Example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Sets newTreeSet.


public static <E> TreeSet<E> newTreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator) 

Source Link


Creates a mutable, empty TreeSet instance with the given comparator.


From source file:com.cloudbees.api.Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    File beesCredentialsFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".bees/bees.config");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(beesCredentialsFile.exists(), "File %s not found", beesCredentialsFile);
    Properties beesCredentials = new Properties();
    beesCredentials.load(new FileInputStream(beesCredentialsFile));
    String apiUrl = "https://api.cloudbees.com/api";
    String apiKey = beesCredentials.getProperty("bees.api.key");
    String secret = beesCredentials.getProperty("bees.api.secret");
    BeesClient client = new BeesClient(apiUrl, apiKey, secret, "xml", "1.0");
    client.setVerbose(false);//from   w w w  . ja v  a 2  s .  co  m

    URL databasesUrl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("databases.txt");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(databasesUrl, "File 'databases.txt' NOT found in the classpath");

    Collection<String> databaseNames;
    try {
        databaseNames = Sets.newTreeSet(Resources.readLines(databasesUrl, Charsets.ISO_8859_1));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    databaseNames = Collections2.transform(databaseNames, new Function<String, String>() {
        public String apply(@Nullable String input) {
            // {host_db_create,<<"tco_q5rm">>,<<"TCO_q5rm">>,

            if (input == null)
                return null;

            if (input.startsWith("#"))
                return null;

            if (input.indexOf('"') == -1) {
                logger.warn("Skip invalid line {}", input);
                return null;
            input = input.substring(input.indexOf('"') + 1);
            if (input.indexOf('"') == -1) {
                logger.warn("Skip invalid line {}", input);
                return null;
            return input.substring(0, input.indexOf('"'));

    databaseNames = Collections2.filter(databaseNames, new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable String s) {
            return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s);

    Multimap<String, String> databasesByAccount = ArrayListMultimap.create();


    for (String databaseName : databaseNames) {
        try {
            DatabaseInfo databaseInfo = client.databaseInfo(databaseName, true);
            databasesByAccount.put(databaseInfo.getOwner(), databaseInfo.getName());
            logger.debug("Evaluate " + databaseInfo.getName());

            if (true == false) {
                // Hibernate
                logger.info("Hibernate {}", databaseName);
                Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
                params.put("database_id", databaseName);
                String url = client.getRequestURL("database.hibernate", params);
                String response = client.executeRequest(url);
                DatabaseInfoResponse apiResponse = (DatabaseInfoResponse) client.readResponse(response);
                logger.info("DB {} status: {}", apiResponse.getDatabaseInfo().getName(),

            if (true == false) {
                // Hibernate
                logger.info("Activate {}", databaseName);
                Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
                params.put("database_id", databaseName);
                String url = client.getRequestURL("database.activate", params);
                String response = client.executeRequest(url);
                DatabaseInfoResponse apiResponse = (DatabaseInfoResponse) client.readResponse(response);
                logger.info("DB {} status: {}", apiResponse.getDatabaseInfo().getName(),

            String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://" + databaseInfo.getMaster() + "/" + databaseInfo.getName();
            logger.info("Connect to {} user={}", dbUrl, databaseInfo.getUsername());
            Connection cnn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, databaseInfo.getUsername(),

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("Exception for {}", databaseName, e);

    for (String account : databasesByAccount.keySet()) {
        System.out.println(account + ": " + Joiner.on(", ").join(databasesByAccount.get(account)));


From source file:cc.kave.episodes.mining.evaluation.ProposalHelper.java

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> TreeSet<Tuple<T, Double>> createSortedSet() {
    final TreeSet<Tuple<T, Double>> res = Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<Tuple<T, Double>>() {
        @Override//from www .  j  av  a2  s  .c o  m
        public int compare(final Tuple<T, Double> o1, final Tuple<T, Double> o2) {
            // higher probabilities will be sorted above lower ones
            int valueOrdering = Double.compare(o2.getSecond(), o1.getSecond());
            boolean areValuesEqual = valueOrdering == 0;
            if (areValuesEqual) {
                int orderOfFirstTupleMember = o1.getFirst().compareTo(o2.getFirst());
                return orderOfFirstTupleMember;
            } else {
                return valueOrdering;
    return res;

From source file:org.apache.druid.collections.IntSetTestUtility.java

public static Set<Integer> getSetBits() {
    return Sets.newTreeSet(setBits);

From source file:org.apache.lens.cli.table.CollectionTableFactory.java

public static CollectionTable<XFlattenedColumn> getCollectionTable(Class<? extends XField> claz,
        final String table) {
    if (claz == XExprColumn.class) {
        return new CollectionTable<>(Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            @Override/*from   w  w  w.java  2  s .  c o m*/
            public int compare(XFlattenedColumn o1, XFlattenedColumn o2) {
                return o1.getExpression().getName().compareTo(o2.getExpression().getName());
        }), new CollectionTable.RowProvider<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            public String[][] getRows(XFlattenedColumn element) {
                return new String[][] { { nulltoBlank(element.getExpression().getName()),
                        expressionsAsString(element.getExpression().getExprSpec()), }, };

            private String expressionsAsString(List<XExprSpec> exprSpec) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                String sep = "";
                for (XExprSpec spec : exprSpec) {
                    sep = ", ";
                    List<String> clauses = Lists.newArrayList();
                    if (spec.getStartTime() != null) {
                        clauses.add("after " + spec.getStartTime());
                    if (spec.getEndTime() != null) {
                        clauses.add("before " + spec.getEndTime());
                    String sep1 = "";
                    if (clauses.isEmpty()) {
                        clauses.add("always valid");
                    for (String clause : clauses) {
                        sep1 = " and ";
                    sb.append(": ");
                return sb.toString();
        }, "Name", "Display String", "Description", "Expr Specs");
    } else if (claz == XDimAttribute.class) {
        return new CollectionTable<>(Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            public int compare(XFlattenedColumn o1, XFlattenedColumn o2) {
                if (o1 == null || o1.getDimAttribute() == null) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (o2 == null || o2.getDimAttribute() == null) {
                    return 1;
                } else if (table.equals(o1.getTableName()) && !table.equals(o2.getTableName())) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (table.equals(o2.getTableName()) && !table.equals(o1.getTableName())) {
                    return 1;
                } else {
                    if (o1.getTableName() == null) {
                    if (o2.getTableName() == null) {
                    if (o1.getChainName() == null) {
                    if (o2.getChainName() == null) {
                    int cmp = o1.getTableName().compareTo(o2.getTableName());
                    if (cmp != 0) {
                        return cmp;
                    cmp = o1.getChainName().compareTo(o2.getChainName());
                    if (cmp != 0) {
                        return cmp;
                    return o1.getDimAttribute().getName().compareTo(o2.getDimAttribute().getName());
        }), new CollectionTable.RowProvider<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            public String[][] getRows(XFlattenedColumn element) {
                String prefix = XFlattenedColumnTable.firstNonNull(element.getChainName(),
                return new String[][] { {
                        (prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() || prefix.equalsIgnoreCase(table) ? ""
                                : (prefix + ".")) + nulltoBlank(element.getDimAttribute().getName()),
                        nulltoBlank(element.getDimAttribute().getDescription()), }, };
        }, "Name", "Display String", "Description");
    } else if (claz == XMeasure.class) {
        return new CollectionTable<>(Sets.newTreeSet(new Comparator<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            public int compare(XFlattenedColumn o1, XFlattenedColumn o2) {
                return o1.getMeasure().getName().compareTo(o2.getMeasure().getName());
        }), new CollectionTable.RowProvider<XFlattenedColumn>() {
            public String[][] getRows(XFlattenedColumn element) {
                return new String[][] { { nulltoBlank(element.getMeasure().getName()),
                        nulltoBlank(element.getMeasure().getDescription()), }, };
        }, "Name", "Display String", "Description");
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:sg.atom.utils._commons.time.JodaUtils.java

public static ArrayList<Interval> condenseIntervals(Iterable<Interval> intervals) {
    ArrayList<Interval> retVal = Lists.newArrayList();

    TreeSet<Interval> sortedIntervals = Sets.newTreeSet(Comparators.intervalsByStartThenEnd());
    for (Interval interval : intervals) {
        sortedIntervals.add(interval);/*from w w w. j  av  a 2 s  .c  o  m*/

    if (sortedIntervals.isEmpty()) {
        return Lists.newArrayList();

    Iterator<Interval> intervalsIter = sortedIntervals.iterator();
    Interval currInterval = intervalsIter.next();
    while (intervalsIter.hasNext()) {
        Interval next = intervalsIter.next();

        if (currInterval.overlaps(next) || currInterval.abuts(next)) {
            currInterval = new Interval(currInterval.getStart(), next.getEnd());
        } else {
            currInterval = next;

    return retVal;

From source file:net.oneandone.maven.plugins.cycles.graph.GraphDotUtils.java

 * @param component a graph//from  w w  w.  java  2 s  .  c  o  m
 * @param shorten whether to shorten the package names
 * @return a dot string
public static String toDot(DirectedGraph<String, WeightedEdge> component, boolean shorten) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    Collection<WeightedEdge> feedbackArcs = FeedbackArcSet.feedbackArcs(component,
            new InstabilityVertexEvaluator<String>());

    TreeSet<WeightedEdge> sortedEdges = Sets.newTreeSet(new WeightedEdgeComparator(component));

    builder.append("digraph mygraph {\n");
    double maxEdgeWeight = getMaxEdgeWeight(component);
    for (WeightedEdge edge : sortedEdges) {
        builder.append("    ");
        builder.append(GraphDotUtils.edgeToDot(edge, component, shorten));

        builder.append("label=\"" + (int) edge.getWeight() + "\"");
        double relativeImportance = edge.getWeight() / maxEdgeWeight;
        builder.append(",fontsize=" + (STANDARD_FONTSIZE + (FONT_SIZE * relativeImportance)));
        if (feedbackArcs.contains(edge)) {

    return builder.toString();

From source file:com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.Numbers.java

 * Converts a set of integers into a set of contiguous closed ranges that equally represent the
 * input integers./*  www.j  a  v a  2  s  .c om*/
 * <p>
 * The resulting ranges will be in ascending order.
 * @param values Values to transform to ranges.
 * @return Closed ranges with identical members to the input set.
public static Set<Range<Integer>> toRanges(Iterable<Integer> values) {
    ImmutableSet.Builder<Range<Integer>> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();

    PeekingIterator<Integer> iterator = Iterators.peekingIterator(Sets.newTreeSet(values).iterator());

    // Build ranges until there are no numbers left.
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        // Start a new range.
        int start = iterator.next();
        int end = start;
        // Increment the end until the range is non-contiguous.
        while (iterator.hasNext() && (iterator.peek() == (end + 1))) {

        builder.add(Range.closed(start, end));

    return builder.build();

From source file:com.opengamma.web.analytics.formatting.SurfaceFormatterUtils.java

static Object formatExpanded(Surface<Double, Double, Double> surface) {
    if (surface instanceof InterpolatedDoublesSurface) {
        List<Double> vol = Lists.newArrayList();
        // the x and y values won't necessarily be unique and won't necessarily map to a rectangular grid
        // this projects them onto a grid with values at every point
        Set<Double> xData = Sets.newTreeSet(Arrays.asList(surface.getXData()));
        Set<Double> yData = Sets.newTreeSet(Arrays.asList(surface.getYData()));
        for (Double y : yData) {
            for (Double x : xData) {
                vol.add(surface.getZValue(x, y));
            }//from  w w w .  j av a 2s .  c o m
        Map<String, Object> results = Maps.newHashMap();
        results.put(X_VALUES, xData);
        results.put(X_LABELS, SurfaceFormatterUtils.getAxisLabels(xData));
        results.put(X_TITLE, ""); // TODO use labels from VolatilitySurface once they exist
        results.put(Y_VALUES, yData);
        results.put(Y_LABELS, SurfaceFormatterUtils.getAxisLabels(yData));
        results.put(Y_TITLE, ""); // TODO use labels from VolatilitySurface once they exist
        results.put(VOL, vol);
        return results;
    } else if (surface instanceof ConstantDoublesSurface) {
        Map<String, Object> results = Maps.newHashMap();
        results.put(LabelledMatrix2DFormatter.X_LABELS, Collections.singletonList("All"));
        results.put(LabelledMatrix2DFormatter.Y_LABELS, Collections.singletonList("All"));
        results.put(LabelledMatrix2DFormatter.MATRIX, Collections.singletonList(surface.getZData()));
        return results;
    } else {
        // TODO format as matrix
        // TODO this won't work - the cell value isn't an error so this makes no difference
        return new MissingValueFormatter(
                "Unable to format surface of type " + surface.getClass().getSimpleName());

From source file:com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.ColumnSelection.java

public static ColumnSelection valueOf(String serialized) {
    Set<byte[]> columns = Sets.newTreeSet(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator());
    for (String strColumn : serialized.split("\\s*,\\s*")) {
        strColumn = strColumn.trim();/*from   w ww  .  ja va 2s  .  co  m*/
        if (strColumn.equals("")) {
        byte[] column = PtBytes.decodeBase64(strColumn);
        assert !columns.contains(column);
    if (columns.isEmpty()) {
        return all();
    return ColumnSelection.create(columns);

From source file:org.apache.druid.java.util.common.JodaUtils.java

public static ArrayList<Interval> condenseIntervals(Iterable<Interval> intervals) {
    ArrayList<Interval> retVal = Lists.newArrayList();

    final SortedSet<Interval> sortedIntervals;

    if (intervals instanceof SortedSet) {
        sortedIntervals = (SortedSet<Interval>) intervals;
    } else {//from ww  w.  j ava  2s.com
        sortedIntervals = Sets.newTreeSet(Comparators.intervalsByStartThenEnd());
        for (Interval interval : intervals) {

    if (sortedIntervals.isEmpty()) {
        return Lists.newArrayList();

    Iterator<Interval> intervalsIter = sortedIntervals.iterator();
    Interval currInterval = intervalsIter.next();
    while (intervalsIter.hasNext()) {
        Interval next = intervalsIter.next();

        if (currInterval.abuts(next)) {
            currInterval = new Interval(currInterval.getStart(), next.getEnd());
        } else if (currInterval.overlaps(next)) {
            DateTime nextEnd = next.getEnd();
            DateTime currEnd = currInterval.getEnd();
            currInterval = new Interval(currInterval.getStart(), nextEnd.isAfter(currEnd) ? nextEnd : currEnd);
        } else {
            currInterval = next;

    return retVal;