Java Multisets fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Multisets fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Multisets.

The text is from its open source code.


booleancontainsOccurrences(Multiset superMultiset, Multiset subMultiset)
Returns true if subMultiset.count(o) <= superMultiset.count(o) for all o .
ImmutableMultisetcopyHighestCountFirst(Multiset multiset)
Returns a copy of multiset as an ImmutableMultiset whose iteration order is highest count first, with ties broken by the iteration order of the original multiset.
Multisetdifference(final Multiset multiset1, final Multiset multiset2)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the difference of two multisets.
Multisetfilter(Multiset unfiltered, Predicate predicate)
Returns a view of the elements of unfiltered that satisfy a predicate.
Multiset.EntryimmutableEntry(@Nullable E e, int n)
Returns an immutable multiset entry with the specified element and count.
Multisetintersection(final Multiset multiset1, final Multiset multiset2)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the intersection of two multisets.
booleanremoveOccurrences(Multiset multisetToModify, Iterable occurrencesToRemove)
For each occurrence of an element e in occurrencesToRemove , removes one occurrence of e in multisetToModify .
booleanremoveOccurrences(Multiset multisetToModify, Multiset occurrencesToRemove)
For each occurrence of an element e in occurrencesToRemove , removes one occurrence of e in multisetToModify .
Multisetunion(final Multiset multiset1, final Multiset multiset2)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the union of two multisets.
MultisetunmodifiableMultiset(Multiset multiset)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified multiset.
MultisetunmodifiableMultiset(ImmutableMultiset multiset)
Simply returns its argument.
SortedMultisetunmodifiableSortedMultiset(SortedMultiset sortedMultiset)
Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified sorted multiset.