Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.cbor CBORFactory CBORFactory

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.cbor CBORFactory CBORFactory


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.cbor CBORFactory CBORFactory.


public CBORFactory() 

Source Link


Default constructor used to create factory instances.


From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeEmptyMetadata() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, // array of 2 items
            (byte) 0xa0, // map of 0 items
            (byte) 0xa0, // map of 0 items
    };//from www . java  2 s .com
    try {
        mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
        assertThat("empty metadata", is("rejected"));
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        // expected case

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeMissingVersion() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, // array of 2 items
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x62, 0x72, 0x6f, // string "ro"
            (byte) 0x01, // integer 1
            (byte) 0xa0, // map of 0 items
    };//from w ww. j a v a  2s  .  co  m
    try {
        mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
        assertThat("missing version", is("rejected"));
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        // expected case

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeWrongVersion() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, // array of 2 items
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x76, // string "v"
            (byte) 0x64, 0x46, 0x4F, 0x4F, 0x21, // string "FOO!"
            (byte) 0xa0, // map of 0 items
    };/*ww w.  ja va  2  s  .  c  o  m*/
    try {
        mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
        assertThat("incorrect version", is("rejected"));
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        // expected case

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void serializeStringFeature() throws JsonProcessingException {
    StringFeature sf = new StringFeature("foo");
    FeatureCollection fc = new FeatureCollection();
    fc.getFeatures().put("f", sf);

    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] cbor = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(fc);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x9f, // array of ??? items
            (byte) 0xbf, // map of ??? items
            (byte) 0x61, 0x76, // string "v"
            (byte) 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // string "fc01"
            (byte) 0xff, // end metadata map
            (byte) 0xbf, // map of ??? items
            (byte) 0x61, 0x66, // string "f"
            (byte) 0x63, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f, // string "foo"
            (byte) 0xff, // end content map
            (byte) 0xff, // end array
    };/*  w w w  . jav a  2 s .c o m*/
    assertThat(cbor, is(equalTo(ref)));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeStringFeature() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, // array of 2 items
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x76, // string "v"
            (byte) 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // string "fc01"
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x66, // string "f"
            (byte) 0x63, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f, // string "foo"
    };//from  w  w w .j a v a2  s  .  c o  m
    FeatureCollection fc = mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
    Map<String, Feature> features = fc.getFeatures();
    assertThat(features.size(), is(1));
    assertThat(features, hasKey("f"));
    Feature f = features.get("f");
    assertThat(f, instanceOf(StringFeature.class));
    StringFeature sf = (StringFeature) f;
    assertThat(sf.getValue(), is("foo"));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void serializeStringCounter() throws JsonProcessingException {
    StringCounter sc = new StringCounter();
    sc.add("a", 1);
    FeatureCollection fc = new FeatureCollection();
    fc.getFeatures().put("sc", sc);

    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] cbor = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(fc);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x9f, (byte) 0xbf, 0x61, 0x76, 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xbf, // header
            (byte) 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, // string "sc"
            (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xf8, // tag 55080
            (byte) 0xbf, // map of ??? items
            (byte) 0x61, 0x61, // string "a"
            (byte) 0x01, // integer 1
            (byte) 0xff, // end StringCounter map
            (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff // footer
    };//from  www.  j  a  v  a  2 s  .  co m
    assertThat(cbor, is(equalTo(ref)));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeTaggedStringCounter() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0xa1, 0x61, 0x76, 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // header
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x64, 0x66, 0x65, 0x61, 0x74, // string "feat"
            (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xf8, // tag 55080
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x6b, // string "k"
            (byte) 0x0a, // integer 10
    };//from ww  w  . ja  v a 2  s. com
    FeatureCollection fc = mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
    assertThat(fc.getFeatures(), hasKey("feat"));
    Feature feat = fc.getFeatures().get("feat");
    assertThat(feat, is(instanceOf(StringCounter.class)));
    StringCounter sc = (StringCounter) feat;
    assertThat(sc.getStrings(), hasEntry("k", new Integer(10)));
    assertThat(sc.getStrings().size(), is(1));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeUntaggedStringCounter() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0xa1, 0x61, 0x76, 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // header
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x66, // string "f"
            (byte) 0xa2, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x63, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, // string "key"
            (byte) 0x0a, // integer 10
            (byte) 0x65, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x75, 0x65, // string "value"
            (byte) 0x0b, // integer 11
    };// w  ww  . ja v  a2 s . co m
    FeatureCollection fc = mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
    assertThat(fc.getFeatures(), hasKey("f"));
    Feature feat = fc.getFeatures().get("f");
    assertThat(feat, is(instanceOf(StringCounter.class)));
    StringCounter sc = (StringCounter) feat;
    assertThat(sc.getStrings(), hasEntry("key", new Integer(10)));
    assertThat(sc.getStrings(), hasEntry("value", new Integer(11)));
    assertThat(sc.getStrings().size(), is(2));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeMixedFeatures() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0xa1, 0x61, 0x76, 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // header
            (byte) 0xa2, // map of 2 item
            (byte) 0x66, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x67, // "string"
            (byte) 0x64, 0x6b, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x74, // "knot"
            (byte) 0x62, 0x73, 0x63, // "sc"
            (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xf8, // tag 55080
            (byte) 0xa0, // empty map
    };/* www. j av  a  2s  . com*/
    FeatureCollection fc = mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);

    assertThat(fc.getFeatures(), hasKey("string"));
    Feature string = fc.getFeatures().get("string");
    assertThat(string, is(instanceOf(StringFeature.class)));
    assertThat(((StringFeature) string).getValue(), is("knot"));

    assertThat(fc.getFeatures(), hasKey("sc"));
    Feature sc = fc.getFeatures().get("sc");
    assertThat(sc, is(instanceOf(StringCounter.class)));
    assertThat(((StringCounter) sc).getStrings().size(), is(0));

From source file:com.diffeo.dossier.fc.FeatureCollectionTest.java

public void deserializeROCounter() throws IOException {
    CBORFactory cborf = new CBORFactory();
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(cborf);
    byte[] ref = { (byte) 0x82, // array of 2 items
            (byte) 0xa2, // map of 2 items
            (byte) 0x61, 0x76, 0x64, 0x66, 0x63, 0x30, 0x31, // "v": "fc01"
            (byte) 0x62, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x01, // "ro": 1
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x63, // "c": ...
            (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xd9, (byte) 0xf8, // tag 55080
            (byte) 0xa1, // map of 1 item
            (byte) 0x61, 0x61, 0x01, // "a": 1
    };/*www . jav a  2  s  .  c  o m*/
    FeatureCollection fc = mapper.readValue(ref, FeatureCollection.class);
    // If every test so far has passed, this should sail through
    StringCounter sc = (StringCounter) (fc.getFeatures().get("c"));

    assertThat(fc.isReadOnly(), is(true));
    assertThat(sc.isReadOnly(), is(true));
    try {
        sc.add("a", 1);
        assertThat("UnsupportedOperationException", is("thrown"));
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    try {
        fc.getFeatures().put("str", new StringFeature("str"));
        assertThat("UnsupportedOperationException", is("thrown"));
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {