Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv CsvMapper writeValueAsString

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv CsvMapper writeValueAsString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv CsvMapper writeValueAsString.


public String writeValueAsString(Object value) throws JsonProcessingException 

Source Link


Method that can be used to serialize any Java value as a String.


From source file:edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.lightside.io.LightSideService.java

 * Exports data in a format that can be imported into LightSide and then annotated with a classifier that was training with
 * data generated by the exportAnnotations methods.
 * /*ww  w. j  a v  a  2  s.com*/
 * @param outputFilePath path to the output file to which the extracted data should be written
 * @param contributions contributions that should be exported for annotation
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public void exportDataForAnnotation(String outputFilePath, Iterable<Contribution> contributions) {
    Assert.hasText(outputFilePath, "Path to the output file cannot be empty.");
    File outputFile = new File(outputFilePath);
            outputFilePath + " points to a directory but should point to a file.");

    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
    CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
    try {
        if (!outputFile.exists()) {
            //only add header once
            output.append(mapper.writeValueAsString(new String[] { TEXT_COL, ID_COL }));
        for (Contribution contrib : contributions) {
                    new String[] { contrib.getCurrentRevision().getText(), String.valueOf(contrib.getId()) }));
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(outputFile, output.toString(), true);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error("Error writing exported data to csv");

From source file:edu.cmu.cs.lti.discoursedb.annotation.lightside.io.LightSideService.java

@Transactional(readOnly = true)
private String generateLightSideOutput(List<RawDataInstance> data) throws JsonProcessingException {
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
    CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();

    //generate list of binary label types
    Set<String> binaryLabelTypes = data.stream().parallel()
            .flatMap(instance -> instance.getAnnotations().entrySet().stream())
            .filter(m -> m.getValue().toLowerCase().equals(LABEL_ASSIGNED_VAL))
            .map(m -> m.getKey().toLowerCase()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    //generate header
    Set<String> types = data.stream().parallel()
            .flatMap(instance -> instance.getAnnotations().entrySet().stream())
            .map(m -> m.getKey().toLowerCase()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    Assert.isTrue(!types.contains(TEXT_COL), "No feature with the name \"" + TEXT_COL + "\" is allowed.");

    List<String> header = new ArrayList<>(types.size() + 1);
    header.add(TEXT_COL);//from   w w w .j a  va  2s. c o  m

    //generate data vectors
    for (RawDataInstance instance : data) {
        List<String> featVector = new ArrayList<>(header.size());
        Map<String, String> curInstAnnos = instance.getAnnotations();
        for (String type : types) {
            //Label assigned to current instance 
            if (curInstAnnos.containsKey(type)) {
            //Label not assigned to current instance - handle missing value 
            else {
                if (binaryLabelTypes.contains(type)) {
                    //missing binary label interpreted as "false"
                } else {
                    //missing value on interpreted as "null"
        Assert.isTrue(featVector.size() == header.size(), "Error writing feature vector. Wrong size.");
    return output.toString();