Example usage for com.google.common.collect Range closedOpen

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Range closedOpen


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Range closedOpen.


public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> closedOpen(C lower, C upper) 

Source Link


Returns a range that contains all values greater than or equal to lower and strictly less than upper .


From source file:com.google.cloud.genomics.dataflow.pipelines.AnnotateVariants.java

private String getCachedTranscriptBases(Genomics genomics, Annotation transcript) throws IOException {
    Range<Long> rng = Range.closedOpen(transcript.getStart(), transcript.getEnd());
    if (!refBaseCache.containsKey(rng)) {
        refBaseCache.put(rng, retrieveReferenceBases(genomics, transcript));
    }//  w  w w.  j  a v  a  2 s  . co  m
    return refBaseCache.get(rng);

From source file:com.google.cloud.genomics.cba.GGAnnotateVariants.java

public void processElement(DoFn<StreamVariantsRequest, KV<String, String>>.ProcessContext c) throws Exception {

    Genomics genomics = GenomicsFactory.builder().build().fromOfflineAuth(auth);

    StreamVariantsRequest request = StreamVariantsRequest.newBuilder(c.element()).addAllCallSetIds(callSetIds)
            .build();//from   w w  w .  j  av a2  s  .  co  m

    if (canonicalizeRefName(request.getReferenceName()).equals("M") && supportChrM == false) {
        LOG.info("There is no information about Chr M in the provided AnnotationSet!");

    Iterator<StreamVariantsResponse> streamVariantIter = VariantStreamIterator.enforceShardBoundary(auth,
            request, ShardBoundary.Requirement.STRICT, VARIANT_FIELDS);

    if (!streamVariantIter.hasNext()) {
        LOG.info("region has no variants, skipping");

    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    int varCount = 0;

    ListMultimap<Range<Long>, Annotation> variantAnnotationSetList = null;
    if (this.variantAnnotationSetIds != null)
        variantAnnotationSetList = retrieveVariantAnnotations(genomics, request);

    IntervalTree<Annotation> transcripts = null;
    if (this.transcriptSetIds != null)
        transcripts = retrieveTranscripts(genomics, request);

    while (streamVariantIter.hasNext()) {
        Iterable<Variant> varIter;
        if (onlySNP)
            varIter = FluentIterable.from(streamVariantIter.next().getVariantsList())
            varIter = FluentIterable.from(streamVariantIter.next().getVariantsList());

        for (Variant variant : varIter) {
            Range<Long> pos = Range.closedOpen(variant.getStart(), variant.getEnd());

            // This variable helps to keep track of alignment
            String VCFOutput = "";

            // Keep track of Empty VCF records
            boolean EmptyVCF = false;

            // Variant Annotation Section
            if (variantAnnotationSetList != null) {

                // Sort the list of matched annotations
                SortedSet<String> VariantAnnotationKeys = new TreeSet<String>(VariantColInfo.keySet());

                // Retrieve a list of matched variant annotations
                List<Annotation> listMatchedAnnotations = variantAnnotationSetList.get(pos);

                // Visit overlapped annotations in order, and the matches in
                // order (First convert to VCF format, and then add it to
                // VCFOutput);
                int index = 0;
                for (String key : VariantAnnotationKeys) {
                    // The following variables help to put a semicolon
                    // between multiple matches from the same annotationSet
                    // e.g., allele_freq1;allele_freq2;...;allele_freqn;
                    boolean SemiColon = false;

                    for (Annotation match : listMatchedAnnotations) {
                        if (match.getAnnotationSetId().compareTo(key) == 0) {
                            // if (match.getVariant().getAlternateBases() !=
                            // null
                            // && variant.getAlternateBasesList() != null)
                                // check if Variant's alternate bases are
                                // the same as the matched annotation's
                                // alternate bases

                                if (compareAlternateBases(match.getVariant().getAlternateBases(),
                                        variant.getAlternateBasesList(), variant.getReferenceBases())) {

                                    EmptyVCF = true;

                                    if (DEBUG)
                                        LOG.info("MATCHED: variant: (" + variant.getStart() + ", Annotation: "
                                                + match.getStart() + ") ");

                                    if (!SemiColon) {
                                        VCFOutput += createVCFFormat(variant, match);
                                        SemiColon = true;
                                        // Activate it for the next matched
                                        // element

                                        // TESTING
                                        VCFOutput += "ALT:" + match.getVariant().getAlternateBases() + "\t";
                                    } else {
                                        VCFOutput += ";" + createVCFFormat(variant, match);

                                        // TESTING
                                        VCFOutput += "ALT:" + match.getVariant().getAlternateBases() + "\t";
                     * formatTabs function helps to keep track of alignment
                     * in the VCF format (e.g., if there is no match for
                     * Variant X in AnnotationSet Y then add spaces equals
                     * to the number of AnnotationSet Y's columns in the VCF
                     * file)
                    if (VCFOutput.isEmpty()
                            && (VariantAnnotationKeys.size() > index || TranscriptColInfo.size() > 0)) {
                        VCFOutput += formatTabs(VariantColInfo.get(key));
                } // end of keys
                if (!EmptyVCF)
                    VCFOutput = "";
            } // End of Variant Annotation

            // Transcript Annotation Section
            if (transcripts != null) {

                // Find all the overlapped matches and create an interval
                // tree
                Iterator<Node<Annotation>> transcriptIter = transcripts
                        .overlappers(pos.lowerEndpoint().intValue(), pos.upperEndpoint().intValue() - 1); // Inclusive.

                Iterator<Node<Annotation>> StartPoint = transcriptIter;
                if (transcriptIter != null) {
                    // Sort the list of matched annotations
                    SortedSet<String> transcriptKeys = new TreeSet<String>(TranscriptColInfo.keySet());
                    int index = 0;
                    // Check annotations in order, and in the case of match
                    // convert the matches to VCF format
                    for (String key : transcriptKeys) {
                        transcriptIter = StartPoint;
                        boolean SemiColon = false;
                        while (transcriptIter.hasNext()) {
                            Annotation transcript = transcriptIter.next().getValue();
                            if (transcript.getAnnotationSetId().compareTo(key) == 0) {
                                if (!SemiColon) {
                                    VCFOutput += createVCFFormat(variant, transcript);
                                    SemiColon = true;
                                } else
                                    VCFOutput += ";" + createVCFFormat(variant, transcript);

                        if (VCFOutput.isEmpty() && transcriptKeys.size() > index) {
                            VCFOutput += formatTabs(TranscriptColInfo.get(key));
            } // End of Transcripts

            String varintALTs = "";
            for (int index = 0; index < variant.getAlternateBasesCount(); index++) {
                if (index > 0)
                    varintALTs += ",";
                varintALTs += variant.getAlternateBases(index);

            // The following section helps to add genotypes
             * String VariantGenotype=""; List<VariantCall> Genotypes =
             * variant.getCallsList();
             * for(String CId: callSetIds){ for(VariantCall VC:Genotypes){
             * if(VC.getCallSetId().equals(CId)){
             * List<Integer> GentotypeList = VC.getGenotypeList(); for(int
             * index=0; index < GentotypeList.size(); index++){ int Genotype
             * = GentotypeList.get(index);
             * if(index>0) VariantGenotype += "/";
             * VariantGenotype += Genotype; } } } VariantGenotype += "\t"; }
            // Map<String, ListValue> VariantInfoMap = variant.getInfo();
             * String VariantInfo=""; List<VariantCall> VariantCall =
             * variant.getCallsList(); for (Iterator<VariantCall> iter =
             * VariantCall.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { VariantCall
             * element = iter.next(); Map<String, ListValue> VariantCallInfo
             * = element.getInfo(); for (Map.Entry<String, ListValue> entry
             * : VariantCallInfo.entrySet()) { VariantInfo +=entry.getKey()
             * + ":" +
             * entry.getValue().getValuesList().get(0).getStringValue() +
             * ";"; } }
             * /* for (Map.Entry<String, ListValue> entry :
             * VariantInfoMap.entrySet()) { //System.out.println("Key = " +
             * entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());
             * VariantInfo += entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue() + ";";
             * }

             * Emit the information in the form of <Key, Value> Print out
             * the variant w/ or w/o any matched annotations Key: (ChromId,
             * Start, End) Value:(variant's <referenceName start end
             * referenceBases alternateBases quality>, + The content of
             * "VCFOutput" OR Annotation's fields
            if (this.BigQuery) {
                if (!VCFOutput.isEmpty()) {
                            variant.getReferenceName() + ";" + Long.toString(variant.getStart()) + ";"
                                    + Long.toString(variant.getEnd()),
                            // Value
            } else {
                if (!VCFOutput.isEmpty()) {
                            variant.getReferenceName() + ";" + Long.toString(variant.getStart()) + ";"
                                    + Long.toString(variant.getEnd()),
                            // Value
                                    // <-- increment by 1 => convert to 1-based
                                    // -->
                                    + "\t" + (variant.getStart() + 1) + "\t" + variant.getEnd() + "\t"
                                    + variant.getReferenceBases() + "\t" + varintALTs
                                    // + "\t" + VariantInfo
                                    // + "\t" + variant.getQuality()
                                    // + "\t" + VariantGenotype
                                    + "\t" + VCFOutput));

            if (varCount % 1e3 == 0) {
                LOG.info(String.format("read %d variants (%.2f / s)", varCount,
                        (double) varCount / stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));


    LOG.info("finished reading " + varCount + " variants in " + stopwatch);

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.JavaOutput.java

 * Expand a token range to start and end on acceptable boundaries for re-formatting.
 * @param iRange the {@link Range} of tokens
 * @return the expanded token range/*from   w w  w . j  av  a 2 s.co  m*/
private Range<Integer> expandToBreakableRegions(Range<Integer> iRange) {
    // The original line range.
    int loTok = iRange.lowerEndpoint();
    int hiTok = iRange.upperEndpoint() - 1;

    // Expand the token indices to formattable boundaries (e.g. edges of statements).
    if (!partialFormatRanges.contains(loTok) || !partialFormatRanges.contains(hiTok)) {
        return EMPTY_RANGE;
    loTok = partialFormatRanges.rangeContaining(loTok).lowerEndpoint();
    hiTok = partialFormatRanges.rangeContaining(hiTok).upperEndpoint();
    return Range.closedOpen(loTok, hiTok + 1);

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.RemoveUnusedImports.java

/** Applies the replacements to the given source, and re-format any edited javadoc. */
private static String applyReplacements(String source, RangeMap<Integer, String> replacements) {
    // save non-empty fixed ranges for reformatting after fixes are applied
    RangeSet<Integer> fixedRanges = TreeRangeSet.create();

    // Apply the fixes in increasing order, adjusting ranges to account for
    // earlier fixes that change the length of the source. The output ranges are
    // needed so we can reformat fixed regions, otherwise the fixes could just
    // be applied in descending order without adjusting offsets.
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(source);
    int offset = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<Range<Integer>, String> replacement : replacements.asMapOfRanges().entrySet()) {
        Range<Integer> range = replacement.getKey();
        String replaceWith = replacement.getValue();
        int start = offset + range.lowerEndpoint();
        int end = offset + range.upperEndpoint();
        sb.replace(start, end, replaceWith);
        if (!replaceWith.isEmpty()) {
            fixedRanges.add(Range.closedOpen(start, end));
        }/*from w  ww  . j  a v a2  s.co m*/
        offset += replaceWith.length() - (range.upperEndpoint() - range.lowerEndpoint());
    String result = sb.toString();

    // If there were any non-empty replaced ranges (e.g. javadoc), reformat the fixed regions.
    // We could avoid formatting twice in --fix-imports=also mode, but that is not the default
    // and removing imports won't usually affect javadoc.
    if (!fixedRanges.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            result = new Formatter().formatSource(result, fixedRanges.asRanges());
        } catch (FormatterException e) {
            // javadoc reformatting is best-effort
    return result;

From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.impl.compiler2.Storage.java

 * Returns a range spanning the indices written in this storage during an
 * execution of the given schedule. (Note that, as a span, not every
 * contained index will be written.) The returned range will be
 * {@link Range#canonical(com.google.common.collect.DiscreteDomain) canonical}.
 * The range is not cached so as to be responsive to changes in output index
 * functions./*from   w w  w .j av  a  2 s .c o  m*/
 * @param externalSchedule the schedule
 * @return a range spanning the indices written during the given schedule
 * under the current index functions
 * @see #writeIndices(java.util.Map)
public Range<Integer> writeIndexSpan(Map<ActorGroup, Integer> externalSchedule) {
    Range<Integer> range = null;
    for (Actor a : upstream()) {
        //just the first and last iteration
        int maxIteration = a.group().schedule().get(a) * externalSchedule.get(a.group()) - 1;
        if (maxIteration >= 0)
            for (int iteration : new int[] { 0, maxIteration }) {
                ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> writes = a.writes(this, iteration);
                Range<Integer> writeRange = writes.isEmpty() ? range
                        : Range.closed(writes.first(), writes.last());
                range = range == null ? writeRange : range.span(writeRange);
    range = (range != null ? range : Range.closedOpen(0, 0));
    return range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());

From source file:com.addthis.hydra.query.MeshQueryMaster.java

/** Returns the specified requested tasks as is if not empty, or expands to all known tasks if it is empty. */
private Set<Integer> expandRequestedTasks(Set<Integer> tasks, int canonicalTaskCount) {
    if (tasks.isEmpty()) {
        return ContiguousSet.create(Range.closedOpen(0, canonicalTaskCount), DiscreteDomain.integers());
    } else {//from w  w  w .j a va  2  s .  co m
        return tasks;

From source file:org.dishevelled.variation.cytoscape3.internal.VariationModel.java

 * Rebuild range trees./*from  ww w . ja  v a  2s.co  m*/
void rebuildTrees() {
    ListMultimap<String, Feature> featuresByRegion = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (Feature feature : features) {
        featuresByRegion.put(feature.getRegion(), feature);
    for (String region : featuresByRegion.keySet()) {
        List<Feature> regionFeatures = featuresByRegion.get(region);
        List<Range<Long>> ranges = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(regionFeatures.size());
        for (Feature feature : regionFeatures) {
            Range<Long> range = Range.closedOpen(feature.getStart(), feature.getEnd());
            featuresToRanges.put(feature, range);
        rangeTrees.put(region, CenteredRangeTree.create(ranges));

From source file:org.dishevelled.variation.cytoscape3.internal.VariationModel.java

 * Return zero or more features that overlap with the specified variation.
 * @param variation variation, must not be null
 * @return zero or more features that overlap with the specified variation
 */// w  w  w  .  jav a 2 s  . c  om
Iterable<Feature> hit(final Variation variation) {
    List<Feature> hits = Lists.newArrayList();
    RangeTree<Long> rangeTree = rangeTrees.get(variation.getRegion());

    Range<Long> query;
    if (variation.getStart() == variation.getEnd()) {
        query = Range.singleton(variation.getStart());
    // todo: Ensembl REST client variation query returns end < start for deletions, e.g ref - alt [AAA]
    else if (variation.getEnd() < variation.getStart()) {
        query = Range.closedOpen(variation.getEnd(), variation.getStart());
    } else {
        query = Range.closedOpen(variation.getStart(), variation.getEnd());

    for (Range<Long> range : rangeTree.intersect(query)) {
    return hits;

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.arrays.ArraysSolverValidator.java

 * Validates the {@link SolutionObject} that is produced by a
 * {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver} . If the {@link SolutionObject} is
 * infeasible, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
 * @param sol The {@link SolutionObject} that is validated.
 * @param travelTime Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          ./* w ww.ja  v a2  s.  c o  m*/
 * @param releaseDates Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          .
 * @param dueDates Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          .
 * @param servicePairs Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          .
 * @param serviceTimes Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          .
 * @param currentSolution Parameter as specified by
 *          {@link SingleVehicleArraysSolver#solve(int[][], int[], int[], int[][], int[], SolutionObject)}
 *          .
 * @return The solution as is supplied, used for method chaining.
public static SolutionObject validateOutputs(SolutionObject sol, int[][] travelTime, int[] releaseDates,
        int[] dueDates, int[][] servicePairs, int[] serviceTimes, @Nullable SolutionObject currentSolution) {
    // convert single vehicle version to multi vehicle version for checking
    // of inputs
    final int n = travelTime.length;
    final int[][] vehicleTravelTimes = new int[1][n];
    // copy first row
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        vehicleTravelTimes[0][i] = travelTime[0][i];
    final Set<Integer> locationSet = newHashSet(
            ContiguousSet.create(Range.closedOpen(1, n - 1), DiscreteDomain.integers()));
    for (int i = 0; i < servicePairs.length; i++) {

    final int[][] inventories = new int[locationSet.size()][2];
    final Iterator<Integer> locationSetIterator = locationSet.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; i < locationSet.size(); i++) {
        inventories[i][0] = 0;
        inventories[i][1] = locationSetIterator.next();

    final int[] remainingServiceTimes = new int[] { 0 };
    final int[] currentDestinations = new int[] { 0 };

    final SolutionObject[] currentSolutions = currentSolution == null ? null
            : new SolutionObject[] { currentSolution };

    // check inputs again since we just modified them
    validateInputs(travelTime, releaseDates, dueDates, servicePairs, serviceTimes, vehicleTravelTimes,
            inventories, remainingServiceTimes, currentDestinations, currentSolutions);

    final SolutionObject[] sols = new SolutionObject[] { sol };
    validateOutputs(sols, travelTime, releaseDates, dueDates, servicePairs, serviceTimes, vehicleTravelTimes,
            inventories, remainingServiceTimes, currentDestinations);
    return sol;

From source file:google.registry.model.registry.Registry.java

 * Returns the EAP fee for the registry at the given time.
 *//*w  w w. j a  v  a2s . c  o  m*/
public Fee getEapFeeFor(DateTime now) {
    ImmutableSortedMap<DateTime, Money> valueMap = eapFeeSchedule.toValueMap();
    DateTime periodStart = valueMap.floorKey(now);
    DateTime periodEnd = valueMap.ceilingKey(now);
    // NOTE: assuming END_OF_TIME would never be reached...
    Range<DateTime> validPeriod = Range.closedOpen(periodStart != null ? periodStart : START_OF_TIME,
            periodEnd != null ? periodEnd : END_OF_TIME);
    return Fee.create(eapFeeSchedule.getValueAtTime(now).getAmount(), FeeType.EAP, validPeriod,