Example usage for com.google.common.collect ListMultimap interface-usage

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ListMultimap interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ListMultimap interface-usage.


From source file org.jesterj.ingest.model.Document.java

public interface Document extends ListMultimap<String, String>, Serializable {

     * The 'file_size' field which holds the size of the original content for an input document as
     * the framework first pulled it in.

From source file com.google.gdata.util.common.net.UriParameterMap.java

 * Represents a sequence of name-value pairs encoded using the
 * application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type, typically as the query part
 * of a URI, as defined by section 17.13.4 of the W3C's <a
 * href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-">HTML
 * 4.01 Specification</a>.

From source file com.bethzur.gcm4j.util.CopyOnWriteArrayListMultimap.java

 * A thread-safe implementation of {@code ListMultimap} in which all mutative
 * operations are applied to a copy of the underlying {@code ArrayListMultimap}.
 * <p>
 * These copies are expensive, but may be acceptable when reads vastly outnumber
 * writes (i.e., mutative operations). Reads are non-blocking. Iterators see a

From source file org.whispercomm.c2dm4j.util.CopyOnWriteArrayListMultimap.java

 * A thread-safe implementation of {@code ListMultimap} in which all mutative
 * operations are applied to a copy of the underlying {@code ArrayListMultimap}.
 * <p>
 * These copies are expensive, but may be acceptable when reads vastly outnumber
 * writes (i.e., mutative operations). Reads are non-blocking. Iterators see a

From source file com.google.devtools.build.lib.collect.ImmutableSortedKeyListMultimap.java

 * A immutable multimap implementation for multimaps with comparable keys. It uses a sorted array
 * and binary search to return the correct values. It's only purpose is to save memory - it consumes
 * only about half the memory of the equivalent ImmutableListMultimap. Only a few methods are
 * efficiently implemented: {@link #isEmpty} is O(1), {@link #get} and {@link #containsKey} are
 * O(log(n)), and {@link #asMap} and {@link #values} refer to the parent instance. All other methods

From source file net.joinedminds.tools.evet.TimeValueTable.java

 * Description
 * @author Robert Sandell &lt;sandell.robert@gmail.com&gt;
public class TimeValueTable implements ListMultimap<Date, Integer>, HttpResponse {