Example usage for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue add

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue add


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue add.


public boolean add(E element) 

Source Link


Adds the given element to this queue.


From source file:org.commoncrawl.mapred.pipelineV3.domainmeta.blogs.feedurlid.FeedUrlIdStep.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<URLCandidate> candidates = new ArrayList<URLCandidate>();
    candidates.add(new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/info/feed/")));
    candidates.add(/*from  www .  j a  v a  2s  .  c o  m*/
            new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/supernatural-amphitheatre/feed/")));
    candidates.add(new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/tickets-pre-ballot/feed/")));

    collapseCandidates(candidates, 2);


    MinMaxPriorityQueue<URLCandidate> deque2 = MinMaxPriorityQueue.create();
    deque2.add(new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/blog/feed/")));
    deque2.add(new URLCandidate(
            new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/blog/supernatural-amphitheatre/feed/")));
            new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/vlog/tickets-pre-ballot/feed/")));
            new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/blog/tickets-pre-ballot/feed/")));
            new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/vlog/tickets-pre-ballot-2/feed/")));
            new URLCandidate(new GoogleURL("http://2010.goldenplains.com.au/vlog/tickets-pre-ballot-3/feed/")));
    ArrayList<URLCandidate> test = drainToArrayList(deque2);

    collapseCandidates(test, 2);


From source file:kungfu.algdesign.ds.MovingMedian.java

public static void calculate(Queue<Integer> data, Queue<Integer> medians) {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<Integer> minHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue.create();
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<Integer> maxHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue.create();


    Integer item = null;/*from  w  w w .j a  va  2 s.c o m*/
    Integer median = null;

    while ((item = data.poll()) != null) {
        if (median == null) {
        } else if (item >= median) {
        } else {

        if (maxHeap.size() - minHeap.size() == 2) {
        } else if (minHeap.size() - maxHeap.size() == 2) {

        if (minHeap.size() == maxHeap.size() || minHeap.size() > maxHeap.size()) {
            median = minHeap.peekLast();
        } else {
            median = maxHeap.peekFirst();


From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.core.query.aggregation.groupby.AggregationGroupByOperatorService.java

 * Given a map from group by keys to results for multiple aggregation functions, trim the results to desired size and
 * put them into a list of group by results.
 * @param aggrFuncList List of aggregation functions.
 * @param aggrGroupByResults Map from group by keys to result arrays.
 * @param trimmedGroupByResultList List of maps containing group by results returned.
 * @param numAggrFunctions Number of aggregation functions.
 * @param trimSize Desired trim size.// www.j  a va2s . com
private static void trimToSize(List<AggregationFunction> aggrFuncList,
        Map<String, Serializable[]> aggrGroupByResults,
        List<Map<String, Serializable>> trimmedGroupByResultList, int numAggrFunctions, int trimSize) {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<ImmutablePair<Serializable, String>>[] heaps = new MinMaxPriorityQueue[numAggrFunctions];
    for (int i = 0; i < numAggrFunctions; i++) {
        boolean reverseOrder = aggrFuncList.get(i).getFunctionName().startsWith(MIN_PREFIX);
        heaps[i] = getMinMaxPriorityQueue(aggrGroupByResults.values().iterator().next()[i], trimSize,

    for (String key : aggrGroupByResults.keySet()) {
        Serializable[] results = aggrGroupByResults.get(key);
        for (int i = 0; i < numAggrFunctions; i++) {
            Serializable result = results[i];
            MinMaxPriorityQueue<ImmutablePair<Serializable, String>> heap = heaps[i];
            if (heap == null) {
                trimmedGroupByResultList.get(i).put(key, result);
            } else {
                heap.add(new ImmutablePair(result, key));

    for (int i = 0; i < numAggrFunctions; i++) {
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<ImmutablePair<Serializable, String>> heap = heaps[i];
        ImmutablePair<Serializable, String> pair;
        if (heap != null) {
            while ((pair = heap.pollFirst()) != null) {
                trimmedGroupByResultList.get(i).put(pair.getRight(), pair.getLeft());

From source file:com.github.gdfm.shobaidogu.StatsUtils.java

 * Compute top-k elements with largest values in a map from string to Comparable objects.
 * //  w  w  w. j a  va 2s. c  om
 * @param counts
 *          the map.
 * @param k
 *          how many elements to keep.
 * @return a map with top-k elements.
public static <K, V extends Comparable<V>> Map<K, V> topKComparable(Map<K, V> counts, int k) {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<Entry<K, V>> maxHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue
            .<Entry<K, V>>orderedBy(new Comparator<Entry<K, V>>() {
                public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) {
                    return -1 * o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); // reverse comparator
    // keep top-k
    for (Entry<K, V> e : counts.entrySet())
    Map<K, V> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(k);
    for (Entry<K, V> e : maxHeap)
        result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
    return result;

From source file:com.github.gdfm.shobaidogu.StatsUtils.java

 * Compute top-k elements with largest values in a map from string to numbers (e.g., term frequency counts).
 * //from  www.  j a v a 2s .c o m
 * @param counts
 *          the map.
 * @param k
 *          how many elements to keep.
 * @return a map with top-k elements.
public static <K, V extends Number> Map<K, V> topK(Map<K, V> counts, int k) {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<Entry<K, V>> maxHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue
            .<Entry<K, V>>orderedBy(new Comparator<Entry<K, V>>() {
                public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) {
                    return -1 * Double.compare(o1.getValue().doubleValue(), o2.getValue().doubleValue()); // reverse comparator
    // keep top-k
    for (Entry<K, V> e : counts.entrySet())
    Map<K, V> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(k);
    for (Entry<K, V> e : maxHeap)
        result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
    return result;

From source file:edu.brandeis.wisedb.scheduler.BestNFirstGraphSearch.java

public List<Action> schedule(Set<ModelQuery> toSched) {

    FullGraphState first = new FullGraphState(new TreeSet<ModelVM>(), toSched, sla, qtp);
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<StateCost> frontier = MinMaxPriorityQueue.create();
    frontier.add(new StateCost(first, 0, null, null));

    while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
        log.fine("Frontier size: " + frontier.size());

        PriorityQueue<Action> pq = new PriorityQueue<Action>(new ActionComparator());
        StateCost next = frontier.poll();

        if (next.s.isGoalState()) {
            // we're done
            List<Action> toR = new LinkedList<Action>();
            StateCost last = next;//from w w w. j av a2  s  . c  o m
            while (last.action != null) {
                toR.add(0, last.action);
                last = last.prev;
            log.fine("Reached goal state with following actions: " + toR);

            return toR;

        for (Action a : next.s.getPossibleActions()) {
            int cost = 0;
            FullGraphState nextState = next.s.getNewStateForAction(a);

            cost += h.predictCostToEnd(nextState);
            //cost += nextState.getExecutionCost();

            a.computedCost = cost;
            log.finer("Added action " + a + " to the frontier");

        if (pq.isEmpty()) {
            log.severe("There was no selectable action for state: " + next);
            return null;

        for (int i = 0; i < toTry; i++) {
            Action nextBest = pq.poll();
            if (nextBest == null) {
                log.fine("Unable to get " + (i + 1) + "th action for state " + next);
            FullGraphState c = next.s.getNewStateForAction(nextBest);
            StateCost candidate = new StateCost(c, c.getExecutionCost(), nextBest, next);

        while (frontier.size() > maxFrontierSize) {

    return null;

From source file:io.druid.server.coordinator.DruidCluster.java

public void add(ServerHolder serverHolder) {
    ImmutableDruidServer server = serverHolder.getServer();
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<ServerHolder> tierServers = cluster.get(server.getTier());
    if (tierServers == null) {
        tierServers = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(Ordering.natural().reverse()).create();
        cluster.put(server.getTier(), tierServers);
    }/*from  w  ww . j a  va 2 s  .  co m*/

From source file:com.metamx.druid.master.DruidCluster.java

public void add(ServerHolder serverHolder) {
    DruidServer server = serverHolder.getServer();
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<ServerHolder> tierServers = cluster.get(server.getTier());
    if (tierServers == null) {
        tierServers = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(Ordering.natural().reverse()).create();
        cluster.put(server.getTier(), tierServers);
    }/*from w w w  .  jav a 2 s.  c o m*/

From source file:gobblin.util.binpacking.WorstFitDecreasingBinPacking.java

@OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper//from ww w  . ja v  a  2 s . co m
public List<WorkUnit> pack(List<WorkUnit> workUnitsIn, WorkUnitWeighter weighter) {

    if (this.maxWeightPerUnit <= 0) { // just return the input
        return workUnitsIn;

    List<WorkUnit> workUnits = Lists.newArrayList(workUnitsIn);

    long smallUnitSize = 0; // total size of work units smaller than maxWeightPerUnit
    int largeUnits = 0; // number of work units larger than maxWeightPerUnit
    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        long weight = weighter.weight(workUnit);
        if (weight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit) {
            smallUnitSize += weight;
        } else {
    int estimateByWeight = largeUnits + (int) ((smallUnitSize - 1) / this.maxWeightPerUnit) + 1;
    int estimatedMultiWorkUnits = Math.min(estimateByWeight, workUnits.size());

    MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new MultiWorkUnitComparator())
    for (int i = 0; i < estimatedMultiWorkUnits; i++) {

    Collections.sort(workUnits, Collections.reverseOrder(new WeightComparator(weighter)));

    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.peek();
        long weight = Math.max(1, weighter.weight(workUnit));
        long multiWorkUnitWeight = getMultiWorkUnitWeight(lightestMultiWorkUnit);
        if (multiWorkUnitWeight == 0 || (weight + multiWorkUnitWeight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit
                && weight + multiWorkUnitWeight > multiWorkUnitWeight)) { // check for overflow
            // if it fits, add it to lightest work unit
            addToMultiWorkUnit(lightestMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);
        } else {
            // if doesn't fit in lightest multi work unit, create a new work unit for it
            MultiWorkUnit newMultiWorkUnit = MultiWorkUnit.createEmpty();
            addToMultiWorkUnit(newMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);

    return Lists.<WorkUnit>newArrayList(Iterables.filter(pQueue, new Predicate<MultiWorkUnit>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable MultiWorkUnit input) {
            return getMultiWorkUnitWeight(input) > 0;

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.util.binpacking.WorstFitDecreasingBinPacking.java

@OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper/* w  ww .j  av a 2  s. co  m*/
public List<WorkUnit> pack(List<WorkUnit> workUnitsIn, WorkUnitWeighter weighter) {

    if (this.maxWeightPerUnit <= 0) { // just return the input
        return workUnitsIn;

    List<WorkUnit> workUnits = Lists.newArrayList(workUnitsIn);

    long smallUnitSize = 0; // total size of work units smaller than maxWeightPerUnit
    int largeUnits = 0; // number of work units larger than maxWeightPerUnit
    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        long weight = weighter.weight(workUnit);
        if (weight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit) {
            smallUnitSize += weight;
        } else {
    int estimateByWeight = largeUnits + (int) ((smallUnitSize - 1) / this.maxWeightPerUnit) + 1;
    int estimatedMultiWorkUnits = Math.min(estimateByWeight, workUnits.size());

    MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new MultiWorkUnitComparator())
    for (int i = 0; i < estimatedMultiWorkUnits; i++) {

    Collections.sort(workUnits, Collections.reverseOrder(new WeightComparator(weighter)));

    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.peek();
        long weight = Math.max(1, weighter.weight(workUnit));
        long multiWorkUnitWeight = getMultiWorkUnitWeight(lightestMultiWorkUnit);
        if (multiWorkUnitWeight == 0 || (weight + multiWorkUnitWeight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit
                && weight + multiWorkUnitWeight > multiWorkUnitWeight)) { // check for overflow
            // if it fits, add it to lightest work unit
            addToMultiWorkUnit(lightestMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);
        } else {
            // if doesn't fit in lightest multi work unit, create a new work unit for it
            MultiWorkUnit newMultiWorkUnit = MultiWorkUnit.createEmpty();
            addToMultiWorkUnit(newMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);

    return Lists.<WorkUnit>newArrayList(Iterables.filter(pQueue, new Predicate<MultiWorkUnit>() {
        @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE", justification = "Allowing nullable values")
        public boolean apply(@Nullable MultiWorkUnit input) {
            return getMultiWorkUnitWeight(input) > 0;