Example usage for com.google.common.collect Ordering immutableSortedCopy

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Ordering immutableSortedCopy


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Ordering immutableSortedCopy.


public <E extends T> ImmutableList<E> immutableSortedCopy(Iterable<E> elements) 

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Returns an immutable list containing elements sorted by this ordering.


From source file:com.stackframe.bentographer.BentoGrapher.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *///from   w  w  w.ja v  a 2s.  c  o  m
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    File db = findDatabase();
    Connection connection = openConnection(db);
    try {
        Map<String, Library> libraries = getLibraries(connection);
        String selected = (String) select(libraries.keySet(), "Choose Library", "Library");
        Library library = libraries.get(selected);
        Collection<Field> fields = getFields(connection, library);

        fields = Collections2.filter(fields, new Predicate<Field>() {

            public boolean apply(Field t) {
                return !ignorableFields.contains(t.type);

        Comparator<Field> dateComparator = makeTypeComparator("com.filemaker.bento.field.core.date");
        Comparator<Field> dateCreatedComparator = makeTypeComparator(
        Comparator<Field> dateModifiedComparator = makeTypeComparator(
        Ordering<Field> xOrdering = Ordering.from(dateComparator).compound(dateCreatedComparator)
        Collection<Field> sortedXFields = xOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(fields);

        // FIXME: This depends on the implemenation of Field.toString() returning the type name. It should use a Renderer or something.
        final Field x = (Field) select(sortedXFields, "Choose X", "X");

        fields = Collections2.filter(fields, new Predicate<Field>() {

            public boolean apply(Field t) {
                return t != x;

        Ordering<Field> yOrdering = Ordering.from(Collections.reverseOrder(dateModifiedComparator))
        Collection<Field> sortedYFields = yOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(fields);
        Field y = (Field) select(sortedYFields, "Choose Y", "Y");

        // FIXME: Make the rendering of dates smart. It looks like date is seconds since 1/1/2001 and is defined by Core Data.
        // FIXME: Make the graphs printable.
        // FIXME: Make it easy to dynamically add more Y values to same graph.
        // FIXME: Package up a binary that is easy to run. (JNLP/Web Startable?)
        // FIXME: Publish some screenshots to make it easier to understand what this is for.
        // FIXME: Make it possible to save graph paramters and automatically bring them back up.
        // FIXME: Make setting of min as 0 configurable.
        // FIXME: Fix graph to show actual data points on lines.

        makeGraph(connection, library, x, y);
    } finally {

From source file:org.grouplens.lenskit.data.history.History.java

 * Create a history for a particular user.
 * @param id The user ID./*from  www  .j  a v  a2 s.  c  o m*/
 * @param events The events.
 * @param <E> The root type of the events in the history.
 * @return A history object.
public static <E extends Event> UserHistory<E> forUser(long id, List<? extends E> events) {
    Ordering<Event> ord = Ordering.from(Events.TIMESTAMP_COMPARATOR);
    if (ord.isOrdered(events)) {
        return new BasicUserHistory<E>(id, events);
    } else {
        return new BasicUserHistory<E>(id, ord.immutableSortedCopy(events));

From source file:org.lenskit.data.history.History.java

 * Create a history for a particular user.
 * @param id The user ID./*  w w  w. ja v  a 2 s .  c o m*/
 * @param events The events.
 * @param <E> The root type of the events in the history.
 * @return A history object.
public static <E extends Event> UserHistory<E> forUser(long id, List<? extends E> events) {
    Ordering<Event> ord = Ordering.from(Events.TIMESTAMP_COMPARATOR);
    if (ord.isOrdered(events)) {
        return new BasicUserHistory<>(id, events);
    } else {
        return new BasicUserHistory<>(id, ord.immutableSortedCopy(events));

From source file:net.lldp.checksims.algorithm.similaritymatrix.SimilarityMatrix.java

 * Generate a similarity matrix from a given set of submissions.
 * @param inputSubmissions Submissions to generate from
 * @param results Results to build from. Must contain results for every possible unordered pair of input submissions
 * @return Similarity Matrix built from given results
 * @throws InternalAlgorithmError Thrown on missing results, or results containing a submission not in the input
 *//* w  w  w .ja  v  a  2  s  . co m*/
public static SimilarityMatrix generateMatrix(Set<Submission> inputSubmissions, Set<AlgorithmResults> results)
        throws InternalAlgorithmError {
    checkArgument(!inputSubmissions.isEmpty(), "Must provide at least 1 submission to build matrix from");
    checkArgument(!results.isEmpty(), "Must provide at least 1 AlgorithmResults to build matrix from!");

    // Generate the matrix we'll use
    AlgorithmResults[][] matrix = new AlgorithmResults[inputSubmissions.size()][inputSubmissions.size()];

    //Ordering sortBy = Ordering.natural();
    Ordering<Submission> sortBy = Ordering.from(new Comparator<Submission>() {
        public int compare(Submission a, Submission b) {
            return ((Double) b.getTotalCopyScore()).compareTo(a.getTotalCopyScore());

    // Order the submissions
    List<Submission> orderedSubmissions = sortBy.immutableSortedCopy(inputSubmissions);

    // Generate the matrix

    // Start with the diagonal, filling with 100% similarity
    for (int i = 0; i < orderedSubmissions.size(); i++) {
        Submission s = orderedSubmissions.get(i);

        matrix[i][i] = new AlgorithmResults(Pair.of(s, s), Real.ONE, Real.ONE);

    // Now go through all the results, and build appropriate two MatrixEntry objects for each
    for (AlgorithmResults result : results) {
        int aIndex = orderedSubmissions.indexOf(result.a);
        int bIndex = orderedSubmissions.indexOf(result.b);

        if (aIndex == -1) {
            if (!result.a.testFlag("invalid")) {
                throw new InternalAlgorithmError(
                        "Processed Algorithm Result with submission not in given input submissions with name \""
                                + result.a.getName() + "\"");
        } else if (bIndex == -1) {
            if (!result.b.testFlag("invalid")) {
                throw new InternalAlgorithmError(
                        "Processed Algorithm Result with submission not in given input submissions with name \""
                                + result.b.getName() + "\"");
        } else {
            matrix[aIndex][bIndex] = result.inverse();
            matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = result;

    // Verification pass: Go through and ensure that the entire array was populated
    for (int x = 0; x < orderedSubmissions.size(); x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < orderedSubmissions.size(); y++) {
            if (matrix[x][y] == null) {
                throw new InternalAlgorithmError("Missing Algorithm Results for comparison of submissions \""
                        + orderedSubmissions.get(x).getName() + "\" and \""
                        + orderedSubmissions.get(y).getName() + "\"");

    return new SimilarityMatrix(matrix, orderedSubmissions, orderedSubmissions, results);

From source file:org.sonar.server.measure.ws.ComponentTreeSort.java

public static List<ComponentDto> sortComponents(List<ComponentDto> components, ComponentTreeWsRequest wsRequest,
        List<MetricDto> metrics,
        Table<String, MetricDto, ComponentTreeData.Measure> measuresByComponentUuidAndMetric) {
    List<String> sortParameters = wsRequest.getSort();
    if (sortParameters == null || sortParameters.isEmpty()) {
        return components;
    }//from  ww w.  j  a v a 2  s.  c  o  m
    boolean isAscending = wsRequest.getAsc();
    Map<String, Ordering<ComponentDto>> orderingsBySortField = ImmutableMap
            .<String, Ordering<ComponentDto>>builder().put(NAME_SORT, componentNameOrdering(isAscending))
            .put(QUALIFIER_SORT, componentQualifierOrdering(isAscending))
            .put(PATH_SORT, componentPathOrdering(isAscending))
            .put(METRIC_SORT, metricValueOrdering(wsRequest, metrics, measuresByComponentUuidAndMetric))
            .put(METRIC_PERIOD_SORT, metricPeriodOrdering(wsRequest, metrics, measuresByComponentUuidAndMetric))

    String firstSortParameter = sortParameters.get(0);
    Ordering<ComponentDto> primaryOrdering = orderingsBySortField.get(firstSortParameter);
    if (sortParameters.size() > 1) {
        for (int i = 1; i < sortParameters.size(); i++) {
            String secondarySortParameter = sortParameters.get(i);
            Ordering<ComponentDto> secondaryOrdering = orderingsBySortField.get(secondarySortParameter);
            primaryOrdering = primaryOrdering.compound(secondaryOrdering);

    return primaryOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(components);

From source file:org.sonar.server.component.ws.TreeAction.java

public static List<ComponentDto> sortComponents(List<ComponentDto> components, TreeWsRequest wsRequest) {
    List<String> sortParameters = wsRequest.getSort();
    if (sortParameters == null || sortParameters.isEmpty()) {
        return components;
    }//from   w ww  .j a v a2s. c  o m
    boolean isAscending = wsRequest.getAsc();
    Map<String, Ordering<ComponentDto>> orderingsBySortField = ImmutableMap
            .<String, Ordering<ComponentDto>>builder()
            .put(NAME_SORT, stringOrdering(isAscending, ComponentDto::name))
            .put(QUALIFIER_SORT, stringOrdering(isAscending, ComponentDto::qualifier))
            .put(PATH_SORT, stringOrdering(isAscending, ComponentDto::path)).build();

    String firstSortParameter = sortParameters.get(0);
    Ordering<ComponentDto> primaryOrdering = orderingsBySortField.get(firstSortParameter);
    if (sortParameters.size() > 1) {
        for (int i = 1; i < sortParameters.size(); i++) {
            String secondarySortParameter = sortParameters.get(i);
            Ordering<ComponentDto> secondaryOrdering = orderingsBySortField.get(secondarySortParameter);
            primaryOrdering = primaryOrdering.compound(secondaryOrdering);
    return primaryOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(components);

From source file:com.replaymod.replaystudio.filter.PacketCountFilter.java

public void onEnd(PacketStream stream, long timestamp) {
    System.out.println();/*w  w w .  j a v  a2s.  c  o  m*/

    Ordering<Map.Entry<Class<?>, MutableInt>> entryOrdering = Ordering.natural().reverse()
    for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, MutableInt> e : entryOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(count.entrySet())) {
        System.out.println(String.format("[%dx] %s", e.getValue().intValue(), e.getKey().getSimpleName()));



From source file:com.github.ferstl.maven.pomenforcers.PedanticModuleOrderEnforcer.java

protected void doEnforce(ErrorReport report) {
    MavenProject project = EnforcerRuleUtils.getMavenProject(getHelper());
    // Do nothing if the project is not a parent project
    if (!isPomProject(project)) {
        return;/*from ww w . j  a va2s. c  om*/

    // Remove all modules to be ignored.
    List<String> declaredModules = new ArrayList<>(getProjectModel().getModules());

    // Enforce the module order
    Ordering<String> moduleOrdering = Ordering.natural();
    if (!moduleOrdering.isOrdered(declaredModules)) {
        reportError(report, declaredModules, moduleOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(declaredModules));

From source file:com.github.ferstl.maven.pomenforcers.PedanticPomSectionOrderEnforcer.java

protected void doEnforce(ErrorReport report) {
    Node docElement = getPom().getDocumentElement();
    NodeList sectionNodes = docElement.getChildNodes();
    ArrayList<PomSection> pomSections = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionNodes.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = sectionNodes.item(i);
        if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        }/*from ww w  . j  a  v  a 2  s. c o m*/

    // The default ordering is the order of the PomSection enum.
    Ordering<PomSection> ordering = PomSection.createPriorityOrdering(this.sectionPriorities);

    if (!ordering.isOrdered(pomSections)) {
        List<PomSection> sortedPomSections = ordering.immutableSortedCopy(pomSections);

        report.addLine("Your POM has to be organized this way:").emptyLine().addDiff(pomSections,
                sortedPomSections, "Actual Order", "Required Order", pomSectionToString());

From source file:org.apache.ctakes.assertion.attributes.features.selection.Chi2FeatureSelection.java

public void save(URI uri) throws IOException {
    if (!this.isTrained) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot save before training");
    }//w  w w . ja va  2 s. com
    File out = new File(uri);
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(out));

    Ordering<String> ordering = Ordering.natural().onResultOf(this.chi2Function).reverse();
    for (String feature : ordering.immutableSortedCopy(this.selectedFeatureNames)) {
        writer.append(String.format("%s\t%f\n", feature, this.chi2Function.score(feature)));
