Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util ArrayIterator ArrayIterator

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util ArrayIterator ArrayIterator


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util ArrayIterator ArrayIterator.


public ArrayIterator(T[] a) 

Source Link


From source file:com.netflix.spinnaker.fiat.permissions.RedisPermissionsRepository.java

private Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> getAllFromRedis(Set<String> userIds) {
    if (userIds.size() == 0) {
        return HashBasedTable.create();
    }/* w  w  w.ja v a 2  s .c om*/
    try (Jedis jedis = jedisSource.getJedis()) {
        Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> responseTable = ArrayTable.create(userIds,
                new ArrayIterator<>(ResourceType.values()));

        Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
        for (String userId : userIds) {
            for (ResourceType r : ResourceType.values()) {
                responseTable.put(userId, r, p.hgetAll(userKey(userId, r)));
        return responseTable;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Storage exception reading all entries.", e);
    return null;