Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper constructType

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper constructType


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper constructType.


public JavaType constructType(Type t) 

Source Link


Convenience method for constructing JavaType out of given type (typically java.lang.Class), but without explicit context.


From source file:com.addthis.codec.plugins.PluginRegistry.java

public PluginRegistry(@Nonnull Config config) {
    this.config = config;
    Config defaultPluginMapSettings = config.getConfig(PLUGIN_DEFAULTS_PATH);
    String pluginPath = config.getString(PLUGINS_PATH_PATH);
    Config pluginConfigs = config.getConfig(pluginPath);

    Set<String> categories = pluginConfigs.root().keySet();
    Map<String, PluginMap> mapsFromConfig = new HashMap<>(categories.size());
    BiMap<Class<?>, PluginMap> mapsFromConfigByClass = HashBiMap.create(categories.size());
    // Throwaway ObjectMapper to facilitate AnnotatedClass construction below
    ObjectMapper temp = new ObjectMapper();
    for (String category : categories) {
        Config pluginConfig = pluginConfigs.getConfig(category).withFallback(defaultPluginMapSettings);
        PluginMap pluginMap = new PluginMap(category, pluginConfig);
        mapsFromConfig.put(category, pluginMap);
        Class<?> baseClass = pluginMap.baseClass();
        if (baseClass != null) {
            // if two categories define _class, then ensure the annotated one (if any) is the canonical one
            if (mapsFromConfigByClass.containsKey(baseClass)) {
                AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = AnnotatedClass.construct(temp.constructType(baseClass),
                String existingCategory = mapsFromConfigByClass.get(baseClass).category();
                if (!annotatedClass.hasAnnotation(Pluggable.class)
                        || !annotatedClass.getAnnotation(Pluggable.class).value().equals(existingCategory)) {
                    mapsFromConfigByClass.put(pluginMap.baseClass(), pluginMap);
                }//  w  w w .  j  ava2  s  .  c o  m
            } else {
                mapsFromConfigByClass.put(pluginMap.baseClass(), pluginMap);
    pluginMapsByCategory = Collections.unmodifiableMap(mapsFromConfig);
    pluginMapsByClass = Maps.unmodifiableBiMap(mapsFromConfigByClass);

From source file:org.versly.rest.wsdoc.AnnotationProcessor.java

String jsonSchemaFromTypeMirror(TypeMirror type) {
    String serializedSchema = null;

    if (type.getKind().isPrimitive() || type.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) {
        return null;
    }/*from  w  w  w .  java 2 s . c o  m*/

    // we need the dto class to generate schema using jackson json-schema module
    // note: Types.erasure() provides canonical names whereas Class.forName() wants a "regular" name,
    // so forName will fail for nested and inner classes as "regular" names use $ between parent and child.
    Class dtoClass = null;
    StringBuffer erasure = new StringBuffer(_typeUtils.erasure(type).toString());
    for (boolean done = false; !done;) {
        try {
            dtoClass = Class.forName(erasure.toString());
            done = true;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            if (erasure.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) {
                erasure.setCharAt(erasure.lastIndexOf("."), '$');
            } else {
                done = true;

    // if we were able to figure out the dto class, use jackson json-schema module to serialize it
    Exception e = null;
    if (dtoClass != null) {
        try {
            ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
            m.registerModule(new JodaModule());
            SchemaFactoryWrapper visitor = new SchemaFactoryWrapper();
            m.acceptJsonFormatVisitor(m.constructType(dtoClass), visitor);
            serializedSchema = m.writeValueAsString(visitor.finalSchema());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            e = ex;

    // report warning if we were not able to generate schema for non-primitive type
    if (serializedSchema == null) {
                "cannot generate json-schema for class " + type.toString() + " (erasure " + erasure + "), "
                        + ((e != null) ? ("exception: " + e.getMessage()) : "class not found"));

    return serializedSchema;

From source file:org.mongojack.JacksonDBCollection.java

 * Wraps a DB collection in a JacksonDBCollection, using the given object
 * mapper.//  w ww  .j  a v  a 2s. com
 * JacksonDBCollection requires a specially configured object mapper to
 * work. It does not automatically configure the object mapper passed into
 * this method, because the same object mapper might be passed into multiple
 * calls to this method. Consequently, it is up to the caller to ensure that
 * the object mapper has been configured for use by JacksonDBCollection.
 * This can be done by passing the object mapper to
 * {@link org.mongojack.internal.MongoJackModule#configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)} .
 * @param dbCollection
 *            The DB collection to wrap
 * @param type
 *            The type of objects to deserialize to
 * @param objectMapper
 *            The ObjectMapper to configure.
 * @return The wrapped collection
public static <T, K> JacksonDBCollection<T, K> wrap(DBCollection dbCollection, Class<T> type, Class<K> keyType,
        ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
    return new JacksonDBCollection<T, K>(dbCollection, objectMapper.constructType(type),
            objectMapper.constructType(keyType), objectMapper, null, null);