Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableList reverse

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableList reverse


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableList reverse.


public ImmutableList<E> reverse() 

Source Link


From source file:org.openqa.selenium.grid.web.Routes.java

public static CombinedRoute combine(Routes atLeastOne, Routes... optionalOthers) {
    ImmutableList<Routes> queue = Stream.concat(Stream.of(atLeastOne), Arrays.stream(optionalOthers))

    return new CombinedRoute(queue.reverse());

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.AssignmentToMock.java

private static SuggestedFix createFix(VariableTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    if (MOCK_FACTORY.matches(tree.getInitializer(), state)
            && !classContainsInitializer(state.findEnclosing(ClassTree.class), state)) {
        AnnotationTree anno = ASTHelpers.getAnnotationWithSimpleName(tree.getModifiers().getAnnotations(),
        return SuggestedFix.delete(anno);
    }//from   w  ww  . ja v a  2 s . c  o m
    int startPos = ((JCTree) tree).getStartPosition();
    ImmutableList<ErrorProneToken> tokens = ErrorProneTokens.getTokens(state.getSourceCode()
            .subSequence(startPos, ((JCTree) tree.getInitializer()).getStartPosition()).toString(),
    for (ErrorProneToken token : tokens.reverse()) {
        if (token.kind() == TokenKind.EQ) {
            return SuggestedFix.replace(startPos + token.pos(), state.getEndPosition(tree.getInitializer()),
    return SuggestedFix.builder().build();

From source file:cc.shanruifeng.functions.udfs.presto.json.JsonExtract.java

public static <T> JsonExtractor<T> generateExtractor(String path, JsonExtractor<T> rootExtractor,
        boolean exceptionOnOutOfBounds) {
    ImmutableList<String> tokens = ImmutableList.copyOf(new JsonPathTokenizer(path));

    JsonExtractor<T> jsonExtractor = rootExtractor;
    for (String token : tokens.reverse()) {
        jsonExtractor = new ObjectFieldJsonExtractor<>(token, jsonExtractor, exceptionOnOutOfBounds);
    }//from ww w. java  2s  .c  om
    return jsonExtractor;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.android.UberRDotJavaUtil.java

 * Finds the transitive set of {@code rules}' {@link AndroidResource} dependencies with
 * non-null {@code res} directories, which can also include any of the {@code rules} themselves.
 * This set will be returned as an {@link ImmutableList} with the rules topologically sorted.
 * Rules will be ordered from least dependent to most dependent.
 */// ww  w . jav  a 2s. c o m
public static ImmutableList<HasAndroidResourceDeps> getAndroidResourceDeps(Collection<BuildRule> rules,
        final boolean includeAssetOnlyRules) {
    // This visitor finds all AndroidResourceRules that are reachable from the specified rules via
    // rules with types in the TRAVERSABLE_TYPES collection. It also builds up the dependency graph
    // that was traversed to find the AndroidResourceRules.
    final MutableDirectedGraph<BuildRule> mutableGraph = new MutableDirectedGraph<>();

    final ImmutableSet.Builder<HasAndroidResourceDeps> androidResources = ImmutableSet.builder();
    AbstractDependencyVisitor visitor = new AbstractDependencyVisitor(rules) {

        public ImmutableSet<BuildRule> visit(BuildRule rule) {
            HasAndroidResourceDeps androidResourceRule = null;
            if (rule instanceof HasAndroidResourceDeps) {
                androidResourceRule = (HasAndroidResourceDeps) rule;
            } else if (rule.getBuildable() instanceof HasAndroidResourceDeps) {
                androidResourceRule = (HasAndroidResourceDeps) rule.getBuildable();
            if (androidResourceRule != null && (androidResourceRule.getRes() != null
                    || (includeAssetOnlyRules && androidResourceRule.getAssets() != null))) {

            // Only certain types of rules should be considered as part of this traversal.
            BuildRuleType type = rule.getType();
            ImmutableSet<BuildRule> depsToVisit = maybeVisitAllDeps(rule, TRAVERSABLE_TYPES.contains(type));
            for (BuildRule dep : depsToVisit) {
                mutableGraph.addEdge(rule, dep);
            return depsToVisit;


    final Set<HasAndroidResourceDeps> allAndroidResourceRules = androidResources.build();

    // Now that we have the transitive set of AndroidResourceRules, we need to return them in
    // topologically sorted order. This is critical because the order in which -S flags are passed
    // to aapt is significant and must be consistent.
    Predicate<BuildRule> inclusionPredicate = new Predicate<BuildRule>() {
        public boolean apply(BuildRule rule) {
            return allAndroidResourceRules.contains(rule)
                    || allAndroidResourceRules.contains(rule.getBuildable());
    ImmutableList<BuildRule> sortedAndroidResourceRules = TopologicalSort.sort(mutableGraph,

    // TopologicalSort.sort() returns rules in leaves-first order, which is the opposite of what we
    // want, so we must reverse the list and cast BuildRules to AndroidResourceRules.
    return ImmutableList
            .copyOf(Iterables.transform(sortedAndroidResourceRules.reverse(), CAST_TO_ANDROID_RESOURCE_RULE));

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.AndroidResourceRule.java

 * Finds the transitive set of {@code rule}'s {@link AndroidResourceRule} dependencies with
 * non-null {@code res} directories, which can also include {@code rule} itself.
 * This set will be returned as an {@link ImmutableList} with the rules topologically sorted as
 * determined by {@code graph}. Rules will be ordered from least dependent to most dependent.
 *//*from   www  . ja  v  a2  s  .  co m*/
public static ImmutableList<AndroidResourceRule> getAndroidResourceDeps(BuildRule rule, DependencyGraph graph) {
    final Set<AndroidResourceRule> allAndroidResourceRules = findAllAndroidResourceDeps(rule);

    // Now that we have the transitive set of AndroidResourceRules, we need to return them in
    // topologically sorted order. This is critical because the order in which -S flags are passed
    // to aapt is significant and must be consistent.
    Predicate<BuildRule> inclusionPredicate = new Predicate<BuildRule>() {
        public boolean apply(BuildRule rule) {
            return allAndroidResourceRules.contains(rule);
    ImmutableList<BuildRule> sortedAndroidResourceRules = TopologicalSort.sort(graph, inclusionPredicate);

    // TopologicalSort.sort() returns rules in leaves-first order, which is the opposite of what we
    // want, so we must reverse the list and cast BuildRules to AndroidResourceRules.
    return ImmutableList
            .copyOf(Iterables.transform(sortedAndroidResourceRules.reverse(), CAST_TO_ANDROID_RESOURCE_RULE));

From source file:ratpack.registry.internal.DefaultRegistryBuilder.java

public Registry build() {
    ImmutableList<RegistryEntry<?>> entries = builder.build();
    if (entries.size() == 1) {
        return new SingleEntryRegistry(entries.get(0));
    } else {// w ww  . j av a2s . co m
        return CachingRegistry.of(new MultiEntryRegistry(entries.reverse()));

From source file:org.opennms.newts.cassandra.search.CassandraResourceTreeWalker.java

 * Visits all nodes in the resource tree bellow the given resource using
 * depth-first search./* ww  w . j  a v a2 s . co m*/
public void depthFirstSearch(Context context, SearchResultVisitor visitor, Resource root) {
    ArrayDeque<SearchResults.Result> stack = Queues.newArrayDeque();

    // Build an instance of a SearchResult for the root resource
    // but don't invoke the visitor with it
    boolean skipFirstVisit = true;
    SearchResults initialResults = new SearchResults();
    initialResults.addResult(root, new ArrayList<String>(0));

    while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        SearchResults.Result r = stack.pop();
        if (skipFirstVisit) {
            skipFirstVisit = false;
        } else {
            if (!visitor.visit(r)) {

        // Reverse the order of the results so we walk the left-most
        // branches first
        ImmutableList<SearchResults.Result> results = ImmutableList.copyOf(m_searcher.search(context,
                matchKeyAndValue(Constants.PARENT_TERM_FIELD, r.getResource().getId())));
        for (SearchResults.Result result : results.reverse()) {

From source file:com.facebook.buck.android.relinker.NativeRelinker.java

 * Creates a map from every BuildRule to the set of transitive dependents of that BuildRule that
 * are in the linkableRules set./*from w w w  . j  a  va2s .  c om*/
private ImmutableMap<BuildRule, ImmutableSet<BuildRule>> getAllDependentsMap(Set<BuildRule> linkableRules,
        DirectedAcyclicGraph<BuildRule> graph, ImmutableList<BuildRule> sortedRules) {
    final Map<BuildRule, ImmutableSet<BuildRule>> allDependentsMap = new HashMap<>();
    // Using the sorted list of rules makes this calculation much simpler. We can just assume that
    // we already know all the dependents of a rules incoming nodes when we are processing that
    // rule.
    for (BuildRule rule : sortedRules.reverse()) {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildRule> transitiveDependents = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (BuildRule dependent : graph.getIncomingNodesFor(rule)) {
            if (linkableRules.contains(dependent)) {
        allDependentsMap.put(rule, transitiveDependents.build());
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(allDependentsMap);

From source file:msi.gaml.factories.ModelAssembler.java

public ModelDescription assemble(final String projectPath, final String modelPath,
        final Iterable<ISyntacticElement> allModels, final ValidationContext collector, final boolean document,
        final Map<String, ModelDescription> mm) {
    final ImmutableList<ISyntacticElement> models = ImmutableList.copyOf(allModels);
    final TOrderedHashMap<String, ISyntacticElement> speciesNodes = new TOrderedHashMap();
    final TOrderedHashMap<String, TOrderedHashMap<String, ISyntacticElement>>[] experimentNodes = new TOrderedHashMap[1];
    final ISyntacticElement globalNodes = SyntacticFactory.create(GLOBAL, (EObject) null, true);
    final ISyntacticElement source = models.get(0);
    Facets globalFacets = null;//www .j  a  v  a2 s. c o  m
    if (source.hasFacet(IKeyword.PRAGMA)) {
        final Facets facets = source.copyFacets(null);
        final List<String> pragmas = (List<String>) facets.get(IKeyword.PRAGMA).getExpression().getConstValue();
        if (pragmas != null) {
            if (pragmas.contains(IKeyword.NO_INFO)) {
            if (pragmas.contains(IKeyword.NO_WARNING)) {
            if (pragmas.contains(IKeyword.NO_EXPERIMENT)) {

    final Map<String, SpeciesDescription> tempSpeciesCache = new THashMap<>();

    for (final ISyntacticElement cm : models.reverse()) {
        final SyntacticModelElement currentModel = (SyntacticModelElement) cm;
        if (currentModel != null) {
            if (currentModel.hasFacets()) {
                if (globalFacets == null) {
                    globalFacets = new Facets(currentModel.copyFacets(null));
                } else {
            currentModel.visitChildren(element -> globalNodes.addChild(element));
            SyntacticVisitor visitor = element -> addSpeciesNode(element, speciesNodes, collector);

            // We input the species so that grids are always the last ones
            // (see DiffusionStatement)
            visitor = element -> {
                if (experimentNodes[0] == null) {
                    experimentNodes[0] = new TOrderedHashMap();
                addExperimentNode(element, currentModel.getName(), experimentNodes[0], collector);



    final String modelName = buildModelName(source.getName());

    // We build a list of working paths from which the composite model will
    // be able to look for resources. These working paths come from the
    // imported models

    Set<String> absoluteAlternatePathAsStrings = models.isEmpty() ? null
            : ImmutableSet.copyOf(
                    Iterables.transform(models.reverse(), each -> ((SyntacticModelElement) each).getPath()));

    if (mm != null) {
        for (final ModelDescription m1 : mm.values()) {
            for (final String im : m1.getAlternatePaths()) {
                absoluteAlternatePathAsStrings = Sets.union(absoluteAlternatePathAsStrings,

    final ModelDescription model = new ModelDescription(modelName, null, projectPath, modelPath,
            source.getElement(), null, ModelDescription.ROOT, null, globalFacets, collector,

    final Collection<String> allModelNames = models.size() == 1 ? null
            : ImmutableSet.copyOf(
                    Iterables.transform(Iterables.skip(models, 1), each -> buildModelName(each.getName())));

    // hqnghi add micro-models
    if (mm != null) {
        // model.setMicroModels(mm);
    // end-hqnghi
    // recursively add user-defined species to world and down on to the
    // hierarchy
    speciesNodes.forEachValue(speciesNode -> {
        addMicroSpecies(model, speciesNode, tempSpeciesCache);
        return true;
    if (experimentNodes[0] != null) {
        experimentNodes[0].forEachEntry((s, b) -> {
            b.forEachValue(experimentNode -> {
                addExperiment(s, model, experimentNode, tempSpeciesCache);
                return true;
            return true;

    // Parent the species and the experiments of the model (all are now
    // known).
    speciesNodes.forEachValue(speciesNode -> {
        parentSpecies(model, speciesNode, model, tempSpeciesCache);
        return true;

    if (experimentNodes[0] != null) {
        experimentNodes[0].forEachEntry((s, b) -> {
            b.forEachValue(experimentNode -> {
                parentExperiment(model, experimentNode);
                return true;
            return true;

    // Initialize the hierarchy of types
    // hqnghi build micro-models as types
    if (mm != null) {
        for (final Entry<String, ModelDescription> entry : mm.entrySet()) {
            model.getTypesManager().alias(entry.getValue().getName(), entry.getKey());
        // end-hqnghi

    // Make species and experiments recursively create their attributes,
    // actions....
    complementSpecies(model, globalNodes);

    speciesNodes.forEachValue(speciesNode -> {
        complementSpecies(model.getMicroSpecies(speciesNode.getName()), speciesNode);
        return true;

    if (experimentNodes[0] != null) {
        experimentNodes[0].forEachEntry((s, b) -> {
            b.forEachValue(experimentNode -> {
                complementSpecies(model.getExperiment(experimentNode.getName()), experimentNode);
                return true;
            return true;

    // Complement recursively the different species (incl. the world). The
    // recursion is hierarchical


    for (final SpeciesDescription sd : getSpeciesInHierarchicalOrder(model)) {
        if (sd.isExperiment()) {
            if (!sd.finalizeDescription()) {
                return null;

    // Issue #1708 (put before the finalization)
    if (model.hasFacet(SCHEDULES) || model.hasFacet(FREQUENCY)) {

    if (!model.finalizeDescription()) {
        return null;

    if (document) {
    return model;


From source file:org.eclipse.elk.core.util.nodespacing.LabelAndNodeSizeProcessor.java

 * Places the labels of the given port on the inside of the port's node.
 * @param port//from www .ja v  a2 s  .  co m
 *            the port whose labels to place.
 * @param compoundNodeMode
 *            {@code true} if the node contains further nodes in the original graph. In this
 *            case, port labels are not placed next to ports, but a little down as well to avoid
 *            edge-label-crossings if the port has edges connected to the node's insides.
 * @param labelSpacing
 *            spacing between labels and other objects.
private void placePortLabelsInside(final PortAdapter<?> port, final boolean compoundNodeMode,
        final double labelSpacing) {

    ImmutableList<LabelAdapter<?>> labels = ImmutableList.copyOf(port.getLabels());
    if (labels.isEmpty()) {

    // The initial y position we'll be starting from depends on the port side
    double y = 0;
    switch (port.getSide()) {
    case WEST:
    case EAST:
        // We need the first label's size here and we know that there is at least one label
        y = compoundNodeMode && port.hasCompoundConnections() ? port.getSize().y
                : (port.getSize().y - labels.get(0).getSize().y) / 2.0 - labelSpacing;
    case NORTH:
        y = port.getSize().y;
    case SOUTH:
        y = 0.0;

    // In the usual case, we simply start at a given y position and place the labels downwards.
    // For southern ports, however, we actually need to start with the last label and place them
    // upwards. We thus first add all labels to a list that we may need to reverse
    if (port.getSide() == PortSide.SOUTH) {
        labels = labels.reverse();

    // Place da labels!
    for (final LabelAdapter<?> label : port.getLabels()) {
        final KVector position = new KVector(port.getPosition());
        switch (port.getSide()) {
        case WEST:
            position.x = port.getSize().x + labelSpacing;
            position.y = y + labelSpacing;

            y += labelSpacing + label.getSize().y;
        case EAST:
            position.x = -label.getSize().x - labelSpacing;
            position.y = y + labelSpacing;

            y += labelSpacing + label.getSize().y;
        case NORTH:
            position.x = (port.getSize().x - label.getSize().x) / 2;
            position.y = y + labelSpacing;

            y += labelSpacing + label.getSize().y;
        case SOUTH:
            position.x = (port.getSize().x - label.getSize().x) / 2;
            position.y = y - labelSpacing - label.getSize().y;

            y -= labelSpacing + label.getSize().y;