Example usage for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue peek

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue peek


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect MinMaxPriorityQueue peek.


    public E peek() 

Source Link


From source file:gobblin.util.binpacking.WorstFitDecreasingBinPacking.java

@OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper//  w ww.j  a v a 2s  .  co m
public List<WorkUnit> pack(List<WorkUnit> workUnitsIn, WorkUnitWeighter weighter) {

    if (this.maxWeightPerUnit <= 0) { // just return the input
        return workUnitsIn;

    List<WorkUnit> workUnits = Lists.newArrayList(workUnitsIn);

    long smallUnitSize = 0; // total size of work units smaller than maxWeightPerUnit
    int largeUnits = 0; // number of work units larger than maxWeightPerUnit
    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        long weight = weighter.weight(workUnit);
        if (weight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit) {
            smallUnitSize += weight;
        } else {
    int estimateByWeight = largeUnits + (int) ((smallUnitSize - 1) / this.maxWeightPerUnit) + 1;
    int estimatedMultiWorkUnits = Math.min(estimateByWeight, workUnits.size());

    MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new MultiWorkUnitComparator())
    for (int i = 0; i < estimatedMultiWorkUnits; i++) {

    Collections.sort(workUnits, Collections.reverseOrder(new WeightComparator(weighter)));

    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.peek();
        long weight = Math.max(1, weighter.weight(workUnit));
        long multiWorkUnitWeight = getMultiWorkUnitWeight(lightestMultiWorkUnit);
        if (multiWorkUnitWeight == 0 || (weight + multiWorkUnitWeight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit
                && weight + multiWorkUnitWeight > multiWorkUnitWeight)) { // check for overflow
            // if it fits, add it to lightest work unit
            addToMultiWorkUnit(lightestMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);
        } else {
            // if doesn't fit in lightest multi work unit, create a new work unit for it
            MultiWorkUnit newMultiWorkUnit = MultiWorkUnit.createEmpty();
            addToMultiWorkUnit(newMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);

    return Lists.<WorkUnit>newArrayList(Iterables.filter(pQueue, new Predicate<MultiWorkUnit>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable MultiWorkUnit input) {
            return getMultiWorkUnitWeight(input) > 0;

From source file:org.apache.gobblin.util.binpacking.WorstFitDecreasingBinPacking.java

@OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper//w  w  w .  j a  v a2s.  com
public List<WorkUnit> pack(List<WorkUnit> workUnitsIn, WorkUnitWeighter weighter) {

    if (this.maxWeightPerUnit <= 0) { // just return the input
        return workUnitsIn;

    List<WorkUnit> workUnits = Lists.newArrayList(workUnitsIn);

    long smallUnitSize = 0; // total size of work units smaller than maxWeightPerUnit
    int largeUnits = 0; // number of work units larger than maxWeightPerUnit
    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        long weight = weighter.weight(workUnit);
        if (weight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit) {
            smallUnitSize += weight;
        } else {
    int estimateByWeight = largeUnits + (int) ((smallUnitSize - 1) / this.maxWeightPerUnit) + 1;
    int estimatedMultiWorkUnits = Math.min(estimateByWeight, workUnits.size());

    MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new MultiWorkUnitComparator())
    for (int i = 0; i < estimatedMultiWorkUnits; i++) {

    Collections.sort(workUnits, Collections.reverseOrder(new WeightComparator(weighter)));

    for (WorkUnit workUnit : workUnits) {
        MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.peek();
        long weight = Math.max(1, weighter.weight(workUnit));
        long multiWorkUnitWeight = getMultiWorkUnitWeight(lightestMultiWorkUnit);
        if (multiWorkUnitWeight == 0 || (weight + multiWorkUnitWeight <= this.maxWeightPerUnit
                && weight + multiWorkUnitWeight > multiWorkUnitWeight)) { // check for overflow
            // if it fits, add it to lightest work unit
            addToMultiWorkUnit(lightestMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);
        } else {
            // if doesn't fit in lightest multi work unit, create a new work unit for it
            MultiWorkUnit newMultiWorkUnit = MultiWorkUnit.createEmpty();
            addToMultiWorkUnit(newMultiWorkUnit, workUnit, weight);

    return Lists.<WorkUnit>newArrayList(Iterables.filter(pQueue, new Predicate<MultiWorkUnit>() {
        @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "NP_PARAMETER_MUST_BE_NONNULL_BUT_MARKED_AS_NULLABLE", justification = "Allowing nullable values")
        public boolean apply(@Nullable MultiWorkUnit input) {
            return getMultiWorkUnitWeight(input) > 0;

From source file:com.metamx.druid.merger.coordinator.RemoteTaskRunner.java

private WorkerWrapper findWorkerForTask() {
    try {//  w w  w  .  j av  a 2s . c  o  m
        final MinMaxPriorityQueue<WorkerWrapper> workerQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
                .<WorkerWrapper>orderedBy(new Comparator<WorkerWrapper>() {
                    public int compare(WorkerWrapper w1, WorkerWrapper w2) {
                        return -Ints.compare(w1.getRunningTasks().size(), w2.getRunningTasks().size());
                }).create(FunctionalIterable.create(zkWorkers.values()).filter(new Predicate<WorkerWrapper>() {
                    public boolean apply(WorkerWrapper input) {
                        return (!input.isAtCapacity() && input.getWorker().getVersion()
                                .compareTo(workerSetupManager.getWorkerSetupData().getMinVersion()) >= 0);

        if (workerQueue.isEmpty()) {
            log.info("Worker nodes do not have capacity to run any more tasks!");

            if (currentlyProvisioning.isEmpty()) {
                AutoScalingData provisioned = strategy.provision();
                if (provisioned != null) {
                    lastProvisionTime = new DateTime();
            } else {
                Duration durSinceLastProvision = new Duration(new DateTime(), lastProvisionTime);
                if (durSinceLastProvision.isLongerThan(config.getMaxScalingDuration())) {
                    log.makeAlert("Worker node provisioning taking too long")
                            .addData("millisSinceLastProvision", durSinceLastProvision.getMillis())
                            .addData("provisioningCount", currentlyProvisioning.size()).emit();

                        "%s still provisioning. Wait for all provisioned nodes to complete before requesting new worker.",
            return null;

        return workerQueue.peek();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

From source file:it.uniroma3.mat.extendedset.intset.ImmutableConciseSet.java

private static ImmutableConciseSet doUnion(Iterator<ImmutableConciseSet> sets) {
    IntList retVal = new IntList();

    // lhs = current word position, rhs = the iterator
    // Comparison is first by index, then one fills > literals > zero fills
    // one fills are sorted by length (longer one fills have priority)
    // similarily, shorter zero fills have priority
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<WordHolder> theQ = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<WordHolder>() {
        @Override/* w w w  .  ja  v a  2 s.c  o  m*/
        public int compare(WordHolder h1, WordHolder h2) {
            int w1 = h1.getWord();
            int w2 = h2.getWord();
            int s1 = h1.getIterator().startIndex;
            int s2 = h2.getIterator().startIndex;

            if (s1 != s2) {
                return compareInts(s1, s2);

            if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w2)) {
                    return -compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),
                return -1;
            } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w2)) {
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            } else {
                if (!ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                return compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),

    // populate priority queue
    while (sets.hasNext()) {
        ImmutableConciseSet set = sets.next();

        if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) {
            WordIterator itr = set.newWordIterator();
            theQ.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));

    int currIndex = 0;

    while (!theQ.isEmpty()) {
        // create a temp list to hold everything that will get pushed back into the priority queue after each run
        List<WordHolder> wordsToAdd = Lists.newArrayList();

        // grab the top element from the priority queue
        WordHolder curr = theQ.poll();
        int word = curr.getWord();
        WordIterator itr = curr.getIterator();

        // if the next word in the queue starts at a different point than where we ended off we need to create a zero gap
        // to fill the space
        if (currIndex < itr.startIndex) {
            addAndCompact(retVal, itr.startIndex - currIndex - 1);
            currIndex = itr.startIndex;

        if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(word)) {
            // extract a literal from the flip bits of the one sequence
            int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(word);

            // advance everything past the longest ones sequence
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex < itr.wordsWalked) {
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                if (i.startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                    // if a literal was created from a flip bit, OR it with other literals or literals from flip bits in the same
                    // position
                    if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w)) {
                        flipBitLiteral |= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                    } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                        flipBitLiteral |= w;
                    } else {
                        flipBitLiteral |= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance longest one literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            // if a flip bit is still needed, put it in the correct position
            int newWord = word & 0xC1FFFFFF;
            if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                flipBitLiteral ^= ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL;
                int position = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(flipBitLiteral) + 1;
                newWord |= (position << 25);
            addAndCompact(retVal, newWord);
            currIndex = itr.wordsWalked;

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
        } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(word)) {
            // advance all other literals
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {

                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                // if we still have zero fills with flipped bits, OR them here
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    word |= w;
                } else {
                    int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);
                    if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
                        word |= flipBitLiteral;

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance the set with the current literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
        } else { // zero fills
            int flipBitLiteral;
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();

            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                // check if literal can be created flip bits of other zero sequences
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);
                if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, i));
                } else if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // check if a literal needs to be created from the flipped bits of this sequence
            flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(word);
            if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, itr));
            } else if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));


    if (retVal.isEmpty()) {
        return new ImmutableConciseSet();
    return new ImmutableConciseSet(IntBuffer.wrap(retVal.toArray()));

From source file:it.uniroma3.mat.extendedset.intset.ImmutableConciseSet.java

public static ImmutableConciseSet doIntersection(Iterator<ImmutableConciseSet> sets) {
    IntList retVal = new IntList();

    // lhs = current word position, rhs = the iterator
    // Comparison is first by index, then zero fills > literals > one fills
    // zero fills are sorted by length (longer zero fills have priority)
    // similarily, shorter one fills have priority
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<WordHolder> theQ = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<WordHolder>() {
        @Override//from   w  w w . j a v a2  s  .c o m
        public int compare(WordHolder h1, WordHolder h2) {
            int w1 = h1.getWord();
            int w2 = h2.getWord();
            int s1 = h1.getIterator().startIndex;
            int s2 = h2.getIterator().startIndex;

            if (s1 != s2) {
                return compareInts(s1, s2);

            if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w2)) {
                    return -compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),
                return -1;
            } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w2)) {
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            } else {
                if (!ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                return compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),

    // populate priority queue
    while (sets.hasNext()) {
        ImmutableConciseSet set = sets.next();

        if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) {
            return new ImmutableConciseSet();

        WordIterator itr = set.newWordIterator();
        theQ.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));

    int currIndex = 0;
    int wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    while (!theQ.isEmpty()) {
        // create a temp list to hold everything that will get pushed back into the priority queue after each run
        List<WordHolder> wordsToAdd = Lists.newArrayList();

        // grab the top element from the priority queue
        WordHolder curr = theQ.poll();
        int word = curr.getWord();
        WordIterator itr = curr.getIterator();

        // if a sequence has ended, we can break out because of Boolean logic
        if (itr.startIndex >= wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd) {

        // if the next word in the queue starts at a different point than where we ended off we need to create a one gap
        // to fill the space
        if (currIndex < itr.startIndex) {
            // number of 31 bit blocks that compromise the fill minus one
            addAndCompact(retVal, (ConciseSetUtils.SEQUENCE_BIT | (itr.startIndex - currIndex - 1)));
            currIndex = itr.startIndex;

        if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(word)) {
            // extract a literal from the flip bits of the zero sequence
            int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(word);

            // advance everything past the longest zero sequence
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex < itr.wordsWalked) {
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                if (i.startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                    // if a literal was created from a flip bit, AND it with other literals or literals from flip bits in the same
                    // position
                    if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w)) {
                        flipBitLiteral &= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);
                    } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                        flipBitLiteral &= w;
                    } else {
                        flipBitLiteral &= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance longest zero literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            // if a flip bit is still needed, put it in the correct position
            int newWord = word & 0xC1FFFFFF;
            if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
                int position = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(flipBitLiteral) + 1;
                newWord = (word & 0xC1FFFFFF) | (position << 25);
            addAndCompact(retVal, newWord);
            currIndex = itr.wordsWalked;

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
        } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(word)) {
            // advance all other literals
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {

                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                // if we still have one fills with flipped bits, AND them here
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    word &= w;
                } else {
                    int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                    if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                        word &= flipBitLiteral;

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance the set with the current literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
        } else { // one fills
            int flipBitLiteral;
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();

            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                // check if literal can be created flip bits of other one sequences
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, i));
                } else if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // check if a literal needs to be created from the flipped bits of this sequence
            flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(word);
            if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, itr));
            } else if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);


    // fill in any missing one sequences
    if (currIndex < wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd) {
        addAndCompact(retVal, (ConciseSetUtils.SEQUENCE_BIT | (wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd - currIndex - 1)));

    if (retVal.isEmpty()) {
        return new ImmutableConciseSet();
    return new ImmutableConciseSet(IntBuffer.wrap(retVal.toArray()));

From source file:it.uniroma3.mat.extendedset.intset.ImmutableSecompaxSet.java

private static ImmutableSecompaxSet doUnion(Iterator<ImmutableSecompaxSet> iterator) {
    IntList retVal = new IntList();

    // lhs = current word position, rhs = the iterator
    // Comparison is first by index, then one fills > literals > zero fills
    // one fills are sorted by length (longer one fills have priority)
    // similarily, shorter zero fills have priority
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<WordHolder> theQ = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<WordHolder>() {
        @Override//w w w  . ja va2s .c om
        public int compare(WordHolder h1, WordHolder h2) {
            int w1 = h1.getWord();
            int w2 = h2.getWord();
            int s1 = h1.getIterator().startIndex;
            int s2 = h2.getIterator().startIndex;

            if (s1 != s2) {
                return compareInts(s1, s2);

            if (ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(w2)) {
                    return -compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),
                return -1;
            } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w2)) {
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            } else {
                if (!ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                return compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),

    // populate priority queue
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        ImmutableSecompaxSet set = iterator.next();

        if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) {
            WordIterator itr = set.newWordIterator();
            theQ.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));

    int currIndex = 0;

    while (!theQ.isEmpty()) {
        // create a temp list to hold everything that will get pushed back into the priority queue after each run
        List<WordHolder> wordsToAdd = Lists.newArrayList();

        // grab the top element from the priority queue
        WordHolder curr = theQ.poll();
        int word = curr.getWord();
        WordIterator itr = curr.getIterator();

        // if the next word in the queue starts at a different point than where we ended off we need to create a zero gap
        // to fill the space
        if (currIndex < itr.startIndex) {
            addAndCompact(retVal, itr.startIndex - currIndex);
            currIndex = itr.startIndex;

        if (ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(word)) {
            // extract a literal from the flip bits of the one sequence
            //int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(word);

            // advance everything past the longest ones sequence
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex < itr.wordsWalked) {
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                /*if (i.startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                  // if a literal was created from a flip bit, OR it with other literals or literals from flip bits in the same
                  // position
                  if (ConciseSetUtils.isOneSequence(w)) {
                    flipBitLiteral |= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                  } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    flipBitLiteral |= w;
                  } else {
                    flipBitLiteral |= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance longest one literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            // if a flip bit is still needed, put it in the correct position
            /*int newWord = word & 0xC1FFFFFF;
            if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
              flipBitLiteral ^= ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL;
              int position = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(flipBitLiteral) + 1;
              newWord |= (position << 25);
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);
            currIndex = itr.wordsWalked;

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
        } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(word)) {
            // advance all other literals
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {

                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                // if we still have zero fills with flipped bits, OR them here
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    word |= w;
                    if (word == 0xffffffff)
                        word = 0x10000001;
                } else {
                    /*int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);
                    if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
                      word |= flipBitLiteral;
                    if (ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(w)) {
                        word = 0x10000001;

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance the set with the current literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
        } else { // zero fills
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();

            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                // check if literal can be created flip bits of other zero sequences
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // check if a literal needs to be created from the flipped bits of this sequence
            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));



    if (retVal.isEmpty()) {
        return new ImmutableSecompaxSet();
    return new ImmutableSecompaxSet(IntBuffer.wrap(retVal.toArray()));

From source file:it.uniroma3.mat.extendedset.intset.ImmutableSecompaxSet.java

public static ImmutableSecompaxSet doIntersection(Iterator<ImmutableSecompaxSet> sets) {
    IntList retVal = new IntList();

    // lhs = current word position, rhs = the iterator
    // Comparison is first by index, then zero fills > literals > one fills
    // zero fills are sorted by length (longer zero fills have priority)
    // similarily, shorter one fills have priority
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<WordHolder> theQ = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<WordHolder>() {
        @Override/*w ww .  j  a  v a  2 s.c o m*/
        public int compare(WordHolder h1, WordHolder h2) {
            int w1 = h1.getWord();
            int w2 = h2.getWord();
            int s1 = h1.getIterator().startIndex;
            int s2 = h2.getIterator().startIndex;

            if (s1 != s2) {
                return compareInts(s1, s2);

            if (ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(w2)) {
                    return -compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),
                return -1;
            } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w1)) {
                if (ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w2)) {
                    return 0;
                return -1;
            } else {
                if (!ConciseSetUtils.is1_fill(w2)) {
                    return 1;
                return compareInts(ConciseSetUtils.getSequenceNumWords(w1),

    // populate priority queue
    while (sets.hasNext()) {
        ImmutableSecompaxSet set = sets.next();

        if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) {
            return new ImmutableSecompaxSet();

        WordIterator itr = set.newWordIterator();
        theQ.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));

    int currIndex = 0;
    int wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    while (!theQ.isEmpty()) {
        // create a temp list to hold everything that will get pushed back into the priority queue after each run
        List<WordHolder> wordsToAdd = Lists.newArrayList();

        // grab the top element from the priority queue
        WordHolder curr = theQ.poll();
        int word = curr.getWord();
        WordIterator itr = curr.getIterator();

        // if a sequence has ended, we can break out because of Boolean logic
        if (itr.startIndex >= wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd) {

        // if the next word in the queue starts at a different point than where we ended off we need to create a one gap
        // to fill the space
        if (currIndex < itr.startIndex) {
            // number of 31 bit blocks that compromise the fill minus one
            addAndCompact(retVal, (0x10000000 | (itr.startIndex - currIndex)));
            currIndex = itr.startIndex;

        if (ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(word)) {
            // extract a literal from the flip bits of the zero sequence
            //int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(word);

            // advance everything past the longest zero sequence
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex < itr.wordsWalked) {
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                /*if (i.startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                  // if a literal was created from a flip bit, AND it with other literals or literals from flip bits in the same
                  // position
                  if (ConciseSetUtils.isZeroSequence(w)) {
                    flipBitLiteral &= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromZeroSeqFlipBit(w);
                  } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    flipBitLiteral &= w;
                  } else {
                    flipBitLiteral &= ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance longest zero literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            // if a flip bit is still needed, put it in the correct position
            //int newWord = word & 0xC1FFFFFF;
            /*if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ZEROS_LITERAL) {
              int position = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(flipBitLiteral) + 1;
              newWord = (word & 0xC1FFFFFF) | (position << 25);
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);
            currIndex = itr.wordsWalked;

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
        } else if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(word)) {
            // advance all other literals
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();
            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {

                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();

                // if we still have one fills with flipped bits, AND them here
                if (ConciseSetUtils.isLiteral(w)) {
                    word &= w;
                } else {
                    /*int flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                    if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                      word &= flipBitLiteral;
                    if (ConciseSetUtils.is0_fill(w)) {
                        word = 0x00000001;
                    } else {

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // advance the set with the current literal forward and push result back to priority queue
            addAndCompact(retVal, word);

            if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);
        } else { // one fills
            //int flipBitLiteral;
            WordHolder nextVal = theQ.peek();

            while (nextVal != null && nextVal.getIterator().startIndex == itr.startIndex) {
                // check if literal can be created flip bits of other one sequences
                WordHolder entry = theQ.poll();
                int w = entry.getWord();
                WordIterator i = entry.getIterator();
                /*flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(w);
                if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
                  wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, i));
                } else */if (i.hasNext()) {
                    wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(i.next(), i));
                } else {
                    wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(i.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);

                nextVal = theQ.peek();

            // check if a literal needs to be created from the flipped bits of this sequence
            //flipBitLiteral = ConciseSetUtils.getLiteralFromOneSeqFlipBit(word);
            /*if (flipBitLiteral != ConciseSetUtils.ALL_ONES_LITERAL) {
              wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(flipBitLiteral, itr));
            } else */if (itr.hasNext()) {
                wordsToAdd.add(new WordHolder(itr.next(), itr));
            } else {
                wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd = Math.min(itr.wordsWalked, wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd);


    // fill in any missing one sequences
    if (currIndex < wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd) {
        addAndCompact(retVal, (0x10000000 | (wordsWalkedAtSequenceEnd - currIndex)));

    if (retVal.isEmpty()) {
        return new ImmutableSecompaxSet();
    return new ImmutableSecompaxSet(IntBuffer.wrap(retVal.toArray()));