Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterators consumingIterator

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterators consumingIterator


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterators consumingIterator.


public static <T> Iterator<T> consumingIterator(final Iterator<T> iterator) 

Source Link


Returns a view of the supplied iterator that removes each element from the supplied iterator as it is returned.


From source file:com.threerings.nio.SelectorIterable.java

public Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator() {
    return Iterators.consumingIterator(select().iterator());

From source file:org.apache.fluo.recipes.core.export.ExportObserverImpl.java

public void process(TransactionBase tx, Bytes row, Column col) throws Exception {
    ExportBucket bucket = new ExportBucket(tx, row);

    Bytes continueRow = bucket.getContinueRow();

    Iterator<ExportEntry> input = bucket.getExportIterator(continueRow);
    MemLimitIterator memLimitIter = new MemLimitIterator(input, memLimit, 8 + queueId.length());

    Iterator<SequencedExport<K, V>> exportIterator = Iterators.transform(memLimitIter,
            ee -> new SequencedExport<>(serializer.deserialize(ee.key, keyType),
                    serializer.deserialize(ee.value, valType), ee.seq));

    exportIterator = Iterators.consumingIterator(exportIterator);

    exporter.export(exportIterator);/*from  www  .  j  av a  2s . c  o  m*/

    if (input.hasNext() || continueRow != null) {
        // not everything was processed so notify self OR new data may have been inserted above the
        // continue row

    if (input.hasNext()) {
        if (!memLimitIter.hasNext()) {
            // stopped because of mem limit... set continue key
            continueRow = null;

    if (continueRow != null) {

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.algorithm.testgen.pathanalysis.BasicPathSelector.java

public PredicatePathAnalysisResult findNewFeasiblePathUsingPredicates(final ARGPath pExecutedPath,
        ReachedSet reachedStates) throws CPAException, InterruptedException {
    /*//from   w ww  .  java 2 s. com
     * create copy of the given path, because it will be modified with this algorithm.
     * represents the current new valid path.
    MutableARGPath newARGPath = pExecutedPath.mutableCopy();
    PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo(newARGPath.size());
    //    ARGPath newARGPathView = Collections.unmodifiableList(newARGPath);
     * only by edge representation of the new path.
    List<CFAEdge> newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
     * element removed from the path in the previous iteration
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> lastElement = null;
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> currentElement;
     * this is a variation of the solve_path_constraint(..., path_constraint, stack) function of DART.
     * create a descending consuming iterator to iterate through the path from last to first, while consuming elements.
     * Elements are consumed because the new path is a subpath of the original.
    Iterator<Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge>> descendingPathElements = Iterators
    while (descendingPathElements.hasNext()) {
        currentElement = descendingPathElements.next();
        CFAEdge edge = currentElement.getSecond();
        //handle last node of the given path. (should never be a decision node, so we skip it)
        if (edge == null) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
        pathValidator.handleNext(pathInfo, edge);

        CFANode node = edge.getPredecessor();
        //num of leaving edges does not include a summary edge, so the check is valid.
        if (node.getNumLeavingEdges() != 2) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
         * current node is a branching / deciding node. select the edge that isn't represented
         * with the current path.
        CFANode decidingNode = node;
        CFAEdge wrongEdge = edge;

         * (DART: negate the path constraint)
        Optional<CFAEdge> otherEdge = CFAUtils2.getAlternativeLeavingEdge(decidingNode, wrongEdge);
        //no edge found should not happen because we filtered nodes such that only those with more than one leaving edge encounter this.; If it does make it visible.
        assert otherEdge.isPresent();

         * (DART: the j = pathLength-1 case)
        if (pathValidator.isVisitedBranching(newARGPath, currentElement, node, otherEdge.get())) {
                    "Branch on path was handled in an earlier iteration -> skipping branching.");
            lastElement = currentElement;
            pathValidator.handleVisitedBranching(newARGPath, currentElement);

        if (lastElement == null) {
             * if the last element is not set, we encountered a branching node where both paths are infeasible
             * for the current value mapping or both successors were handled already with a previous iteration.
             * (the successors are in reached and the CPAAlgorithms stops if all successors were reached before).
                    "encountered an executed path that continues into an already reached region. -> Skipping");
            lastElement = currentElement;

         * identified a decision node and selected a new edge.
         * extract the edge-list of the path and add the new edge to it.
         * Don't modify the ARGPath yet, because it is possible that the current decision is infeasible
        logger.logf(Level.FINER, "identified new path candidate (visited branchings: %d, nodes: %d)",
                pathInfo.getBranchCount(), pathInfo.getNodeCount());
        newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
         * evaluate path candidate symbolically using SMT-solving
        CounterexampleTraceInfo traceInfo = pathValidator.validatePathCandidate(currentElement, newPath);
         * check if path is feasible. If it's not continue to identify another decision node
         * If path is feasible, add the ARGState belonging to the decision node and the new edge to the ARGPath. Exit and Return result.
        if (!traceInfo.isSpurious()) {
            newARGPath.add(Pair.of(currentElement.getFirst(), otherEdge.get()));
            logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "selected new path %s", newPath.toString());
            PredicatePathAnalysisResult result = new PredicatePathAnalysisResult(traceInfo,
                    currentElement.getFirst(), lastElement.getFirst(), newARGPath.immutableCopy());
            return result;
        } else {
            lastElement = currentElement;
            logger.logf(Level.FINER, "path candidate is infeasible");

    //all possible paths explored. (DART: the j = -1 case)
    logger.logf(Level.FINER, "No possible path left to explore");
    return PredicatePathAnalysisResult.INVALID;

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.algorithm.testgen.pathanalysis.LocationAndValueStateTrackingPathAnalysisStrategy.java

public PredicatePathAnalysisResult findNewFeasiblePathUsingPredicates(final ARGPath pExecutedPath,
        final ReachedSet reached) throws CPAException, InterruptedException {
    /*//from w ww .j a  va 2  s  .c  om
     * create copy of the given path, because it will be modified with this algorithm.
     * represents the current new valid path.
    MutableARGPath newARGPath = pExecutedPath.mutableCopy();
     * only by edge representation of the new path.
    List<CFAEdge> newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
     * element removed from the path in the previous iteration
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> lastElement = null;
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> currentElement;
     * create a descending consuming iterator to iterate through the path from last to first, while consuming elements.
     * Elements are consumed because the new path is a subpath of the original.
    long branchCounter = 0;
    long nodeCounter = 0;
    Iterator<Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge>> branchingEdges = Iterators
    while (branchingEdges.hasNext()) {
        currentElement = branchingEdges.next();
        CFAEdge edge = currentElement.getSecond();
        if (edge == null) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
        CFANode node = edge.getPredecessor();
        //num of leaving edges does not include a summary edge, so the check is valid.
        if (node.getNumLeavingEdges() != 2) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
        //current node is a branching / deciding node. select the edge that isn't represented with the current path.
        CFANode decidingNode = node;

        // WARNING: some hack don't know if any good or enough
        // ----->
        final AbstractState currentElementTmp = currentElement.getFirst();
        if (from(handledDecisions).anyMatch(new Predicate<AbstractState>() {

            public boolean apply(AbstractState pInput) {
                return AbstractStates.extractStateByType(currentElementTmp, ValueAnalysisState.class)
                        .equals(AbstractStates.extractStateByType(pInput, ValueAnalysisState.class))
                        && AbstractStates.extractStateByType(currentElementTmp, LocationState.class)
                                .getLocationNode().getNodeNumber() == AbstractStates
                                        .extractStateByType(pInput, LocationState.class).getLocationNode()
        // < ------

                    "Branch on path was handled in an earlier iteration -> skipping branching.");
            lastElement = currentElement;
        //      cpa.getTransferRelation().
        if (lastElement == null) {
            //if the last element is not set, we encountered a branching node where both paths are infeasible for the current value mapping.
            logger.log(Level.FINER, "encountered an executed path that might be spurious.");
            lastElement = currentElement;
        CFAEdge wrongEdge = edge;
        CFAEdge otherEdge = null;
        for (CFAEdge cfaEdge : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(decidingNode)) {
            if (cfaEdge.equals(wrongEdge)) {
            } else {
                otherEdge = cfaEdge;
        logger.logf(Level.FINER, "identified valid branching (skipped branching count: %d, nodes: %d)",
                branchCounter++, nodeCounter);
        //no edge found should not happen; If it does make it visible.
        assert otherEdge != null;
         * identified a decision node and selected a new edge.
         * extract the edge-list of the path and add the new edge to it.
         * Don't modify the ARGPath yet, because it is possible that the current decision is infeasible
        newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
         * check if path is feasible. If it's not continue to identify another decision node
         * If path is feasible, add the ARGState belonging to the decision node and the new edge to the ARGPath. Exit and Return result.
        CounterexampleTraceInfo traceInfo = pathChecker.checkPath(newPath);

        if (!traceInfo.isSpurious()) {
            newARGPath.add(Pair.of(currentElement.getFirst(), otherEdge));
            logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "selected new path %s", newPath.toString());
            return new PredicatePathAnalysisResult(traceInfo, currentElement.getFirst(), lastElement.getFirst(),
        } else {
            lastElement = currentElement;

    return PredicatePathAnalysisResult.INVALID;

From source file:org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.impl.rpc.RpcManagerImpl.java

public void close() {
    for (final Iterator<RpcContext> iterator = Iterators
            .consumingIterator(contexts.values().iterator()); iterator.hasNext();) {
        iterator.next().close();//from  w  ww .  j ava 2  s .co  m

From source file:org.apache.fluo.recipes.export.ExportObserver.java

public void process(TransactionBase tx, Bytes row, Column column) throws Exception {
    ExportBucket bucket = new ExportBucket(tx, row);

    Bytes continueRow = bucket.getContinueRow();

    Iterator<ExportEntry> input = bucket.getExportIterator(continueRow);
    MemLimitIterator memLimitIter = new MemLimitIterator(input, memLimit, 8 + queueId.length());

    Iterator<SequencedExport<K, V>> exportIterator = Iterators.transform(memLimitIter,
            ee -> new SequencedExport<>(serializer.deserialize(ee.key, keyType),
                    serializer.deserialize(ee.value, valType), ee.seq));

    exportIterator = Iterators.consumingIterator(exportIterator);


    if (input.hasNext()) {
        // not everything was processed so notify self
        bucket.notifyExportObserver();/*  www .  j  ava2 s . c om*/

        if (!memLimitIter.hasNext()) {
            // stopped because of mem limit... set continue key
            continueRow = null;

    if (continueRow != null) {

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.algorithm.testgen.pathanalysis.CUTEBasicPathSelector.java

public PredicatePathAnalysisResult findNewFeasiblePathUsingPredicates(final ARGPath pExecutedPath,
        ReachedSet reachedStates) throws CPAException, InterruptedException {
    /*//from   w  w  w  .ja va 2s .c o  m
     * create copy of the given path, because it will be modified with this algorithm.
     * represents the current new valid path.
    MutableARGPath newARGPath = pExecutedPath.mutableCopy();
    PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo(newARGPath.size());
    //    ARGPath newARGPathView = Collections.unmodifiableList(newARGPath);
     * only by edge representation of the new path.
    List<CFAEdge> newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
     * element removed from the path in the previous iteration
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> lastElement = null;
    Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge> currentElement;
     * this is a variation of the solve_path_constraint(..., path_constraint, stack) function of DART.
     * create a descending consuming iterator to iterate through the path from last to first, while consuming elements.
     * Elements are consumed because the new path is a subpath of the original.
    Iterator<Pair<ARGState, CFAEdge>> descendingPathElements = Iterators

    while (descendingPathElements.hasNext()) {
        currentElement = descendingPathElements.next();
        CFAEdge edge = currentElement.getSecond();
        Pair<CFAEdge, Boolean> oldElement = null;
        //handle last node of the given path. (should never be a decision node, so we skip it)
        if (edge == null) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
        oldElement = handleNextNode(pathInfo.getCurrentPathSize(), edge, oldElement);
        CFANode node = edge.getPredecessor();
        //num of leaving edges does not include a summary edge, so the check is valid.
        if (node.getNumLeavingEdges() != 2) {
            lastElement = currentElement;
         * current node is a branching / deciding node. select the edge that isn't represented
         * with the current path.
        CFANode decidingNode = node;
        CFAEdge wrongEdge = edge;

         * (DART: negate the path constraint)
        Optional<CFAEdge> otherEdge = CFAUtils2.getAlternativeLeavingEdge(decidingNode, wrongEdge);
        //      if(branchingHistory.isMatch(otherEdge, oldEdge))
        //no edge found should not happen because we filtered nodes such that only those with more than one leaving edge encounter this.; If it does make it visible.
        assert otherEdge.isPresent();
        logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "StackState: %d %d (%d)", pathInfo.getCurrentPathSize(),
                branchingHistory.getCurrentDepths(), branchingHistory.getPathDepths());
         * (DART: the j = -1 case)
        //      if(pathValidator.isVisitedBranching(newARGPath, currentElement, node, otherEdge))
        if (isVisited(currentElement, oldElement, otherEdge.get())) {
                    "Branch on path was handled in an earlier iteration -> skipping branching.");
            lastElement = currentElement;

        if (lastElement == null) {
             * if the last element is not set, we encountered a branching node where both paths are infeasible
             * for the current value mapping or both successors were handled already with a previous iteration.
             * (the successors are in reached and the CPAAlgorithms stops if all successors were reached before).
                    "encountered an executed path that continues into an already reached region. -> Skipping");
            lastElement = currentElement;

         * identified a decision node and selected a new edge.
         * extract the edge-list of the path and add the new edge to it.
         * Don't modify the ARGPath yet, because it is possible that the current decision is infeasible
        logger.logf(Level.FINER, "identified new path candidate (visited branchings: %d, nodes: %d)",
                pathInfo.getBranchCount(), pathInfo.getNodeCount());
        newPath = Lists.newArrayList(newARGPath.asEdgesList());
         * evaluate path candidate symbolically using SMT-solving
        CounterexampleTraceInfo traceInfo = pathChecker.checkPath(newPath);
         * check if path is feasible. If it's not continue to identify another decision node
         * If path is feasible, add the ARGState belonging to the decision node and the new edge to the ARGPath. Exit and Return result.
        if (!traceInfo.isSpurious()) {
            newARGPath.add(Pair.of(currentElement.getFirst(), otherEdge.get()));
            logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "selected new path %s", newPath.toString());
            //        pathValidator.handleValidPath(newARGPath, traceInfo);
            return new PredicatePathAnalysisResult(traceInfo, currentElement.getFirst(), lastElement.getFirst(),
        } else {
            lastElement = currentElement;
            logger.logf(Level.FINER, "path candidate is infeasible");
            //        pathValidator.handleSpuriousPath(newPath);

    //all possible paths explored. (DART: the j = -1 case)
    logger.logf(Level.FINER, "No possible path left to explore");
    return PredicatePathAnalysisResult.INVALID;

From source file:org.apache.james.queue.api.ManageableMailQueueContract.java

default void browseShouldNotFailWhenConcurrentDequeue() throws Exception {

    ManageableMailQueue.MailQueueIterator items = getManageableMailQueue().browse();

    getManageableMailQueue().deQueue();/*from  www. j ava2s.c  o m*/

    assertThatCode(() -> Iterators.consumingIterator(items)).doesNotThrowAnyException();

From source file:org.openengsb.core.common.internal.VirtualConnectorManager.java

private Iterator<Registration> getFactoriesForVirtualConnectorForRemoval(
        final VirtualConnectorProvider provider) {
    Iterator<Registration> consumingIterator = Iterators.consumingIterator(registeredFactories.iterator());
    return Iterators.filter(consumingIterator, new Predicate<Registration>() {
        @Override/*from ww  w . j  a v a  2s  .c  o  m*/
        public boolean apply(Registration input) {
            return ObjectUtils.equals(input.virtualConnector, provider);

From source file:org.apache.aurora.scheduler.async.preemptor.PendingTaskProcessor.java

public void run() {
    metrics.recordTaskProcessorRun();/*from   w ww .j  ava  2s .c  om*/
    storage.read(new Storage.Work.Quiet<Void>() {
        public Void apply(StoreProvider store) {
            Multimap<String, PreemptionVictim> slavesToActiveTasks = clusterState.getSlavesToActiveTasks();

            if (slavesToActiveTasks.isEmpty()) {
                // No preemption victims to consider.
                return null;

            // Group the offers by slave id so they can be paired with active tasks from the same slave.
            Map<String, HostOffer> slavesToOffers = Maps.uniqueIndex(offerManager.getOffers(),

            Set<String> allSlaves = Sets
                    .newHashSet(Iterables.concat(slavesToOffers.keySet(), slavesToActiveTasks.keySet()));

            // The algorithm below attempts to find a reservation for every task group by matching
            // it against all available slaves until a preemption slot is found. Groups are evaluated
            // in a round-robin fashion to ensure fairness (e.g.: G1, G2, G3, G1, G2).
            // A slave is removed from further matching once a reservation is made. Similarly, all
            // identical task group instances are removed from further iteration if none of the
            // available slaves could yield a preemption proposal. A consuming iterator is used for
            // task groups to ensure iteration order is preserved after a task group is removed.
            LoadingCache<IJobKey, AttributeAggregate> jobStates = attributeCache(store);
            List<TaskGroupKey> pendingGroups = fetchIdlePendingGroups(store);
            Iterator<TaskGroupKey> groups = Iterators.consumingIterator(pendingGroups.iterator());
            while (!pendingGroups.isEmpty()) {
                boolean matched = false;
                TaskGroupKey group = groups.next();
                ITaskConfig task = group.getTask();

                Iterator<String> slaveIterator = allSlaves.iterator();
                while (slaveIterator.hasNext()) {
                    String slaveId = slaveIterator.next();
                    Optional<ImmutableSet<PreemptionVictim>> candidates = preemptionVictimFilter
                            .filterPreemptionVictims(task, slavesToActiveTasks.get(slaveId),
                                    Optional.fromNullable(slavesToOffers.get(slaveId)), store);

                    metrics.recordSlotSearchResult(candidates, task);
                    if (candidates.isPresent()) {
                        // Slot found -> remove slave to avoid multiple task reservations.
                        slotCache.put(new PreemptionProposal(candidates.get(), slaveId), group);
                        matched = true;
                if (!matched) {
                    // No slot found for the group -> remove group and reset group iterator.
                    groups = Iterators.consumingIterator(pendingGroups.iterator());
            return null;