Example usage for com.google.common.collect Range canonical

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Range canonical


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Range canonical.


public Range<C> canonical(DiscreteDomain<C> domain) 

Source Link


Returns the canonical form of this range in the given domain.


From source file:org.onlab.util.ClosedOpenRange.java

 * Creates a range from a Guava's range.
 * @param range Guava's range//from  w ww  .ja va  2s. co m
 * @return this range
public static ClosedOpenRange of(Range<Integer> range) {
    return new ClosedOpenRange(range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()).lowerEndpoint(),

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.SnippetFormatter.java

private static Range<Integer> offsetRange(Range<Integer> range, int offset) {
    range = range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());
    return Range.closedOpen(range.lowerEndpoint() + offset, range.upperEndpoint() + offset);

From source file:com.github.fge.grappa.matchers.join.JoinMatcherBuilder.java

private static Range<Integer> toClosedRange(Range<Integer> range) {
    /*/*from  ww  w  .  ja v  a2  s . c  o m*/
     * The canonical form will always be the same: closed on the lower bound
     * (if any; but here we are guaranteed that), open on the upper bound
     * (if any).
     * All we have to do is therefore to pick the canonical representation,
     * pick the lower bound, and if it has an upper bound, pick it and
     * substract 1.
    Range<Integer> canonical = range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());
    int lowerBound = canonical.lowerEndpoint();
    return canonical.hasUpperBound() ? Range.closed(lowerBound, canonical.upperEndpoint() - 1)
            : Range.atLeast(lowerBound);

From source file:com.google.android.apps.forscience.whistlepunk.sensordb.SensorDatabaseImpl.java

 * Gets the selection string and selectionArgs based on the tag, range and resolution tier.
 * @return a pair where the first element is the selection string and the second element is the
 * array of selectionArgs.//from   ww w  .  ja  v a  2s.  c o  m
private Pair<String, String[]> getSelectionAndArgs(String sensorTag, TimeRange range, int resolutionTier) {
    List<String> clauses = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();

    clauses.add(ScalarSensorsTable.Column.TAG + " = ?");

    if (resolutionTier >= 0) {
        clauses.add(ScalarSensorsTable.Column.RESOLUTION_TIER + " = ?");

    Range<Long> times = range.getTimes();
    Range<Long> canonicalTimes = times.canonical(DiscreteDomain.longs());
    if (canonicalTimes.hasLowerBound()) {
        String comparator = (canonicalTimes.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED) ? " >= ?" : " > ?";
        clauses.add(ScalarSensorsTable.Column.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS + comparator);
    if (canonicalTimes.hasUpperBound()) {
        String comparator = (canonicalTimes.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED) ? " =< ?" : " < ?";
        clauses.add(ScalarSensorsTable.Column.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS + comparator);

    return new Pair<>(Joiner.on(" AND ").join(clauses), values.toArray(new String[values.size()]));

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.compiler2.Storage.java

 * Returns a range spanning the indices read from this storage during an
 * execution of the given schedule. (Note that, as a span, not every
 * contained index will be read.) The returned range will be
 * {@link Range#canonical(com.google.common.collect.DiscreteDomain) canonical}.
 * The range is not cached so as to be responsive to changes in input index
 * functions./*from www  . j  a  va  2  s .co m*/
 * @param externalSchedule the schedule
 * @return a range spanning the indices read during the given schedule under
 * the current index functions
 * @see #readIndices(java.util.Map)
public Range<Integer> readIndexSpan(Map<ActorGroup, Integer> externalSchedule) {
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    for (Actor a : downstream()) {
        int maxIteration = a.group().schedule().get(a) * externalSchedule.get(a.group()) - 1;
        if (maxIteration >= 0)
            for (int input = 0; input < a.inputs().size(); ++input)
                if (a.inputs().get(input).equals(this) && (a.peek(input).max() > 0 || a.pop(input).max() > 0)) {
                    min = Math.min(min, a.translateInputIndex(input, a.peeks(input, 0).first()));
                    max = Math.max(max, a.translateInputIndex(input, a.peeks(input, maxIteration).last()));
    Range<Integer> range = (min != Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Range.closed(min, max) : Range.closedOpen(0, 0));
    return range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.compiler2.ActorGroup.java

 * Returns the physical indices read from the given storage during the given
 * group iterations.//from www  .  j  a  va  2s  .c  o m
 * @param s the storage being read from
 * @param iterations the group iterations
 * @return the physical indices read
public ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> reads(Storage s, Range<Integer> iterations) {
    iterations = iterations.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());
    ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Integer> builder = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder();
    for (Actor a : actors())
        builder.addAll(a.reads(s, Range.closedOpen(iterations.lowerEndpoint() * schedule.get(a),
                iterations.upperEndpoint() * schedule.get(a))));
    return builder.build();

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.JavaOutput.java

 * Emit a list of {@link Replacement}s to convert from input to output.
 * @return a list of {@link Replacement}s, sorted by start index, without overlaps
 *///w  w w .j  a  va2s. c  o m
public ImmutableList<Replacement> getFormatReplacements(RangeSet<Integer> iRangeSet0) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<Replacement> result = ImmutableList.builder();
    Map<Integer, Range<Integer>> kToJ = JavaOutput.makeKToIJ(this);

    // Expand the token ranges to align with re-formattable boundaries.
    RangeSet<Integer> breakableRanges = TreeRangeSet.create();
    RangeSet<Integer> iRangeSet = iRangeSet0.subRangeSet(Range.closed(0, javaInput.getkN()));
    for (Range<Integer> iRange : iRangeSet.asRanges()) {
        Range<Integer> range = expandToBreakableRegions(iRange.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()));
        if (range.equals(EMPTY_RANGE)) {
            // the range contains only whitespace

    // Construct replacements for each reformatted region.
    for (Range<Integer> range : breakableRanges.asRanges()) {

        Input.Tok startTok = startTok(javaInput.getToken(range.lowerEndpoint()));
        Input.Tok endTok = endTok(javaInput.getToken(range.upperEndpoint() - 1));

        // Add all output lines in the given token range to the replacement.
        StringBuilder replacement = new StringBuilder();

        int replaceFrom = startTok.getPosition();
        // Replace leading whitespace in the input with the whitespace from the formatted file
        while (replaceFrom > 0) {
            char previous = javaInput.getText().charAt(replaceFrom - 1);
            if (!CharMatcher.whitespace().matches(previous)) {

        int i = kToJ.get(startTok.getIndex()).lowerEndpoint();
        // Include leading blank lines from the formatted output, unless the formatted range
        // starts at the beginning of the file.
        while (i > 0 && getLine(i - 1).isEmpty()) {
        // Write out the formatted range.
        for (; i < kToJ.get(endTok.getIndex()).upperEndpoint(); i++) {
            // It's possible to run out of output lines (e.g. if the input ended with
            // multiple trailing newlines).
            if (i < getLineCount()) {
                if (i > 0) {

        int replaceTo = Math.min(endTok.getPosition() + endTok.length(), javaInput.getText().length());
        // If the formatted ranged ended in the trailing trivia of the last token before EOF,
        // format all the way up to EOF to deal with trailing whitespace correctly.
        if (endTok.getIndex() == javaInput.getkN() - 1) {
            replaceTo = javaInput.getText().length();
        // Replace trailing whitespace in the input with the whitespace from the formatted file.
        // If the trailing whitespace in the input includes one or more line breaks, preserve the
        // whitespace after the last newline to avoid re-indenting the line following the formatted
        // line.
        int newline = -1;
        while (replaceTo < javaInput.getText().length()) {
            char next = javaInput.getText().charAt(replaceTo);
            if (!CharMatcher.whitespace().matches(next)) {
            int newlineLength = Newlines.hasNewlineAt(javaInput.getText(), replaceTo);
            if (newlineLength != -1) {
                newline = replaceTo;
                // Skip over the entire newline; don't count the second character of \r\n as a newline.
                replaceTo += newlineLength;
            } else {
        if (newline != -1) {
            replaceTo = newline;

        if (newline == -1) {
            // There wasn't an existing trailing newline; add one.
        for (; i < getLineCount(); i++) {
            String after = getLine(i);
            int idx = CharMatcher.whitespace().negate().indexIn(after);
            if (idx == -1) {
                // Write out trailing empty lines from the formatted output.
            } else {
                if (newline == -1) {
                    // If there wasn't a trailing newline in the input, indent the next line.
                    replacement.append(after.substring(0, idx));

        result.add(Replacement.create(replaceFrom, replaceTo, replacement.toString()));
    return result.build();

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.JavaInput.java

public RangeSet<Integer> characterRangesToTokenRanges(Collection<Range<Integer>> characterRanges)
        throws FormatterException {
    RangeSet<Integer> tokenRangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
    for (Range<Integer> characterRange0 : characterRanges) {
        Range<Integer> characterRange = characterRange0.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());
                characterRange.upperEndpoint() - characterRange.lowerEndpoint()));
    }/* www  .  j  av a2  s  . c  o  m*/
    return tokenRangeSet;

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.compiler2.Storage.java

 * Returns a set containing the indices live before the initialization
 * schedule; that is, the indices holding initial data. (Note that, as a
 * span, not every contained index will be occupied.) The returned range
 * will be// ww w  . ja v  a 2s .c  om
 * {@link Range#canonical(com.google.common.collect.DiscreteDomain) canonical}.
 * The range is not cached so as to be responsive to changes in initial data
 * index functions.
 * @return a range spanning the indices holding initial data under the
 * current index functions
 * @see #initialDataIndices()
public Range<Integer> initialDataIndexSpan() {
    Range<Integer> range = null;
    for (Pair<ImmutableList<Object>, IndexFunction> p : initialData())
        for (int i = 0; i < p.first.size(); ++i)
            try {
                int x = p.second.applyAsInt(i);
                range = (range == null) ? Range.singleton(x) : range.span(Range.singleton(x));
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                throw new AssertionError("index functions should not throw", ex);
    range = (range != null ? range : Range.closedOpen(0, 0));
    return range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.compiler2.Storage.java

 * Returns a range spanning the indices written in this storage during an
 * execution of the given schedule. (Note that, as a span, not every
 * contained index will be written.) The returned range will be
 * {@link Range#canonical(com.google.common.collect.DiscreteDomain) canonical}.
 * The range is not cached so as to be responsive to changes in output index
 * functions.//w ww  . j a  v  a  2 s.com
 * @param externalSchedule the schedule
 * @return a range spanning the indices written during the given schedule
 * under the current index functions
 * @see #writeIndices(java.util.Map)
public Range<Integer> writeIndexSpan(Map<ActorGroup, Integer> externalSchedule) {
    Range<Integer> range = null;
    for (Actor a : upstream()) {
        //just the first and last iteration
        int maxIteration = a.group().schedule().get(a) * externalSchedule.get(a.group()) - 1;
        if (maxIteration >= 0)
            for (int iteration : new int[] { 0, maxIteration }) {
                ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> writes = a.writes(this, iteration);
                Range<Integer> writeRange = writes.isEmpty() ? range
                        : Range.closed(writes.first(), writes.last());
                range = range == null ? writeRange : range.span(writeRange);
    range = (range != null ? range : Range.closedOpen(0, 0));
    return range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());