Example usage for com.google.common.collect FluentIterable get

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect FluentIterable get


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect FluentIterable get.


public final E get(int position) 

Source Link


Returns the element at the specified position in this fluent iterable.


From source file:es.bsc.demiurge.openstackjclouds.HostOpenStack.java

public double getAssignedCpus() {
    //get the host administration API
    Optional<? extends HostAdministrationApi> hostAdminApi = openStackJclouds.getNovaApi()

    //get the information about the host resources
    FluentIterable<? extends HostResourceUsage> hostResourcesInfo = hostAdminApi.get()

    //get the assigned CPUs
    int assignedCpus = hostResourcesInfo.get(1).getCpu();

    //update the class attribute
    updateAssignedCpus(assignedCpus);//from ww  w .  j av a 2s . c om

    return assignedCpus;

From source file:es.bsc.demiurge.openstackjclouds.HostOpenStack.java

public double getAssignedDiskGb() {
    //get the host administration API
    Optional<? extends HostAdministrationApi> hostAdminApi = openStackJclouds.getNovaApi()

    //get the information about the host resources
    FluentIterable<? extends HostResourceUsage> hostResourcesInfo = hostAdminApi.get()

    //get the assigned disk
    int assignedDiskGb = hostResourcesInfo.get(1).getDiskGb();

    //update the class attribute

    return assignedDiskGb;

From source file:es.bsc.demiurge.openstackjclouds.HostOpenStack.java

public double getAssignedMemoryMb() {
    //get the host administration API
    Optional<? extends HostAdministrationApi> hostAdminApi = openStackJclouds.getNovaApi()

    //get the information about the host resources
    FluentIterable<? extends HostResourceUsage> hostResourcesInfo = hostAdminApi.get()

    //get the assigned memory
    int assignedMemoryMb = hostResourcesInfo.get(1).getMemoryMb();

    //update the class attribute

    return assignedMemoryMb;

From source file:es.bsc.demiurge.openstackjclouds.HostOpenStack.java

private void initTotalResources() {
    //get the host administration API
    Optional<? extends HostAdministrationApi> hostAdminApi = openStackJclouds.getNovaApi()

    //get the information about the host resources
    FluentIterable<? extends HostResourceUsage> hostResourcesInfo = hostAdminApi.get()

    //get the information about the total resources of the host
    HostResourceUsage totalRes = hostResourcesInfo.get(0);

    //assign total CPU, RAM, and disk
    totalCpus = totalRes.getCpu();// w w w  . jav  a 2 s  . c  o  m
    totalMemoryMb = totalRes.getMemoryMb();
    totalDiskGb = totalRes.getDiskGb();

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.termination.TerminationARGPath.java

public List<CFAEdge> getFullPath() {
    if (terminationFullPath != null) {
        return terminationFullPath;
    }/*  w  ww  .ja  va 2s  .  c  om*/

    ImmutableList.Builder<CFAEdge> fullPathBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    PathIterator it = pathIterator();
    Set<CFAEdge> intermediateTermiantionEdges = Sets.newHashSet();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        ARGState prev = it.getAbstractState();
        CFAEdge curOutgoingEdge = it.getOutgoingEdge();
        ARGState succ = it.getAbstractState();

        TerminationState terminationPrev = extractStateByType(prev, TerminationState.class);
        TerminationState terminationSucc = extractStateByType(succ, TerminationState.class);

        // insert transition from loop to stem
        if (terminationPrev.isPartOfStem() && terminationSucc.isPartOfLoop()) {
            CFANode curNode = extractLocation(prev);
            List<CFAEdge> stemToLoopTransition = terminationInformation.createStemToLoopTransition(curNode,

        // compute path between cur and next node
        if (curOutgoingEdge == null) {
            CFANode curNode = extractLocation(prev);
            CFANode nextNode = extractLocation(succ);

            // add negated ranking relation before target state (non-termination label)
            if (AbstractStates.isTargetState(succ)) {
                CFAEdge negatedRankingRelationAssumeEdge = terminationInformation
                        .createRankingRelationAssumeEdge(curNode, nextNode, false);

                nextNode = curNode;

            // we assume a linear chain of edges from 'prev' to 'succ'
            while (curNode != nextNode) {
                FluentIterable<CFAEdge> leavingEdges = CFAUtils.leavingEdges(curNode)
                if (!(leavingEdges.size() == 1 && curNode.getLeavingSummaryEdge() == null)) {
                    return Collections.emptyList();

                CFAEdge intermediateEdge = leavingEdges.get(0);
                curNode = intermediateEdge.getSuccessor();

            // we have a normal connection without hole in the edges
        } else {

    terminationFullPath = fullPathBuilder.build();
    return terminationFullPath;

From source file:io.mesosphere.mesos.frameworks.cassandra.scheduler.CassandraCluster.java

private String getExecutorIdForOffer(@NotNull final Protos.Offer offer) {
    final FluentIterable<CassandraNode> filter = from(clusterState.nodes()).filter(cassandraNodeHasExecutor())
    if (filter.isEmpty()) {
        return configuration.frameworkName() + ".node." + execCounter.getAndIncrement() + ".executor";
    } else {//from   w w  w  .  java 2s .co  m
        return filter.get(0).getCassandraNodeExecutor().getExecutorId();

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.cwriter.PathToCWithLoopsTranslator.java

 * Recreates the code of one (or more nested) loops with gotos.
 * @param pCFAEdge the edge into the loop
 * @param currentBlock the current block
 * @param loopsAfter the loops which we are in after the edge
 * @return the complete c-code for the recreated loop
 *///w w  w  .  jav a  2 s .  c  om
private Pair<String, CFAEdge> recreateLoop(CFAEdge pCFAEdge, BasicBlock currentBlock, List<Loop> loopsAfter) {
    // clear all necessary things

    CFAEdge lastEdge = null;

    // start actual loop recreation
    StringBuilder wholeLoopString = new StringBuilder();

    // we go into a loop thus we have to uproll it right now, and add all
    // handled edges to the handledEdges list, so they wont occur twice in the
    // generated c code

    // this should be already handled by the handledEdges check at the beginning
    // of the processEdge method
    assert loopsAfter.get(loopsAfter.size() - 1).getIncomingEdges().contains(pCFAEdge);

    Loop loop = loopsAfter.get(loopsAfter.size() - 1);

    // create necessary mappings
    String labelStayInLoop = createFreshLabelForLoop(pCFAEdge, loop);

    // uproll loop and write code
    wholeLoopString.append(labelStayInLoop).append(": ;\n");
    Deque<CFAEdge> edgesToHandle = new ArrayDeque<>();

    Deque<Loop> loopStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    Deque<CFAEdge> ifStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
    Deque<CFAEdge> outOfLoopEdgesStack = new ArrayDeque<>();

    while ((!edgesToHandle.isEmpty() || !outOfLoopEdgesStack.isEmpty() || !ifStack.isEmpty())) {

        // all nodes from the current loop handled, so we can go on to the
        // next one
        if (edgesToHandle.isEmpty()) {
            // at first we need to handle ifs
            if (!ifStack.isEmpty()) {
                wholeLoopString.append("goto ").append(ifOutLabels.get(edgesToHandle.peek())).append(";\n")
                        .append(ifElseLabels.get(edgesToHandle.peek())).append(": ;\n");
            } else {
                Loop oldLoop = loopStack.pop();
                wholeLoopString.append("goto ").append(loopInLabels.get(oldLoop)).append(";\n")
                        .append(loopOutLabels.get(oldLoop)).append(": ;\n");

        CFANode currentEdgePredecessor = edgesToHandle.peek().getPredecessor();
        handleIfOutLabels(wholeLoopString, currentEdgePredecessor);

        // only continue if we didn't already visit this edge
        if (handledEdges.contains(edgesToHandle.peek())) {

        CFAEdge currentEdge = edgesToHandle.pop();
        FluentIterable<CFAEdge> leaving = CFAUtils.leavingEdges(currentEdge.getSuccessor())

        // there was a function call, we need to replace it with the correct successor
        // as we are sure that there is only one, this is safe, we also don't
        // need to update loops here
        if (leaving.isEmpty()) {
            CFAEdge realLeavingEdge = currentEdge.getSuccessor().getLeavingEdge(0);
            CFAEdge leavingSummaryEdge = currentEdge.getSuccessor().getLeavingSummaryEdge();

            wholeLoopString.append(processSimpleWithLoop(realLeavingEdge, currentBlock, ""));
            handledFunctions.add(((CFunctionEntryNode) realLeavingEdge.getSuccessor()).getFunctionName());
            leaving = leaving.append(leavingSummaryEdge);

            // no function call just and ordinary statement, add it as it is
            // to the loopString
        } else if (leaving.size() == 1) {
            wholeLoopString.append(processSimpleWithLoop(leaving.get(0), currentBlock, ""));

        // only one successor, to handle
        // we need to check the loops so that we know if we need
        // to update the loopStack, or only the handledEdges
        if (leaving.size() == 1) {
            CFAEdge onlyEdge = leaving.get(0);

            // this is an edge from inside the loop back to the loop
            if (loopToHead.get(loopStack.peek()) == onlyEdge.getSuccessor()
                    && !loopStack.peek().getIncomingEdges().contains(onlyEdge)) {

                handleIfOutLabels(wholeLoopString, onlyEdge.getPredecessor());
            } else {
                updateLoopStack(wholeLoopString, loopStack, onlyEdge);

            // more sucessors, we have to add some gotos
        } else {
            // there can be at most two leaving edges
            assert leaving.size() == 2 : leaving.toString();

            CFAEdge leaving1 = leaving.get(0);
            CFAEdge leaving2 = leaving.get(1);

            // outgoing edges have to be handled first, this way
            // we can create the goto easier
            ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> outOfCurrentLoop = loopStack.peek().getOutgoingEdges();

            boolean isOutOfLoopContained = false;
            CFAEdge leavingLoopEdge = null;

            if (outOfCurrentLoop.contains(leaving1)) {
                handleOutOfLoopEdge(currentBlock, wholeLoopString, edgesToHandle, loopStack, leaving1,
                leavingLoopEdge = leaving1;
                isOutOfLoopContained = true;

            } else if (outOfCurrentLoop.contains(leaving2)) {
                handleOutOfLoopEdge(currentBlock, wholeLoopString, edgesToHandle, loopStack, leaving2,
                leavingLoopEdge = leaving2;
                isOutOfLoopContained = true;

            if (isOutOfLoopContained) {
                // we are alredy in the outermost loop that should be handled
                // if we have an edge which is leaving this loop we just need
                // to create a goto
                if (loopStack.size() == 1) {
                    lastEdge = leavingLoopEdge;

                    // deeper loopstack, potentially the same code as above
                    // we do only need to handle the successor of the outOfLoopEdge, too
                } else {

                // end this loop iteration here

            // now comes the case where both edges stay in the loop, this means
            // this is a "simple" if statement
            // we need to find the merging point of both branches, such that we
            // know where the gotos and labels have to go
            if (!handledEdges.contains(leaving1)) {
                wholeLoopString.append(processSimpleWithLoop(leaving1, currentBlock,
                                        currentEdgePredecessor, leaving1.getSuccessor(),

    wholeLoopString.append("goto ").append(loopInLabels.get(loop)).append(";\n").append(loopOutLabels.get(loop))
            .append(": ;\n");

    //    assert ifOutLabelEnd.isEmpty() && loopStack.isEmpty();
    return Pair.of(wholeLoopString.toString(), lastEdge);

From source file:com.salesforce.ide.ui.views.runtest.RunTestsView.java

 * Display org wide and individual class/trigger code coverage
 * from ApexOrgWideCoverage & ApexCodeCoverageAgg
 *///  ww w  .  j ava2 s .  co m
public void displayCodeCoverage() {
    if (Utils.isEmpty(forceProject) || Utils.isEmpty(runTestComposite))

    final List<CodeCovResult> ccResults = Lists.newArrayList();

    ApexOrgWideCoverage orgWide = getApexOrgWideCoverage();
    ApexCodeCoverageAggregateResponse codeCovs = getApexCodeCoverageAgg();

    IProject proj = forceProject.getProject();
    // Get a list of existing Apex classes & triggers
    List<IResource> resources = ApexSourceUtils.INSTANCE.findLocalSourcesInProject(proj);
    resources = ApexSourceUtils.INSTANCE.filterSourcesByClassOrTrigger(resources);

    // Save overall code coverage
    Integer orgWidePercent = Utils.isNotEmpty(orgWide) ? orgWide.getPercentCovered() : 0;
    CodeCovResult ccResult = new CodeCovResult(Messages.View_CodeCoverageOverall, null, orgWidePercent, null,

    for (Record codeCov : codeCovs.records) {
        // Get name, percent and lines covered
        final String classOrTriggerName = codeCov.ApexClassOrTrigger.Name;
        Integer linesCovered = codeCov.NumLinesCovered;
        Integer total = linesCovered + codeCov.NumLinesUncovered;
        Integer percent = (int) Math.round(linesCovered * 100.0 / total);

        // Find the correct resource for the given classOrTriggerName
        FluentIterable<IResource> curRes = FluentIterable.from(resources).filter(new Predicate<IResource>() {
            public boolean apply(IResource res) {
                if (res.getName().contains(classOrTriggerName)) {
                    return true;

                return false;

        // Show code coverage markers on Apex class/trigger
        if (curRes != null && !curRes.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                // Save code coverage info with resource
                ApexCodeLocation location = findClass(curRes.get(0));
                ccResults.add(new CodeCovResult(classOrTriggerName, location, percent, linesCovered, total));
                applyCodeCoverageMarker(curRes.get(0), codeCov.Coverage.uncoveredLines);
            } catch (CoreException | BadLocationException e) {
                logger.error("Failed to apply code coverage warnings for " + classOrTriggerName, e);
        } else {
            // Save code coverage info without resource
            ccResults.add(new CodeCovResult(classOrTriggerName, null, percent, linesCovered, total));
            logger.error(String.format("Failed to find resource %s for code coverage", classOrTriggerName));

    Display display = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay();
    display.syncExec(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            // Update Apex Test Results view with code coverage