1000);

    eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("ArrayIndex"), toCompare);

    //should gracefully handle index out of negative range
    entity.insert("ArrayIndex", "test3", -1000);

    eLookUp = Usergrid.GET(collectionName, entityName).first();
    assertNotNull("The entity returned is not null.", eLookUp);

    toCompare = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    assertEquals("The two arrays should be equal.", eLookUp.getJsonNodeProperty("ArrayIndex"), toCompare);

From source file:org.jetbrains.webdemo.database.MySqlConnector.java

public ArrayNode getProjectHeaders(UserInfo userInfo, String projectType) throws DatabaseOperationException {
    PreparedStatement st = null;//  ww w.j av a  2 s  .c o  m
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
        st = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT projects.public_id, projects.name FROM projects JOIN "
                + "users ON projects.owner_id = users.id WHERE "
                + "(users.client_id = ? AND users.provider = ? AND projects.type = ?)");
        st.setString(1, userInfo.getId());
        st.setString(2, userInfo.getType());
        st.setString(3, projectType);

        rs = st.executeQuery();

        ArrayNode projects = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
        while (rs.next()) {
            ObjectNode object = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
            object.put("name", unEscape(rs.getString("name")));
            object.put("publicId", rs.getString("public_id"));
            object.put("modified", false);

        return projects;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
                SessionInfo.TypeOfRequest.WORK_WITH_DATABASE.name(), "unknown",
                userInfo.getId() + " " + userInfo.getType() + " " + userInfo.getName());
        throw new DatabaseOperationException("Unknown error while loading list of your programs");
    } finally {
        closeStatementAndResultSet(st, rs);

From source file:com.spotify.docker.client.DefaultDockerClient.java

public InputStream copyContainer(String containerId, String path) throws DockerException, InterruptedException {
    final WebTarget resource = resource().path("containers").path(containerId).path("copy");

    // Internal JSON object; not worth it to create class for this
    JsonNodeFactory nf = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
    final JsonNode params = nf.objectNode().set("Resource", nf.textNode(path));

    return request(POST, InputStream.class, resource, resource.request(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE),

From source file:io.gs2.matchmaking.Gs2MatchmakingClient.java

 * ????<br>/* w w w  . j  a v a  2  s  . c o m*/
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public UpdateMatchmakingResult updateMatchmaking(UpdateMatchmakingRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("serviceClass", request.getServiceClass());
    if (request.getDescription() != null)
        body.put("description", request.getDescription());
    if (request.getGatheringPoolName() != null)
        body.put("gatheringPoolName", request.getGatheringPoolName());
    if (request.getCallback() != null)
        body.put("callback", request.getCallback());
    if (request.getNotificationGameName() != null)
        body.put("notificationGameName", request.getNotificationGameName());
    if (request.getCreateGatheringTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("createGatheringTriggerScript", request.getCreateGatheringTriggerScript());
    if (request.getCreateGatheringDoneTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("createGatheringDoneTriggerScript", request.getCreateGatheringDoneTriggerScript());
    if (request.getJoinGatheringTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("joinGatheringTriggerScript", request.getJoinGatheringTriggerScript());
    if (request.getJoinGatheringDoneTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("joinGatheringDoneTriggerScript", request.getJoinGatheringDoneTriggerScript());
    if (request.getLeaveGatheringTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("leaveGatheringTriggerScript", request.getLeaveGatheringTriggerScript());
    if (request.getLeaveGatheringDoneTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("leaveGatheringDoneTriggerScript", request.getLeaveGatheringDoneTriggerScript());
    if (request.getBreakupGatheringTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("breakupGatheringTriggerScript", request.getBreakupGatheringTriggerScript());
    if (request.getMatchmakingCompleteTriggerScript() != null)
        body.put("matchmakingCompleteTriggerScript", request.getMatchmakingCompleteTriggerScript());
    HttpPut put = createHttpPut(
            Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/matchmaking/"
                    + (request.getMatchmakingName() == null || request.getMatchmakingName().equals("") ? "null"
                            : request.getMatchmakingName())
                    + "",
            credential, ENDPOINT, UpdateMatchmakingRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            UpdateMatchmakingRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        put.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    return doRequest(put, UpdateMatchmakingResult.class);


From source file:io.gs2.matchmaking.Gs2MatchmakingClient.java

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 * <br>
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 * ???100??????????<br>
 * ???????????<br>
 * <br>
 * - : 10<br>
 * <br>
 * @param request 
 * @return ?

public PasscodeCreateGatheringResult passcodeCreateGathering(PasscodeCreateGatheringRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

    HttpPost post = createHttpPost(
            Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/matchmaking/"
                    + (request.getMatchmakingName() == null || request.getMatchmakingName().equals("") ? "null"
                            : request.getMatchmakingName())
                    + "/passcode",
            credential, ENDPOINT, PasscodeCreateGatheringRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            PasscodeCreateGatheringRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        post.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    post.setHeader("X-GS2-ACCESS-TOKEN", request.getAccessToken());

    return doRequest(post, PasscodeCreateGatheringResult.class);


From source file:com.heliosapm.tsdblite.json.JSON.java

 * Returns a shareable node factory
 * @return a json node factory
public static JsonNodeFactory getNodeFactory() {
    return JsonNodeFactory.instance;

From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.metadata.mongo.MongoMetadata.java

public Response getAccess(String entityName, String version) {
    List<String> entityNames = new ArrayList<>();
    // accessMap: <role, <operation, List<path>>>
    Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> accessMap = new HashMap<>();

    if (null != entityName && !entityName.isEmpty()) {
        entityNames.add(entityName);//from   w ww . j ava  2 s  . c om
    } else {
        // force version to be null
        version = null;

    // initialize response, assume will be completely successful
    Response response = new Response(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

    // for each name get metadata
    for (String name : entityNames) {
        EntityMetadata metadata;
        try {
            metadata = getEntityMetadata(name, version);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // construct error data
            ObjectNode obj = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
            obj.put(LITERAL_NAME, name);
            if (null != version) {
                obj.put("version", version);
            List<Error> errors = new ArrayList<>();
                    "Could not get metadata for given input. Error message: " + e.getMessage()));
            DataError error = new DataError(obj, errors);
            // skip to next entity name

        EntityAccess ea = metadata.getAccess();
        Map<FieldAccess, Path> fa = new HashMap<>();
        FieldCursor fc = metadata.getFieldCursor();
        // collect field access
        while (fc.next()) {
            FieldTreeNode ftn = fc.getCurrentNode();
            if (ftn instanceof Field) {
                // add access if there is anything to extract later
                Field f = (Field) ftn;
                if (!f.getAccess().getFind().isEmpty() || !f.getAccess().getInsert().isEmpty()
                        || !f.getAccess().getUpdate().isEmpty()) {
                    fa.put(f.getAccess(), f.getFullPath());

        // key is role, value is all associated paths.
        // accessMap: <role, <operation, List<path>>>
        // collect entity access
        helperAddRoles(ea.getDelete().getRoles(), "delete", name, accessMap);
        helperAddRoles(ea.getFind().getRoles(), "find", name, accessMap);
        helperAddRoles(ea.getInsert().getRoles(), "insert", name, accessMap);
        helperAddRoles(ea.getUpdate().getRoles(), "update", name, accessMap);

        // collect field access
        for (Map.Entry<FieldAccess, Path> entry : fa.entrySet()) {
            FieldAccess access = entry.getKey();
            String pathString = name + "." + entry.getValue().toString();
            helperAddRoles(access.getFind().getRoles(), "find", pathString, accessMap);
            helperAddRoles(access.getInsert().getRoles(), "insert", pathString, accessMap);
            helperAddRoles(access.getUpdate().getRoles(), "update", pathString, accessMap);

    // finally, populate response with valid output
    if (!accessMap.isEmpty()) {
        ArrayNode root = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> entry : accessMap.entrySet()) {
            String role = entry.getKey();
            Map<String, List<String>> opPathMap = entry.getValue();

            ObjectNode roleJson = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);

            roleJson.put("role", role);

            for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> operationMap : opPathMap.entrySet()) {
                String operation = operationMap.getKey();
                List<String> paths = opPathMap.get(operation);
                ArrayNode pathNode = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
                for (String path : paths) {
                roleJson.put(operation, pathNode);
    } else {
        // nothing successful! set status to error

    return response;

From source file:services.echannel.EchannelServiceImpl.java

 * Perform a call.//w  w w .j  ava 2s . co  m
 * @param httpMethod
 *            the HTTP method (GET, POST...)
 * @param action
 *            the action name
 * @param queryParams
 *            the query parameters
 * @param content
 *            the request content (for POST)
private JsonNode call(HttpMethod httpMethod, String action, List<NameValuePair> queryParams, JsonNode content)
        throws EchannelException {

    String url = this.getActionUrl(action);

    Logger.debug("URL: " + url);

    WSRequest request = WS.url(url).setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
    request.setHeader(HTTP_HEADER_API_KEY, this.getApiSecretKey());

    if (queryParams != null) {
        for (NameValuePair param : queryParams) {
            request.setQueryParameter(param.getName(), param.getValue());

    Promise<WSResponse> response = null;

    String contentString = null;
    if (content != null) {
        try {
            contentString = getMapper().writeValueAsString(content);
            Logger.info("contentString: " + contentString);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new EchannelException(e.getMessage());

    switch (httpMethod) {
    case GET:
        response = request.get();
    case POST:
        response = request.post(contentString);
    case PUT:
        response = request.put(contentString);

    Promise<Pair<Integer, JsonNode>> jsonPromise = response
            .map(new Function<WSResponse, Pair<Integer, JsonNode>>() {
                public Pair<Integer, JsonNode> apply(WSResponse response) {
                    try {
                        return Pair.of(response.getStatus(), response.asJson());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        JsonNode error = JsonNodeFactory.instance.textNode(e.getMessage());
                        return Pair.of(response.getStatus(), error);

    Pair<Integer, JsonNode> responseContent = jsonPromise.get(WS_TIMEOUT);

    Logger.debug("STATUS CODE: " + responseContent.getLeft());

    if (responseContent.getLeft().equals(200) || responseContent.getLeft().equals(204)) {
        return responseContent.getRight();
    } else {
        String errorMessage = "eChannel service call error / url: " + url + " / status: "
                + responseContent.getLeft() + " / errors: " + responseContent.getRight().toString();
        throw new EchannelException(errorMessage);


From source file:io.gs2.matchmaking.Gs2MatchmakingClient.java

 * ????<br>/*from   w w w. jav  a2  s  .  co m*/
 * <br>
 * - : 10<br>
 * <br>
 * @param request 

public void passcodeEarlyCompleteGathering(PasscodeEarlyCompleteGatheringRequest request) {

    ObjectNode body = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

    HttpPost post = createHttpPost(
            Gs2Constant.ENDPOINT_HOST + "/matchmaking/"
                    + (request.getMatchmakingName() == null || request.getMatchmakingName().equals("") ? "null"
                            : request.getMatchmakingName())
                    + "/passcode/"
                    + (request.getGatheringId() == null || request.getGatheringId().equals("") ? "null"
                            : request.getGatheringId())
                    + "/complete",
            credential, ENDPOINT, PasscodeEarlyCompleteGatheringRequest.Constant.MODULE,
            PasscodeEarlyCompleteGatheringRequest.Constant.FUNCTION, body.toString());
    if (request.getRequestId() != null) {
        post.setHeader("X-GS2-REQUEST-ID", request.getRequestId());

    post.setHeader("X-GS2-ACCESS-TOKEN", request.getAccessToken());

    doRequest(post, null);
