Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet containsAll

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet containsAll


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet containsAll.


boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c);

Source Link


Returns true if this set contains all of the elements of the specified collection.


From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxHeaders.java

 * @return the arguments to add to the preprocessor command line to include the given header packs
 *     in preprocessor search path./*from  ww w .  j ava 2 s .  c  om*/
public static Iterable<String> getArgs(Iterable<CxxHeaders> cxxHeaderses, SourcePathResolver resolver,
        Optional<PathShortener> pathMinimizer, Preprocessor preprocessor) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<String> args = ImmutableList.builder();

    // Collect the header maps and roots into buckets organized by include type, so that we can:
    // 1) Apply the header maps first (so that they work properly).
    // 2) De-duplicate redundant include paths.
    Multimap<CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType, String> headerMaps = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    Multimap<CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType, String> roots = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (CxxHeaders cxxHeaders : cxxHeaderses) {
        Optional<SourcePath> headerMap = cxxHeaders.getHeaderMap();
        if (headerMap.isPresent()) {
                    resolveSourcePathAndShorten(resolver, headerMap.get(), pathMinimizer).toString());
                resolveSourcePathAndShorten(resolver, cxxHeaders.getIncludeRoot(), pathMinimizer).toString());

    // Define the include type ordering.  We always add local ("-I") include paths first so that
    // headers match there before system ("-isystem") ones.
    ImmutableSet<CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType> includeTypes = ImmutableSet
            .of(CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType.LOCAL, CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType.SYSTEM);

    // Apply the header maps first, so that headers that matching there avoid falling back to
    // stat'ing files in the normal include roots.
    for (CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType includeType : includeTypes) {
        args.addAll(includeType.includeArgs(preprocessor, headerMaps.get(includeType)));

    // Apply the regular includes last.
    for (CxxPreprocessables.IncludeType includeType : includeTypes) {
        args.addAll(includeType.includeArgs(preprocessor, roots.get(includeType)));

    return args.build();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.core.rules.configsetting.ConfigSettingSelectable.java

private <T> boolean refines(ImmutableSet<T> values, ImmutableSet<T> otherValues) {
    return (values.size() > otherValues.size() && values.containsAll(otherValues));

From source file:com.jeffreybosboom.lyne.Puzzle.java

private Puzzle set(Node a, Node b, Set<Node.Kind> possibilities) {
    //private because rules actually want to call restrict instead
    Pair<Node, Node> p = Pair.sorted(a, b);
    ImmutableSet<Node.Kind> currentPossibilities = possibilities(a, b);
    if (possibilities.isEmpty() || !currentPossibilities.containsAll(possibilities))
        throw new ContradictionException();
    if (currentPossibilities.equals(possibilities))
        return this;

    return withEdgeSet(p, ImmutableSet.copyOf(possibilities));

From source file:com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.optimizations.StreamPreferredProperties.java

public StreamPreferredProperties constrainTo(Iterable<Symbol> symbols) {
    if (!partitioningColumns.isPresent()) {
        return this;
    }/*from  w ww. ja va 2s.  c om*/

    ImmutableSet<Symbol> availableSymbols = ImmutableSet.copyOf(symbols);
    if (exactColumnOrder) {
        if (availableSymbols.containsAll(partitioningColumns.get())) {
            return this;
        return any();

    Set<Symbol> common = Sets.intersection(availableSymbols, ImmutableSet.copyOf(partitioningColumns.get()));
    if (common.isEmpty()) {
        return any();
    return new StreamPreferredProperties(distribution, Optional.of(common), false);

From source file:io.prestosql.sql.planner.optimizations.StreamPreferredProperties.java

public StreamPreferredProperties constrainTo(Iterable<Symbol> symbols) {
    if (!partitioningColumns.isPresent()) {
        return this;
    }//from   w w  w  .  jav  a 2 s . c  om

    ImmutableSet<Symbol> availableSymbols = ImmutableSet.copyOf(symbols);
    if (exactColumnOrder) {
        if (availableSymbols.containsAll(partitioningColumns.get())) {
            return this;
        return any();

    List<Symbol> common = partitioningColumns.get().stream().filter(availableSymbols::contains)
    if (common.isEmpty()) {
        return any();
    return new StreamPreferredProperties(distribution, Optional.of(common), false);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.versions.VersionedTargetGraph.java

@Override//from  w  w w .  j  a  v a 2s  .  co m
protected TargetNode<?, ?> getInternal(BuildTarget target) {

    // If this node is in the graph under the given name, return it.
    TargetNode<?, ?> node = targetsToNodes.get(target);
    if (node != null) {
        return node;

    ImmutableList<ImmutableSet<Flavor>> flavorList = flavorMap.get(target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget());
    if (flavorList == null) {
        return null;

    // Otherwise, see if this node exists in the graph with a "less" flavored name.  We initially
    // select all targets which contain a subset of the original flavors, which should be sorted by
    // from largest flavor set to smallest.  We then use the first match, and verify the subsequent
    // matches are subsets.
    ImmutableList<ImmutableSet<Flavor>> matches = RichStream.from(flavorList)
    if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
        ImmutableSet<Flavor> firstMatch = matches.get(0);
        for (ImmutableSet<Flavor> subsequentMatch : matches.subList(1, matches.size())) {
            Preconditions.checkState(firstMatch.size() > subsequentMatch.size());
                    "Found multiple disjoint flavor matches for %s: %s and %s",
                    target.getUnflavoredBuildTarget(), firstMatch, subsequentMatch);
        return Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetsToNodes.get(target.withFlavors(firstMatch)))

    // Otherwise, return `null` to indicate this node isn't in the target graph.
    return null;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.tests.AbstractTestDistributedQueries.java

public void testShowSchemasFromOther() throws Exception {
    MaterializedResult result = computeActual("SHOW SCHEMAS FROM tpch");
    ImmutableSet<String> schemaNames = ImmutableSet
            .copyOf(transform(result.getMaterializedRows(), onlyColumnGetter()));
    assertTrue(schemaNames.containsAll(ImmutableSet.of(INFORMATION_SCHEMA, "tiny", "sf1")));

From source file:com.facebook.buck.versions.AbstractFlavorSearchTargetNodeFinder.java

public Optional<TargetNode<?>> get(BuildTarget target) {

    // If this node is in the graph under the given name, return it.
    TargetNode<?> node = getBuildTargetIndex().get(target);
    if (node != null) {
        return Optional.of(node);
    }/* w ww . j a  va2  s.c o m*/

    ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<Flavor>> flavorList = getBaseTargetFlavorMap()
    if (flavorList == null) {
        return Optional.empty();

    // Otherwise, see if this node exists in the graph with a "less" flavored name.  We initially
    // select all targets which contain a subset of the original flavors, which should be sorted by
    // from largest flavor set to smallest.  We then use the first match, and verify the subsequent
    // matches are subsets.
    ImmutableList<ImmutableSet<Flavor>> matches = RichStream.from(flavorList)
    if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
        ImmutableSet<Flavor> firstMatch = matches.get(0);
        for (ImmutableSet<Flavor> subsequentMatch : matches.subList(1, matches.size())) {
                    .checkState(firstMatch.size() > subsequentMatch.size(),
                            "Expected to find larger flavor lists earlier in the flavor map "
                                    + "index (sizeof(%s) <= sizeof(%s))",
                            firstMatch.size(), subsequentMatch.size());
                    "Found multiple disjoint flavor matches for %s: %s and %s (from %s)", target, firstMatch,
                    subsequentMatch, matches);
        return Optional.of(Preconditions.checkNotNull(getBaseTargetIndex().get(target.withFlavors(firstMatch)),
                "%s missing in index", target.withFlavors(firstMatch)));

    // Otherwise, return `null` to indicate this node isn't in the target graph.
    return Optional.empty();

From source file:org.glowroot.central.repo.GaugeValueDaoImpl.java

public void store(String agentId, List<String> agentRollupIdsForMeta, List<GaugeValue> gaugeValues)
        throws Exception {
    if (gaugeValues.isEmpty()) {
        return;//ww  w.j a  v a 2  s. c  om
    int ttl = getTTLs().get(0);
    long maxCaptureTime = 0;
    List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
    for (GaugeValue gaugeValue : gaugeValues) {
        BoundStatement boundStatement = insertValuePS.get(0).bind();
        String gaugeName = gaugeValue.getGaugeName();
        long captureTime = gaugeValue.getCaptureTime();
        maxCaptureTime = Math.max(captureTime, maxCaptureTime);
        int adjustedTTL = Common.getAdjustedTTL(ttl, captureTime, clock);
        int i = 0;
        boundStatement.setString(i++, agentId);
        boundStatement.setString(i++, gaugeName);
        boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, new Date(captureTime));
        boundStatement.setDouble(i++, gaugeValue.getValue());
        boundStatement.setLong(i++, gaugeValue.getWeight());
        boundStatement.setInt(i++, adjustedTTL);
        for (String agentRollupIdForMeta : agentRollupIdsForMeta) {
            futures.addAll(gaugeNameDao.insert(agentRollupIdForMeta, captureTime, gaugeName));

    // wait for success before inserting "needs rollup" records

    // insert into gauge_needs_rollup_1
    Map<NeedsRollupKey, ImmutableSet<String>> updatesForNeedsRollupCache1 = new HashMap<>();
    SetMultimap<Long, String> rollupCaptureTimes = getRollupCaptureTimes(gaugeValues);
    for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<String>> entry : Multimaps.asMap(rollupCaptureTimes).entrySet()) {
        Long captureTime = entry.getKey();
        Set<String> gaugeNames = entry.getValue();
        NeedsRollupKey needsRollupKey = ImmutableNeedsRollupKey.of(agentId, captureTime);
        ImmutableSet<String> needsRollupGaugeNames = needsRollupCache1.get(needsRollupKey);
        if (needsRollupGaugeNames == null) {
            // first insert for this key
            updatesForNeedsRollupCache1.put(needsRollupKey, ImmutableSet.copyOf(gaugeNames));
        } else if (needsRollupGaugeNames.containsAll(gaugeNames)) {
            // capture current time after getting data from cache to prevent race condition with
            // reading the data in Common.getNeedsRollupList()
            if (!Common.isOldEnoughToRollup(captureTime, clock.currentTimeMillis(),
                    configRepository.getRollupConfigs().get(0).intervalMillis())) {
                // completely covered by prior inserts that haven't been rolled up yet so no
                // need to re-insert same data
        } else {
            // merge will maybe help prevent a few subsequent inserts
            Set<String> combined = new HashSet<>(needsRollupGaugeNames);
            updatesForNeedsRollupCache1.put(needsRollupKey, ImmutableSet.copyOf(gaugeNames));
        BoundStatement boundStatement = insertNeedsRollup.get(0).bind();
        int adjustedTTL = Common.getAdjustedTTL(ttl, captureTime, clock);
        int needsRollupAdjustedTTL = Common.getNeedsRollupAdjustedTTL(adjustedTTL,
        int i = 0;
        boundStatement.setString(i++, agentId);
        boundStatement.setTimestamp(i++, new Date(captureTime));
        boundStatement.setUUID(i++, UUIDs.timeBased());
        boundStatement.setSet(i++, gaugeNames);
        boundStatement.setInt(i++, needsRollupAdjustedTTL);

    // update the cache now that the above inserts were successful

From source file:google.registry.request.auth.OAuthAuthenticationMechanism.java

public AuthResult authenticate(HttpServletRequest request) {

    // Make sure that there is an Authorization header in Bearer form. OAuthService also accepts
    // tokens in the request body and URL string, but we should not use those, since they are more
    // likely to be logged than the Authorization header. Checking to make sure there's a token also
    // avoids unnecessary RPCs, since OAuthService itself does not check whether the header is
    // present. In theory, there could be more than one Authorization header, but we only check the
    // first one, because there's not a legitimate use case for having more than one, and
    // OAuthService itself only looks at the first one anyway.
    String header = request.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION);
    if ((header == null) || !header.startsWith(BEARER_PREFIX)) {
        return AuthResult.create(NONE);
    }//  w ww  . ja v  a  2  s.  c o m
    // Assume that, if a bearer token is found, it's what OAuthService will use to attempt
    // authentication. This is not technically guaranteed by the contract of OAuthService; see
    // OAuthTokenInfo for more information.
    String rawAccessToken = header.substring(BEARER_PREFIX.length());

    // Get the OAuth information. The various oauthService method calls use a single cached
    // authentication result, we can call them one by one. Unfortunately, the calls have a
    // single-scope form, and a varargs scope list form, but no way to call them with a collection
    // of scopes, so it will not be easy to configure multiple scopes.
    User currentUser;
    boolean isUserAdmin;
    String clientId;
    ImmutableSet<String> authorizedScopes;
    try {
        currentUser = oauthService.getCurrentUser(availableOauthScopes.toArray(new String[0]));
        isUserAdmin = oauthService.isUserAdmin(availableOauthScopes.toArray(new String[0]));
        clientId = oauthService.getClientId(availableOauthScopes.toArray(new String[0]));
        authorizedScopes = ImmutableSet
                .copyOf(oauthService.getAuthorizedScopes(availableOauthScopes.toArray(new String[0])));
    } catch (OAuthRequestException | OAuthServiceFailureException e) {
        return AuthResult.create(NONE);
    if ((currentUser == null) || (clientId == null) || (authorizedScopes == null)) {
        return AuthResult.create(NONE);

    // Make sure that the client ID matches, to avoid a confused deputy attack; see:
    // http://stackoverflow.com/a/17439317/1179226
    if (!allowedOauthClientIds.contains(clientId)) {
        return AuthResult.create(NONE);

    // Make sure that all required scopes are present.
    if (!authorizedScopes.containsAll(requiredOauthScopes)) {
        return AuthResult.create(NONE);

    // Create the {@link AuthResult}, including the OAuth token info.
    return AuthResult.create(USER, UserAuthInfo.create(currentUser, isUserAdmin,
            OAuthTokenInfo.create(ImmutableSet.copyOf(authorizedScopes), clientId, rawAccessToken)));