Example usage for com.google.common.collect ComputationException ComputationException

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ComputationException ComputationException


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ComputationException ComputationException.


public ComputationException(@Nullable Throwable cause) 

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Creates a new instance with the given cause.


From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.impl.ExternalServicesServiceImpl.java

 * @see com.isotrol.impe3.pms.api.esvc.ExternalServicesService#getServices(com.isotrol.impe3.pms.api.esvc.ExternalServiceType)
 *//*from   ww w.j  a  v  a2  s. c om*/
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Throwable.class)
public List<ExternalServiceDTO> getServices(ExternalServiceType type) throws PMSException {
    final Class<?> klass = checkNotNull(TYPES.get(type));
    final ContextGlobal ctx = loadContextGlobal();
    final Set<Provider> providers = ctx.getPossibleProviders(klass);
    final Function<Provider, ExternalServiceDTO> f = new Function<Provider, ExternalServiceDTO>() {
        public ExternalServiceDTO apply(Provider from) {
            try {
                final UUID cnnId = from.getConnectorId();
                final ConnectorObject cnn = ctx.loadConnector(cnnId);
                final ExternalServiceDTO dto = new ExternalServiceDTO();
                dto.setId(cnnId.toString().toLowerCase() + ":" + from.getBean());
                return dto;
            } catch (PMSException e) {
                throw new ComputationException(e);
    return BY_NAME.sortedCopy(Iterables.transform(providers, f));

From source file:org.openengsb.core.common.VirtualConnectorFactory.java

public Connector applyAttributes(Connector instance, Map<String, String> attributes) {
    VirtualType handler = handlers.get(instance);
    Collection<String> mixins = Maps.filterKeys(attributes, new Predicate<String>() {
        @Override/*from w  w  w.j  a  va  2  s. c  om*/
        public boolean apply(String s) {
            return s.startsWith("mixin.");
    Collection<Class<?>> mixinClasses = Collections2.transform(mixins, new Function<String, Class<?>>() {
        public Class<?> apply(String input) {
            try {
                return getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(input);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new ComputationException(e);
    instance = createProxy(handler, mixinClasses);
    updateHandlerAttributes(handler, attributes);
    return instance;

From source file:com.isotrol.impe3.pms.core.obj.CIPsObject.java

List<ComponentInPageTemplateDTO> toTemplate(final ContextPortal ctx) {
    final Function<UUID, ComponentInPageTemplateDTO> toCIP = new Function<UUID, ComponentInPageTemplateDTO>() {
        public ComponentInPageTemplateDTO apply(UUID from) {
            try {
                final CIPObject cip = hierarchy.get(from);
                final ComponentInPageTemplateDTO dto = cip.toTemplate(ctx);
                dto.setChildren(Mappers.list(hierarchy.getChildrenKeys(from), this));
                return dto;
            } catch (PMSException e) {
                throw new ComputationException(e);
            }//from  ww  w .  j a v a  2s .c  om
    return Mappers.list(hierarchy.getFirstLevelKeys(), toCIP);