Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet equals

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet equals


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet equals.


    public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


From source file:com.google.javascript.jscomp.newtypes.EnumType.java

static ImmutableSet<EnumType> union(ImmutableSet<EnumType> s1, ImmutableSet<EnumType> s2) {
    if (s1.isEmpty()) {
        return s2;
    }//  ww  w .j  a v a 2s. co m
    if (s2.isEmpty() || s1.equals(s2)) {
        return s1;
    return Sets.union(s1, s2).immutableCopy();

From source file:dagger.internal.codegen.BindingTypeMapper.java

 * Returns the {@link BindingType} to use for a collection of requests of the same
 * {@link BindingKey}. This allows factories to only take a single argument for multiple requests
 * of the same key./*  w w w.j a  v  a  2s  .co m*/
BindingType getBindingType(Iterable<DependencyRequest> requests) {
    ImmutableSet<BindingType> classes = FluentIterable.from(requests)
            .transform(request -> getBindingType(request.kind())).toSet();
    if (classes.size() == 1) {
        return getOnlyElement(classes);
    } else if (classes.equals(CONTRIBUTION_TYPES)) {
        return PROVISION;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad set of framework classes: " + classes);

From source file:com.outerspacecat.cassandra.StaticSeededCluster.java

 * Creates a new cluster./*from ww  w.j  av a 2  s. co  m*/
 * @param name the name of the cluster. Must be non {@code null}.
 * @param keyspace the name of the keyspace to use for auto-discovering nodes.
 *        Must be non {@code null}.
 * @param timeout the timeout in to use in milliseconds for both establishing
 *        a connection and for reading and writing data. Will be used for both
 *        contacting seeds and obtaining connections from discovered nodes.
 *        Must be &gt;= 0. 0 indicates an infinite timeout.
 * @param maxConnectionsPerNode the maximum number of connections allowed to
 *        each node. Must be &gt;= 0.
 * @param idleTimeout the amount of time in seconds before an unused
 *        connection is considered idle. Must be &gt;= 0.
 * @param seeds the seeds to use. Must be non {@code null}, contain at least
 *        one element, and all elements must be non {@code null}.
 * @param port the port to use for both contacting seeds and obtaining
 *        connections to nodes. Must be &gt;= 1 and &lt;= 65535.
public StaticSeededCluster(final CharSequence name, final CharSequence keyspace, final int timeout,
        final int maxConnectionsPerNode, final int idleTimeout, final Iterable<InetAddress> seeds,
        final int port) {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "name required");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(keyspace, "keyspace required");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(timeout >= 0, "timeout must be >= 0");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(maxConnectionsPerNode >= 0, "maxConnectionsPerNode must be >= 0");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(idleTimeout >= 0, "idleTimeout must be >= 0");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(seeds, "seeds required");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(seeds.iterator().hasNext(), "seeds must be non empty");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(port >= 1 && port <= 65535, "port must be >=1 and <= 65535");

    final AtomicReference<ImmutableSet<String>> oldHosts = new AtomicReference<>();

    exec.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            for (InetAddress addr : seeds) {
                ImmutableSet.Builder<String> hostsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();

                TSocket sock = new TSocket(addr.getHostAddress(), port, timeout);
                TTransport tr = new TFramedTransport(sock);

                try {
                } catch (TTransportException e) {

                Cassandra.Client client = new Cassandra.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(tr));

                try {
                    for (TokenRange range : client.describe_ring(keyspace.toString()))
                } catch (TException | InvalidRequestException e) {

                List<ConfiguredConnectionPoolDataSource<CassandraConnection>> dataSources = new ArrayList<>();

                ImmutableSet<String> hosts = hostsBuilder.build();
                if (hosts.equals(oldHosts.get()))

                for (String host : hosts)
                                    new ThriftCassandraConnectionPoolDataSource(
                                            new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout),
                                    maxConnectionsPerNode, idleTimeout, 1));

                ConnectionPool<CassandraConnection> pool = new ConnectionPool<>(name, dataSources);

                try {
                    StaticSeededCluster.this.pool = pool;
                } finally {

                Deque<HasConnectionPool.PoolChangedListener<CassandraConnection>> listeners = null;
                try {
                    listeners = Queues.newArrayDeque(StaticSeededCluster.this.listeners);
                } finally {
                for (HasConnectionPool.PoolChangedListener<CassandraConnection> l : listeners)

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.deterministic.DeterministicVariablesState.java

public DeterministicVariablesState join(DeterministicVariablesState pOther) {
    ImmutableSet<Wrapper<ASimpleDeclaration>> deterministicVariablesInboth = Sets
            .intersection(deterministicVariables, pOther.deterministicVariables).immutableCopy();

    if (deterministicVariablesInboth.equals(pOther.deterministicVariables)) {
        return pOther;
    }/* w  ww .ja va  2 s . c o  m*/

    return new DeterministicVariablesState(deterministicVariablesInboth);

From source file:com.jeffreybosboom.lyne.Puzzle.java

private Puzzle set(Node a, Node b, Set<Node.Kind> possibilities) {
    //private because rules actually want to call restrict instead
    Pair<Node, Node> p = Pair.sorted(a, b);
    ImmutableSet<Node.Kind> currentPossibilities = possibilities(a, b);
    if (possibilities.isEmpty() || !currentPossibilities.containsAll(possibilities))
        throw new ContradictionException();
    if (currentPossibilities.equals(possibilities))
        return this;

    return withEdgeSet(p, ImmutableSet.copyOf(possibilities));

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.BazelPackageBuilderHelperForTesting.java

private synchronized void sanityCheckBazelPackageLoader(Package pkg, RuleClassProvider ruleClassProvider,
        SkylarkSemantics skylarkSemantics) {
    PackageIdentifier pkgId = pkg.getPackageIdentifier();
    if (pkgId.equals(Label.EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER) || !pkg.getPackageIdentifier().getRepository().isMain()
            || PackageFunction.isDefaultsPackage(pkg.getPackageIdentifier())) {
        // TODO(nharmata): Support these packages.
        return;/*from  w w w .  j a  v  a  2 s.  c o m*/
    int numNameSegments = pkg.getNameFragment().segmentCount();
    PathFragment fullFilenameFragment = pkg.getFilename().asFragment();
    int numFullFilenameFragmentSegments = fullFilenameFragment.segmentCount();
    Path workspaceRoot = pkg.getFilename().getFileSystem().getPath(
            fullFilenameFragment.subFragment(0, numFullFilenameFragmentSegments - (numNameSegments + 1)));
    PackageLoader packageLoader = BazelPackageLoader.builder(workspaceRoot)
    Package newlyLoadedPkg;
    try {
        newlyLoadedPkg = packageLoader.loadPackage(pkg.getPackageIdentifier());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    ImmutableSet<Label> targetsInPkg = ImmutableSet
            .copyOf(Iterables.transform(pkg.getTargets().values(), TARGET_TO_LABEL));
    ImmutableSet<Label> targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg = ImmutableSet
            .copyOf(Iterables.transform(newlyLoadedPkg.getTargets().values(), TARGET_TO_LABEL));
    if (!targetsInPkg.equals(targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                "The Package for %s had a different set of targets (<targetsInPkg> - "
                        + "<targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg> = %s, <targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg> - <targetsInPkg> = %s) when "
                        + "loaded normally during execution of the current test than it did when loaded via "
                        + "BazelPackageLoader (done automatically by the BazelPackageBuilderHelperForTesting "
                        + "hook). This either means: (i) Skyframe package loading semantics have diverged from "
                        + "BazelPackageLoader semantics (ii) The test in question is doing something that "
                        + "confuses BazelPackageBuilderHelperForTesting.",
                pkgId, Sets.difference(targetsInPkg, targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg),
                Sets.difference(targetsInNewlyLoadedPkg, targetsInPkg)));

From source file:dagger.internal.codegen.DependencyRequestMapper.java

 * Returns the framework class to use for a collection of requests of the same {@link BindingKey}.
 * This allows factories to only take a single argument for multiple requests of the same key.
 *//*ww w.  j  a v a2 s  . c o m*/
Class<?> getFrameworkClass(Iterable<DependencyRequest> requests) {
    ImmutableSet<Class<?>> classes = FluentIterable.from(requests)
            .transform(new Function<DependencyRequest, Class<?>>() {
                public Class<?> apply(DependencyRequest request) {
                    return getFrameworkClass(request);
    if (classes.size() == 1) {
        return getOnlyElement(classes);
    } else if (classes.equals(ImmutableSet.of(Producer.class, Provider.class))) {
        return Provider.class;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Bad set of framework classes: " + classes);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.CxxTestDescription.java

public boolean hasFlavors(ImmutableSet<Flavor> flavors) {

    if (flavors.isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    }/*from   ww  w.  j  a va 2s .  c  om*/

    if (flavors.contains(CxxCompilationDatabase.COMPILATION_DATABASE)) {
        return true;

    if (flavors.contains(CxxCompilationDatabase.UBER_COMPILATION_DATABASE)) {
        return true;

    if (StripStyle.FLAVOR_DOMAIN.containsAnyOf(flavors)) {
        return true;

    if (LinkerMapMode.FLAVOR_DOMAIN.containsAnyOf(flavors)) {
        return true;

    for (Flavor flavor : cxxPlatforms.getFlavors()) {
        if (flavors.equals(ImmutableSet.of(flavor))) {
            return true;

    return false;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.storm.services.MockAnalyticsContext.java

public String getAnalyticsContextSignature(final Optional<DataBucketBean> bucket,
        final Optional<Set<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>>> services) {
    if (_state_name == State.IN_TECHNOLOGY) {
        // Returns a config object containing:
        // - set up for any of the services described
        // - all the rest of the configuration
        // - the bucket bean ID

        final Config full_config = ModuleUtils.getStaticConfig()
                .withoutPath("MongoDbManagementDbService.v1_enabled") // (special workaround for V1 sync service)
        ;/*  w  w  w.j  av a2s  . c o m*/

        final Optional<Config> service_config = PropertiesUtils.getSubConfig(full_config, "service");

        final ImmutableSet<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>> complete_services_set = ImmutableSet
                .<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>>builder()
                .add(Tuples._2T(ICoreDistributedServices.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IManagementDbService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(ISearchIndexService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(ISecurityService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IStorageService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IManagementDbService.class, IManagementDbService.CORE_MANAGEMENT_DB)).build();

        if (_mutable_state.service_manifest_override.isSet()) {
            if (!complete_services_set.equals(_mutable_state.service_manifest_override.get())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.SERVICE_RESTRICTIONS);
        } else {

        final Config config_no_services = full_config.withoutPath("service");

        // Ugh need to add: core deps, core + underlying management db to this list

        final Config service_subset = complete_services_set.stream() // DON'T MAKE PARALLEL SEE BELOW
                .map(clazz_name -> {
                    final String config_path = clazz_name._2()
                    return service_config.get().hasPath(config_path)
                            ? Tuples._2T(config_path, service_config.get().getConfig(config_path))
                            : null;
                }).filter(cfg -> null != cfg).reduce(ConfigFactory.empty(),
                        (acc, k_v) -> acc.withValue(k_v._1(), k_v._2().root()), (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // (This will never be called as long as the above stream is not parallel)

        final Config config_subset_services = config_no_services.withValue("service", service_subset.root());

        final Config last_call = Lambdas
                .get(() -> _mutable_state.library_configs.isSet()
                        ? config_subset_services
                                                        .toJson(new LibraryContainerBean(
                                                                        .filter(kv -> kv.getValue().path_name()
                                                                        .map(kv -> kv.getValue())
                        : config_subset_services)
                                .toJson(bucket.orElseGet(() -> _mutable_state.bucket.get())).toString()))
                .withValue(__MY_TECH_LIBRARY_ID, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(

        final String ret1 = last_call.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
        final String ret = this.getClass().getName() + ":" + ret1;

        this.overrideSavedContext(); // (FOR TESTING ONLY - ie BECAUSE THIS IS MOCK ANALYTIC CONTEXT)

        return ret;
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.TECHNOLOGY_NOT_MODULE);

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.hadoop.services.MockAnalyticsContext.java

public String getAnalyticsContextSignature(final Optional<DataBucketBean> bucket,
        final Optional<Set<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>>> services) {
    if (_state_name == State.IN_TECHNOLOGY) {
        // Returns a config object containing:
        // - set up for any of the services described
        // - all the rest of the configuration
        // - the bucket bean ID

        final Config full_config = ModuleUtils.getStaticConfig()
                .withoutPath("MongoDbManagementDbService.v1_enabled") // (special workaround for V1 sync service)
        ;/*from   ww w .ja  v a  2 s .  c om*/

        final Optional<Config> service_config = PropertiesUtils.getSubConfig(full_config, "service");

        final ImmutableSet<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>> complete_services_set = ImmutableSet
                .<Tuple2<Class<? extends IUnderlyingService>, Optional<String>>>builder()
                .add(Tuples._2T(ICoreDistributedServices.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IManagementDbService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(ISearchIndexService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(ISecurityService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IStorageService.class, Optional.empty()))
                .add(Tuples._2T(IManagementDbService.class, IManagementDbService.CORE_MANAGEMENT_DB)).build();

        if (_mutable_state.service_manifest_override.isSet()) {
            if (!complete_services_set.equals(_mutable_state.service_manifest_override.get())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(HadoopErrorUtils.SERVICE_RESTRICTIONS);
        } else {

        final Config config_no_services = full_config.withoutPath("service");

        // Ugh need to add: core deps, core + underlying management db to this list

        final Config service_subset = complete_services_set.stream() // DON'T MAKE PARALLEL SEE BELOW
                .map(clazz_name -> {
                    final String config_path = clazz_name._2()
                    return service_config.get().hasPath(config_path)
                            ? Tuples._2T(config_path, service_config.get().getConfig(config_path))
                            : null;
                }).filter(cfg -> null != cfg).reduce(ConfigFactory.empty(),
                        (acc, k_v) -> acc.withValue(k_v._1(), k_v._2().root()), (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // (This will never be called as long as the above stream is not parallel)

        final Config config_subset_services = config_no_services.withValue("service", service_subset.root());

        final Config last_call = Lambdas
                .get(() -> _mutable_state.library_configs.isSet()
                        ? config_subset_services
                                                        .toJson(new LibraryContainerBean(
                                                                        .filter(kv -> kv.getValue().path_name()
                                                                        .map(kv -> kv.getValue())
                        : config_subset_services)
                                .toJson(bucket.orElseGet(() -> _mutable_state.bucket.get())).toString()))
                .withValue(__MY_TECH_LIBRARY_ID, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(

        final String ret1 = last_call.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
        final String ret = this.getClass().getName() + ":" + ret1;

        this.overrideSavedContext(); // (FOR TESTING ONLY - ie BECAUSE THIS IS MOCK ANALYTIC CONTEXT)

        return ret;
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(HadoopErrorUtils.TECHNOLOGY_NOT_MODULE);