Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap put

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap put


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap put.


boolean put(@Nullable K key, @Nullable V value);

Source Link


Stores a key-value pair in this multimap.


From source file:org.jclouds.simpledb.samples.MainApp.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

    // Args//from  ww w.j  ava 2s  .com
    String accesskeyid = args[0];
    String secretkey = args[1];
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty("simpledb.identity", accesskeyid);
    properties.setProperty("simpledb.credential", secretkey);

    RestContext<SimpleDBClient, SimpleDBAsyncClient> context = new RestContextFactory().createContext(
            "simpledb", "AKIAJODKICBEKG7MM4XA", "FfqiNSiC88B6tJPDIOKUWUJGY68BQaQpkNz6Fsgq", new Properties());
    AttributePair p = new AttributePair("AccessNumber", "1213123", true);
    Multimap<String, AttributePair> m = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    m.put("AccessNumber", p);
    Item attributes = new Item(m);

    // Use Provider API
    context.getApi().putAttributes(Region.EU_WEST_1, "tse", "AccessNumber", attributes);
    //context.getApi().createDomainInRegion(Region.EU_WEST_1, "tse");
    Map<String, Item> results = context.getApi().select(Region.EU_WEST_1, "select * from tse");
    ListDomainsOptions[] list = new ListDomainsOptions[100];
    //context.getApi().listDomainsInRegion(Region.EU_WEST_1, list);

From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.PigConfigServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code./*from  ww w .jav  a  2s.c om*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    // System.out.println("Initializing Eureka");
    // PigConfigServiceClient.initEureka("test");

    System.out.println("Initializing list of Genie servers");
    ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("genieClient.ribbon.listOfServers", "localhost:7001");

    System.out.println("Initializing PigConfigServiceClient");
    PigConfigServiceClient client = PigConfigServiceClient.getInstance();

    String userName = "genietest";
    String name = "MY_TEST_PIG_CONFIG";

    System.out.println("Creating new pig config");
    PigConfigElement pigConfigElement = new PigConfigElement();
    pigConfigElement = client.createPigConfig(pigConfigElement);
    String id = pigConfigElement.getId();
    System.out.println("Pig config created with id: " + id);

    System.out.println("Getting pigConfigs using specified filter criteria");
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("name", name);
    params.put("limit", "3");
    PigConfigElement[] responses = client.getPigConfigs(params);
    for (PigConfigElement hce : responses) {
        System.out.println("Pig Configs: {id, status, updateTime} - {" + hce.getId() + ", " + hce.getStatus()
                + ", " + hce.getUpdateTime() + "}");

    System.out.println("Getting pig config by id");
    pigConfigElement = client.getPigConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Pig config status: " + pigConfigElement.getStatus());

    System.out.println("Updating existing pig config");
    pigConfigElement = client.updatePigConfig(id, pigConfigElement);
    System.out.println("Updated status: " + pigConfigElement.getStatus() + " at time: "
            + pigConfigElement.getUpdateTime());

    System.out.println("Deleting pig config using id");
    pigConfigElement = client.deletePigConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Deleted pig config with id: " + pigConfigElement.getId());


From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.HiveConfigServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code.//from   w  ww  .  j  a v a2s.  c  o m
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    // System.out.println("Initializing Eureka");
    // HiveConfigServiceClient.initEureka("test");

    System.out.println("Initializing list of Genie servers");
    ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("genieClient.ribbon.listOfServers", "localhost:7001");

    System.out.println("Initializing HiveConfigServiceClient");
    HiveConfigServiceClient client = HiveConfigServiceClient.getInstance();

    String userName = "genietest";
    String name = "MY_TEST_HIVE_CONFIG";

    System.out.println("Creating new hive config");
    HiveConfigElement hiveConfigElement = new HiveConfigElement();
    hiveConfigElement = client.createHiveConfig(hiveConfigElement);
    String id = hiveConfigElement.getId();
    System.out.println("Hive config created with id: " + id);

    System.out.println("Getting hiveConfigs using specified filter criteria");
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("name", name);
    params.put("limit", "3");
    HiveConfigElement[] responses = client.getHiveConfigs(params);
    for (HiveConfigElement hce : responses) {
        System.out.println("Hive Configs: {id, status, updateTime} - {" + hce.getId() + ", " + hce.getStatus()
                + ", " + hce.getUpdateTime() + "}");

    System.out.println("Getting hive config by id");
    hiveConfigElement = client.getHiveConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Hive config status: " + hiveConfigElement.getStatus());

    System.out.println("Updating existing hive config");
    hiveConfigElement = client.updateHiveConfig(id, hiveConfigElement);
    System.out.println("Updated status: " + hiveConfigElement.getStatus() + " at time: "
            + hiveConfigElement.getUpdateTime());

    System.out.println("Deleting hive config using id");
    hiveConfigElement = client.deleteHiveConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Deleted hive config with id: " + hiveConfigElement.getId());


From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.ClusterConfigServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code./*from   w ww  .j a  v a 2 s  . c o m*/
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    // System.out.println("Initializing Eureka");
    // ClusterConfigServiceClient.initEureka("test");

    System.out.println("Initializing list of Genie servers");
    ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("genieClient.ribbon.listOfServers", "localhost:7001");

    System.out.println("Initializing ClusterConfigServiceClient");
    ClusterConfigServiceClient client = ClusterConfigServiceClient.getInstance();

    String userName = "genietest";
    String name = "MY_TEST_CLUSTER_CONFIG";

    System.out.println("Creating new hive config for cluster");
    HiveConfigElement hiveConfigElement = new HiveConfigElement();
    String hiveConfigName = "MY_TEST_HIVE_CONFIG";
    HiveConfigServiceClient hiveConfigClient = HiveConfigServiceClient.getInstance();
    hiveConfigElement = hiveConfigClient.createHiveConfig(hiveConfigElement);
    String hiveConfigId = hiveConfigElement.getId();
    System.out.println("Hive config created with id: " + hiveConfigId);

    System.out.println("Creating new cluster config");
    ClusterConfigElement clusterConfigElement = new ClusterConfigElement();

    clusterConfigElement = client.createClusterConfig(clusterConfigElement);
    String id = clusterConfigElement.getId();
    System.out.println("Cluster config created with id: " + id);

    System.out.println("Getting clusterConfigs using specified filter criteria");
    Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("name", name);
    params.put("adHoc", "false");
    params.put("test", "true");
    params.put("limit", "3");
    ClusterConfigElement[] responses = client.getClusterConfigs(params);
    for (ClusterConfigElement hce : responses) {
        System.out.println("Cluster Configs: {id, status, updateTime} - {" + hce.getId() + ", "
                + hce.getStatus() + ", " + hce.getUpdateTime() + "}");

    System.out.println("Getting cluster config by id");
    clusterConfigElement = client.getClusterConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Cluster config status: " + clusterConfigElement.getStatus());

    System.out.println("Updating existing cluster config");
    clusterConfigElement = client.updateClusterConfig(id, clusterConfigElement);
    System.out.println("Updated status: " + clusterConfigElement.getStatus() + " at time: "
            + clusterConfigElement.getUpdateTime());

    System.out.println("Deleting cluster config using id");
    clusterConfigElement = client.deleteClusterConfig(id);
    System.out.println("Deleted cluster config with id: " + clusterConfigElement.getId());

    System.out.println("Deleting hive config using id");
    hiveConfigElement = hiveConfigClient.deleteHiveConfig(hiveConfigId);
    System.out.println("Deleted hive config with id: " + hiveConfigElement.getId());


From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.ExecutionServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code ./*from   ww w . j  av a2s  . co  m*/
 * @param args command line arguments
 * @throws Exception On any issue.
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    // LOG.info("Initializing Eureka");
    // ExecutionServiceClient.initEureka("test");
    LOG.info("Initializing list of Genie servers");

    LOG.info("Initializing ExecutionServiceClient");
    final ExecutionServiceClient client = ExecutionServiceClient.getInstance();

    final String userName = "genietest";
    final String jobName = "sampleClientTestJob";
    LOG.info("Getting jobs using specified filter criteria");
    final Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("userName", userName);
    params.put("status", JobStatus.FAILED.name());
    params.put("limit", "3");
    for (final Job ji : client.getJobs(params)) {
        LOG.info("Job: {id, status, finishTime} - {" + ji.getId() + ", " + ji.getStatus() + ", "
                + ji.getFinished() + "}");

    LOG.info("Running Hive job");
    final Set<String> criteriaTags = new HashSet<>();
    final ClusterCriteria criteria = new ClusterCriteria(criteriaTags);
    final List<ClusterCriteria> clusterCriterias = new ArrayList<>();
    final Set<String> commandCriteria = new HashSet<>();

    Job job = new Job(userName, jobName, "1.0", "-f hive.q", commandCriteria, clusterCriterias);

    job.setDescription("This is a test");

    // Add some tags for metadata about the job. This really helps for reporting on
    // the jobs and categorization.
    final Set<String> jobTags = new HashSet<>();


    // send the query as an attachment
    final Set<FileAttachment> attachments = new HashSet<>();
    final FileAttachment attachment = new FileAttachment();
    attachment.setData("select count(*) from counters where dateint=20120430 and hour=10;".getBytes("UTF-8"));

    job = client.submitJob(job);

    final String jobID = job.getId();
    final String outputURI = job.getOutputURI();
    LOG.info("Job ID: " + jobID);
    LOG.info("Output URL: " + outputURI);

    LOG.info("Getting jobInfo by jobID");
    job = client.getJob(jobID);

    LOG.info("Waiting for job to finish");
    final int blockTimeout = 600000;
    final int pollTime = 5000;
    job = client.waitForCompletion(jobID, blockTimeout, pollTime);
    LOG.info("Job status: " + job.getStatus());

    LOG.info("Killing jobs using jobID");
    final Job killedJob = client.killJob(jobID);
    LOG.info("Job status: " + killedJob.getStatus());


From source file:com.github.rinde.vanlon15prima.PerformExperiment.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final Experiment.Builder experimentBuilder = Experiment.build(SUM).computeLocal().withRandomSeed(123)
            .addResultListener(new CommandLineProgress(System.out))
            // central: cheapest insertion configuration
            .addConfiguration(//from w  ww . ja v a 2  s  . c om
                    Central.solverConfiguration(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM), "CheapInsert"))
            // central: random
            // mas: auction cheapest insertion with 2-opt per vehicle
                    .addEventHandler(AddVehicleEvent.class, new VehicleHandler(
                                    Opt2.breadthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM), SUM)),
                            SolverBidder.supplier(SUM, CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM))))

    final Optional<ExperimentResults> results = experimentBuilder.perform(System.out, args);
    final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
    if (!results.isPresent()) {

    System.out.println("Done, computed " + results.get().getResults().size() + " simulations in "
            + duration / 1000d + "s");

    final Multimap<MASConfiguration, SimulationResult> groupedResults = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (final SimulationResult sr : results.get().sortedResults()) {
        groupedResults.put(sr.getSimArgs().getMasConfig(), sr);

    for (final MASConfiguration config : groupedResults.keySet()) {
        final Collection<SimulationResult> group = groupedResults.get(config);

        final File configResult = new File(RESULTS + config.getName() + ".csv");
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e1);
        // deletes the file in case it already exists
        try {
                    configResult, Charsets.UTF_8);
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e1);

        for (final SimulationResult sr : group) {
            final String pc = sr.getSimArgs().getScenario().getProblemClass().getId();
            final String id = sr.getSimArgs().getScenario().getProblemInstanceId();
            final int numVehicles = FluentIterable.from(sr.getSimArgs().getScenario().getEvents())
            try {
                final String scenarioName = Joiner.on("-").join(pc, id);
                final List<String> propsStrings = Files
                        .readLines(new File(DATASET + scenarioName + ".properties"), Charsets.UTF_8);
                final Map<String, String> properties = Splitter.on("\n").withKeyValueSeparator(" = ")

                final double dynamism = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("dynamism_bin"));
                final long urgencyMean = Long.parseLong(properties.get("urgency"));
                final double scale = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("scale"));

                final StatisticsDTO stats = (StatisticsDTO) sr.getResultObject();
                final double cost = SUM.computeCost(stats);
                final double travelTime = SUM.travelTime(stats);
                final double tardiness = SUM.tardiness(stats);
                final double overTime = SUM.overTime(stats);
                final boolean isValidResult = SUM.isValidResult(stats);
                final long computationTime = stats.computationTime;

                final long numOrders = Long.parseLong(properties.get("AddParcelEvent"));

                final String line = Joiner.on(",")
                        .appendTo(new StringBuilder(),
                                asList(dynamism, urgencyMean, scale, cost, travelTime, tardiness, overTime,
                                        isValidResult, scenarioName, sr.getSimArgs().getRandomSeed(),
                                        computationTime, numVehicles, numOrders))
                if (!isValidResult) {
                    System.err.println("WARNING: FOUND AN INVALID RESULT: ");
                Files.append(line, configResult, Charsets.UTF_8);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.CommandServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code.// www.j av a 2  s .c o  m
 * @param args program arguments
 * @throws Exception on issue.
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    // LOG.info("Initializing Eureka");
    // ApplicationServiceClient.initEureka("test");
    LOG.info("Initializing list of Genie servers");
    ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("genie2Client.ribbon.listOfServers", "localhost:7001");

    LOG.info("Initializing ApplicationServiceClient");
    final ApplicationServiceClient appClient = ApplicationServiceClient.getInstance();

    final Application app1 = appClient.createApplication(
    LOG.info("Created application:");

    final Application app2 = appClient.createApplication(
            ApplicationServiceSampleClient.getSampleApplication(ApplicationServiceSampleClient.ID + "2"));
    LOG.info("Created application:");
    LOG.info("Initializing CommandServiceClient");
    final CommandServiceClient commandClient = CommandServiceClient.getInstance();

    LOG.info("Creating command pig13_mr2");
    final Command command1 = commandClient.createCommand(createSampleCommand(ID));
    commandClient.setApplicationForCommand(command1.getId(), app1);
    LOG.info("Created command:");

    LOG.info("Getting Commands using specified filter criteria name =  " + CMD_NAME);
    final Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("name", CMD_NAME);
    final List<Command> commands = commandClient.getCommands(params);
    if (commands.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.info("No commands found for specified criteria.");
    } else {
        LOG.info("Commands found:");
        for (final Command command : commands) {

    LOG.info("Getting command config by id");
    final Command command3 = commandClient.getCommand(ID);

    LOG.info("Updating existing command config");
    final Command command4 = commandClient.updateCommand(ID, command3);

    LOG.info("Configurations for command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Set<String> configs = commandClient.getConfigsForCommand(command1.getId());
    for (final String config : configs) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Adding configurations to command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Set<String> newConfigs = new HashSet<>();
    final Set<String> configs2 = commandClient.addConfigsToCommand(command1.getId(), newConfigs);
    for (final String config : configs2) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Updating set of configuration files associated with id " + command1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> configs3 = commandClient.updateConfigsForCommand(command1.getId(), newConfigs);
    for (final String config : configs3) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Deleting all the configuration files from the command with id " + command1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> configs4 = commandClient.removeAllConfigsForCommand(command1.getId());
    for (final String config : configs4) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    /**************** Begin tests for tag Api's *********************/
    LOG.info("Get tags for command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Set<String> tags = command1.getTags();
    for (final String tag : tags) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Adding tags to command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Set<String> newTags = new HashSet<>();
    final Set<String> tags2 = commandClient.addTagsToCommand(command1.getId(), newTags);
    for (final String tag : tags2) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Updating set of tags associated with id " + command1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> tags3 = commandClient.updateTagsForCommand(command1.getId(), newTags);
    for (final String tag : tags3) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Deleting one tag from the command with id " + command1.getId());
    //This should remove the "tag3" from the tags
    final Set<String> tags5 = commandClient.removeTagForCommand(command1.getId(), "tag1");
    for (final String tag : tags5) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Deleting all the tags from the command with id " + command1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> tags4 = commandClient.removeAllConfigsForCommand(command1.getId());
    for (final String tag : tags4) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Config = " + tag);
    /********************** End tests for tag Api's **********************/

    LOG.info("Application for command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Application application = commandClient.getApplicationForCommand(command1.getId());
    LOG.info("Application = " + application);

    LOG.info("Removing Application for command with id " + command1.getId());
    final Application application2 = commandClient.removeApplicationForCommand(command1.getId());
    LOG.info("Application = " + application2);

    LOG.info("Getting all the clusters for command with id  " + command1.getId());
    final Set<Cluster> clusters = commandClient.getClustersForCommand(command1.getId());
    for (final Cluster cluster : clusters) {
        LOG.info("Cluster = " + cluster);

    LOG.info("Deleting command config using id");
    final Command command5 = commandClient.deleteCommand(ID);
    LOG.info("Deleted command config with id: " + ID);

    LOG.info("Deleting all applications");
    final List<Application> deletedApps = appClient.deleteAllApplications();
    LOG.info("Deleted all applications");


From source file:com.netflix.genie.client.sample.ApplicationServiceSampleClient.java

 * Main for running client code./*  w ww . ja v  a  2  s. co  m*/
 * @param args program arguments
 * @throws Exception On issue.
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

    //        //Initialize Eureka, if it is being used
    //        LOG.info("Initializing Eureka");
    //        ApplicationServiceClient.initEureka("test");

    LOG.info("Initializing list of Genie servers");
    ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("genie2Client.ribbon.listOfServers", "localhost:7001");

    LOG.info("Initializing ApplicationServiceClient");
    final ApplicationServiceClient appClient = ApplicationServiceClient.getInstance();

    LOG.info("Creating new application config");
    final Application app1 = appClient.createApplication(getSampleApplication(null));
    LOG.info("Application configuration created with id: " + app1.getId());

    LOG.info("Getting Applications using specified filter criteria name =  " + APP_NAME);
    final Multimap<String, String> params = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    params.put("name", APP_NAME);
    final List<Application> appResponses = appClient.getApplications(params);
    if (appResponses.isEmpty()) {
        LOG.info("No applications found for specified criteria.");
    } else {
        LOG.info("Applications found:");
        for (final Application appResponse : appResponses) {

    LOG.info("Getting application config by id");
    final Application app2 = appClient.getApplication(app1.getId());

    LOG.info("Updating existing application config");
    final Application app3 = appClient.updateApplication(app1.getId(), app2);

    LOG.info("Configurations for application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> configs = appClient.getConfigsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final String config : configs) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Adding configurations to application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> newConfigs = new HashSet<>();
    final Set<String> configs2 = appClient.addConfigsToApplication(app1.getId(), newConfigs);
    for (final String config : configs2) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Updating set of configuration files associated with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> configs3 = appClient.updateConfigsForApplication(app1.getId(), newConfigs);
    for (final String config : configs3) {
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    LOG.info("Deleting all the configuration files from the application with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> configs4 = appClient.removeAllConfigsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final String config : configs4) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Config = " + config);

    /**************** Begin tests for tag Api's *********************/
    LOG.info("Get tags for application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> tags = app1.getTags();
    for (final String tag : tags) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Adding tags to application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> newTags = new HashSet<>();
    final Set<String> tags2 = appClient.addTagsToApplication(app1.getId(), newTags);
    for (final String tag : tags2) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Updating set of tags associated with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> tags3 = appClient.updateTagsForApplication(app1.getId(), newTags);
    for (final String tag : tags3) {
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Deleting one tag from the application with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the "tag3" from the tags
    final Set<String> tags5 = appClient.removeTagForApplication(app1.getId(), "tag1");
    for (final String tag : tags5) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Tag = " + tag);

    LOG.info("Deleting all the tags from the application with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original config leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> tags4 = appClient.removeAllConfigsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final String tag : tags4) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("Config = " + tag);
    /********************** End tests for tag Api's **********************/

    LOG.info("Jars for application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> jars = appClient.getJarsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final String jar : jars) {
        LOG.info("jar = " + jar);

    LOG.info("Adding jars to application with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<String> newJars = new HashSet<>();
    final Set<String> jars2 = appClient.addJarsToApplication(app1.getId(), newJars);
    for (final String jar : jars2) {
        LOG.info("jar = " + jar);

    LOG.info("Updating set of jars associated with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original jar leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> jars3 = appClient.updateJarsForApplication(app1.getId(), newJars);
    for (final String jar : jars3) {
        LOG.info("jar = " + jar);

    LOG.info("Deleting all the jars from the application with id " + app1.getId());
    //This should remove the original jar leaving only the two in this set
    final Set<String> jars4 = appClient.removeAllJarsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final String jar : jars4) {
        //Shouldn't print anything
        LOG.info("jar = " + jar);

    LOG.info("Getting the commands associated with id " + app1.getId());
    final Set<Command> commands = appClient.getCommandsForApplication(app1.getId());
    for (final Command command : commands) {
        LOG.info("Command: " + command.toString());

    LOG.info("Deleting application using id");
    final Application app4 = appClient.deleteApplication(app1.getId());
    LOG.info("Deleted application with id: " + app4.getId());


From source file:com.github.rinde.dynurg.Experimentation.java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final Experiment.Builder experimentBuilder = Experiment.build(SUM).computeDistributed().withRandomSeed(123)
            .repeat(10).numBatches(10)/*from  ww  w  .j a  v a 2  s  .  co  m*/
            .addResultListener(new CommandLineProgress(System.out))
                    Central.solverConfiguration(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM), "-CheapInsert"))
                    Opt2.breadthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM), SUM),
                    Opt2.breadthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(TARDINESS), TARDINESS),
                    Opt2.breadthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(DISTANCE), DISTANCE),
                    Opt2.depthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(SUM), SUM),
                    Opt2.depthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(TARDINESS), TARDINESS),
                    Opt2.depthFirstSupplier(CheapestInsertionHeuristic.supplier(DISTANCE), DISTANCE),

    final Menu m = ExperimentCli.createMenuBuilder(experimentBuilder)
            .add(Option.builder("nv", ArgumentParser.INTEGER).longName("number-of-vehicles")
                    .description("Changes the number of vehicles in all scenarios.").build(), experimentBuilder,
                    new ArgHandler<Experiment.Builder, Integer>() {
                        public void execute(Experiment.Builder subject, Optional<Integer> argument) {
                            subject.setScenarioReader(new NumVehiclesScenarioParser(argument.get()));

    final Optional<String> error = m.safeExecute(args);
    if (error.isPresent()) {
    final ExperimentResults results = experimentBuilder.perform();

    final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
            .println("Done, computed " + results.results.size() + " simulations in " + duration / 1000d + "s");

    final Multimap<MASConfiguration, SimulationResult> groupedResults = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (final SimulationResult sr : results.sortedResults()) {
        groupedResults.put(sr.masConfiguration, sr);

    for (final MASConfiguration config : groupedResults.keySet()) {
        final Collection<SimulationResult> group = groupedResults.get(config);

        final File configResult = new File(RESULTS + config.toString() + ".csv");
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e1);
        // deletes the file in case it already exists
        try {
                    configResult, Charsets.UTF_8);
        } catch (final IOException e1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e1);

        for (final SimulationResult sr : group) {
            final String pc = sr.scenario.getProblemClass().getId();
            final String id = sr.scenario.getProblemInstanceId();
            final int numVehicles = FluentIterable.from(sr.scenario.asList()).filter(AddVehicleEvent.class)
            try {
                final List<String> propsStrings = Files
                        .readLines(new File("files/dataset/" + pc + id + ".properties"), Charsets.UTF_8);
                final Map<String, String> properties = Splitter.on("\n").withKeyValueSeparator(" = ")

                final double dynamism = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("dynamism"));
                final double urgencyMean = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("urgency_mean"));
                final double urgencySd = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("urgency_sd"));

                final double cost = SUM.computeCost(sr.stats);
                final double travelTime = SUM.travelTime(sr.stats);
                final double tardiness = SUM.tardiness(sr.stats);
                final double overTime = SUM.overTime(sr.stats);
                final boolean isValidResult = SUM.isValidResult(sr.stats);
                final long computationTime = sr.stats.computationTime;

                final String line = Joiner.on(",")
                        .appendTo(new StringBuilder(),
                                asList(dynamism, urgencyMean, urgencySd, cost, travelTime, tardiness, overTime,
                                        isValidResult, pc + id, sr.seed, computationTime, numVehicles))
                if (!isValidResult) {
                    System.err.println("WARNING: FOUND AN INVALID RESULT: ");
                Files.append(line, configResult, Charsets.UTF_8);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

From source file:PCC.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 * @throws java.io.IOException//  ww  w.  j av a2s.  c o  m

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO code application logic here

    PearsonsCorrelation corel = new PearsonsCorrelation();
    PCC method = new PCC();
    ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
    Multimap<String, String> genes = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(args[1]));
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0]));
    String str;
    while ((str = br.readLine()) != null) {
        String[] a = str.split("\t");
        for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
            genes.put(a[0], a[i]);
    for (String key : genes.keySet()) {
        double[] first = new double[genes.get(key).size()];
        int element1 = 0;
        for (String value : genes.get(key)) {
            double d = Double.parseDouble(value);
            first[element1] = d;
        for (String key1 : genes.keySet()) {
            if (!key.equals(key1)) {
                double[] second = new double[genes.get(key1).size()];
                int element2 = 0;
                for (String value : genes.get(key1)) {
                    double d = Double.parseDouble(value);
                    second[element2] = d;

                double corrlation = corel.correlation(first, second);
                if (corrlation > 0.5) {
                    bw.write(key + "\t" + key1 + "\t" + corrlation + "\t"
                            + method.pvalue(corrlation, second.length) + "\n");