Example usage for com.google.common.collect MultimapBuilder linkedHashKeys

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect MultimapBuilder linkedHashKeys


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect MultimapBuilder linkedHashKeys.


public static MultimapBuilderWithKeys<Object> linkedHashKeys() 

Source Link


Uses a LinkedHashMap to map keys to value collections.


From source file:io.github.swagger2markup.internal.utils.TagUtils.java

 * Groups the operations by tag. The key of the Multimap is the tag name.
 * The value of the Multimap is a PathOperation
 * @param allOperations     all operations
 * @param operationOrdering comparator for operations, for a given tag
 * @return Operations grouped by Tag/*  ww  w  .  ja  va2s.  c o  m*/
public static Multimap<String, PathOperation> groupOperationsByTag(List<PathOperation> allOperations,
        Comparator<PathOperation> operationOrdering) {

    Multimap<String, PathOperation> operationsGroupedByTag;
    if (operationOrdering == null) {
        operationsGroupedByTag = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    } else {
        operationsGroupedByTag = MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().treeSetValues(operationOrdering).build();
    for (PathOperation operation : allOperations) {
        List<String> tags = operation.getOperation().getTags();

        Validate.notEmpty(tags, "Can't GroupBy.TAGS. Operation '%s' has no tags", operation);
        for (String tag : tags) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Added path operation '{}' to tag '{}'", operation, tag);
            operationsGroupedByTag.put(tag, operation);

    return operationsGroupedByTag;

From source file:org.gradle.internal.fingerprint.impl.NormalizedPathFingerprintCompareStrategy.java

 * Determines changes by:/*from ww w. j  a va2 s. com*/
 * <ul>
 *     <li>Determining which {@link FileSystemLocationFingerprint}s are only in the previous or current fingerprint collection.</li>
 *     <li>
 *         For those only in the previous fingerprint collection it checks if some entry with the same normalized path is in the current collection.
 *         If it is, file is reported as modified, if not as removed.
 *     </li>
 *     <li>Finally, if {@code includeAdded} is {@code true}, the remaining fingerprints which are only in the current collection are reported as added.</li>
 * </ul>
public boolean visitChangesSince(TaskStateChangeVisitor visitor,
        Map<String, FileSystemLocationFingerprint> currentFingerprints,
        Map<String, FileSystemLocationFingerprint> previousFingerprints, String propertyTitle,
        boolean includeAdded) {
    ListMultimap<FileSystemLocationFingerprint, FilePathWithType> unaccountedForPreviousFiles = MultimapBuilder
    ListMultimap<String, FilePathWithType> addedFilesByNormalizedPath = MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys()
    for (Map.Entry<String, FileSystemLocationFingerprint> entry : previousFingerprints.entrySet()) {
        String absolutePath = entry.getKey();
        FileSystemLocationFingerprint previousFingerprint = entry.getValue();
                new FilePathWithType(absolutePath, previousFingerprint.getType()));

    for (Map.Entry<String, FileSystemLocationFingerprint> entry : currentFingerprints.entrySet()) {
        String currentAbsolutePath = entry.getKey();
        FileSystemLocationFingerprint currentFingerprint = entry.getValue();
        List<FilePathWithType> previousFilesForFingerprint = unaccountedForPreviousFiles
        if (previousFilesForFingerprint.isEmpty()) {
                    new FilePathWithType(currentAbsolutePath, currentFingerprint.getType()));
        } else {
    List<Map.Entry<FileSystemLocationFingerprint, FilePathWithType>> unaccountedForPreviousEntries = Lists
    Collections.sort(unaccountedForPreviousEntries, ENTRY_COMPARATOR);
    for (Map.Entry<FileSystemLocationFingerprint, FilePathWithType> unaccountedForPreviousFingerprintEntry : unaccountedForPreviousEntries) {
        FileSystemLocationFingerprint previousFingerprint = unaccountedForPreviousFingerprintEntry.getKey();
        String normalizedPath = previousFingerprint.getNormalizedPath();
        List<FilePathWithType> addedFilesForNormalizedPath = addedFilesByNormalizedPath.get(normalizedPath);
        if (!addedFilesForNormalizedPath.isEmpty()) {
            // There might be multiple files with the same normalized path, here we choose one of them
            FilePathWithType addedFile = addedFilesForNormalizedPath.remove(0);
            if (!visitor.visitChange(FileChange.modified(addedFile.getAbsolutePath(), propertyTitle,
                    previousFingerprint.getType(), addedFile.getFileType()))) {
                return false;
        } else {
            FilePathWithType removedFile = unaccountedForPreviousFingerprintEntry.getValue();
            if (!visitor.visitChange(FileChange.removed(removedFile.getAbsolutePath(), propertyTitle,
                    removedFile.getFileType()))) {
                return false;

    if (includeAdded) {
        for (FilePathWithType addedFile : addedFilesByNormalizedPath.values()) {
            if (!visitor.visitChange(
                    FileChange.added(addedFile.getAbsolutePath(), propertyTitle, addedFile.getFileType()))) {
                return false;
    return true;

From source file:com.squareup.wire.java.ProfileLoader.java

 * Returns a multimap whose keys are base directories and whose values are potential locations of
 * wire profile files.//  w w w . j ava2  s .co  m
Multimap<Path, String> pathsToAttempt(Set<Location> protoLocations) {
    Multimap<Path, String> result = MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().linkedHashSetValues().build();
    for (Location location : protoLocations) {
        pathsToAttempt(result, location);
    return result;

From source file:com.google.template.soy.PerInputOutputFiles.java

void writeFiles(List<File> srcs, List<String> jsOuts, @Nullable String locale) {
    if (srcs.size() != jsOuts.size()) {
        throw new AssertionError(
                String.format("Expected to generate %d code chunk(s), got %d", srcs.size(), jsOuts.size()));
    }/* ww  w  .  j a  v a  2 s .  co m*/

    ListMultimap<Path, String> outputPathToJs = MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().arrayListValues().build();
    for (int i = 0; i < srcs.size(); i++) {
        outputPathToJs.put(getOutputPath(srcs.get(i), locale), jsOuts.get(i));
    for (Path outputPath : outputPathToJs.keySet()) {
        if (outputPath.getParent() != null) {
        try {
            // Having multiple input files map to the same output file is only possible with the
            // --outputPathFormat flag
            MoreFiles.asCharSink(outputPath, UTF_8).write(fileJoiner.join(outputPathToJs.get(outputPath)));
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new CommandLineError("Failed to write: " + outputPath + ": " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.cpa.predicate.PredicateAbstractionGlobalRefinementStrategy.java

public void initializeGlobalRefinement() {
    checkState(newPredicates == null);/*from  w  w  w  . j a  va 2 s  . co  m*/
    // needs to be a fully deterministic data structure,
    // thus a Multimap based on a LinkedHashMap
    // (we iterate over the keys)
    newPredicates = MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().arrayListValues().build();

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.FutureReturnValueIgnored.java

private static Multimap<TypeVariableSymbol, TypeInfo> getResolvedGenerics(MethodInvocationTree tree) {
    Type type = ASTHelpers.getType(tree.getMethodSelect());
    List<Type> from = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Type> to = new ArrayList<>();
    getSubst(type, from, to);//from w ww.jav  a2s  .  c o m
    Multimap<TypeVariableSymbol, TypeInfo> result = Streams
            .zip(from.stream(), to.stream(),
                    (f, t) -> new TypeInfo((TypeVariableSymbol) f.asElement(), t, tree))
            .collect(toMultimap(k -> k.sym, k -> k, MultimapBuilder.linkedHashKeys().arrayListValues()::build));
    return result;