Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableCollection contains

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableCollection contains


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableCollection contains.


public boolean contains(@Nullable Object object) 

Source Link


From source file:com.github.hilcode.versionator.Model.java

public Model release(final ImmutableCollection<GroupArtifact> exclusions) {
    final ImmutableList.Builder<Gav> gavsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (final Pom pom : this.poms) {
        if (pom.gav.version.isRelease() && !pom.isReleasable() && !exclusions.contains(pom.gav.groupArtifact)) {
            gavsBuilder.add(Gav.BUILDER.build(pom.gav.groupArtifact, pom.gav.version.next().toSnapshot()));
        }/*w  ww. j  a v  a2  s. c o  m*/
    final ImmutableList<Gav> gavs = gavsBuilder.build();
    final Model result = apply(gavs);
    final ImmutableList.Builder<Gav> gavsBuilder_ = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (final Pom pom : result.poms) {
        if (pom.gav.version.isSnapshot() && !exclusions.contains(pom.gav.groupArtifact)) {
            gavsBuilder_.add(Gav.BUILDER.build(pom.gav.groupArtifact, pom.gav.version.toRelease()));
        if (pom.parent.isPresent() && pom.parent.get().gav.version.isSnapshot()
                && !exclusions.contains(pom.parent.get().gav.groupArtifact)) {
        for (final Dependency dependency : pom.dependencies) {
            if (dependency.gav.version.isSnapshot() && !exclusions.contains(dependency.gav.groupArtifact)) {
                        Gav.BUILDER.build(dependency.gav.groupArtifact, dependency.gav.version.toRelease()));
    final ImmutableList<Gav> gavs_ = gavsBuilder_.build();
    final ImmutableList.Builder<Pom> pomsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (final Pom pom : result.poms) {
        Pom pom_ = pom;
        for (final Gav gav_ : gavs_) {
            pom_ = pom_.apply(gav_);
    return Model.BUILDER.build(pomsBuilder.build());

From source file:com.facebook.buck.features.haskell.HaskellHaddockDescription.java

public BuildRule createBuildRule(BuildRuleCreationContextWithTargetGraph context, BuildTarget baseTarget,
        BuildRuleParams params, HaskellHaddockDescriptionArg args) {
    String name = baseTarget.getShortName();
    LOG.info("Creating Haddock " + name);

    ActionGraphBuilder graphBuilder = context.getActionGraphBuilder();
    SourcePathRuleFinder ruleFinder = new SourcePathRuleFinder(graphBuilder);
    HaskellPlatform platform = getPlatform(baseTarget, args);
    ImmutableCollection<BuildRule> deps = graphBuilder.getAllRules(args.getDeps());

    // Collect all Haskell deps
    ImmutableSet.Builder<HaskellHaddockInput> haddockInputs = ImmutableSet.builder();

    // Traverse all deps to pull packages + locations
    new AbstractBreadthFirstTraversal<BuildRule>(deps) {
        @Override/*from   w ww . j  a v a2  s .  c om*/
        public Iterable<BuildRule> visit(BuildRule rule) {
            ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildRule> traverse = ImmutableSet.builder();
            if (rule instanceof HaskellCompileDep) {
                HaskellCompileDep haskellCompileDep = (HaskellCompileDep) rule;

                // Only index first order dependencies
                if (deps.contains(rule)) {

            return traverse.build();

    return graphBuilder.addToIndex(HaskellHaddockRule.from(baseTarget, context.getProjectFilesystem(), params,
            ruleFinder, platform.getHaddock().resolve(graphBuilder), args.getHaddockFlags(),

From source file:com.google.idea.blaze.android.rendering.BlazeRenderErrorContributor.java

 * Blaze doesn't resolve class dependencies from resources until building the final
 * android_binary, so we could end up with resources that ultimately build correctly, but fail to
 * find their class dependencies during rendering in the layout editor.
 *//* w  ww.ja  va2  s  . c  o  m*/
private void reportResourceTargetShouldDependOnClassTarget(TargetIdeInfo target, TargetMap targetMap,
        ArtifactLocationDecoder decoder) {
    Collection<String> missingClasses = logger.getMissingClasses();
    if (missingClasses == null || missingClasses.isEmpty()) {

    // Sorted entries for deterministic error message.
    SortedSetMultimap<String, TargetKey> missingClassToTargetMap = TreeMultimap.create();

    SourceToTargetMap sourceToTargetMap = SourceToTargetMap.getInstance(project);
    ImmutableCollection transitiveDependencies = TransitiveDependencyMap.getInstance(project)

    for (String missingClass : missingClasses) {
        File sourceFile = getSourceFileForClass(missingClass);
        if (sourceFile == null) {
        ImmutableCollection<TargetKey> sourceTargets = sourceToTargetMap.getRulesForSourceFile(sourceFile);
        if (sourceTargets.stream().noneMatch(sourceTarget -> sourceTarget.equals(target.key)
                || transitiveDependencies.contains(sourceTarget))) {
            missingClassToTargetMap.putAll(missingClass, sourceTargets);

    if (missingClassToTargetMap.isEmpty()) {

    HtmlBuilder builder = new HtmlBuilder();
    addTargetLink(builder, target, decoder).add(" contains resource files that reference these classes:")
    for (String missingClass : missingClassToTargetMap.keySet()) {
        builder.listItem().addLink(missingClass, getLinkManager().createOpenClassUrl(missingClass))
                .add(" from ");
        for (TargetKey targetKey : missingClassToTargetMap.get(missingClass)) {
            addTargetLink(builder, targetMap.get(targetKey), decoder).add(" ");
    builder.endList().add("Please fix your dependencies so that ");
    addTargetLink(builder, target, decoder).add(" correctly depends on these classes, ")
            .addLink("then ", "sync the project", " ", getLinkManager().createSyncProjectUrl())
            .addLink("and ", "refresh the layout", ".", getLinkManager().createRefreshRenderUrl()).newline()
            .addBold("NOTE: blaze can still build with the incorrect dependencies "
                    + "due to the way it handles resources, "
                    + "but the layout editor needs them to be correct.");

    addIssue().setSeverity(HighlightSeverity.ERROR, HIGH_PRIORITY + 1) // Reported above missing classes.
            .setSummary("Missing class dependencies").setHtmlContent(builder).build();

From source file:com.google.idea.blaze.android.resources.actions.BlazeCreateResourceUtils.java

static void setupResDirectoryChoices(Project project, @Nullable VirtualFile contextFile, JBLabel resDirLabel,
        ComboboxWithBrowseButton resDirComboAndBrowser) {
    // Reset the item list before filling it back up.
    BlazeProjectData blazeProjectData = BlazeProjectDataManager.getInstance(project).getBlazeProjectData();
    if (blazeProjectData != null) {
        BlazeAndroidSyncData syncData = blazeProjectData.syncState.get(BlazeAndroidSyncData.class);
        if (syncData != null) {
            ImmutableCollection<TargetKey> rulesRelatedToContext = null;
            File fileFromContext = null;
            if (contextFile != null) {
                fileFromContext = VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(contextFile);
                rulesRelatedToContext = SourceToTargetMap.getInstance(project)
                if (rulesRelatedToContext.isEmpty()) {
                    rulesRelatedToContext = null;
                }/*  www  .  j a va  2  s  .c  o m*/

            ArtifactLocationDecoder artifactLocationDecoder = blazeProjectData.artifactLocationDecoder;

            // Sort:
            // - contextFile/res if contextFile is a directory,
            //   to optimize the right click on directory case, or the "closest" string
            //   match to the contextFile from the res directories known to blaze
            // - the rest of the direct dirs, then transitive dirs of the context rules,
            //   then any known res dir in the project
            //   as a backup, in alphabetical order.
            Set<File> resourceDirs = Sets.newTreeSet();
            Set<File> transitiveDirs = Sets.newTreeSet();
            Set<File> allResDirs = Sets.newTreeSet();
            for (AndroidResourceModule androidResourceModule : syncData.importResult.androidResourceModules) {

                Collection<File> resources = artifactLocationDecoder.decodeAll(androidResourceModule.resources);

                Collection<File> transitiveResources = artifactLocationDecoder

                // labelsRelatedToContext should include deps,
                // but as a first pass we only check the rules themselves
                // for resources. If we come up empty, then have anyResDir as a backup.

                if (rulesRelatedToContext != null
                        && !rulesRelatedToContext.contains(androidResourceModule.targetKey)) {
            // No need to show some directories twice.

            JComboBox resDirCombo = resDirComboAndBrowser.getComboBox();
            // Allow the user to browse and overwrite some of the entries,
            // in case our inference is wrong.
            // Optimize the right-click on a non-res directory (consider res directory right under that)
            // After the use confirms the choice, a directory will be created if it is missing.
            if (fileFromContext != null && fileFromContext.isDirectory()) {
                File closestDirToContext = new File(fileFromContext.getPath(), "res");
            } else {
                // If we're not completely sure, let people know there are options
                // via the placeholder text, and put the most likely on top.
                String placeHolder = PLACEHOLDER_TEXT;
                if (fileFromContext != null) {
                    File closestDirToContext = findClosestDirToContext(fileFromContext.getPath(), resourceDirs);
                    closestDirToContext = closestDirToContext != null ? closestDirToContext
                            : findClosestDirToContext(fileFromContext.getPath(), transitiveDirs);
                    if (closestDirToContext != null) {
            if (!resourceDirs.isEmpty() || !transitiveDirs.isEmpty()) {
                for (File resourceDir : resourceDirs) {
                for (File resourceDir : transitiveDirs) {
            } else {
                for (File resourceDir : allResDirs) {