Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet forEach

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet forEach


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableSet forEach.


default void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) 

Source Link


Performs the given action for each element of the Iterable until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.


From source file:org.obiba.mica.study.service.HarmonizationStudyService.java

protected void saveInternal(final HarmonizationStudy study, String comment, boolean cascade) {
    log.info("Saving harmonization study: {}", study.getId());

    // checks if population and dce are still the same
    String studyId = study.getId();
    if (studyId != null) {
        List<String> list = populationsAffected(study, harmonizationStudyRepository.findOne(study.getId()));
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
            checkPopulationMissingConstraints(studyId, list);
        }//from   ww  w.  j  av a  2  s  .  c o m

    if (study.getLogo() != null && study.getLogo().isJustUploaded()) {

    ImmutableSet<String> invalidRoles = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(study.membershipRoles(),


    HarmonizationStudyState studyState = findEntityState(study, HarmonizationStudyState::new);

    if (!study.isNew())



    if (cascade)

    gitService.save(study, comment);
    eventBus.post(new DraftStudyUpdatedEvent(study));

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.android.aapt2.ProtoResourceUsageAnalyzer.java

 * Calculate and removes unused resource from the {@link ProtoApk}.
 * @param apk An apk in the aapt2 proto format.
 * @param classes The associated classes for the apk.
 * @param destination Where to write the reduced resources.
 * @param keep A list of resource urls to keep, unused or not.
 * @param discard A list of resource urls to always discard.
 *//*  w  ww  . ja  va  2  s .  c  o m*/
public void shrink(ProtoApk apk, Path classes, Path destination, Collection<String> keep,
        Collection<String> discard) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {

    // record resources and manifest
            // First, collect all declarations using the declaration visitor.
            // This allows the model to start with a defined set of resources to build the reference
            // graph on.
            apk.visitResources(new ResourceDeclarationVisitor(model())).toUsageVisitor());


    // Have to give the model xml attributes with keep and discard urls.
    final NamedNodeMap toolAttributes = XmlUtils.parseDocument(String.format(
            "<resources xmlns:tools='http://schemas.android.com/tools' tools:keep='%s'"
                    + " tools:discard='%s'></resources>",
            keep.stream().collect(joining(",")), discard.stream().collect(joining(","))), true)

    for (int i = 0; i < toolAttributes.getLength(); i++) {
        model().recordToolsAttributes((Attr) toolAttributes.item(i));



    // Remove unused.
    final ImmutableSet<Resource> unused = ImmutableSet.copyOf(model().findUnused());

    // ResourceUsageAnalyzer uses the logger to generate the report.
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
    unused.forEach(resource -> logger
            .fine("Deleted unused file " + ((resource.locations != null && resource.locations.getFile() != null)
                    ? resource.locations.getFile().toString()
                    : "<apk>" + " for resource " + resource)));

                    name) -> !unused
                            .contains(Preconditions.checkNotNull(model().getResource(resourceType, name),
                                    "%s/%s was not declared but is copied!", resourceType, name)));

From source file:org.obiba.mica.study.service.IndividualStudyService.java

public void saveInternal(final Study study, String comment, boolean cascade, boolean weightChanged) {
    log.info("Saving study: {}", study.getId());

    // checks if population and dce are still the same
    if (study.getId() != null) {
        List<String> list = populationsOrDceAffected(study, studyRepository.findOne(study.getId()), false);
        if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
        }//from w  ww. ja va2 s .  c o m

    if (study.getLogo() != null && study.getLogo().isJustUploaded()) {

    ImmutableSet<String> invalidRoles = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(study.membershipRoles(),


    StudyState studyState = findEntityState(study, StudyState::new);

    if (!study.isNew())


    if (weightChanged) {


    if (cascade)

    gitService.save(study, comment);
    eventBus.post(new DraftStudyUpdatedEvent(study));

From source file:nextmethod.threading.WaitHandle.java

public boolean set() {
    final ImmutableSet<Thread> threads;
    synchronized (this) {
        checkDisposed();//from  w w  w  .  ja v a2 s  .c  o m

        if (!state.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            return false;
        threads = ImmutableSet.copyOf(waiters);
    return true;

From source file:com.google.errorprone.dataflow.nullnesspropagation.inference.NullnessQualifierInference.java

public Void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void unused) {
    JCMethodInvocation sourceNode = (JCMethodInvocation) node;
    MethodSymbol callee = (MethodSymbol) TreeInfo.symbol(sourceNode.getMethodSelect());

    ImmutableList<TypeAndSymbol> formalParameters = callee.isVarArgs()
            ? expandVarargsToArity(callee.getParameters(), sourceNode.args.size())
            : callee.getParameters().stream().map(var -> TypeAndSymbol.create(var.type, var))

    // Generate constraints for each argument write.
    Streams.forEachPair(formalParameters.stream(), sourceNode.getArguments().stream(), (formal, actual) -> {
        // formal parameter type (no l-val b/c that would wrongly constrain the method return)
        // TODO(b/116977632): constraints for actual parameter type (i.e. after type variable
        // substitution) without ignoring annotations directly on the parameter or vararg
        generateConstraintsForWrite(formal.type(), formal.symbol(), actual, /*lVal=*/ null);
    });//  ww  w.j  av  a  2s .c o m

    // Generate constraints for method return
    generateConstraintsFromAnnotations(sourceNode.type, callee, callee.getReturnType(), sourceNode,
            new ArrayDeque<>());

    // If return type is parameterized by a generic type on receiver, collate references to that
    // generic between the receiver and the result/argument types.
    if (!callee.isStatic() && node.getMethodSelect() instanceof JCFieldAccess) {
        JCFieldAccess fieldAccess = ((JCFieldAccess) node.getMethodSelect());
        for (TypeVariableSymbol tvs : fieldAccess.selected.type.tsym.getTypeParameters()) {
            Type rcvrtype = fieldAccess.selected.type.tsym.type;
            ImmutableSet<InferenceVariable> rcvrReferences = findUnannotatedTypeVarRefs(tvs, rcvrtype,
                    /*decl=*/ null, fieldAccess.selected);
            Type restype = fieldAccess.sym.type.asMethodType().restype;
            // TODO(b/116977632): Propagate constraints for instantiated receiver types as well?
            findUnannotatedTypeVarRefs(tvs, restype, fieldAccess.sym, node).forEach(
                    resRef -> rcvrReferences.forEach(rcvrRef -> qualifierConstraints.putEdge(resRef, rcvrRef)));
            Streams.forEachPair(formalParameters.stream(), node.getArguments().stream(),
                    (formal, actual) -> findUnannotatedTypeVarRefs(tvs, formal.type(), formal.symbol(), actual)
                            .forEach(argRef -> rcvrReferences
                                    .forEach(rcvrRef -> qualifierConstraints.putEdge(argRef, rcvrRef))));

    // Get all references to each typeVar in the return type and formal parameters and relate them
    // in the constraint graph; covariant in the return type, contravariant in the argument types.
    // Annotated type var references override the type var's inferred qualifier, so ignore them.
    // Additionally generate equality constraints between inferred types that are instantiations of
    // type parameters.  For instance, if a method type parameter <T> was instantiated List<String>
    // for a given call site m(x), and T appears in the return type as Optional<T>, then the
    // expression's inferred type will be Optional<List<String>> and we generate constraints to
    // equate T[0] = m(x)[0, 0].  If m's parameter's type is T then the argument type's inferred
    // type is List<String> and we also generate constraints to equate T[0] = x[0], which will
    // allow the inference to conclude later that x[0] = m(x)[0, 0], meaning the nullness qualifier
    // for x's <String> is the same as the one for m(x)'s <String>.
    for (TypeVariableSymbol typeVar : callee.getTypeParameters()) {
        TypeVariableInferenceVar typeVarIV = TypeVariableInferenceVar.create(typeVar, node);
        visitUnannotatedTypeVarRefsAndEquateInferredComponents(typeVarIV, callee.getReturnType(), callee, node,
                iv -> qualifierConstraints.putEdge(typeVarIV, iv));
        Streams.forEachPair(formalParameters.stream(), node.getArguments().stream(),
                (formal, actual) -> visitUnannotatedTypeVarRefsAndEquateInferredComponents(typeVarIV,
                        formal.type(), formal.symbol(), actual,
                        iv -> qualifierConstraints.putEdge(iv, typeVarIV)));
    return super.visitMethodInvocation(node, unused);

From source file:com.facebook.buck.features.project.intellij.IjProjectWriter.java

/** Update the modules.xml file with any new modules from the given set */
private void updateModulesIndex(ImmutableSet<IjModule> modulesEdited) throws IOException {
    final Set<ModuleIndexEntry> existingModules = modulesParser
    final Set<Path> existingModuleFilepaths = existingModules.stream().map(ModuleIndexEntry::getFilePath)
    ImmutableSet<Path> remainingModuleFilepaths = modulesEdited.stream().map(projectPaths::getModuleImlFilePath)
            .filter(modulePath -> !existingModuleFilepaths.contains(modulePath))

    // Merge the existing and new modules into a single sorted set
    ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<ModuleIndexEntry> finalModulesBuilder = ImmutableSortedSet
    // Add the existing definitions
    // Add any new module definitions that we haven't seen yet
    remainingModuleFilepaths.forEach(modulePath -> finalModulesBuilder

    // Write out the merged set to disk

From source file:de.metas.ui.web.window.model.DocumentCollection.java

public void invalidateIncludedDocumentsByRecordId(final String tableName, final int recordId,
        final String childTableName, final int childRecordId) {
    final DocumentId documentId = DocumentId.of(recordId);
    final DocumentId rowId = childRecordId > 0 ? DocumentId.of(childRecordId) : null;

    final Function<DocumentEntityDescriptor, DocumentPath> toDocumentPath;
    if (rowId != null) {
        toDocumentPath = includedEntity -> DocumentPath.includedDocumentPath(includedEntity.getWindowId(),
                documentId, includedEntity.getDetailId(), rowId);
    } else {//from   ww  w. j a  v a  2  s  .c  o m
        // all rows for given tab/detail
        toDocumentPath = includedEntity -> DocumentPath.includedDocumentPath(includedEntity.getWindowId(),
                documentId, includedEntity.getDetailId());

    // Create possible documentKeys for given tableName/recordId
    final ImmutableSet<DocumentPath> documentPaths = getCachedWindowIdsForTableName(tableName).stream()
            .flatMap(rootEntity -> rootEntity.streamIncludedEntitiesByTableName(childTableName))


From source file:com.facebook.buck.ide.intellij.aggregation.AggregationTree.java

private void aggregateModules(AggregationTreeNode parentNode) {
    if (parentNode.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
        return;//from  w  ww  .  jav  a  2  s .  com

    AggregationModule nodeModule = parentNode.getModule();

    if (nodeModule != null && !nodeModule.getModuleType().canBeAggregated()) {

    Path moduleBasePath = parentNode.getModuleBasePath();

    LOG.info("Aggregating module at %s: %s", moduleBasePath, nodeModule);

    String aggregationTag;
    IjModuleType rootModuleType;
    if (nodeModule == null) {
        aggregationTag = findBestAggregationTag(parentNode);
        rootModuleType = null;
    } else {
        aggregationTag = nodeModule.getAggregationTag();
        rootModuleType = nodeModule.getModuleType();

    ImmutableSet<Path> modulePathsToAggregate;
    if (aggregationTag == null) {
        modulePathsToAggregate = parentNode.getChildrenPathsByModuleType(IjModuleType.UNKNOWN_MODULE);
        if (modulePathsToAggregate.isEmpty()) {
        rootModuleType = IjModuleType.UNKNOWN_MODULE;
    } else {
        modulePathsToAggregate = parentNode.getChildrenPathsByModuleTypeOrTag(IjModuleType.UNKNOWN_MODULE,

        if (rootModuleType == null) {
            rootModuleType = parentNode.getChild(modulePathsToAggregate.iterator().next()).getModule()

    ImmutableSet<Path> excludes = findExcludes(parentNode, modulePathsToAggregate);

    List<AggregationModule> modulesToAggregate = modulePathsToAggregate.stream().map(parentNode::getChild)


    if (nodeModule == null) {
        parentNode.setModule(ModuleAggregator.aggregate(moduleBasePath, rootModuleType,
                aggregationTag == null ? modulesToAggregate.iterator().next().getAggregationTag()
                        : aggregationTag,
                modulesToAggregate, excludes));
    } else {
        parentNode.setModule(ModuleAggregator.aggregate(nodeModule, modulesToAggregate, excludes));
    LOG.info("Module after aggregation: %s", parentNode.getModule());