Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap values

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap values


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap values.


Collection<V> values();

Source Link


Returns a view collection containing the value from each key-value pair contained in this multimap, without collapsing duplicates (so values().size() == size() ).


From source file:com.android.tools.idea.templates.RepositoryUrlManager.java

 * Resolves multiple dynamic dependencies on artifacts distributed in the SDK.
 * <p>This method doesn't check any remote repositories, just the already downloaded SDK "extras" repositories.
 *//* www  . j ava2 s  .  co m*/
public List<GradleCoordinate> resolveDynamicSdkDependencies(
        @NotNull Multimap<String, GradleCoordinate> dependencies, @Nullable String supportLibVersionFilter,
        @NotNull AndroidSdkData sdk, @NotNull FileOp fileOp) {
    List<GradleCoordinate> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(dependencies.size());
    String supportFilter = findExistingExplicitVersion(dependencies.values());
    if (supportFilter != null) {
        supportLibVersionFilter = supportFilter;

    for (String key : dependencies.keySet()) {
        GradleCoordinate highest = Collections.max(dependencies.get(key), COMPARE_PLUS_LOWER);
        if (highest.getGroupId() == null || highest.getArtifactId() == null) {
            return null;

        // For test consistency, don't depend on installed SDK state while testing
        if (myForceRepositoryChecksInTests || !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) {
            // If this coordinate points to an artifact in one of our repositories, check to see if there is a static version
            // that we can add instead of a plus revision.
            String filter = highest.getRevision();
            if (filter.endsWith("+")) {
                filter = filter.length() > 1 ? filter.substring(0, filter.length() - 1) : null;
                boolean includePreviews = false;
                if (filter == null && ImportModule.SUPPORT_GROUP_ID.equals(highest.getGroupId())) {
                    filter = supportLibVersionFilter;
                    includePreviews = true;
                String version = getLibraryRevision(highest.getGroupId(), highest.getArtifactId(), filter,
                        includePreviews, sdk.getLocation(), fileOp);
                if (version == null && filter != null) {
                    // No library found at the support lib version filter level, so look for any match
                    version = getLibraryRevision(highest.getGroupId(), highest.getArtifactId(), null,
                            includePreviews, sdk.getLocation(), fileOp);
                if (version == null && !includePreviews) {
                    // Still no library found, check preview versions
                    version = getLibraryRevision(highest.getGroupId(), highest.getArtifactId(), null, true,
                            sdk.getLocation(), fileOp);
                if (version != null) {
                    String libraryCoordinate = highest.getId() + ":" + version;
                    GradleCoordinate available = GradleCoordinate.parseCoordinateString(libraryCoordinate);
                    if (available != null) {
                        File archiveFile = getArchiveForCoordinate(available, sdk.getLocation(), fileOp);
                        if (((archiveFile != null && fileOp.exists(archiveFile))
                                // Not a known library hardcoded in RepositoryUrlManager?
                                || SupportLibrary.forGradleCoordinate(available) == null)
                                && COMPARE_PLUS_LOWER.compare(available, highest) >= 0) {
                            highest = available;
    return result;

From source file:co.mitro.analysis.StatsGenerator.java

 * Generate statistics and return newly created objects that have not been committed.
 * @param outDir directory in which to write summary files. Subdirectories outDir/users 
 *        and outDir/orgs must exist. Supply null for no output.
 *///from  www  .ja v a  2s . c  om
public static Snapshot generateStatistics(String outDir, Manager manager)
        throws SQLException, IOException, MitroServletException {
    final long runTimestampMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Snapshot output = new Snapshot();

    // TODO: don't do this in one gigantic transaction.
    Multimap<Integer, Link> countToFile = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural());
    // get all orgs.
    Map<Integer, GroupInfo> orgIdToOrg = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (DBGroup o : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) {
        GroupInfo newGi = new GroupInfo();
        newGi.autoDelete = o.isAutoDelete();
        newGi.groupId = o.getId();
        newGi.isTopLevelOrg = true;
        newGi.name = o.getName();
        Set<String> users = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (DBGroup orgGroup : o.getAllOrgGroups(manager)) {
        newGi.users = Lists.newArrayList(users);
        orgIdToOrg.put(newGi.groupId, newGi);
    int numPeople = 0;
    for (DBIdentity id : manager.identityDao.queryForAll()) {
        try {
            logger.info(id.getName() + ": " + id.getGuidCookie());
            DBHistoricalUserState userState = getHistoricalUserState(manager, runTimestampMs, orgIdToOrg, id);

            String filename = id.getName() + ".html";
            renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/" + filename, userStateTemplate, userState);
            countToFile.put(userState.numSecrets, new Link(id.getName(), filename, userState.numSecrets));
        } catch (MitroServletException e) {
            logger.error("UNKNOWN ERROR", e);
    renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values());

    int numOrgs = 0;
    // now do the orgs
    for (DBGroup org : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) {
        // hack to make this work
        Set<Integer> admins = Sets.newHashSet();
        org.putDirectUsersIntoSet(admins, DBAcl.adminAccess());
        int userId = admins.iterator().next();
        DBIdentity dbi = manager.identityDao.queryForId(userId);
        MitroRequestContext context = new MitroRequestContext(dbi, null, manager, null);
        GetOrganizationStateResponse resp = GetOrganizationState.doOperation(context, org.getId());
        DBHistoricalOrgState orgState = new DBHistoricalOrgState(resp, org.getId(), runTimestampMs);

        String filename = org.getId() + ".html";
        renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/" + filename, orgStateTemplate, orgState);
        countToFile.put(orgState.numMembers + orgState.numAdmins, new Link(org.getName() + org.getId(),
                org.getId() + ".html", orgState.numAdmins + orgState.numMembers));
    renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values());
    renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/index.html", indexTemplate,
            ImmutableList.of(new Link("organizations", "orgs/index.html", numOrgs),
                    new Link("users", "users/index.html", numPeople)));

    return output;

From source file:io.github.jonestimd.swing.table.model.BeanListMultimapTableModel.java

public void setBeans(Multimap<G, T> beans) {
    groups.clear();//from  ww w  . j  a v a 2s.c o m

    groupOffsets = new int[sortedGroups.size() + GROWTH_FACTOR];
    int groupIndex = 0;
    for (G group : sortedGroups) {
        groupOffsets[groupIndex + 1] = groupOffsets[groupIndex] + groups.get(group).size() + 1;

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.query2.RdepsBoundedVisitor.java

protected Visit getVisitResult(Iterable<DepAndRdepAtDepth> depAndRdepAtDepths) throws InterruptedException {
    Map<SkyKey, Integer> shallowestRdepDepthMap = new HashMap<>();
    depAndRdepAtDepths.forEach(depAndRdepAtDepth -> shallowestRdepDepthMap
            .merge(depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.rdep, depAndRdepAtDepth.rdepDepth, Integer::min));

    Collection<SkyKey> validRdeps = new ArrayList<>();

    // Multimap of dep to all the reverse deps in this visitation. Used to filter out the
    // disallowed deps.
    Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> reverseDepMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (DepAndRdepAtDepth depAndRdepAtDepth : depAndRdepAtDepths) {
        // The "roots" of our visitation (see #preprocessInitialVisit) have a null 'dep' field.
        if (depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.dep == null) {
        } else {/*from  w  w  w .ja  va2 s.  c  o m*/
            reverseDepMultimap.put(depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.dep, depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.rdep);

    Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> packageKeyToTargetKeyMap = env
    Set<PackageIdentifier> pkgIdsNeededForTargetification = packageKeyToTargetKeyMap.keySet().stream()

    try {
        // Filter out disallowed deps. We cannot defer the targetification any further as we do not
        // want to retrieve the rdeps of unwanted nodes (targets).
        if (!reverseDepMultimap.isEmpty()) {
            Collection<Target> filteredTargets = env.filterRawReverseDepsOfTransitiveTraversalKeys(
                    reverseDepMultimap.asMap(), packageKeyToTargetKeyMap);
    } finally {

    ImmutableList<SkyKey> uniqueValidRdeps = validRdeps.stream().filter(validRdep -> validRdepMinDepthUniquifier
            .uniqueAtDepthLessThanOrEqualTo(validRdep, shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(validRdep)))

    // Don't bother getting the rdeps of the rdeps that are already at the depth bound.
    Iterable<SkyKey> uniqueValidRdepsBelowDepthBound = Iterables.filter(uniqueValidRdeps,
            uniqueValidRdep -> shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(uniqueValidRdep) < depth);

    // Retrieve the reverse deps as SkyKeys and defer the targetification and filtering to next
    // recursive visitation.
    Map<SkyKey, Iterable<SkyKey>> unfilteredRdepsOfRdeps = env.graph

    ImmutableList.Builder<DepAndRdepAtDepth> depAndRdepAtDepthsToVisitBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
    unfilteredRdepsOfRdeps.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
        SkyKey rdep = entry.getKey();
        int depthOfRdepOfRdep = shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(rdep) + 1;
        Streams.stream(entry.getValue()).filter(Predicates.and(SkyQueryEnvironment.IS_TTV, universe))
                .forEachOrdered(rdepOfRdep -> {
                            .add(new DepAndRdepAtDepth(new DepAndRdep(rdep, rdepOfRdep), depthOfRdepOfRdep));

    return new Visit(/*keysToUseForResult=*/ uniqueValidRdeps,
            /*keysToVisit=*/ depAndRdepAtDepthsToVisitBuilder.build());

From source file:org.killbill.billing.plugin.analytics.dao.factory.BusinessInvoiceFactory.java

private BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao createBusinessInvoiceItem(
        final BusinessContextFactory businessContextFactory, final InvoiceItem invoiceItem,
        final Multimap<UUID, InvoiceItem> allInvoiceItems, final Map<UUID, Invoice> invoiceIdToInvoiceMappings,
        final Account account, final Map<UUID, SubscriptionBundle> bundles,
        final CurrencyConverter currencyConverter, final AuditLog creationAuditLog, final Long accountRecordId,
        final Long tenantRecordId, final ReportGroup reportGroup) throws AnalyticsRefreshException {
    final Invoice invoice = invoiceIdToInvoiceMappings.get(invoiceItem.getInvoiceId());
    final Collection<InvoiceItem> otherInvoiceItems = Collections2.filter(allInvoiceItems.values(),
            new Predicate<InvoiceItem>() {
                @Override/*w ww .j av a 2  s .  c o  m*/
                public boolean apply(final InvoiceItem input) {
                    return input.getId() != null && !input.getId().equals(invoiceItem.getId());
    return createBusinessInvoiceItem(businessContextFactory, account, invoice, invoiceItem, otherInvoiceItems,
            bundles, currencyConverter, creationAuditLog, accountRecordId, tenantRecordId, reportGroup);

From source file:com.facebook.presto.execution.BenchmarkNodeScheduler.java

@OperationsPerInvocation(SPLITS)/*  ww  w  .  j  a  va2s . co m*/
public Object benchmark(BenchmarkData data) throws Throwable {
    List<RemoteTask> remoteTasks = ImmutableList.copyOf(data.getTaskMap().values());
    Iterator<MockRemoteTaskFactory.MockRemoteTask> finishingTask = Iterators.cycle(data.getTaskMap().values());
    Iterator<Split> splits = data.getSplits().iterator();
    Set<Split> batch = new HashSet<>();
    while (splits.hasNext() || !batch.isEmpty()) {
        Multimap<Node, Split> assignments = data.getNodeSelector().computeAssignments(batch, remoteTasks)
        for (Node node : assignments.keySet()) {
            MockRemoteTaskFactory.MockRemoteTask remoteTask = data.getTaskMap().get(node);
            remoteTask.addSplits(ImmutableMultimap.<PlanNodeId, Split>builder()
                    .putAll(new PlanNodeId("sourceId"), assignments.get(node)).build());
        if (assignments.size() == batch.size()) {
        } else {
        while (batch.size() < SPLIT_BATCH_SIZE && splits.hasNext()) {
        finishingTask.next().finishSplits((int) Math.ceil(MAX_SPLITS_PER_NODE / 50.0));

    return remoteTasks;

From source file:io.prestosql.execution.BenchmarkNodeScheduler.java

@OperationsPerInvocation(SPLITS)//from  www .java 2s  .co m
public Object benchmark(BenchmarkData data) {
    List<RemoteTask> remoteTasks = ImmutableList.copyOf(data.getTaskMap().values());
    Iterator<MockRemoteTaskFactory.MockRemoteTask> finishingTask = Iterators.cycle(data.getTaskMap().values());
    Iterator<Split> splits = data.getSplits().iterator();
    Set<Split> batch = new HashSet<>();
    while (splits.hasNext() || !batch.isEmpty()) {
        Multimap<Node, Split> assignments = data.getNodeSelector().computeAssignments(batch, remoteTasks)
        for (Node node : assignments.keySet()) {
            MockRemoteTaskFactory.MockRemoteTask remoteTask = data.getTaskMap().get(node);
            remoteTask.addSplits(ImmutableMultimap.<PlanNodeId, Split>builder()
                    .putAll(new PlanNodeId("sourceId"), assignments.get(node)).build());
        if (assignments.size() == batch.size()) {
        } else {
        while (batch.size() < SPLIT_BATCH_SIZE && splits.hasNext()) {
        finishingTask.next().finishSplits((int) Math.ceil(MAX_SPLITS_PER_NODE / 50.0));

    return remoteTasks;

From source file:org.opennms.features.topology.plugins.topo.linkd.internal.CdpLinkStatusProvider.java

protected List<EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> getEdgeAlarmSummaries(List<Integer> linkIds) {

    List<CdpTopologyLink> cdpLinks = getCdpLinkDao().findLinksForTopologyByIds(linkIds.toArray(new Integer[0]));
    Multimap<String, EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> summaryMap = HashMultimap.create();
    for (CdpTopologyLink link : cdpLinks) {
        summaryMap.put(link.getSrcNodeId() + ":" + link.getSrcIfIndex(),
                new EdgeAlarmStatusSummary(link.getSourceId(), link.getTargetId(), null));
    }/*w  ww  .  j  a  v  a2  s .  c om*/

    List<OnmsAlarm> alarms = getLinkDownAlarms();
    for (OnmsAlarm alarm : alarms) {
        String key = alarm.getNodeId() + ":" + alarm.getIfIndex();
        if (summaryMap.containsKey(key)) {
            Collection<EdgeAlarmStatusSummary> summaries = summaryMap.get(key);
            for (EdgeAlarmStatusSummary summary : summaries) {

    return new ArrayList<>(summaryMap.values());

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.query2.output.PreciseAspectResolver.java

public Set<Label> computeBuildFileDependencies(Package pkg, BuildFileDependencyMode mode)
        throws InterruptedException {
    Set<Label> result = new LinkedHashSet<>();

    Set<PackageIdentifier> dependentPackages = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    // First compute with packages can possibly affect the aspect attributes of this package:
    // Iterate over all rules...
    for (Target target : pkg.getTargets()) {

        if (!(target instanceof Rule)) {
        }//from  ww  w  . j  a  v  a  2 s. c om

        // ...figure out which direct dependencies can possibly have aspects attached to them...
        Multimap<Attribute, Label> depsWithPossibleAspects = ((Rule) target)
                .getTransitions(new BinaryPredicate<Rule, Attribute>() {
                    public boolean apply(@Nullable Rule rule, Attribute attribute) {
                        for (Aspect aspectWithParameters : attribute.getAspects(rule)) {
                            if (!aspectWithParameters.getDefinition().getAttributes().isEmpty()) {
                                return true;

                        return false;

        // ...and add the package of the aspect.
        for (Label depLabel : depsWithPossibleAspects.values()) {

    // Then add all the subinclude labels of the packages thus found to the result.
    for (PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier : dependentPackages) {
        try {
            result.add(Label.create(packageIdentifier, "BUILD"));
            Package dependentPackage = packageProvider.getPackage(eventHandler, packageIdentifier);
        } catch (NoSuchPackageException e) {
            // If the package is not found, just add its BUILD file, which is already done above.
            // Hopefully this error is not raised when there is a syntax error in a subincluded file
            // or something.
        } catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    return result;

From source file:org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.sequencer.AssignmentFinder.java

protected Set<AbstractElement> findValidAssignmentsForContainmentRef(EObject semanticObj,
        Multimap<AbstractElement, ISerializationContext> assignments, EObject value) {
    Multimap<ISerializationContext, AbstractElement> children = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (Entry<AbstractElement, Collection<ISerializationContext>> e : assignments.asMap().entrySet()) {
        AbstractElement ele = e.getKey();
        if (ele instanceof RuleCall) {
            EClassifier classifier = ((RuleCall) ele).getRule().getType().getClassifier();
            if (!classifier.isInstance(value))
        }//from ww w  .  ja  v a2 s  .  c o  m
        for (ISerializationContext container : e.getValue()) {
            ISerializationContext child = SerializationContext.forChild(container, ele, value);
            children.put(child, ele);
    if (children.size() < 2)
        return Sets.newHashSet(children.values());
    Set<ISerializationContext> found = contextFinder.findByContents(value, children.keySet());
    Set<AbstractElement> result = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
    for (ISerializationContext ctx : children.keySet())
        if (found.contains(ctx))
    return result;