Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap size

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap size


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap size.


int size();

Source Link


Returns the number of key-value pairs in this multimap.


From source file:com.android.tools.idea.gradle.editor.parser.GradleEditorModelParserFacade.java

 * Processes given PSI file and fills given context
 * by {@link GradleEditorModelParseContext#getAssignments(Variable) corresponding assignments}.
 * @param context  context to fill//w  ww. j a  va2  s  .c om
 * @param psiFile  psi file to parse
private static void fillContext(@NotNull final GradleEditorModelParseContext context,
        @NotNull PsiFile psiFile) {
    psiFile.acceptChildren(new GroovyPsiElementVisitor(new GroovyRecursiveElementVisitor() {
        public void visitMethodCallExpression(GrMethodCallExpression methodCallExpression) {
            Pair<String, TextRange> pair = GradleEditorValueExtractor.extractMethodName(methodCallExpression);
            GrClosableBlock[] closureArguments = methodCallExpression.getClosureArguments();
            if (pair == null || closureArguments.length > 1) {
            if (closureArguments.length == 0) {
                if (methodCallExpression.getArgumentList().getAllArguments().length == 0) {
                    // This is a no-args method, so, we just register it for cases like 'mavenCentral()' or 'jcenter()'.
                    context.addCachedValue(NO_ARGS_METHOD_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE, TextRange.create(
                            pair.second.getEndOffset(), methodCallExpression.getTextRange().getEndOffset()));
                    context.registerAssignmentFromCachedData(pair.first, pair.second, methodCallExpression);

            try {
            } finally {

        public void visitApplicationStatement(GrApplicationStatement applicationStatement) {
            Pair<String, TextRange> methodName = GradleEditorValueExtractor
            if (methodName == null) {
            GroovyPsiElement[] allArguments = applicationStatement.getArgumentList().getAllArguments();
            if (allArguments.length == 1) {
                extractValueOrVariable(allArguments[0], context);
                context.registerAssignmentFromCachedData(methodName.getFirst(), methodName.getSecond(),

        public void visitAssignmentExpression(GrAssignmentExpression expression) {
            // General idea is to try to extract variable from the given expression and, in case of success, try to extract rvalue and
            // register corresponding assignment with them.
            extractValueOrVariable(expression.getLValue(), context);
            Multimap<Variable, Location> vars = context.getCachedVariables();
            if (vars.size() != 1) {
            Map.Entry<Variable, Location> entry = vars.entries().iterator().next();
            Variable lVariable = entry.getKey();
            Location lVariableLocation = entry.getValue();

            GrExpression rValue = expression.getRValue();
            if (rValue == null) {
            extractValueOrVariable(rValue, context);
            if (context.getCachedValues().size() > 1) {
                Value value = new Value("",
                        new Location(context.getCurrentFile(), GradleEditorModelUtil.interestedRange(rValue)));
            context.registerAssignmentFromCachedData(lVariable, lVariableLocation, rValue);

        public void visitVariable(GrVariable variable) {
            TextRange nameRange = null;
            boolean lookForInitializer = false;
            ParserDefinition parserDefinition = LanguageParserDefinitions.INSTANCE
            for (PsiElement e = variable.getFirstChild(); e != null; e = e.getNextSibling()) {
                ASTNode node = e.getNode();
                if (node == null) {
                if (!lookForInitializer) {
                    if (node.getElementType() == GroovyTokenTypes.mIDENT) {
                        nameRange = e.getTextRange();
                    } else if (node.getElementType() == GroovyTokenTypes.mASSIGN) {
                        if (nameRange == null) {
                        lookForInitializer = true;
                if (node.getElementType() == GroovyTokenTypes.mNLS
                        || node.getElementType() == GroovyTokenTypes.mSEMI) {
                if (parserDefinition.getWhitespaceTokens().contains(node.getElementType())) {
                extractValueOrVariable(e, context);
                if (context.getCachedValues().size() > 1) {
                    Value value = new Value("",
                            new Location(context.getCurrentFile(), GradleEditorModelUtil.interestedRange(e)));
                if (context.registerAssignmentFromCachedData(variable.getName(), nameRange, e)) {

From source file:org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.write.IndexWriter.java

 * Convert the passed index updates to {@link HTableInterfaceReference}s.
 * @param indexUpdates from the index builder
 * @return pairs that can then be written by an {@link IndexWriter}.
 *//* www.j  a  v  a  2  s.  c o m*/
public static Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> resolveTableReferences(
        Collection<Pair<Mutation, byte[]>> indexUpdates) {
    Multimap<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation> updates = ArrayListMultimap
            .<HTableInterfaceReference, Mutation>create();
    // simple map to make lookups easy while we build the map of tables to create
    Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterfaceReference> tables = new HashMap<ImmutableBytesPtr, HTableInterfaceReference>(
    for (Pair<Mutation, byte[]> entry : indexUpdates) {
        byte[] tableName = entry.getSecond();
        ImmutableBytesPtr ptr = new ImmutableBytesPtr(tableName);
        HTableInterfaceReference table = tables.get(ptr);
        if (table == null) {
            table = new HTableInterfaceReference(ptr);
            tables.put(ptr, table);
        updates.put(table, entry.getFirst());

    return updates;

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.interpolation.CexTraceAnalysisDirection.java

private static void createLoopDrivenStateOrdering0(final List<AbstractState> pAbstractionStates,
        final Multimap<Integer, AbstractState> loopLevelsToStatesMap, Deque<CFANode> actLevelStack,
        LoopStructure loopStructure) {//  ww w.  j  av a  2  s. c om

    // we are finished with the computation
    if (loopLevelsToStatesMap.size() == pAbstractionStates.size()) {

    AbstractState lastState = pAbstractionStates.get(loopLevelsToStatesMap.size() - 1);
    AbstractState actState = pAbstractionStates.get(loopLevelsToStatesMap.size());
    CFANode actCFANode = AbstractStates.EXTRACT_LOCATION.apply(actState);

    Iterator<CFANode> it = actLevelStack.descendingIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        CFANode lastLoopNode = it.next();

        // check if the functions match, if yes we can simply check if the node
        // is in the loop on this level, if not we have to check the functions entry
        // point, in order to know if the current node is in the loop on this
        // level or on a lower one
        if (actCFANode.getFunctionName().equals(lastLoopNode.getFunctionName())) {
            actCFANode = getPrevFunctionNode((ARGState) actState, (ARGState) lastState,

        // the lastLoopNode cannot be reached from the actState
        // so decrease the actLevelStack
        if (actCFANode == null || !isNodePartOfLoop(lastLoopNode, actCFANode, loopStructure)) {

            // we have a valid path to the function of the lastLoopNode
        } else {
            loopLevelsToStatesMap.put(actLevelStack.size(), actState);

            // node itself is a loophead, too, so add it also to the levels stack
            if (loopStructure.getAllLoopHeads().contains(actCFANode)) {
            createLoopDrivenStateOrdering0(pAbstractionStates, loopLevelsToStatesMap, actLevelStack,

    // coming here is possible only if the stack is empty and no matching
    // loop for the current node was found
    createLoopDrivenStateOrdering(pAbstractionStates, loopLevelsToStatesMap, actLevelStack, loopStructure);

From source file:grakn.core.graql.reasoner.utils.ReasonerUtils.java

 * NB: assumes MATCH semantics - all types and their subs are considered
 * compute the map of compatible {@link RelationType}s for a given set of {@link Type}s
 * (intersection of allowed sets of relation types for each entry type) and compatible role types
 * @param types for which the set of compatible {@link RelationType}s is to be computed
 * @param schemaConceptConverter converter between {@link SchemaConcept} and relation type-role entries
 * @param <T> type generic//  www .j  av a2  s  .c o m
 * @return map of compatible {@link RelationType}s and their corresponding {@link Role}s
public static <T extends SchemaConcept> Multimap<RelationType, Role> compatibleRelationTypesWithRoles(
        Set<T> types, SchemaConceptConverter<T> schemaConceptConverter) {
    Multimap<RelationType, Role> compatibleTypes = HashMultimap.create();
    if (types.isEmpty())
        return compatibleTypes;
    Iterator<T> typeIterator = types.iterator();

    while (typeIterator.hasNext() && compatibleTypes.size() > 1) {
        compatibleTypes = multimapIntersection(compatibleTypes,
    return compatibleTypes;

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.cassandra.CassandraVerifier.java

static Set<String> sanityCheckDatacenters(Cassandra.Client client, int desiredRf, boolean safetyDisabled)
        throws InvalidRequestException, TException {
    ensureTestKeyspaceExists(client);/*  w w  w  . j  a va 2s  . co  m*/
    Set<String> hosts = Sets.newHashSet();

    Multimap<String, String> dataCenterToRack = HashMultimap.create();
    List<TokenRange> ring = client.describe_ring(CassandraConstants.SIMPLE_RF_TEST_KEYSPACE);
    for (TokenRange tokenRange : ring) {
        for (EndpointDetails details : tokenRange.getEndpoint_details()) {
            dataCenterToRack.put(details.datacenter, details.rack);

    if (dataCenterToRack.size() == 1) {
        String dc = dataCenterToRack.keySet().iterator().next();
        String rack = dataCenterToRack.values().iterator().next();
        if (dc.equals(CassandraConstants.DEFAULT_DC) && rack.equals(CassandraConstants.DEFAULT_RACK)
                && desiredRf > 1) {
            // We don't allow greater than RF=1 because they didn't set up their network.
                    "The cassandra cluster is not set up to be datacenter and rack aware.  "
                            + "Please set this up before running with a replication factor higher than 1.",

        if (dataCenterToRack.values().size() < desiredRf && hosts.size() > desiredRf) {
            logErrorOrThrow("The cassandra cluster only has one DC, "
                    + "and is set up with less racks than the desired number of replicas, "
                    + "and there are more hosts than the replication factor. "
                    + "It is very likely that your rack configuration is incorrect and replicas would not be placed correctly for the failure tolerance you want.",

    return dataCenterToRack.keySet();

From source file:ai.grakn.graql.internal.reasoner.utils.ReasonerUtils.java

 * compute the map of compatible relation types for given types (intersection of allowed sets of relation types for each entry type)
 * and compatible role types/*from   w w  w  .j  av a2 s  .c o  m*/
 * @param types for which the set of compatible relation types is to be computed
 //* @param typeMapper function mapping a type to the set of compatible relation types
 * @param <T> type generic
 * @return map of compatible relation types and their corresponding role types
public static <T extends Type> Multimap<RelationType, RoleType> getCompatibleRelationTypesWithRoles(
        Set<T> types, TypeConverter<T> typeConverter) {
    Multimap<RelationType, RoleType> compatibleTypes = HashMultimap.create();
    if (types.isEmpty())
        return compatibleTypes;
    Iterator<T> it = types.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext() && compatibleTypes.size() > 1) {
        compatibleTypes = multimapIntersection(compatibleTypes, typeConverter.toRelationMultimap(it.next()));
    return compatibleTypes;

From source file:org.crypto.sse.TSet.java

public static void constructEMMPar(final byte[] key1, final byte[] key2, final byte[] keyENC,
        final Multimap<String, String> lookup, final Multimap<String, String> encryptedIdToRealId)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

    // Instantiation of B buckets in the secure inverted index
    // Initialize of the free set

    // Determination of the bucketSize B
    bucketSize = lookup.size() * spaceOverhead;
    int count = 2;
    for (int j = 1; j < 1000; j++) {
        if (bucketSize > Math.pow(2, count)) {
            count = 2 * j;//from   ww w.  ja  va 2 s .c o  m
        } else {

    bucketSize = (int) Math.pow(2, count);

    for (int i = 0; i < bucketSize; i++) {
        secureIndex.add(new ArrayList<Record>());
        free.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
        // For each bucket initialize to S sub-buckets
        for (int j = 0; j < subBucketSize; j++) {
            // initialize all buckets with random values
            secureIndex.get(i).add(new Record(new byte[16], new byte[16]));

    List<String> listOfKeyword = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.keySet());
    int threads = 0;
    if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > listOfKeyword.size()) {
        threads = listOfKeyword.size();
    } else {
        threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

    ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
    ArrayList<String[]> inputs = new ArrayList<String[]>(threads);

    for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        String[] tmp;
        if (i == threads - 1) {
            tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads];
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads + listOfKeyword.size() % threads; j++) {
                tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
        } else {
            tmp = new String[listOfKeyword.size() / threads];
            for (int j = 0; j < listOfKeyword.size() / threads; j++) {

                tmp[j] = listOfKeyword.get((listOfKeyword.size() / threads) * i + j);
        inputs.add(i, tmp);

    List<Future<Integer>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Integer>>();
    for (final String[] input : inputs) {
        Callable<Integer> callable = new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {

                int output = setup(key1, key2, keyENC, input, lookup, encryptedIdToRealId);
                return 1;



From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.interpolation.CexTraceAnalysisDirection.java

private static void createLoopDrivenStateOrdering(final List<AbstractState> pAbstractionStates,
        final Multimap<Integer, AbstractState> loopLevelsToStatesMap, Deque<CFANode> actLevelStack,
        LoopStructure loopStructure) {/*from  w  ww  .j a  v a  2 s .  c o m*/
    ImmutableSet<CFANode> loopHeads = loopStructure.getAllLoopHeads();

    // in the nodeLoopLevel map there has to be for every seen ARGState one
    // key-value pair therefore we can use this as our index
    int actARGState = loopLevelsToStatesMap.size();

    AbstractState actState = null;
    CFANode actCFANode = null;

    boolean isCFANodeALoopHead = false;

    // move on as long as there occurs no loop-head in the ARG path
    while (!isCFANodeALoopHead && actLevelStack.isEmpty() && actARGState < pAbstractionStates.size()) {

        actState = pAbstractionStates.get(actARGState);
        actCFANode = AbstractStates.EXTRACT_LOCATION.apply(actState);

        loopLevelsToStatesMap.put(0, actState);

        isCFANodeALoopHead = loopHeads.contains(actCFANode);


    // when not finished with computing the node levels
    if (actARGState != pAbstractionStates.size()) {
        createLoopDrivenStateOrdering0(pAbstractionStates, loopLevelsToStatesMap, actLevelStack, loopStructure);

From source file:org.crypto.sse.IEX2Lev.java

public static IEX2Lev setup(List<byte[]> keys, Multimap<String, String> lookup,
        Multimap<String, String> lookup2, int bigBlock, int smallBlock, int dataSize)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

    // Instantiation of the object that contains Global MM, Local MMs and
    // the dictionary
    RR2Lev[] localMultiMap = new RR2Lev[lookup.keySet().size()];
    Multimap<String, Integer> dictionaryForMM = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    Printer.debugln("Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup.size());

    Printer.debugln("Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size());

    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logs.txt", true));

    writer.write("\n *********************Stats******* \n");
    writer.write("\n Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup2.size());
    writer.write("\n Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size());

    int counter = 0;

    ///////////////////// Computing Filtering Factor and exact needed data
    ///////////////////// size/////////////////////////////

    HashMap<Integer, Integer> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    Printer.debugln("Number of documents " + lookup2.keySet().size());
    for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) {
        if (histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size()) != null) {
            int tmp = histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size());
            histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), tmp + 1);
        } else {/*  w w w .jav  a 2s.c om*/
            histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), 1);

        if (dataSize < lookup.get(keyword).size()) {
            dataSize = lookup.get(keyword).size();


    // Construction of the global multi-map
    Printer.debugln("\nBeginning of Global MM creation \n");

    long startTime1 = System.nanoTime();

    IEX2Lev disj2 = new IEX2Lev(RR2Lev.constructEMMParGMM(keys.get(0), lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize),
            localMultiMap, dictionaryForMM);

    long endTime1 = System.nanoTime();

    writer.write("\n Time of MM global setup time #(w, id)/#DB " + (endTime1 - startTime1) / lookup2.size());

    numberPairs = numberPairs + lookup.size();

    // Construction of the local multi-map

    Printer.debugln("Start of Local Multi-Map construction");

    long startTime = System.nanoTime();

    for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) {

        // Stats for keeping track with the evaluation

        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {

            if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 100)) {
                BufferedWriter writer2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("temp-logs.txt", true));
                writer2.write("\n Number of local multi-maps created" + j + " %");


        // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any filtering set
        // filterParameter to 0
        if (((double) lookup.get(keyword).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) {

            // Stats
            Printer.debugln("Keyword in LMM " + keyword);
            BufferedWriter writer3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("words-logs.txt", true));
            writer3.write("\n Keyword in LMM " + keyword);

            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {

                if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 10)) {
                    Printer.statsln("Number of total keywords processed equals " + j + "0 % \n");

            // First computing V_w. Determine Doc identifiers

            Set<String> VW = new TreeSet<String>();
            for (String idDoc : lookup.get(keyword)) {

            Multimap<String, String> secondaryLookup = ArrayListMultimap.create();

            // here we are only interested in documents in the intersection
            // between "keyword" and "word"
            for (String word : VW) {
                // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any
                // filtering set filterParameter to 0
                if (((double) lookup.get(word).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) {
                    Collection<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(word));
                    Collection<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(keyword));
                    secondaryLookup.putAll(word, l1);

            // End of VW construction
            RR2Lev.counter = 0;
            // dataSize = (int) filterParameter;
            disj2.getLocalMultiMap()[counter] = RR2Lev.constructEMMParGMM(
                    CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(0), keyword), secondaryLookup, bigBlock, smallBlock,
            byte[] key3 = CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(1), 3 + keyword);
            numberPairs = numberPairs + secondaryLookup.size();
            dictionaryForMM.put(new String(key3), counter);



    long endTime = System.nanoTime();

    Printer.statsln("Time to construct LMM " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000000000);

    return disj2;


From source file:org.crypto.sse.IEXRH2Lev.java

public static IEXRH2Lev setup(List<byte[]> keys, Multimap<String, String> lookup,
        Multimap<String, String> lookup2, int bigBlock, int smallBlock, int dataSize)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

    // Instantiation of the object that contains Global MM, Local MMs and
    // the dictionary
    RH2Lev[] localMultiMap = new RH2Lev[lookup.keySet().size()];
    Multimap<String, Integer> dictionaryForMM = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    Printer.debugln("Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup.size());

    Printer.debugln("Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size());

    Printer.debugln("Maximum size of |DB(w)| " + TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize);

    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logs.txt", true));

    writer.write("\n *********************Stats******* \n");

    writer.write("\n Number of (w, id) pairs " + lookup2.size());
    writer.write("\n Number of keywords " + lookup.keySet().size());

    int counter = 0;

    ///////////////////// Computing Filtering Factor and exact needed data
    ///////////////////// size/////////////////////////////

    HashMap<Integer, Integer> histogram = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    Printer.debugln("Number of documents " + lookup2.keySet().size());
    for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) {
        if (histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size()) != null) {
            int tmp = histogram.get(lookup.get(keyword).size());
            histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), tmp + 1);
        } else {//from   w  ww.  ja  v  a  2  s . co m
            histogram.put(lookup.get(keyword).size(), 1);

        if (dataSize < lookup.get(keyword).size()) {
            dataSize = lookup.get(keyword).size();


    // Construction of the global multi-map
    Printer.debugln("\nBeginning of Global MM creation \n");

    long startTime1 = System.nanoTime();

    IEXRH2Lev disj2 = new IEXRH2Lev(
            RH2Lev.constructEMMParGMM(keys.get(0), lookup, bigBlock, smallBlock, dataSize), localMultiMap,

    long endTime1 = System.nanoTime();

    writer.write("\n Time of MM global setup time #(w, id)/#DB " + (endTime1 - startTime1) / lookup2.size());

    numberPairs = numberPairs + lookup.size();

    // Construction of the local multi-map

    Printer.debugln("Start of Local Multi-Map construction");

    long startTime = System.nanoTime();

    for (String keyword : lookup.keySet()) {

        // Stats for keeping track with the evaluation

        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {

            if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 100)) {
                BufferedWriter writer2 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("temp-logs.txt", true));
                writer2.write("\n Number of local multi-maps created" + j + " %");


        // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any filtering set
        // filterParameter to 0
        if (((double) lookup.get(keyword).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) {

            // Stats
            Printer.debugln("Keyword in LMM " + keyword);
            BufferedWriter writer3 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("words-logs.txt", true));
            writer3.write("\n Keyword in LMM " + keyword);

            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {

                if (counter == (int) ((j + 1) * lookup.keySet().size() / 10)) {
                    Printer.statsln("Number of total keywords processed equals " + j + "0 % \n");

            // First computing V_w. Determine Doc identifiers

            Set<String> VW = new TreeSet<String>();
            for (String idDoc : lookup.get(keyword)) {

            Multimap<String, String> secondaryLookup = ArrayListMultimap.create();

            // here we are only interested in documents in the intersection
            // between "keyword" and "word"
            for (String word : VW) {
                // Filter setting optional. For a setup without any
                // filtering set filterParameter to 0
                if (((double) lookup.get(word).size() / TextExtractPar.maxTupleSize > filterParameter)) {
                    Collection<String> l1 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(word));
                    Collection<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>(lookup.get(keyword));
                    secondaryLookup.putAll(word, l1);

            // End of VW construction
            RH2Lev.counter = 0;

            // dataSize = (int) filterParameter;
            EMM2Lev.eval = 4 + keyword;
            EMM2Lev.lmm = true;

            disj2.getLocalMultiMap()[counter] = RH2Lev.constructEMMParGMM(
                    CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(0), keyword), secondaryLookup, bigBlock, smallBlock,
            byte[] key3 = CryptoPrimitives.generateCmac(keys.get(1), 3 + keyword);
            numberPairs = numberPairs + secondaryLookup.size();
            dictionaryForMM.put(new String(key3), counter);



    long endTime = System.nanoTime();

    Printer.statsln("Time to construct LMM " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000000000);

    return disj2;
