Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap entries

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap entries


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap entries.


Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>> entries();

Source Link


Returns a view collection of all key-value pairs contained in this multimap, as Map.Entry instances.


From source file:ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.binary.Relation.java

private Multimap<RoleType, Type> getRoleTypeMap() {
    Multimap<RoleType, Type> roleTypeMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    Multimap<RoleType, Var> roleMap = getRoleVarMap();
    Map<Var, Type> varTypeMap = getParentQuery().getVarTypeMap();

    roleMap.entries().stream().filter(e -> varTypeMap.containsKey(e.getValue()))
            .forEach(e -> roleTypeMap.put(e.getKey(), varTypeMap.get(e.getValue())));
    return roleTypeMap;

From source file:to.lean.tools.gmail.importer.gmail.Mailbox.java

void syncLocalLabelsToGmail(Multimap<LocalMessage, Message> map) {
    class Batches {
        BatchRequest thisBatch;/*from  w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2 s . c  o m*/
        BatchRequest nextBatch;
    Gmail gmail = gmailService.getServiceWithRetries();
    Batches batches = new Batches();
    batches.thisBatch = gmail.batch();
    batches.nextBatch = gmail.batch();

    try {
        for (Map.Entry<LocalMessage, Message> entry : map.entries()) {
            LocalMessage localMessage = entry.getKey();
            Message message = entry.getValue();

            Set<String> labelNamesToAdd = localMessage.getFolders().stream().map(this::normalizeLabelName)
            Set<String> labelNamesToRemove = Sets.newHashSet("SPAM", "TRASH");

            if (localMessage.isStarred()) {
            if (localMessage.isUnread()) {
            } else {

            if (!labelNamesToAdd.contains("INBOX")) {

            List<String> labelIdsToAdd = labelNamesToAdd.stream()
                    .map(labelName -> labelsByName.get(labelName).getId()).collect(toList());
            List<String> labelIdsToRemove = labelNamesToRemove.stream()
                    .map(labelName -> labelsByName.get(labelName).getId()).collect(toList());

            Gmail.Users.Messages.Modify request = gmail.users().messages().modify(user.getEmailAddress(),
                    message.getId(), new ModifyMessageRequest().setAddLabelIds(labelIdsToAdd)

            JsonBatchCallback<Message> callback = new JsonBatchCallback<Message>() {
                public void onFailure(GoogleJsonError e, HttpHeaders responseHeaders) throws IOException {
                    System.err.format("For message: %s, got error: %s\n", message.getId(), e.toPrettyString());
                    if (e.getCode() == TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_FOR_USER) {
                        request.queue(batches.nextBatch, this);

                public void onSuccess(Message message, HttpHeaders responseHeaders) throws IOException {
            request.queue(batches.thisBatch, callback);

        while (batches.thisBatch.size() > 0) {
            batches.thisBatch = batches.nextBatch;
            batches.nextBatch = gmail.batch();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:com.b2international.snowowl.datastore.server.oplock.impl.RemoteLockTargetListener.java

protected void onLogout(final IApplicationSessionManager manager, final RpcSession session) {

    if (null == session) {
        return;/*from  w  w w .  j  a v  a2 s .  co m*/

    if (!remotelyLockedContexts.containsKey(session)) {

    final Multimap<IOperationLockTarget, DatastoreLockContext> targetsForSession = remotelyLockedContexts

    if (targetsForSession.isEmpty()) {

    final String disconnectedUserId = (String) session.get(IApplicationSessionManager.KEY_USER_ID);
    if (null == disconnectedUserId) {

    LOGGER.warn("Disconnected client had locks granted, unlocking.");

    final IDatastoreOperationLockManager lockManager = ApplicationContext.getInstance()

    for (final Entry<IOperationLockTarget, DatastoreLockContext> targetContextPair : targetsForSession
            .entries()) {
        try {
            lockManager.unlock(targetContextPair.getValue(), targetContextPair.getKey());
        } catch (final OperationLockException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Failed to unlock targets left after closed session.", e);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.examples.wikisearch.ingest.WikipediaMapper.java

protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Article article = extractor/*from   w w w  .j a  va2  s  .  c  om*/
            .extract(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(value.getBytes()), UTF8));
    String NULL_BYTE = "\u0000";
    String colfPrefix = language + NULL_BYTE;
    String indexPrefix = "fi" + NULL_BYTE;
    if (article != null) {
        int groupId = WikipediaMapper.getPartitionId(article, numGroups);
        if (groupId != myGroup)
        Text partitionId = new Text(Integer.toString(WikipediaMapper.getPartitionId(article, numPartitions)));

        // Create the mutations for the document.
        // Row is partition id, colf is language0articleid, colq is fieldName\0fieldValue
        Mutation m = new Mutation(partitionId);
        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : article.getFieldValues().entrySet()) {
            m.put(colfPrefix + article.getId(), entry.getKey() + NULL_BYTE + entry.getValue().toString(), cv,
                    article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);
            // Create mutations for the metadata table.
            String metadataKey = entry.getKey() + METADATA_EVENT_COLUMN_FAMILY + language;
            if (!metadataSent.contains(metadataKey)) {
                Mutation mm = new Mutation(entry.getKey());
                mm.put(METADATA_EVENT_COLUMN_FAMILY, language, cv, article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);
                context.write(metadataTableName, mm);

        // Tokenize the content
        Set<String> tokens = getTokens(article);

        // We are going to put the fields to be indexed into a multimap. This allows us to iterate
        // over the entire set once.
        Multimap<String, String> indexFields = HashMultimap.create();
        // Add the normalized field values
        LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer normalizer = new LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer();
        for (Entry<String, String> index : article.getNormalizedFieldValues().entrySet())
            indexFields.put(index.getKey(), index.getValue());
        // Add the tokens
        for (String token : tokens)
            indexFields.put(TOKENS_FIELD_NAME, normalizer.normalizeFieldValue("", token));

        for (Entry<String, String> index : indexFields.entries()) {
            // Create mutations for the in partition index
            // Row is partition id, colf is 'fi'\0fieldName, colq is fieldValue\0language\0article id
            m.put(indexPrefix + index.getKey(), index.getValue() + NULL_BYTE + colfPrefix + article.getId(), cv,
                    article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);

            // Create mutations for the global index
            // Create a UID object for the Value
            Builder uidBuilder = Uid.List.newBuilder();
            Uid.List uidList = uidBuilder.build();
            Value val = new Value(uidList.toByteArray());

            // Create mutations for the global index
            // Row is field value, colf is field name, colq is partitionid\0language, value is Uid.List object
            Mutation gm = new Mutation(index.getValue());
            gm.put(index.getKey(), partitionId + NULL_BYTE + language, cv, article.getTimestamp(), val);
            context.write(indexTableName, gm);

            // Create mutations for the global reverse index
            Mutation grm = new Mutation(StringUtils.reverse(index.getValue()));
            grm.put(index.getKey(), partitionId + NULL_BYTE + language, cv, article.getTimestamp(), val);
            context.write(reverseIndexTableName, grm);

            // Create mutations for the metadata table.
            String metadataKey = index.getKey() + METADATA_INDEX_COLUMN_FAMILY + language;
            if (!metadataSent.contains(metadataKey)) {
                Mutation mm = new Mutation(index.getKey());
                        language + NULL_BYTE + LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer.class.getName(), cv,
                        article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);
                context.write(metadataTableName, mm);
        // Add the entire text to the document section of the table.
        // row is the partition, colf is 'd', colq is language\0articleid, value is Base64 encoded GZIP'd document
        m.put(DOCUMENT_COLUMN_FAMILY, colfPrefix + article.getId(), cv, article.getTimestamp(),
                new Value(Base64.encodeBase64(article.getText().getBytes())));
        context.write(tablename, m);

    } else {
        context.getCounter("wikipedia", "invalid articles").increment(1);

From source file:com.jcwhatever.nucleus.collections.timed.TimedMultimap.java

public boolean putAll(Multimap<? extends K, ? extends V> entries) {
    PreCon.notNull(entries);/*from w  w  w . j  av a  2s .  c o m*/

    boolean isChanged = false;

    for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : entries.entries()) {
        isChanged = put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()) || isChanged;

    return isChanged;

From source file:org.apache.crunch.impl.mr.plan.MSCRPlanner.java

public MRExecutor plan(Class<?> jarClass, Configuration conf) throws IOException {

    DotfileUtil dotfileUtil = new DotfileUtil(jarClass, conf);

    // Generate the debug lineage dotfiles (if configuration is enabled)

    Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, Set<Target>> targetDeps = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR);
    for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : outputs.keySet()) {
        targetDeps.put(pcollect, pcollect.getTargetDependencies());
    }//from   ww  w .j ava  2  s .co m

    Multimap<Target, JobPrototype> assignments = HashMultimap.create();

    while (!targetDeps.isEmpty()) {
        Set<Target> allTargets = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : targetDeps.keySet()) {
        GraphBuilder graphBuilder = new GraphBuilder();

        // Walk the current plan tree and build a graph in which the vertices are
        // sources, targets, and GBK operations.
        Set<PCollectionImpl<?>> currentStage = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : targetDeps.keySet()) {
            Set<Target> deps = Sets.intersection(allTargets, targetDeps.get(output));
            if (deps.isEmpty()) {

        Graph baseGraph = graphBuilder.getGraph();
        boolean hasInputs = false;
        for (Vertex v : baseGraph) {
            if (v.isInput()) {
                hasInputs = true;
        if (!hasInputs) {
            LOG.warn("No input sources for pipeline, nothing to do...");
            return new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets, pipelineCallables);

        // Create a new graph that splits up up dependent GBK nodes.
        Graph graph = prepareFinalGraph(baseGraph);

        // Break the graph up into connected components.
        List<List<Vertex>> components = graph.connectedComponents();

        // Generate the debug graph dotfiles (if configuration is enabled)
        dotfileUtil.buildBaseGraphDotfile(outputs, graph);
        dotfileUtil.buildSplitGraphDotfile(outputs, graph, components);

        // For each component, we will create one or more job prototypes,
        // depending on its profile.
        // For dependency handling, we only need to care about which
        // job prototype a particular GBK is assigned to.
        Multimap<Vertex, JobPrototype> newAssignments = HashMultimap.create();
        for (List<Vertex> component : components) {

        // Add in the job dependency information here.
        for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) {
            JobPrototype current = e.getValue();
            for (Vertex parent : graph.getParents(e.getKey())) {
                for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : newAssignments.get(parent)) {

        ImmutableMultimap<Target, JobPrototype> previousStages = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(assignments);
        for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) {
            if (e.getKey().isOutput()) {
                PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect = e.getKey().getPCollection();
                JobPrototype current = e.getValue();

                // Add in implicit dependencies via SourceTargets that are read into memory
                for (Target pt : pcollect.getTargetDependencies()) {
                    for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : assignments.get(pt)) {

                // Add this to the set of output assignments
                for (Target t : outputs.get(pcollect)) {
                    assignments.put(t, e.getValue());
            } else {
                Source source = e.getKey().getSource();
                if (source != null && source instanceof Target) {
                    JobPrototype current = e.getValue();
                    Collection<JobPrototype> parentJobPrototypes = previousStages.get((Target) source);
                    if (parentJobPrototypes != null) {
                        for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : parentJobPrototypes) {

        // Remove completed outputs and mark materialized output locations
        // for subsequent job processing.
        for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : currentStage) {
            if (toMaterialize.containsKey(output)) {
                MaterializableIterable mi = toMaterialize.get(output);
                if (mi.isSourceTarget()) {
                    output.materializeAt((SourceTarget) mi.getSource());

    // Finally, construct the jobs from the prototypes and return.
    MRExecutor exec = new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets,

    // Generate the debug Plan dotfiles
    dotfileUtil.buildPlanDotfile(exec, assignments, pipeline, lastJobID);

    for (JobPrototype proto : Sets.newHashSet(assignments.values())) {
        exec.addJob(proto.getCrunchJob(jarClass, conf, pipeline, lastJobID));

    // Generate the debug RTNode dotfiles (if configuration is enabled)

    // Attach the dotfiles to the MRExcutor context

    return exec;

From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.BaseGenieClient.java

 * Executes HTTP request based on user params, and performs
 * marshaling/unmarshaling.//from   w  w  w .  j av  a 2  s  .  c o  m
 * @param verb
 *            GET, POST or DELETE
 * @param baseRestUri
 *            the base Uri to use in the request, e.g. genie/v0/jobs
 * @param uuid
 *            the id to append to the baseRestUri, if any (e.g. job ID)
 * @param params
 *            HTTP params (e.g. userName="foo")
 * @param request
 *            Genie request if applicable (for POST), null otherwise
 * @param responseClass
 *            class name of expected response to be used for unmarshalling
 * @return extracted and unmarshalled response from the Genie Execution Service
 * @throws CloudServiceException
protected <T extends BaseResponse> T executeRequest(Verb verb, String baseRestUri, String uuid,
        Multimap<String, String> params, Object request, Class<T> responseClass) throws CloudServiceException {
    HttpResponse response = null;
    String requestUri = buildRequestUri(baseRestUri, uuid);
    try {
        // execute an HTTP request on Genie using load balancer
        RestClient genieClient = (RestClient) ClientFactory.getNamedClient(NIWS_CLIENT_NAME_GENIE);
        HttpRequest.Builder builder = HttpRequest.newBuilder().verb(verb).header("Accept", "application/json")
                .uri(new URI(requestUri)).entity(request);
        if (params != null) {
            Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = params.entries().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, String> next = it.next();
                builder.queryParams(next.getKey(), next.getValue());
        HttpRequest req = builder.build();
        response = genieClient.executeWithLoadBalancer(req);

        // basic error checking
        if (response == null) {
            String msg = "Received NULL response from Genie service";
            throw new CloudServiceException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, msg);

        // extract/cast/unmarshal and return entity
        return extractEntityFromClientResponse(response, responseClass);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        logger.error("Exception caught while executing request", e);
        throw new CloudServiceException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
    } catch (ClientException e) {
        logger.error("Exception caught while executing request", e);
        throw new CloudServiceException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
    } finally {
        // release resources after we are done
        // this is really really important - or we run out of connections
        if (response != null) {

From source file:ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.atom.binary.RelationAtom.java

private Multimap<Role, OntologyConcept> getRoleTypeMap() {
    Multimap<Role, OntologyConcept> roleTypeMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    Multimap<Role, Var> roleMap = getRoleVarMap();
    Map<Var, OntologyConcept> varTypeMap = getParentQuery().getVarOntologyConceptMap();

    roleMap.entries().stream().filter(e -> varTypeMap.containsKey(e.getValue()))
            .sorted(Comparator.comparing(e -> varTypeMap.get(e.getValue()).getLabel()))
            .forEach(e -> roleTypeMap.put(e.getKey(), varTypeMap.get(e.getValue())));
    return roleTypeMap;

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.examples.wikisearch.ingest.WikipediaPartitionedMapper.java

protected void map(Text language, Article article, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String NULL_BYTE = "\u0000";
    String colfPrefix = language.toString() + NULL_BYTE;
    String indexPrefix = "fi" + NULL_BYTE;
    ColumnVisibility cv = new ColumnVisibility(cvPrefix + language);

    if (article != null) {
        Text partitionId = new Text(Integer.toString(WikipediaMapper.getPartitionId(article, numPartitions)));

        // Create the mutations for the document.
        // Row is partition id, colf is language0articleid, colq is fieldName\0fieldValue
        Mutation m = new Mutation(partitionId);
        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : article.getFieldValues().entrySet()) {
            m.put(colfPrefix + article.getId(), entry.getKey() + NULL_BYTE + entry.getValue().toString(), cv,
                    article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);
            // Create mutations for the metadata table.
            MutationInfo mm = new MutationInfo(entry.getKey(), METADATA_EVENT_COLUMN_FAMILY,
                    language.toString(), cv, article.getTimestamp());
            wikiMetadataOutput.put(mm, NULL_VALUE);
        }//from w ww .j  a va 2s.c om

        // Tokenize the content
        Set<String> tokens = WikipediaMapper.getTokens(article);

        // We are going to put the fields to be indexed into a multimap. This allows us to iterate
        // over the entire set once.
        Multimap<String, String> indexFields = HashMultimap.create();
        // Add the normalized field values
        LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer normalizer = new LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer();
        for (Entry<String, String> index : article.getNormalizedFieldValues().entrySet())
            indexFields.put(index.getKey(), index.getValue());
        // Add the tokens
        for (String token : tokens)
            indexFields.put(TOKENS_FIELD_NAME, normalizer.normalizeFieldValue("", token));

        for (Entry<String, String> index : indexFields.entries()) {
            // Create mutations for the in partition index
            // Row is partition id, colf is 'fi'\0fieldName, colq is fieldValue\0language\0article id
            m.put(indexPrefix + index.getKey(), index.getValue() + NULL_BYTE + colfPrefix + article.getId(), cv,
                    article.getTimestamp(), NULL_VALUE);

            // Create mutations for the global index
            // Row is field value, colf is field name, colq is partitionid\0language, value is Uid.List object
            MutationInfo gm = new MutationInfo(index.getValue(), index.getKey(),
                    partitionId + NULL_BYTE + language, cv, article.getTimestamp());
            wikiIndexOutput.put(gm, new CountAndSet(Integer.toString(article.getId())));

            // Create mutations for the global reverse index
            MutationInfo grm = new MutationInfo(StringUtils.reverse(index.getValue()), index.getKey(),
                    partitionId + NULL_BYTE + language, cv, article.getTimestamp());
            wikiReverseIndexOutput.put(grm, new CountAndSet(Integer.toString(article.getId())));

            // Create mutations for the metadata table.
            MutationInfo mm = new MutationInfo(index.getKey(), METADATA_INDEX_COLUMN_FAMILY,
                    language + NULL_BYTE + LcNoDiacriticsNormalizer.class.getName(), cv,
            wikiMetadataOutput.put(mm, NULL_VALUE);
        // Add the entire text to the document section of the table.
        // row is the partition, colf is 'd', colq is language\0articleid, value is Base64 encoded GZIP'd document
        m.put(DOCUMENT_COLUMN_FAMILY, colfPrefix + article.getId(), cv, article.getTimestamp(),
                new Value(Base64.encodeBase64(article.getText().getBytes())));
        context.write(tablename, m);

    } else {
        context.getCounter("wikipedia", "invalid articles").increment(1);

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.rocksdb.impl.RocksDbKeyValueService.java

public void delete(String tableName, Multimap<Cell, Long> keys) {
    try (Disposer d = new Disposer(); ColumnFamily table = columnFamilies.get(tableName)) {
        WriteOptions options = d.register(new WriteOptions().setSync(writeOptions.fsyncPut()));
        WriteBatch batch = d.register(new WriteBatch());
        for (Entry<Cell, Long> entry : keys.entries()) {
            byte[] key = RocksDbKeyValueServices.getKey(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            batch.remove(table.getHandle(), key);
        }/*w w w.jav  a  2s.c  om*/
        getDb().write(options, batch);
    } catch (RocksDBException e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);