Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper writeValue

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper writeValue


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind ObjectMapper writeValue.


public void writeValue(Writer w, Object value)
        throws IOException, JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException 

Source Link


Method that can be used to serialize any Java value as JSON output, using Writer provided.


From source file:com.proofpoint.http.client.SmileBodyGenerator.java

public static <T> SmileBodyGenerator<T> smileBodyGenerator(JsonCodec<T> jsonCodec, T instance) {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = OBJECT_MAPPER_SUPPLIER.get();
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    JsonGenerator jsonGenerator;//from w  w  w .  ja va  2 s. c  om
    try {
        jsonGenerator = new SmileFactory().createGenerator(out);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw propagate(e);

    Type genericType = jsonCodec.getType();
    // 04-Mar-2010, tatu: How about type we were given? (if any)
    JavaType rootType = null;
    if (genericType != null && instance != null) {
        // 10-Jan-2011, tatu: as per [JACKSON-456], it's not safe to just force root
        // type since it prevents polymorphic type serialization. Since we really
        // just need this for generics, let's only use generic type if it's truly
        // generic.
        if (genericType.getClass() != Class.class) { // generic types are other implementations of 'java.lang.reflect.Type'
            // This is still not exactly right; should root type be further
            // specialized with 'value.getClass()'? Let's see how well this works before
            // trying to come up with more complete solution.
            rootType = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructType(genericType);
            // 26-Feb-2011, tatu: To help with [JACKSON-518], we better recognize cases where
            // type degenerates back into "Object.class" (as is the case with plain TypeVariable,
            // for example), and not use that.
            if (rootType.getRawClass() == Object.class) {
                rootType = null;

    try {
        if (rootType != null) {
            objectMapper.writerWithType(rootType).writeValue(jsonGenerator, instance);
        } else {
            objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, instance);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("%s could not be converted to SMILE", instance.getClass().getName()), e);

    return new SmileBodyGenerator<>(out.toByteArray());

From source file:org.apache.taverna.robundle.manifest.Manifest.java

 * Write as an RO Bundle JSON-LD manifest
 * /*from  w ww.  j  a  v  a  2s .co  m*/
 * @return The path of the written manifest (e.g. ".ro/manifest.json")
 * @throws IOException
public Path writeAsJsonLD() throws IOException {
    Path jsonld = bundle.getFileSystem().getPath(RO, MANIFEST_JSON);
    // Files.createFile(jsonld);
    if (!getManifest().contains(jsonld))
        getManifest().add(0, jsonld);
    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
    om.addMixInAnnotations(Path.class, PathMixin.class);
    om.addMixInAnnotations(FileTime.class, FileTimeMixin.class);

    try (Writer w = newBufferedWriter(jsonld, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), WRITE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, CREATE)) {
        om.writeValue(w, this);
    return jsonld;

From source file:com.webtide.jetty.load.generator.jenkins.cometd.CometdProjectAction.java

public void doTrend(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    List<BuildLoadResults> datas = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Run run : builds) {
        CometdResultBuildAction buildAction = run.getAction(CometdResultBuildAction.class);
        if (buildAction != null) {
            if (buildAction.getLoadResults() != null) {
                BuildLoadResults buildLoadResults = new BuildLoadResults(run.getId(),
            }//from w  w  w .  jav a2 s.c o  m

    // order by buildId

    Collections.sort(datas, Comparator.comparing(BuildLoadResults::getBuildId));

    //StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

    rsp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

    objectMapper.writeValue(rsp.getOutputStream(), datas);

    //rsp.getWriter().write( data );


From source file:uk.ac.cam.cl.dtg.isaac.quiz.IsaacSymbolicValidator.java

public QuestionValidationResponse validateQuestionResponse(final Question question, final Choice answer)
        throws ValidatorUnavailableException {
    Validate.notNull(question);// w  w w .j  ava2s  .co m

    if (!(question instanceof IsaacSymbolicQuestion)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("This validator only works with Isaac Symbolic Questions... (%s is not symbolic)",

    if (!(answer instanceof Formula)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                String.format("Expected Formula for IsaacSymbolicQuestion: %s. Received (%s) ",
                        question.getId(), answer.getClass()));

    IsaacSymbolicQuestion symbolicQuestion = (IsaacSymbolicQuestion) question;
    Formula submittedFormula = (Formula) answer;

    // These variables store the important features of the response we'll send.
    Content feedback = null; // The feedback we send the user
    MatchType responseMatchType = MatchType.NONE; // The match type we found
    boolean responseCorrect = false; // Whether we're right or wrong

    // There are several specific responses the user can receive. Each of them will set feedback content, so
    // use that to decide whether to proceed to the next check in each case.

    // STEP 0: Do we even have any answers for this question? Always do this check, because we know we
    //         won't have feedback yet.

    if (null == symbolicQuestion.getChoices() || symbolicQuestion.getChoices().isEmpty()) {
        log.error("Question does not have any answers. " + question.getId() + " src: "
                + question.getCanonicalSourceFile());

        feedback = new Content("This question does not have any correct answers");

    // STEP 1: Did they provide an answer?

    if (null == feedback && (null == submittedFormula.getPythonExpression()
            || submittedFormula.getPythonExpression().isEmpty())) {
        feedback = new Content("You did not provide an answer");

    // STEP 2: Otherwise, Does their answer match a choice exactly?

    if (null == feedback) {

        // For all the choices on this question...
        for (Choice c : symbolicQuestion.getChoices()) {

            // ... that are of the Formula type, ...
            if (!(c instanceof Formula)) {
                log.error("Isaac Symbolic Validator for questionId: " + symbolicQuestion.getId()
                        + " expected there to be a Formula. Instead it found a Choice.");

            Formula formulaChoice = (Formula) c;

            // ... and that have a python expression ...
            if (null == formulaChoice.getPythonExpression() || formulaChoice.getPythonExpression().isEmpty()) {
                log.error("Expected python expression, but none found in choice for question id: "
                        + symbolicQuestion.getId());

            // ... look for an exact string match to the submitted answer.
            if (formulaChoice.getPythonExpression().equals(submittedFormula.getPythonExpression())) {
                feedback = (Content) formulaChoice.getExplanation();
                responseMatchType = MatchType.EXACT;
                responseCorrect = formulaChoice.isCorrect();

    // STEP 3: Otherwise, use the symbolic checker to analyse their answer

    if (null == feedback) {

        // Go through all choices, keeping track of the best match we've seen so far. A symbolic match terminates
        // this loop immediately. A numeric match may later be replaced with a symbolic match, but otherwise will suffice.

        Formula closestMatch = null;
        MatchType closestMatchType = MatchType.NONE;

        // Sort the choices so that we match incorrect choices last, taking precedence over correct ones.
        List<Choice> orderedChoices = Lists.newArrayList(symbolicQuestion.getChoices());

        Collections.sort(orderedChoices, new Comparator<Choice>() {
            public int compare(Choice o1, Choice o2) {
                int o1Val = o1.isCorrect() ? 0 : 1;
                int o2Val = o2.isCorrect() ? 0 : 1;
                return o1Val - o2Val;

        // For all the choices on this question...
        for (Choice c : orderedChoices) {

            // ... that are of the Formula type, ...
            if (!(c instanceof Formula)) {
                // Don't need to log this - it will have been logged above.

            Formula formulaChoice = (Formula) c;

            // ... and that have a python expression ...
            if (null == formulaChoice.getPythonExpression() || formulaChoice.getPythonExpression().isEmpty()) {
                // Don't need to log this - it will have been logged above.

            // ... test their answer against this choice with the symbolic checker.

            // We don't do any sanitisation of user input here, we'll leave that to the python.

            MatchType matchType = MatchType.NONE;

            try {
                // This is ridiculous. All I want to do is pass some JSON to a REST endpoint and get some JSON back.

                ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

                HashMap<String, String> req = Maps.newHashMap();
                req.put("target", formulaChoice.getPythonExpression());
                req.put("test", submittedFormula.getPythonExpression());
                req.put("description", symbolicQuestion.getId());

                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                JsonGenerator g = new JsonFactory().createGenerator(sw);
                mapper.writeValue(g, req);
                String requestString = sw.toString();

                HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("http://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/check");

                httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestString, "UTF-8"));
                httpPost.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

                HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                HttpEntity responseEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
                String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity);
                HashMap<String, Object> response = mapper.readValue(responseString, HashMap.class);

                if (response.containsKey("error")) {
                    if (response.containsKey("code")) {
                        log.error("Failed to check formula \"" + submittedFormula.getPythonExpression()
                                + "\" against \"" + formulaChoice.getPythonExpression() + "\": "
                                + response.get("error"));
                    } else {
                        // If it doesn't contain a code, it wasn't a fatal error in the checker; probably only a
                        // problem with the submitted answer.
                        log.warn("Problem checking formula \"" + submittedFormula.getPythonExpression()
                                + "\" for (" + symbolicQuestion.getId() + ") with symbolic checker: "
                                + response.get("error"));
                } else {
                    if (response.get("equal").equals("true")) {
                        matchType = MatchType.valueOf(((String) response.get("equality_type")).toUpperCase());

            } catch (IOException e) {
                        "Failed to check formula with symbolic checker. Is the server running? Not trying again.");
                throw new ValidatorUnavailableException(
                        "We are having problems marking Symbolic Questions." + " Please try again later!");

            if (matchType == MatchType.EXACT) {
                closestMatch = formulaChoice;
                closestMatchType = MatchType.EXACT;
            } else if (matchType.compareTo(closestMatchType) > 0) {
                if (formulaChoice.getRequiresExactMatch() && formulaChoice.isCorrect()) {
                    closestMatch = formulaChoice;
                    closestMatchType = matchType;
                } else {
                    if (closestMatch == null || !closestMatch.getRequiresExactMatch()) {
                        closestMatch = formulaChoice;
                        closestMatchType = matchType;
                    } else {
                        // This is not as good a match as the one we already have.

        if (null != closestMatch) {
            // We found a decent match. Of course, it still might be wrong.

            if (closestMatchType != MatchType.EXACT && closestMatch.getRequiresExactMatch()) {
                if (closestMatch.isCorrect()) {
                    feedback = new Content(
                            "Your answer is not in the form we expected. Can you rearrange or simplify it?");
                    responseCorrect = false;
                    responseMatchType = closestMatchType;

                    log.info("User submitted an answer that was close to an exact match, but not exact "
                            + "for question " + symbolicQuestion.getId() + ". Choice: "
                            + closestMatch.getPythonExpression() + ", submitted: "
                            + submittedFormula.getPythonExpression());
                } else {
                    // This is weak match to a wrong answer; we can't use the feedback for the choice.
            } else {
                feedback = (Content) closestMatch.getExplanation();
                responseCorrect = closestMatch.isCorrect();
                responseMatchType = closestMatchType;

            if (closestMatchType == MatchType.NUMERIC) {
                log.info("User submitted an answer that was only numerically equivalent to one of our choices "
                        + "for question " + symbolicQuestion.getId() + ". Choice: "
                        + closestMatch.getPythonExpression() + ", submitted: "
                        + submittedFormula.getPythonExpression());

                // TODO: Decide whether we want to add something to the explanation along the lines of "you got it
                //       right, but only numerically.


    // If we got this far and feedback is still null, they were wrong. There's no useful feedback we can give at this point.

    return new FormulaValidationResponse(symbolicQuestion.getId(), answer, feedback, responseCorrect,
            responseMatchType.toString(), new Date());

From source file:com.arpnetworking.logback.serialization.BaseSerializationStrategy.java

 * Write specified key-value pairs into the current block.
 * @param keys The <code>List</code> of keys.
 * @param values The <code>List</code> of values.
 * @param jsonGenerator <code>JsonGenerator</code> instance.
 * @param objectMapper <code>ObjectMapper</code> instance.
 * @throws IOException If writing JSON fails.
 *//*  www .java 2s.co m*/
protected void writeKeyValuePairs(final List<String> keys, final List<Object> values,
        final JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, final ObjectMapper objectMapper) throws IOException {
    if (keys != null) {
        final int contextValuesLength = values == null ? 0 : values.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
            final String key = keys.get(i);
            if (i >= contextValuesLength) {
                jsonGenerator.writeObjectField(key, null);
            } else {
                final Object value = values.get(i);
                if (isSimpleType(value)) {
                    jsonGenerator.writeObjectField(key, value);
                } else {
                    objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, value);

From source file:com.msopentech.odatajclient.testservice.utils.JSONUtilities.java

public InputStream wrapJsonEntities(final InputStream entities) throws Exception {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(entities);

    final ObjectNode res;

    final JsonNode value = node.get(JSON_VALUE_NAME);

    if (value.isArray()) {
        res = mapper.createObjectNode();
        res.set("value", value);
        final JsonNode next = node.get(JSON_NEXTLINK_NAME);
        if (next != null) {
            res.set(JSON_NEXTLINK_NAME, next);
        }/*ww w.  j a va  2 s .co  m*/
    } else {
        res = (ObjectNode) value;

    final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    mapper.writeValue(bos, res);

    final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());

    return is;

From source file:org.mitre.secretsharing.server.JoinServlet.java

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();


    try {/*from   ww w  .j a v  a 2s  .co m*/
        Request jreq = mapper.readValue(req.getParameter("q"), Request.class);

        if (jreq.parts == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        Part[] parts = new Part[jreq.parts.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
            parts[i] = PartFormats.parse(jreq.parts.get(i));

        byte[] secret = parts[0].join(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 1, parts.length));

        Response jresp = new Response();
        jresp.status = "ok";

        if (jreq.base64 != null && jreq.base64)
            jresp.secret = Base64Variants.MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS.encode(secret);
            jresp.secret = new String(secret, "UTF-8");

        mapper.writeValue(resp.getOutputStream(), jresp);
    } catch (Throwable t) {

        Response jresp = new Response();
        jresp.status = "error";

        mapper.writeValue(resp.getOutputStream(), jresp);

From source file:org.mortbay.jetty.load.generator.jenkins.LoadGeneratorProjectAction.java

public String getAllLatencyInformations() throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    List<RunInformations> datas = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Run run : this.builds) {
        LoadGeneratorBuildAction buildAction = run.getAction(LoadGeneratorBuildAction.class);
        if (buildAction != null) {
            if (buildAction.getGlobalLatencyTimeInformations() != null) {
                RunInformations runInformations = new RunInformations(run.getId(),
                        buildAction.getGlobalLatencyTimeInformations(), buildAction.getTransport());
            }//from   ww w . j  av  a 2 s.  c  o  m

    // order by buildId

    Collections.sort(datas, Comparator.comparing(RunInformations::getBuildId));

    StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

    objectMapper.writeValue(stringWriter, datas);

    return stringWriter.toString();

From source file:org.mortbay.jetty.load.generator.jenkins.LoadGeneratorProjectAction.java

public String getAllResponseTimeInformations() throws IOException {

    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    List<RunInformations> datas = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Run run : this.builds) {
        LoadGeneratorBuildAction buildAction = run.getAction(LoadGeneratorBuildAction.class);
        if (buildAction != null) {
            if (buildAction.getGlobalResponseTimeInformations() != null) {
                RunInformations runInformations = new RunInformations(run.getId(),
                        buildAction.getGlobalResponseTimeInformations(), buildAction.getTransport());
            }/*ww w . j  a v  a 2s  .com*/

    // order by buildId

    Collections.sort(datas, Comparator.comparing(RunInformations::getBuildId));

    StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();

    objectMapper.writeValue(stringWriter, datas);

    return stringWriter.toString();


From source file:org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMetaExtractor.java

private void engineOverwriteInternal(File f) throws IOException {
    try {/*from ww w . j  ava 2s.  co m*/
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(f);
        boolean replaced = false;
        if (engineType != null && rootNode.get("engine_type") != null) {
            ((ObjectNode) rootNode).put("engine_type", Integer.parseInt(engineType));
            replaced = true;
        if (storageType != null && rootNode.get("storage_type") != null) {
            ((ObjectNode) rootNode).put("storage_type", Integer.parseInt(storageType));
            replaced = true;
        if (replaced) {
            objectMapper.writeValue(f, rootNode);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
        logger.warn("cannot parse file {}", f);