Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node TextNode textValue

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node TextNode textValue


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node TextNode textValue.


public String textValue() 

Source Link


From source file:com.brainlounge.zooterrain.netty.WebSocketServerInboundHandler.java

private void handleWebSocketFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame frame) {

    // Check for closing frame
    if (frame instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) {
        handshaker.close(ctx.channel(), (CloseWebSocketFrame) frame.retain());
        return;/*from  w w w.j a v a  2 s  .  co m*/
    if (frame instanceof PingWebSocketFrame) {
        ctx.channel().write(new PongWebSocketFrame(frame.content().retain()));
    if (!(frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame)) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                String.format("%s frame types not supported", frame.getClass().getName()));

    String request = ((TextWebSocketFrame) frame).text();
    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        logger.fine(String.format("%s received %s", ctx.channel(), request));

    // expecting JSON, parse now
    TreeNode jsonRequest;
    ClientRequest.Type requestType;
    try {
        final JsonParser parser = jsonMapper.getFactory().createParser(request);
        jsonRequest = parser.readValueAsTree();
        TextNode type = (TextNode) jsonRequest.get("r");
        requestType = ClientRequest.Type.valueOf(type.textValue());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.info("parsing JSON failed for '" + request + "'");
        // TODO return error to client

    if (requestType == ClientRequest.Type.i) {
        // client requested initial data

        // sending connection string info
        final ControlMessage handshakeInfo = new ControlMessage(zkStateObserver.getZkConnection(),
        writeClientMessage(ctx, handshakeInfo);

        // sending initial znodes
        try {
            zkStateObserver.initialTree("/", 6, Sets.<ZkStateListener>newHashSet(new OutboundConnector(ctx)));
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } else if (requestType == ClientRequest.Type.b) {
        final String znode;
        try {
            znode = ((TextNode) jsonRequest.get("z")).textValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return; // TODO return error
        final DataMessage dataMessage = zkStateObserver.retrieveNodeData(znode);
        if (dataMessage != null) {
            writeClientMessage(ctx, dataMessage);
    } else {
        System.out.println("unknown, unhandled client request = " + request);

From source file:io.apiman.test.common.json.JsonCompare.java

 * Asserts that the JSON document matches what we expected.
 * @param expectedJson//from  www  .j a  va  2s  . c o m
 * @param actualJson
public void assertJson(JsonNode expectedJson, JsonNode actualJson) {
    if (expectedJson instanceof ArrayNode) {
        JsonNode actualValue = actualJson;
        ArrayNode expectedArray = (ArrayNode) expectedJson;
                message("Expected JSON array but found non-array [{0}] instead.",
                expectedJson.getClass(), actualValue.getClass());
        ArrayNode actualArray = (ArrayNode) actualValue;
        Assert.assertEquals(message("Array size mismatch."), expectedArray.size(), actualArray.size());

        JsonNode[] expected = new JsonNode[expectedArray.size()];
        JsonNode[] actual = new JsonNode[actualArray.size()];
        for (int idx = 0; idx < expected.length; idx++) {
            expected[idx] = expectedArray.get(idx);
            actual[idx] = actualArray.get(idx);
        // If strict ordering is disabled, then sort both arrays
        if (getArrayOrdering() == JsonArrayOrderingType.any) {
            Comparator<? super JsonNode> comparator = new Comparator<JsonNode>() {
                public int compare(JsonNode o1, JsonNode o2) {
                    String str1 = o1.asText();
                    String str2 = o2.asText();
                    if (o1.isObject() && o2.isObject()) {
                        // Try name (PermissionBean only)
                        JsonNode o1NameNode = o1.get("name");
                        JsonNode o2NameNode = o2.get("name");
                        if (o1NameNode != null && o2NameNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1NameNode.asText();
                            str2 = o2NameNode.asText();

                        // Try username (UserBean only)
                        JsonNode o1UsernameNode = o1.get("username");
                        JsonNode o2UsernameNode = o2.get("username");
                        if (o1UsernameNode != null && o2UsernameNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1UsernameNode.asText();
                            str2 = o2UsernameNode.asText();

                        // Try version (*VersionBeans)
                        JsonNode o1VersionNode = o1.get("version");
                        JsonNode o2VersionNode = o2.get("version");
                        if (o1VersionNode != null && o2VersionNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1VersionNode.asText();
                            str2 = o2VersionNode.asText();

                        // Try OrganizationBean.id (Orgs)
                        JsonNode o1OrgNode = o1.get("OrganizationBean");
                        JsonNode o2OrgNode = o2.get("OrganizationBean");
                        if (o1OrgNode != null && o2OrgNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1OrgNode.get("id").asText();
                            str2 = o2OrgNode.get("id").asText();

                        // Try ClientBean.id (Orgs)
                        JsonNode o1ClientNode = o1.get("ClientBean");
                        JsonNode o2ClientNode = o2.get("ClientBean");
                        if (o1ClientNode != null && o2ClientNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1ClientNode.get("id").asText();
                            str2 = o2ClientNode.get("id").asText();

                        // Try PlanBean.id (Orgs)
                        JsonNode o1PlanNode = o1.get("PlanBean");
                        JsonNode o2PlanNode = o2.get("PlanBean");
                        if (o1PlanNode != null && o2PlanNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1PlanNode.get("id").asText();
                            str2 = o2PlanNode.get("id").asText();

                        // Try ApiBean.id (Orgs)
                        JsonNode o1ApiNode = o1.get("ApiBean");
                        JsonNode o2ApiNode = o2.get("ApiBean");
                        if (o1ApiNode != null && o2ApiNode != null) {
                            str1 = o1ApiNode.get("id").asText();
                            str2 = o2ApiNode.get("id").asText();

                        // Try Id (all other beans)
                        JsonNode o1IdNode = o1.get("id");
                        JsonNode o2IdNode = o2.get("id");
                        if (o1IdNode != null && o2IdNode != null) {
                            if (o1IdNode.isNumber()) {
                                return new Long(o1IdNode.asLong()).compareTo(o2IdNode.asLong());
                            str1 = o1IdNode.asText();
                            str2 = o2IdNode.asText();
                    int cmp = str1.compareTo(str2);
                    if (cmp == 0)
                        cmp = 1;
                    return cmp;
            Arrays.sort(expected, comparator);
            Arrays.sort(actual, comparator);
        for (int idx = 0; idx < expected.length; idx++) {
            assertJson(expected[idx], actual[idx]);
    } else {
        Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = expectedJson.fields();
        Set<String> expectedFieldNames = new HashSet<>();
        while (fields.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = fields.next();
            String expectedFieldName = entry.getKey();
            JsonNode expectedValue = entry.getValue();
            if (expectedValue instanceof TextNode) {
                TextNode tn = (TextNode) expectedValue;
                String expected = tn.textValue();
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);

                if (isIgnoreCase()) {
                    expected = expected.toLowerCase();
                    if (actualValue == null) {
                        actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName.toLowerCase());

                        message("Expected JSON text field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but was not found.",
                                expectedFieldName, expected),
                        "Expected JSON text field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but found non-text [{2}] field with that name instead.",
                        expectedFieldName, expected, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()), TextNode.class,
                String actual = ((TextNode) actualValue).textValue();

                if (isIgnoreCase()) {
                    if (actual != null) {
                        actual = actual.toLowerCase();

                if (!expected.equals("*")) {
                    Assert.assertEquals(message("Value mismatch for text field \"{0}\".", expectedFieldName),
                            expected, actual);
            } else if (expectedValue.isNumber()) {
                NumericNode numeric = (NumericNode) expectedValue;
                Number expected = numeric.numberValue();
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);
                try {
                            message("Expected JSON numeric field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but was not found.",
                                    expectedFieldName, expected),
                } catch (Error e) {
                    throw e;
                        "Expected JSON numeric field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but found non-numeric [{2}] field with that name instead.",
                        expectedFieldName, expected, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()),
                Number actual = ((NumericNode) actualValue).numberValue();
                if (!"id".equals(expectedFieldName) || isCompareNumericIds()) {
                    Assert.assertEquals(message("Value mismatch for numeric field \"{0}\".", expectedFieldName),
                            expected, actual);
            } else if (expectedValue instanceof BooleanNode) {
                BooleanNode bool = (BooleanNode) expectedValue;
                Boolean expected = bool.booleanValue();
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);
                        message("Expected JSON boolean field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but was not found.",
                                expectedFieldName, expected),
                        "Expected JSON boolean field \"{0}\" with value \"{1}\" but found non-boolean [{2}] field with that name instead.",
                        expectedFieldName, expected, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()),
                        expectedValue.getClass(), actualValue.getClass());
                Boolean actual = ((BooleanNode) actualValue).booleanValue();
                Assert.assertEquals(message("Value mismatch for boolean field \"{0}\".", expectedFieldName),
                        expected, actual);
            } else if (expectedValue instanceof ObjectNode) {
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);
                        message("Expected parent JSON field \"{0}\" but was not found.", expectedFieldName),
                        message("Expected parent JSON field \"{0}\" but found field of type \"{1}\".",
                                expectedFieldName, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()),
                        ObjectNode.class, actualValue.getClass());
                assertJson(expectedValue, actualValue);
            } else if (expectedValue instanceof ArrayNode) {
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);
                        message("Expected JSON array field \"{0}\" but was not found.", expectedFieldName),
                ArrayNode expectedArray = (ArrayNode) expectedValue;
                        "Expected JSON array field \"{0}\" but found non-array [{1}] field with that name instead.",
                        expectedFieldName, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()), expectedValue.getClass(),
                ArrayNode actualArray = (ArrayNode) actualValue;
                Assert.assertEquals(message("Field \"{0}\" array size mismatch.", expectedFieldName),
                        expectedArray.size(), actualArray.size());
                assertJson(expectedArray, actualArray);
            } else if (expectedValue instanceof NullNode) {
                JsonNode actualValue = actualJson.get(expectedFieldName);
                        message("Expected Null JSON field \"{0}\" but was not found.", expectedFieldName),
                        message("Expected Null JSON field \"{0}\" but found field of type \"{0}\".",
                                expectedFieldName, actualValue.getClass().getSimpleName()),
                        NullNode.class, actualValue.getClass());
            } else {
                Assert.fail(message("Unsupported field type: {0}", expectedValue.getClass().getSimpleName()));

        if (getMissingField() == JsonMissingFieldType.fail) {
            Set<String> actualFieldNames = new HashSet();
            Iterator<String> names = actualJson.fieldNames();
            while (names.hasNext()) {
            Assert.assertTrue(message("Found unexpected fields: {0}", StringUtils.join(actualFieldNames, ", ")),

From source file:com.aol.one.patch.DefaultPatcherTest.java

public void testReplaceForSuccess() throws PatchException {

    List<PatchOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();

    TextNode strNode = new TextNode("1.1String");
    DoubleNode doubleNode = new DoubleNode(10.1d);
    LongNode longNode = new LongNode(200L);
    TextNode childStrNode = new TextNode("2.1String");
    DoubleNode childDoubleNode = new DoubleNode(102.1);

    operations.add(new ReplaceOperation("/doubleField", doubleNode));
    operations.add(new ReplaceOperation("/strField", strNode));
    operations.add(new ReplaceOperation("/longField", longNode));
    operations.add(new ReplaceOperation("/child/strField", childStrNode));
    operations.add(new ReplaceOperation("/child/doubleField", childDoubleNode));

    patcher.patch(testObject, operations);

    assertThat(testObject.getDoubleField(), is(doubleNode.asDouble()));
    assertThat(testObject.getStrField(), is(strNode.asText()));
    assertThat(testObject.getLongField(), is(longNode.longValue()));
    // replacement of long field via setLongField

    // child/*  w  ww  .ja  va2s .c o  m*/
    assertThat(childTestObject.getDoubleField(), is(childDoubleNode.asDouble()));
    assertThat(childTestObject.getStrField(), is(childStrNode.asText()));

From source file:io.swagger.parser.util.SwaggerDeserializer.java

public Path pathRef(TextNode ref, String location, ParseResult result) {
    RefPath output = new RefPath();
    return output;