Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper createArrayNode

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper createArrayNode


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper createArrayNode.


public ArrayNode createArrayNode() 

Source Link


Note: return type is co-variant, as basic ObjectCodec abstraction can not refer to concrete node types (as it's part of core package, whereas impls are part of mapper package)


From source file:org.onosproject.EvacuateCommand.java

 * Produces a JSON array of flows grouped by the each device.
 * @param devices     collection of devices to group flow by
 * @param flows       collection of flows per each device
 * @return JSON array/*from w  w  w. j a  v a2s .  co m*/
private JsonNode json(Iterable<Device> devices, Map<Device, List<FlowEntry>> flows) {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ArrayNode result = mapper.createArrayNode();
    for (Device device : devices) {
        result.add(json(mapper, device, flows.get(device)));
    return result;

From source file:org.openlmis.fulfillment.util.CustomSortDeserializerTest.java

public void shouldDeserializeArraySort() throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    ObjectNode order = mapper.createObjectNode();
    order.put("direction", "DESC");
    order.put("property", "startDate");
    order.put("ignoreCase", false);
    order.put("nullHandling", "NATIVE");
    order.put("ascending", false);
    order.put("descending", true);

    ArrayNode arrayNode = mapper.createArrayNode();
    arrayNode.add(order);//from w w  w .j  a  v  a  2s  .c  o m

    ObjectNode testObject = mapper.createObjectNode();
    testObject.set("sort", arrayNode);

    Sort sort = deserialize(testObject.toString());

    assertEquals(Sort.Direction.DESC, sort.getOrderFor("startDate").getDirection());

From source file:com.gsma.mobileconnect.utils.JsonUtilsTest.java

public void extractUrl_withMissingUrl_shouldReturnNull() {
    // GIVEN/*from w w w. j  ava2  s.  c  o m*/
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ObjectNode root = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode links = mapper.createArrayNode();
    root.set("links", links);

    // WHEN
    String url = JsonUtils.extractUrl(root, "MISSING");

    // THEN

From source file:com.gsma.mobileconnect.utils.JsonUtilsTest.java

public void extractUrl_withNoRelField_shouldReturnUrl() {
    // GIVEN/*from   ww  w.  j  a v  a 2 s  .co m*/
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ObjectNode root = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode links = mapper.createArrayNode();
    root.set("links", links);

    ObjectNode link = mapper.createObjectNode();
    link.put("href", "href");


    // WHEN
    String url = JsonUtils.extractUrl(root, "relToFind");

    // THEN

From source file:com.gsma.mobileconnect.utils.JsonUtilsTest.java

public void extractUrl_withUrl_shouldReturnUrl() {
    // GIVEN/*from w  w w.  jav  a2  s  .c  o  m*/
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ObjectNode root = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode links = mapper.createArrayNode();
    root.set("links", links);

    ObjectNode link = mapper.createObjectNode();
    String relToFind = "relToFind";
    link.put("rel", relToFind);
    String expectedHref = "hrefToFind";
    link.put("href", expectedHref);


    // WHEN
    String url = JsonUtils.extractUrl(root, relToFind);

    // THEN
    assertEquals(expectedHref, url);

From source file:org.onosproject.EvacuateCommand.java

private ObjectNode json(ObjectMapper mapper, Device device, List<FlowEntry> flows) {
    ObjectNode result = mapper.createObjectNode();
    ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode();

    flows.forEach(flow -> array.add(jsonForEntity(flow, FlowEntry.class)));

    result.put("device", device.id().toString()).put("flowCount", flows.size()).set("flows", array);
    return result;

From source file:scott.barleyrs.rest.AdminService.java

private JsonNode toJsonSchema(ObjectMapper mapper, String namespace, EntityType entityType) {
    ObjectNode schemaRoot = mapper.createObjectNode();
            "JSON Schema for namepsace " + namespace + " and entity " + entityType.getInterfaceName());
    schemaRoot.put("type", "object");
    /*/*  www  .  ja  v a2  s .c  om*/
     * required section.
    ArrayNode required = mapper.createArrayNode();
    for (NodeType nodeType : entityType.getNodeTypes()) {
        if (nodeType.isMandatory()) {
    schemaRoot.set("required", required);

     * properties section
    ObjectNode properties = mapper.createObjectNode();
    for (NodeType nodeType : entityType.getNodeTypes()) {
        if (nodeType.getEnumSpec() != null) {
            ObjectNode prop = mapper.createObjectNode();
            prop.put("type", toJSONSchemaType(nodeType.getJavaType()));
            prop.set("enum", enumValuesAsJsonArray(mapper, nodeType.getEnumSpec()));
            properties.set(nodeType.getName(), prop);
        } else if (nodeType.getJavaType() != null) {
            ObjectNode prop = mapper.createObjectNode();
            prop.put("type", toJSONSchemaType(nodeType.getJavaType()));
            properties.set(nodeType.getName(), prop);
        } else if (nodeType.getColumnName() != null && nodeType.getRelationInterfaceName() != null) {
            ObjectNode prop = mapper.createObjectNode();
            prop.put("type", "string");
            properties.set(nodeType.getName(), prop);
    schemaRoot.set("properties", properties);
    return schemaRoot;

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JsonExporter.java

protected void exportWebFonts() throws IOException {
    HtmlResourceHandler fontHandler = getExporterOutput().getFontHandler();
    ReportContext reportContext = getReportContext();

    if (fontHandler != null && reportContext != null
            && reportContext.containsParameter(REPORT_CONTEXT_PARAMETER_WEB_FONTS)) {
        Map<String, HtmlFontFamily> fontsToProcess = (Map<String, HtmlFontFamily>) reportContext

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        ArrayNode webFonts = mapper.createArrayNode();

        for (HtmlFontFamily htmlFontFamily : fontsToProcess.values()) {
            ObjectNode objNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
            objNode.put("id", htmlFontFamily.getId());
            objNode.put("path", fontHandler.getResourcePath(htmlFontFamily.getId()));
            webFonts.add(objNode);/* w  ww .  j a va2 s  . c o m*/

        if (gotFirstJsonFragment) {
        } else {
            gotFirstJsonFragment = true;
        writer.write("\"webfonts_" + (webFonts.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) + "\": {");

        writer.write("\"id\": \"webfonts_" + (webFonts.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) + "\",");
        writer.write("\"type\": \"webfonts\",");
        writer.write("\"webfonts\": " + jacksonUtil.getJsonString(webFonts));


From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JsonExporter.java

protected void exportHyperlinks() throws IOException {
    ReportContext reportContext = getReportContext();
    String hyperlinksParameter = "net.sf.jasperreports.html.hyperlinks";
    if (reportContext != null && reportContext.containsParameter(hyperlinksParameter)) {
        List<HyperlinkData> contextHyperlinksData = (List<HyperlinkData>) reportContext
    }/*w ww.  j  av  a  2s. c  om*/
    if (hyperlinksData.size() > 0) {
        String id = "hyperlinks_" + (hyperlinksData.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF);
        if (gotFirstJsonFragment) {
        } else {
            gotFirstJsonFragment = true;
        writer.write("\"" + id + "\": {");

        writer.write("\"id\": \"" + id + "\",");
        writer.write("\"type\": \"hyperlinks\",");
        writer.write("\"hyperlinks\": ");

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        ArrayNode hyperlinkArray = mapper.createArrayNode();

        for (HyperlinkData hd : hyperlinksData) {
            JRPrintHyperlink hyperlink = hd.getHyperlink();
            ObjectNode hyperlinkNode = jacksonUtil.hyperlinkToJsonObject(hyperlink);

            jacksonUtil.addProperty(hyperlinkNode, "id", hd.getId());
            jacksonUtil.addProperty(hyperlinkNode, "href", hd.getHref());
            jacksonUtil.addProperty(hyperlinkNode, "selector", hd.getSelector());



From source file:org.wrml.runtime.format.application.vnd.wrml.design.schema.SchemaDesignFormatter.java

private static ObjectNode buildChoicesNode(final ObjectMapper objectMapper, final Type heapValueType,
        final SchemaLoader schemaLoader) {

    if (heapValueType == null || !(heapValueType instanceof Class<?>)) {
        return null;
    }/*from  w w w.  j a va  2s.  com*/

    final Class<?> choicesEnumClass = (Class<?>) heapValueType;

    if (!choicesEnumClass.isEnum()) {
        return null;

    final URI choicesUri = schemaLoader.getTypeUri(choicesEnumClass);
    final String choicesName = choicesEnumClass.getSimpleName();
    final ObjectNode choicesNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

    choicesNode.put(PropertyName.title.name(), choicesName);
    choicesNode.put(PropertyName.uri.name(), choicesUri.toString());

    // TODO: Only embed the choices once per schema to lighten the download?
    final Object[] enumConstants = choicesEnumClass.getEnumConstants();
    if (enumConstants != null && enumConstants.length > 0) {
        final ArrayNode valuesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode();

        choicesNode.put(PropertyName.values.name(), valuesNode);

        for (final Object enumConstant : enumConstants) {
            final String choice = String.valueOf(enumConstant);

    return choicesNode;