Example usage for com.google.common.collect AbstractIterator subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect AbstractIterator subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect AbstractIterator subclass-usage.


From source file org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.thirdparty.pig.support.AttributeStoreIterator.java

public class AttributeStoreIterator<T extends AttributeStore> extends AbstractIterator<Attribute> {

    Iterator<T> attributeCollections;
    T curAttributeCollection;
    Iterator<Attribute> attributes;

From source file com.bigdata.dastor.db.filter.SimpleAbstractColumnIterator.java

public abstract class SimpleAbstractColumnIterator extends AbstractIterator<IColumn> implements ColumnIterator {
    public void close() throws IOException {

From source file org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.SimpleAbstractColumnIterator.java

public abstract class SimpleAbstractColumnIterator extends AbstractIterator<IColumn> implements ColumnIterator {
    public void close() throws IOException {

From source file org.apache.cassandra.db.columniterator.SimpleAbstractColumnIterator.java

public abstract class SimpleAbstractColumnIterator extends AbstractIterator<IColumn> implements IColumnIterator {
    public void close() throws IOException {

From source file com.b2international.snowowl.core.request.SearchResourceRequestIterator.java

 * @since 6.4
 * @param <B> the search resource request builder type; an instance of this will be configured for scrolling
 * @param <R> the collection resource response type; the iterator will return results as instances of this type

From source file rickbw.incubator.lines.LineIterator.java

 * An {@link Iterator} over the lines in a {@link BufferedReader}. (In Java 8,
 * this capability will be built into the JDK.) The reader may be closed
 * explicitly by calling {@link #close()}. It will be closed implicitly when
 * the input is fully consumed -- that is, once {@link #hasNext()} returns
 * false. The final null returned by {@link BufferedReader#readLine()} is

From source file de.learnlib.datastructure.discriminationtree.iterators.TransformingLeavesIterator.java

 * Iterator that traverses all leaves (no inner nodes) of a subtree of a given discrimination tree node. Additionally
 * allows to specify a transformer that is applied to the leaf nodes. If the transformer yields {@code null} for an
 * iterated leaf, the transformed value will be skipped.
 * @param <N>

From source file sf.net.experimaestro.utils.CloseableIterator.java

 * @author B. Piwowarski <benjamin@bpiwowar.net>
 * @date 23/1/13
public abstract class CloseableIterator<T> extends AbstractIterator<T> implements AutoCloseable {
    static public CloseableIterator<Resource> of(final Iterator<Resource> iterator) {

From source file com.bigdata.dastor.utils.ReducingIterator.java

 * reduces equal values from the source iterator to a single (optionally transformed) instance.
public abstract class ReducingIterator<T1, T2> extends AbstractIterator<T2> implements Iterator<T2>, Iterable<T2> {
    protected Iterator<T1> source;
    protected T1 last;

From source file com.cloudera.oryx.kafka.util.ConsumeDataIterator.java

final class ConsumeDataIterator extends AbstractIterator<Pair<String, String>>
        implements CloseableIterator<Pair<String, String>> {

    private final ConsumerConnector consumer;
    private final Iterator<MessageAndMetadata<String, String>> iterator;
    private boolean closed;