Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables getLast.


public static <T> T getLast(Iterable<T> iterable) 

Source Link


Returns the last element of iterable .


From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.value.refiner.utils.ErrorPathClassifier.java

private ARGPath obtainRefinementRootHeuristicBasedPrefix(List<ARGPath> pPrefixes,
        ErrorPathPrefixPreference preference, ARGPath originalErrorPath) {
    if (!classification.isPresent()) {
        return concatPrefixes(pPrefixes);
    }/*from ww  w . j a v a 2  s.  c  o  m*/

    MutableARGPath currentErrorPath = new MutableARGPath();
    Long bestScore = null;
    int bestIndex = 0;

    for (ARGPath currentPrefix : pPrefixes) {
        assert (Iterables.getLast(currentPrefix.asEdgesList()).getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge);


        // gets the score for the prefix of how "local" it is
        AssumptionUseDefinitionCollector collector = new InitialAssumptionUseDefinitionCollector();
        Long score = Long.valueOf(collector.getDependenciesResolvedOffset() * (-1));

        if (preference.scorer.apply(Triple.of(score, bestScore, currentErrorPath.size()))) {
            bestScore = score;
            bestIndex = pPrefixes.indexOf(currentPrefix);

    return buildPath(bestIndex, pPrefixes, originalErrorPath);

From source file:org.jetbrains.jet.plugin.parameterInfo.JetFunctionParameterInfoHandler.java

public void updateUI(Pair<? extends FunctionDescriptor, ResolveSessionForBodies> itemToShow,
        ParameterInfoUIContext context) {
    //todo: when we will have ability to pass Array as vararg, implement such feature here too?
    if (context == null || context.getParameterOwner() == null || !context.getParameterOwner().isValid()) {
        return;//w ww .jav  a  2 s  . co m

    PsiElement parameterOwner = context.getParameterOwner();
    if (!(parameterOwner instanceof JetValueArgumentList)) {

    JetValueArgumentList argumentList = (JetValueArgumentList) parameterOwner;

    FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor = itemToShow.first;
    ResolveSessionForBodies resolveSession = itemToShow.second;

    List<ValueParameterDescriptor> valueParameters = functionDescriptor.getValueParameters();
    List<JetValueArgument> valueArguments = argumentList.getArguments();

    int currentParameterIndex = context.getCurrentParameterIndex();
    int boldStartOffset = -1;
    int boldEndOffset = -1;
    boolean isGrey = false;
    boolean isDeprecated = KotlinBuiltIns.getInstance().isDeprecated(functionDescriptor);

    boolean[] usedIndexes = new boolean[valueParameters.size()];
    Arrays.fill(usedIndexes, false);

    boolean namedMode = false;

    if (!isIndexValid(valueParameters, currentParameterIndex)) {
        isGrey = true;

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    PsiElement owner = context.getParameterOwner();
    BindingContext bindingContext = resolveSession.resolveToElement((JetElement) owner);

    for (int i = 0; i < valueParameters.size(); ++i) {
        if (i != 0) {
            builder.append(", ");

        boolean highlightParameter = i == currentParameterIndex || (!namedMode && i < currentParameterIndex
                && Iterables.getLast(valueParameters).getVarargElementType() != null);

        if (highlightParameter) {
            boldStartOffset = builder.length();

        if (!namedMode) {
            if (valueArguments.size() > i) {
                JetValueArgument argument = valueArguments.get(i);
                if (argument.isNamed()) {
                    namedMode = true;
                } else {
                    ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(i);
                    builder.append(renderParameter(param, false, bindingContext));
                    if (i <= currentParameterIndex && !isArgumentTypeValid(bindingContext, argument, param)) {
                        isGrey = true;
                    usedIndexes[i] = true;
            } else {
                ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(i);
                builder.append(renderParameter(param, false, bindingContext));

        if (namedMode) {
            boolean takeAnyArgument = true;
            if (valueArguments.size() > i) {
                JetValueArgument argument = valueArguments.get(i);
                if (argument.isNamed()) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < valueParameters.size(); ++j) {
                        JetSimpleNameExpression referenceExpression = argument.getArgumentName()
                        ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(j);
                        if (referenceExpression != null && !usedIndexes[j]
                                && param.getName().equals(referenceExpression.getReferencedNameAsName())) {
                            takeAnyArgument = false;
                            usedIndexes[j] = true;
                            builder.append(renderParameter(param, true, bindingContext));
                            if (i < currentParameterIndex
                                    && !isArgumentTypeValid(bindingContext, argument, param)) {
                                isGrey = true;

            if (takeAnyArgument) {
                if (i < currentParameterIndex) {
                    isGrey = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < valueParameters.size(); ++j) {
                    ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(j);
                    if (!usedIndexes[j]) {
                        usedIndexes[j] = true;
                        builder.append(renderParameter(param, true, bindingContext));

        if (highlightParameter) {
            boldEndOffset = builder.length();

    if (valueParameters.size() == 0) {

    assert !builder.toString()
            .isEmpty() : "A message about 'no parameters' or some parameters should be present: "
                    + functionDescriptor;

    Color color = isResolvedToDescriptor(argumentList, functionDescriptor, bindingContext) ? GREEN_BACKGROUND
            : context.getDefaultParameterColor();
    context.setupUIComponentPresentation(builder.toString(), boldStartOffset, boldEndOffset, isGrey,
            isDeprecated, false, color);

From source file:org.lamport.tla.toolbox.jcloud.CloudDistributedTLCJob.java

protected IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    monitor.beginTask("Starting TLC model checker in the cloud", 90 + (nodes > 1 ? 20 : 0));
    // Validate credentials and fail fast if null or syntactically incorrect
    if (!params.validateCredentials().equals(Status.OK_STATUS)) {
        return params.validateCredentials();
    }// ww w .  ja va2s  .c o  m

    ComputeServiceContext context = null;
    try {
        // Tweak tla2tools in a background thread. It takes a couple of seconds to run
        // pack200 to shrink the files size but we can lookup or launch a cloud instance
        // in the meantime.
        monitor.subTask("Tweaking tla2tools.jar to contain the spec & model (in background)");
        final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
        final Future<Payload> future = executor.submit(() -> {
            return PayloadHelper.appendModel2Jar(modelPath, props.getProperty(TLCJobFactory.MAIN_CLASS), props,
        // User has canceled the job, thus stop it (there will be more
        // cancelled checks down below).
        if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

        // example of specific properties, in this case optimizing image
        // list to only amazon supplied
        final Properties properties = new Properties();

        // Create compute environment in the cloud and inject an ssh
        // implementation. ssh is our means of communicating with the node.
        final Iterable<AbstractModule> modules = ImmutableSet.<AbstractModule>of(new SshjSshClientModule(),
                isCLI ? new ConsoleLoggingModule() : new SLF4JLoggingModule());

        final ContextBuilder builder = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(params.getCloudProvider())
                .credentials(params.getIdentity(), params.getCredentials()).modules(modules)

        monitor.subTask("Initializing " + builder.getApiMetadata().getName());
        context = builder.buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);
        final ComputeService compute = context.getComputeService();
        if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

        //TODO Support instance reuse with Cloud distributed TLC.
        monitor.subTask("Looking for resusable nodes to quick-start model checking");
        final Set<NodeMetadata> createNodesInGroup = nodes > 1 ? new HashSet<>()
                : findReusableNodes(compute, monitor);
        if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
        } else if (createNodesInGroup.isEmpty()) {
            createNodesInGroup.addAll(provisionNodes(compute, monitor));
            if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
                return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
        } else {
            // skipped provisionNodes(...) which takes 35 steps.

        // Choose one of the nodes to be the master and create an
        // identifying predicate.
        final NodeMetadata master = Iterables.getLast(createNodesInGroup);
        final String hostname = Iterables.getOnlyElement(master.getPublicAddresses()); // master.getHostname() only returns internal name

        // Copy tlatools.jar to _one_ remote host (do not exhaust upload of
        // the machine running the toolbox).
        // TODO Share the tla2tools.jar with the worker nodes by making it
        // available on the master's webserver for the clients to download.
        // On the other hand this means we are making the spec
        // world-readable. It is cloud-readable already through the RMI api.
        monitor.subTask("Copying tla2tools.jar to master node at " + hostname);
        SshClient sshClient = context.utils().sshForNode().apply(master);
        sshClient.put("/tmp/tla2tools.pack.gz", future.get());
        if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
            return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

        final String tlcMasterCommand = " shutdown -c && rm -rf /mnt/tlc/* && " // Cancel and remove any pending shutdown and leftovers from previous runs.
                + "cd /mnt/tlc/ && "
                // Decompress tla2tools.pack.gz
                + "unpack200 /tmp/tla2tools.pack.gz /tmp/tla2tools.jar" + " && "
                // Execute TLC (java) process inside screen
                // and shutdown on TLC's completion. But
                // detach from screen directly. Name screen 
                // session "tlc".
                // (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/10126799)
                + (isCLI ? "" : "screen -dm -S tlc bash -c \" ")
                // This requires a modified version where all parameters and
                // all spec modules are stored in files in a model/ folder
                // inside of the jar.
                // This is done in anticipation of other cloud providers
                // where one cannot easily pass in parameters on the command
                // line because there is no command line.
                + "java " + params.getJavaVMArgs() + " " + (doJfr ? params.getFlightRecording() + " " : "")
                // Write all tmp files to the ephemeral instance
                // storage which is expected to have a higher IOPS
                // compared to non-local storage.
                + "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/mnt/tlc/ "
                // These properties cannot be "backed" into
                // the payload jar as java itself does not 
                // support this.
                // It might be able to read the properties from 
                // the config file with 'com.sun.management.config.file=path',
                // but I haven't tried if the path can point into the jar.
                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote " + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5400 "
                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false "
                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false "
                // TLC tuning options
                + params.getJavaSystemProperties() + " " + "-jar /tmp/tla2tools.jar "
                + params.getTLCParameters() + " " + (isCLI ? "|& tee /mnt/tlc/MC.out " : "") + "&& "
                // Run any cloud specific cleanup tasks.
                // When CloudDistributedTLCJob runs in synchronous CLI mode (isCLI), it will destroy
                // the VMs (nodes) via the jclouds API. No need to deallocate nodes
                // via special logic.
                + (isCLI ? "/bin/true" : params.getCloudAPIShutdown()) + " && "
                // Let the machine power down immediately after
                // finishing model checking to cut costs. However,
                // do not shut down (hence "&&") when TLC finished
                // with an error.
                // It uses "sudo" because the script is explicitly
                // run as a user. No need to run the TLC process as
                // root.
                + "sudo shutdown -h +" + SHUTDOWN_AFTER + (isCLI ? "" : "\""); // closing opening '"' of screen/bash -c
        if (isCLI) {
            monitor.subTask("Starting TLC model checker process");
            // Execute command via ssh instead of as a script to get access to the TLC
            // processes' stdout and stderr.
            //TODO Better handle error case.
            ExecChannel channel = sshClient.execChannel(tlcMasterCommand);
            // Send remote TLC's stdout to local stdout (this throws a TransportException
            // unless shutdown is postponed by a few minutes above).
            ByteStreams.copy(channel.getOutput(), System.out);
            if (doJfr) {
                // Get Java Flight Recording from remote machine and save if to a local file in
                // the current working directory. We call "cat" because sftclient#get fails with
                // the old net.schmizz.sshj and an update to the newer com.hierynomus seems 
                // awful lot of work.
                channel = sshClient.execChannel("cat /mnt/tlc/tlc.jfr");
                final InputStream output = channel.getOutput();
                final String cwd = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString() + File.separator;
                final File jfr = new File(cwd + "tlc.jfr");
                ByteStreams.copy(output, new FileOutputStream(jfr));
                if (jfr.length() == 0) {
                    System.err.println("Received empty Java Flight recording. Not creating tlc.jfr file");
            // Finally close the ssh connection.
            monitor.subTask("TLC model checker process finished");
            // Eagerly destroy the instance after we pulled the tlc.jfr file from it. No
            // point in waiting for shutdown -h +10 to shutdown the instance.
            destroyNodes(context, groupNameUUID);
        } else {

            // Run model checker master on master
            monitor.subTask("Starting TLC model checker process on the master node (in background)");
            final ExecResponse response = compute.runScriptOnNode(master.getId(), exec(tlcMasterCommand),
                    new TemplateOptions().overrideLoginCredentials(master.getCredentials()).runAsRoot(false)
            throwExceptionOnErrorResponse(master, response,
                    "Starting TLC model checker process on the master node");

            if (nodes > 1) {
                // The predicate will be applied to ALL instances owned by the
                // cloud account (ie AWS), even the ones in different regions
                // completely unrelated to TLC.
                final Predicate<NodeMetadata> isMaster = new Predicate<NodeMetadata>() {
                    private final String masterHostname = master.getHostname();

                    public boolean apply(NodeMetadata nodeMetadata) {
                        // hostname can be null if instance is terminated.
                        final String hostname = nodeMetadata.getHostname();
                        return masterHostname.equals(hostname);
                // copy the tla2tools.jar to the root of the master's webserver
                // to make it available to workers. However, strip the spec
                // (*.tla/*.cfg/...) from the jar file to not share the spec
                // with the world.
                monitor.subTask("Make TLC code available to all worker node(s)");
                Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> execResponse = compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(
                        exec("cp /tmp/tla2tools.jar /var/www/html/tla2tools.jar && "
                                + "zip -d /var/www/html/tla2tools.jar model/*.tla model/*.cfg model/generated.properties"),
                        new TemplateOptions().runAsRoot(true).wrapInInitScript(false));
                throwExceptionOnErrorResponse(execResponse, "Make TLC code available to all worker node");
                if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
                    return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;

                // The predicate will be applied to ALL instances owned by the
                // AWS account, even the ones in different regions completely
                // unrelated to TLC.
                final Predicate<NodeMetadata> onWorkers = new Predicate<NodeMetadata>() {
                    // Remove the master from the set of our nodes.
                    private final Iterable<? extends NodeMetadata> workers = Iterables
                            .filter(createNodesInGroup, new Predicate<NodeMetadata>() {
                                private final String masterHostname = master.getHostname();

                                public boolean apply(NodeMetadata nodeMetadata) {
                                    // nodeMetadata.getHostname is null for terminated hosts.
                                    return !masterHostname.equals(nodeMetadata.getHostname());

                    public boolean apply(NodeMetadata nodeMetadata) {
                        return Iterables.contains(workers, nodeMetadata);

                // see master startup for comments
                monitor.subTask("Starting TLC workers on the remaining node(s) (in background)");
                final String privateHostname = Iterables.getOnlyElement(master.getPrivateAddresses());
                execResponse = compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(onWorkers,
                        exec("cd /mnt/tlc/ && " + "wget http://" + privateHostname + "/tla2tools.jar && "
                                + "screen -dm -S tlc bash -c \" " + "java " + params.getJavaWorkerVMArgs() + " "
                                + "-Djava.io.tmpdir=/mnt/tlc/ " + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote "
                                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=5400 "
                                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false "
                                + "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false "
                                + params.getJavaWorkerSystemProperties() + " " + "-cp /mnt/tlc/tla2tools.jar "
                                + params.getTLCWorkerParameters() + " " + privateHostname + " " // Use host's internal ip due to firewall reasons.
                                + "&& "
                                // Terminate regardless of TLCWorker process
                                // exit value. E.g. TLCWorker can terminate due
                                // to a NoRouteToHostException when the master
                                // shut down caused by a violation among the
                                // init states.
                                // Run any cloud specific cleanup tasks.
                                + params.getCloudAPIShutdown() + " && " + "sudo shutdown -h now" + "\""),
                        new TemplateOptions().runAsRoot(false).wrapInInitScript(true).blockOnComplete(false)
                throwExceptionOnErrorResponse(execResponse, "Starting TLC workers");


        // Get the output from the remote instance and attach the corresponding
        // InputStream to the CloudStatus. A UI can then read the InputStream and show
        // the output of the TLC process to a user. The SSH connection automatically
        // terminates when the TLC process finishes.
        // https://askubuntu.com/questions/509881/tail-reading-an-entire-file-and-then-following         
        ExecChannel execChannel = null;
        if (!isCLI) {
            execChannel = sshClient
                    .execChannel("tail -q -f -n +1 /mnt/tlc/MC.out --pid $(pgrep -f tla2tools.jar)");

        // Communicate result to user
        return new CloudStatus(Status.OK, "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.jcloud", Status.OK,
                        "TLC is model checking at host %s. "
                                + "Expect to receive an email at %s with the model checking result eventually.",
                        hostname, props.get("result.mail.address")),
                null, new URL("http://" + hostname + "/munin/"),
                execChannel == null ? null : execChannel.getOutput(), sshClient);
    } catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException | RunNodesException | IOException
            | RunScriptOnNodesException | NoSuchElementException | AuthorizationException | SshException e) {
        if (context != null) {
            destroyNodes(context, groupNameUUID);
        // signal error to caller
        return new Status(Status.ERROR, "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.jcloud", e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (ScriptException e) {
        if (context != null) {
            destroyNodes(context, groupNameUUID);
        // signal error to caller
        return new Status(Status.ERROR, "org.lamport.tla.toolbox.jcloud", e.getTitle(), e);
    } finally {
        if (context != null) {
            // The user has canceled the Toolbox job, take this as a request
            // to destroy all nodes this job has created.
            if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
                destroyNodes(context, groupNameUUID);

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.TypeParameterNaming.java

private static String suggestedNameFollowedWithT(String identifier) {

    // Some early checks:
    // TFoo => FooT
    if (identifier.length() > 2 && identifier.charAt(0) == 'T' && Ascii.isUpperCase(identifier.charAt(1))
            && Ascii.isLowerCase(identifier.charAt(2))) {
        // splitToLowercaseTerms thinks "TFooBar" is ["tfoo", "bar"], so we remove "t", have it parse
        // as ["foo", "bar"], then staple "t" back on the end.
        ImmutableList<String> tokens = NamingConventions.splitToLowercaseTerms(identifier.substring(1));
        return Streams.concat(tokens.stream(), Stream.of("T")).map(TypeParameterNaming::upperCamelToken)
    }/*w  w  w .j  ava2 s  .  c o m*/

    ImmutableList<String> tokens = NamingConventions.splitToLowercaseTerms(identifier);

    // UPPERCASE => UppercaseT
    if (tokens.size() == 1) {
        String token = tokens.get(0);
        if (Ascii.toUpperCase(token).equals(identifier)) {
            return upperCamelToken(token) + "T";

    // FooType => FooT
    if (Iterables.getLast(tokens).equals("type")) {
        return Streams.concat(tokens.subList(0, tokens.size() - 1).stream(), Stream.of("T"))

    return identifier + "T";

From source file:de.cismet.cids.jsonpatch.operation.cidsbean.AddOperation.java

 * DOCUMENT ME!//from   w w w  .  j ava  2 s .  c om
 * @param   parentBean  DOCUMENT ME!
 * @throws  JsonPatchException  DOCUMENT ME!
protected void addToObject(final CidsBean parentBean) throws JsonPatchException {
    final String property = Iterables.getLast(path).getToken().getRaw();

    final ObjectAttribute objectAttribute = parentBean.getMetaObject().getAttributeByFieldName(property);
    if (objectAttribute == null) {
        LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.noSuchProperty") + ": " + this.path.toString());
        throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.noSuchProperty"));

    final Object valueObject = UTILS.deserializeAndVerifyCidsBean(this.value);
    if (CidsBean.class.isAssignableFrom(valueObject.getClass())) {
        if (!objectAttribute.getMai().isForeignKey()) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyValueMissmatch") + ": "
                    + "cids bean provided but not expected at " + this.path.toString());
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyValueMissmatch"));

        if (!this.overwrite && (parentBean.getProperty(property) != null)) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty") + ": " + property);
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty"));

        try {
            parentBean.setProperty(property, (CidsBean) valueObject);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.setPropertyFailed") + ": " + property, ex);
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.setPropertyFailed"), ex);
    } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(valueObject.getClass())) {
        final List<CidsBean> beanCollectionProperty = parentBean.getBeanCollectionProperty(property);
        if (!objectAttribute.getMai().isArray() || (beanCollectionProperty == null)) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyValueMissmatch") + ": "
                    + "cids bean array provided but not expected at " + this.path.toString());
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyValueMissmatch"));

        if (!this.overwrite && !beanCollectionProperty.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty") + ": array " + property
                    + "size: " + beanCollectionProperty.size());
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty"));
        } else if (this.overwrite) {
            beanCollectionProperty.addAll((List<CidsBean>) valueObject);
        } else {
            beanCollectionProperty.addAll((List<CidsBean>) valueObject);
    } else if (ValueNode.class.isAssignableFrom(valueObject.getClass())) {
        if (!this.overwrite && (parentBean.getProperty(property) != null)) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty") + ": " + property);
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.propertyNotEmpty"));

        final Class attrClass = BlacklistClassloading.forName(objectAttribute.getMai().getJavaclassname());
        if (attrClass == null) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.noSuchProperty") + ": " + this.path.toString());
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.noSuchProperty"));

        final ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) valueObject;

        try {
            if (valueNode.isNumber()) {
                if (attrClass.equals(Integer.class)) {
                    final int i = valueNode.asInt();
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, i);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(Long.class)) {
                    final long l = valueNode.asLong();
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, l);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(Float.class)) {
                    final float f = (float) valueNode.asDouble();
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, f);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(Double.class)) {
                    final double d = valueNode.asDouble();
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, d);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(java.sql.Timestamp.class)) {
                    final Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(valueNode.asLong());
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, ts);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(BigDecimal.class)) {
                    final BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(valueNode.asText());
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, bd);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("no numeric handler available for class " + attrClass.getSimpleName());
            } else if (valueNode.isBoolean()) {
                final boolean bl = valueNode.asBoolean();
                parentBean.setProperty(property, bl);
            } else if (valueNode.isMissingNode() || NullNode.class.isAssignableFrom(valueNode.getClass())) {
                parentBean.setProperty(property, null);
            } else if (valueNode.isTextual()) {
                final String str = valueNode.textValue();
                if (attrClass.equals(Geometry.class)) {
                    final Geometry geom = UTILS.fromEwkt(str);
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, geom);
                } else if (attrClass.equals(String.class)) {
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, str);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.warn("expected geometry or string property but got " + attrClass.getSimpleName());
                    parentBean.setProperty(property, str);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("no handler available for value " + valueNode.toString());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.setPropertyFailed") + ": " + property, ex);
            throw new JsonPatchException(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString("jsonPatch.setPropertyFailed"), ex);

From source file:com.google.gerrit.server.index.ChangeSchemas.java

public static Schema<ChangeData> getLatest() {
    return Iterables.getLast(ALL.values());

From source file:org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.parameterInfo.JetFunctionParameterInfoHandler.java

public void updateUI(Pair<? extends FunctionDescriptor, ResolutionFacade> itemToShow,
        @NotNull ParameterInfoUIContext context) {
    //todo: when we will have ability to pass Array as vararg, implement such feature here too?
    if (context == null || context.getParameterOwner() == null || !context.getParameterOwner().isValid()) {
        return;/*from w w  w.j a v a  2s.  c om*/

    PsiElement parameterOwner = context.getParameterOwner();
    if (!(parameterOwner instanceof JetValueArgumentList)) {

    JetValueArgumentList argumentList = (JetValueArgumentList) parameterOwner;

    FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor = itemToShow.first;
    ResolutionFacade resolutionFacade = itemToShow.second;

    List<ValueParameterDescriptor> valueParameters = functionDescriptor.getValueParameters();
    List<JetValueArgument> valueArguments = argumentList.getArguments();

    int currentParameterIndex = context.getCurrentParameterIndex();
    int boldStartOffset = -1;
    int boldEndOffset = -1;
    boolean isGrey = false;
    boolean isDeprecated = KotlinBuiltIns.isDeprecated(functionDescriptor);

    boolean[] usedIndexes = new boolean[valueParameters.size()];
    Arrays.fill(usedIndexes, false);

    boolean namedMode = false;

    if (!isIndexValid(valueParameters, currentParameterIndex)) {
        isGrey = true;

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

    PsiElement owner = context.getParameterOwner();
    BindingContext bindingContext = resolutionFacade.analyze((JetElement) owner, BodyResolveMode.FULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < valueParameters.size(); ++i) {
        if (i != 0) {
            builder.append(", ");

        boolean highlightParameter = i == currentParameterIndex || (!namedMode && i < currentParameterIndex
                && Iterables.getLast(valueParameters).getVarargElementType() != null);

        if (highlightParameter) {
            boldStartOffset = builder.length();

        if (!namedMode) {
            if (valueArguments.size() > i) {
                JetValueArgument argument = valueArguments.get(i);
                if (argument.isNamed()) {
                    namedMode = true;
                } else {
                    ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(i);
                    builder.append(renderParameter(param, false));
                    if (i <= currentParameterIndex && !isArgumentTypeValid(bindingContext, argument, param)) {
                        isGrey = true;
                    usedIndexes[i] = true;
            } else {
                ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(i);
                builder.append(renderParameter(param, false));

        if (namedMode) {
            boolean takeAnyArgument = true;
            if (valueArguments.size() > i) {
                JetValueArgument argument = valueArguments.get(i);
                if (argument.isNamed()) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < valueParameters.size(); ++j) {
                        JetSimpleNameExpression referenceExpression = argument.getArgumentName()
                        ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(j);
                        if (referenceExpression != null && !usedIndexes[j]
                                && param.getName().equals(referenceExpression.getReferencedNameAsName())) {
                            takeAnyArgument = false;
                            usedIndexes[j] = true;
                            builder.append(renderParameter(param, true));
                            if (i < currentParameterIndex
                                    && !isArgumentTypeValid(bindingContext, argument, param)) {
                                isGrey = true;

            if (takeAnyArgument) {
                if (i < currentParameterIndex) {
                    isGrey = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < valueParameters.size(); ++j) {
                    ValueParameterDescriptor param = valueParameters.get(j);
                    if (!usedIndexes[j]) {
                        usedIndexes[j] = true;
                        builder.append(renderParameter(param, true));

        if (highlightParameter) {
            boldEndOffset = builder.length();

    if (valueParameters.size() == 0) {

    assert !builder.toString()
            .isEmpty() : "A message about 'no parameters' or some parameters should be present: "
                    + functionDescriptor;

    Color color = isResolvedToDescriptor(argumentList, functionDescriptor, bindingContext) ? GREEN_BACKGROUND
            : context.getDefaultParameterColor();
    context.setupUIComponentPresentation(builder.toString(), boldStartOffset, boldEndOffset, isGrey,
            isDeprecated, false, color);

From source file:com.google.javascript.jscomp.CrossChunkReferenceCollector.java

private static <T> T peek(List<T> list) {
    return Iterables.getLast(list);

From source file:org.tensorflow.tensorboard.vulcanize.Vulcanize.java

private static Webpath me() {
    return Iterables.getLast(stack);

From source file:org.opendaylight.groupbasedpolicy.renderer.ofoverlay.sf.ChainAction.java

public List<ActionBuilder> updateAction(List<ActionBuilder> actions, Map<String, Object> params, Integer order,
        NetworkElements netElements, PolicyPair policyPair, OfWriter ofWriter, OfContext ctx,
        Direction direction) {/*w w  w . j a  va2 s  .  c  om*/
     * Get the named chain
    String chainName = null;
    if (params != null) {
        LOG.debug("updateAction: Searching for named chain");
        for (String name : params.keySet()) {
            if (name.equals(ChainActionDefinition.SFC_CHAIN_NAME)) {
                chainName = (String) params.get(name);
                if (chainName == null) {
                    LOG.error("updateAction: Chain name was null");
                    return null;
    } else {
        LOG.error("updateAction: Parameters null for chain action");
        return null;

    if (chainName == null) {
        LOG.error("updateAction: Chain name was null");
        return null;

    Long returnVnId;

     * If path is symmetrical then there are two RSPs.
     * if srcEp is in consumer EPG use "rspName"
     * else srcEp is in provider EPG, "rspName-Reverse".
    ServiceFunctionPath sfcPath = getSfcPath(new SfcName(chainName));
    if (sfcPath == null || sfcPath.getName() == null) {
        LOG.error("updateAction: SFC Path was invalid. Either null or name was null.", sfcPath);
        return null;
    // TODO Need helper function to get getTenantName() that returns Name or UUID if Name is
    // null

    String tenantName = netElements.getSrcEp().getTenant().getValue();
    // Find existing RSP based on following naming convention, else create it.
    RspName rspName = new RspName(sfcPath.getName().getValue() + tenantName + "-gbp-rsp");
    ReadOnlyTransaction rTx = ctx.getDataBroker().newReadOnlyTransaction();
    RenderedServicePath renderedServicePath;
    RenderedServicePath rsp = getRspByName(rspName, rTx);
    returnVnId = (long) resolveTunnelId(netElements, false);
    if (rsp == null) {
        renderedServicePath = createRsp(sfcPath, rspName);
        if (renderedServicePath != null) {
            LOG.info("updateAction: Could not find RSP {} for Chain {}, created.", rspName, chainName);
        } else {
            LOG.error("updateAction: Could not create RSP {} for Chain {}", rspName, chainName);
            return null;
    } else {
        renderedServicePath = rsp;

    try {
        if (sfcPath.isSymmetric() && direction.equals(Direction.Out)) {
            rspName = new RspName(rspName.getValue() + "-Reverse");
            rsp = getRspByName(rspName, rTx);
            returnVnId = (long) resolveTunnelId(netElements, true);
            if (rsp == null) {
                LOG.info("updateAction: Could not find Reverse RSP {} for Chain {}", rspName, chainName);
                renderedServicePath = createSymmetricRsp(renderedServicePath);
                if (renderedServicePath == null) {
                    LOG.error("updateAction: Could not create RSP {} for Chain {}", rspName, chainName);
                    return null;
            } else {
                renderedServicePath = rsp;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("updateAction: Attempting to determine if srcEp {} was consumer.",
                netElements.getSrcEp().getKey(), e);
        return null;

    RenderedServicePathFirstHop rspFirstHop = SfcProviderRenderedPathAPI
    if (!isValidRspFirstHop(rspFirstHop)) {
        // Errors logged in method.
        return null;

    NodeId tunnelDestNodeId = netElements.getDstNodeId();

    IpAddress tunnelDest = ctx.getSwitchManager().getTunnelIP(tunnelDestNodeId, TunnelTypeVxlanGpe.class);
    if (tunnelDest == null || tunnelDest.getIpv4Address() == null) {
        LOG.error("updateAction: Invalid tunnelDest for NodeId: {}", tunnelDestNodeId);
        return null;

    RenderedServicePathHop firstRspHop = renderedServicePath.getRenderedServicePathHop().get(0);
    RenderedServicePathHop lastRspHop = Iterables.getLast(renderedServicePath.getRenderedServicePathHop());
    SfcNshHeader sfcNshHeader = new SfcNshHeaderBuilder().setNshTunIpDst(rspFirstHop.getIp().getIpv4Address())
            .setNshNsiFromChain((short) (lastRspHop.getServiceIndex().intValue() - 1))

    // Cannot set all actions here. Some actions are destination specific, and we don't know
    // a destination is to be
    // chained until we reach this point. Need to write match/action in External Table for
    // chained packets.
    actions = addActionBuilder(actions, nxSetNsiAction(sfcNshHeader.getNshNsiToChain()), order);
    actions = addActionBuilder(actions, nxSetNspAction(sfcNshHeader.getNshNspToChain()), order);
    createChainTunnelFlows(sfcNshHeader, netElements, ofWriter, ctx);
    return actions;