Example usage for com.google.common.collect SortedSetMultimap asMap

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect SortedSetMultimap asMap


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect SortedSetMultimap asMap.


Map<K, Collection<V>> asMap();

Source Link


Returns a map view that associates each key with the corresponding values in the multimap.


From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.processor.fuzzy.FuzzyFieldProcessor.java

protected void process(Record record, SingleLaneBatchMaker batchMaker) throws StageException {
    for (String rootFieldPath : rootFieldPaths) {
        final Field rootField = record.get(rootFieldPath);
        final Map<String, Field> rootFieldMap = flattenRootField(rootField);
        final Set<String> originalFieldNames = rootFieldMap.keySet();

        SortedSetMultimap<String, MatchCandidate> candidates = findCandidatesFor(rootFieldMap);

        Map<String, Field> newFields = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<MatchCandidate>> entry : candidates.asMap().entrySet()) {
            Collection<MatchCandidate> candidatesForKey = entry.getValue();

            Iterable<Field> fieldIterable = Iterables.transform(candidatesForKey,
                    new Function<MatchCandidate, Field>() {
                        @Nullable/*from www.  jav a2s .  c  om*/
                        public Field apply(MatchCandidate input) {
                            Field field;

                            if (inPlace) {
                                field = input.getField();
                            } else {
                                Map<String, Field> map = new HashMap<>();
                                map.put(HEADER, Field.create(input.getFieldPath()));
                                map.put(VALUE, input.getField());
                                map.put(SCORE, Field.create(input.getScore()));
                                field = Field.create(map);
                            return field;

            List<Field> fieldCandidates = Lists.newArrayList(fieldIterable);
            // Flatten this is there's we're only keeping a single candidate
            if (allCandidates) {
                newFields.put(entry.getKey(), Field.create(fieldCandidates));
            } else {
                newFields.put(entry.getKey(), fieldCandidates.get(0));

        if (preserveUnmatchedFields) {
            for (String originalFieldName : originalFieldNames) {
                newFields.put(originalFieldName, rootFieldMap.get(originalFieldName));

        record.set(rootFieldPath, Field.create(newFields));


From source file:org.jabylon.updatecenter.repository.impl.OBRRepositoryConnectorImpl.java

private List<Resource> removeOldVersions(List<Resource> resources) {
    SortedSetMultimap<String, Resource> map = TreeMultimap.create(Collator.getInstance(),
            new ResourceComparator());
    for (Resource bundle : resources) {
        map.put(bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle);
    }//  w w  w  .j av a  2s . co m
    Set<Entry<String, Collection<Resource>>> entries = map.asMap().entrySet();
    for (Entry<String, Collection<Resource>> entry : entries) {
        //add the highest version
    return resources;

From source file:com.mgmtp.perfload.perfalyzer.reporting.ReportCreator.java

public void createReport(final List<PerfAlyzerFile> files) throws IOException {
    Function<PerfAlyzerFile, String> classifier = perfAlyzerFile -> {
        String marker = perfAlyzerFile.getMarker();
        return marker == null ? "Overall" : marker;
    };//from w  ww .  ja  va 2 s.  c o m
    Supplier<Map<String, List<PerfAlyzerFile>>> mapFactory = () -> new TreeMap<>(Ordering.explicit(tabNames));

    Map<String, List<PerfAlyzerFile>> filesByMarker = files.stream()
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(classifier, mapFactory, toList()));

    Map<String, SortedSetMultimap<String, PerfAlyzerFile>> contentItemFiles = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    for (Entry<String, List<PerfAlyzerFile>> entry : filesByMarker.entrySet()) {
        SortedSetMultimap<String, PerfAlyzerFile> contentItemFilesByMarker = contentItemFiles.computeIfAbsent(
                s -> TreeMultimap.create(new ItemComparator(reportContentsConfigMap.get("priorities")),

        for (PerfAlyzerFile perfAlyzerFile : entry.getValue()) {
            File file = perfAlyzerFile.getFile();
            String groupKey = removeExtension(file.getPath());
            boolean excluded = false;
            for (Pattern pattern : reportContentsConfigMap.get("exclusions")) {
                Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(groupKey);
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    excluded = true;
                    log.debug("Excluded from report: {}", groupKey);
            if (!excluded) {
                contentItemFilesByMarker.put(groupKey, perfAlyzerFile);

    // explicitly copy it because it is otherwise filtered from the report in order to only show in the overview
    String loadProfilePlot = new File("console", "[loadprofile].png").getPath();
    copyFile(new File(soureDir, loadProfilePlot), new File(destDir, loadProfilePlot));

    Map<String, List<ContentItem>> tabItems = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<String, QuickJump> quickJumps = new HashMap<>();
    Set<String> tabNames = contentItemFiles.keySet();

    for (Entry<String, SortedSetMultimap<String, PerfAlyzerFile>> tabEntry : contentItemFiles.entrySet()) {
        String tab = tabEntry.getKey();
        SortedSetMultimap<String, PerfAlyzerFile> filesForTab = tabEntry.getValue();

        List<ContentItem> contentItems = tabItems.computeIfAbsent(tab, list -> new ArrayList<>());
        Map<String, String> quickJumpMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        quickJumps.put(tab, new QuickJump(tab, quickJumpMap));

        int itemIndex = 0;
        for (Entry<String, Collection<PerfAlyzerFile>> itemEntry : filesForTab.asMap().entrySet()) {
            String title = itemEntry.getKey();
            Collection<PerfAlyzerFile> itemFiles = itemEntry.getValue();

            TableData tableData = null;
            String plotSrc = null;
            for (PerfAlyzerFile file : itemFiles) {
                if ("png".equals(getExtension(file.getFile().getName()))) {
                    plotSrc = file.getFile().getPath();
                    copyFile(new File(soureDir, plotSrc), new File(destDir, plotSrc));
                } else {
                    tableData = createTableData(file.getFile());

            // strip off potential marker
            title = substringBefore(title, "{");

            String[] titleParts = split(title, SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50);
            String separator = " - ";

            List<String> fileNameParts = extractFileNameParts(titleParts[1], true);
            if (titleParts[1].contains("[distribution]")) {
                String operation = fileNameParts.get(1);
            } else if ("comparison".equals(titleParts[0])) {
                String operation = fileNameParts.get(1);
            } else if (titleParts[1].contains("[gclog]")) {
                if (fileNameParts.size() > 1) {

            title = sb.toString();
            ContentItem item = new ContentItem(tab, itemIndex, title, tableData, plotSrc,

            quickJumpMap.put(tab + "_" + itemIndex, title);

    NavBar navBar = new NavBar(tabNames, quickJumps);
    String testName = removeExtension(testMetadata.getTestPlanFile());
    OverviewItem overviewItem = new OverviewItem(testMetadata, resourceBundle, locale);
    Content content = new Content(tabItems);

    String perfAlyzerVersion;
    try {
        perfAlyzerVersion = Resources.toString(Resources.getResource("perfAlyzer.version"), Charsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("Could not read perfAlyzer version from classpath resource 'perfAlyzer.version'", ex);
        perfAlyzerVersion = "";

    String dateTimeString = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.withLocale(locale)
    String createdString = String.format(resourceBundle.getString("footer.created"), perfAlyzerVersion,
    HtmlSkeleton html = new HtmlSkeleton(testName, createdString, navBar, overviewItem, content);

From source file:com.google.cloud.dataflow.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory.java

 * Validates that a given class conforms to the following properties:
 * <ul>/*from   ww  w . j  ava  2s.  c o m*/
 *   <li>Any property with the same name must have the same return type for all derived
 *       interfaces of {@link PipelineOptions}.
 *   <li>Every bean property of any interface derived from {@link PipelineOptions} must have a
 *       getter and setter method.
 *   <li>Every method must conform to being a getter or setter for a JavaBean.
 *   <li>Only getters may be annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}.
 *   <li>If any getter is annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}, then all getters for
 *       this property must be annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}.
 * </ul>
 * @param iface The interface to validate.
 * @param validatedPipelineOptionsInterfaces The set of validated pipeline options interfaces to
 *        validate against.
 * @param klass The proxy class representing the interface.
 * @return A list of {@link PropertyDescriptor}s representing all valid bean properties of
 *         {@code iface}.
 * @throws IntrospectionException if invalid property descriptors.
private static List<PropertyDescriptor> validateClass(Class<? extends PipelineOptions> iface,
        Set<Class<? extends PipelineOptions>> validatedPipelineOptionsInterfaces,
        Class<? extends PipelineOptions> klass) throws IntrospectionException {
    Set<Method> methods = Sets.newHashSet(IGNORED_METHODS);
    // Ignore synthetic methods
    for (Method method : klass.getMethods()) {
        if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) || method.isSynthetic()) {
    // Ignore standard infrastructure methods on the generated class.
    try {
        methods.add(klass.getMethod("equals", Object.class));
        methods.add(klass.getMethod("as", Class.class));
        methods.add(klass.getMethod("cloneAs", Class.class));
        methods.add(klass.getMethod("populateDisplayData", DisplayData.Builder.class));
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // Verify that there are no methods with the same name with two different return types.
    Iterable<Method> interfaceMethods = FluentIterable
    SortedSetMultimap<Method, Method> methodNameToMethodMap = TreeMultimap.create(MethodNameComparator.INSTANCE,
    for (Method method : interfaceMethods) {
        methodNameToMethodMap.put(method, method);
    List<MultipleDefinitions> multipleDefinitions = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<Method, Collection<Method>> entry : methodNameToMethodMap.asMap().entrySet()) {
        Set<Class<?>> returnTypes = FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue())
        SortedSet<Method> collidingMethods = FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue())
        if (returnTypes.size() > 1) {
            MultipleDefinitions defs = new MultipleDefinitions();
            defs.method = entry.getKey();
            defs.collidingMethods = collidingMethods;
    throwForMultipleDefinitions(iface, multipleDefinitions);

    // Verify that there is no getter with a mixed @JsonIgnore annotation and verify
    // that no setter has @JsonIgnore.
    Iterable<Method> allInterfaceMethods = FluentIterable
    SortedSetMultimap<Method, Method> methodNameToAllMethodMap = TreeMultimap
            .create(MethodNameComparator.INSTANCE, MethodComparator.INSTANCE);
    for (Method method : allInterfaceMethods) {
        methodNameToAllMethodMap.put(method, method);

    List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = getPropertyDescriptors(klass);

    List<InconsistentlyIgnoredGetters> incompletelyIgnoredGetters = new ArrayList<>();
    List<IgnoredSetter> ignoredSetters = new ArrayList<>();

    for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) {
        if (descriptor.getReadMethod() == null || descriptor.getWriteMethod() == null
                || IGNORED_METHODS.contains(descriptor.getReadMethod())
                || IGNORED_METHODS.contains(descriptor.getWriteMethod())) {
        SortedSet<Method> getters = methodNameToAllMethodMap.get(descriptor.getReadMethod());
        SortedSet<Method> gettersWithJsonIgnore = Sets.filter(getters, JsonIgnorePredicate.INSTANCE);

        Iterable<String> getterClassNames = FluentIterable.from(getters)
        Iterable<String> gettersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames = FluentIterable.from(gettersWithJsonIgnore)

        if (!(gettersWithJsonIgnore.isEmpty() || getters.size() == gettersWithJsonIgnore.size())) {
            InconsistentlyIgnoredGetters err = new InconsistentlyIgnoredGetters();
            err.descriptor = descriptor;
            err.getterClassNames = getterClassNames;
            err.gettersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames = gettersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames;
        if (!incompletelyIgnoredGetters.isEmpty()) {

        SortedSet<Method> settersWithJsonIgnore = Sets.filter(
                methodNameToAllMethodMap.get(descriptor.getWriteMethod()), JsonIgnorePredicate.INSTANCE);

        Iterable<String> settersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames = FluentIterable.from(settersWithJsonIgnore)

        if (!settersWithJsonIgnore.isEmpty()) {
            IgnoredSetter ignored = new IgnoredSetter();
            ignored.descriptor = descriptor;
            ignored.settersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames = settersWithJsonIgnoreClassNames;

    List<MissingBeanMethod> missingBeanMethods = new ArrayList<>();
    // Verify that each property has a matching read and write method.
    for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : descriptors) {
        if (!(IGNORED_METHODS.contains(propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod())
                || propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod() != null)) {
            MissingBeanMethod method = new MissingBeanMethod();
            method.property = propertyDescriptor;
            method.methodType = "getter";
        if (!(IGNORED_METHODS.contains(propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod())
                || propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod() != null)) {
            MissingBeanMethod method = new MissingBeanMethod();
            method.property = propertyDescriptor;
            method.methodType = "setter";
    throwForMissingBeanMethod(iface, missingBeanMethods);

    // Verify that no additional methods are on an interface that aren't a bean property.
    SortedSet<Method> unknownMethods = new TreeSet<>(MethodComparator.INSTANCE);
    unknownMethods.addAll(Sets.filter(Sets.difference(Sets.newHashSet(klass.getMethods()), methods),
    checkArgument(unknownMethods.isEmpty(), "Methods %s on [%s] do not conform to being bean properties.",
            FluentIterable.from(unknownMethods).transform(ReflectHelpers.METHOD_FORMATTER), iface.getName());

    return descriptors;

From source file:org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory.java

 * Validates that any method with the same name must have the same return type for all derived
 * interfaces of {@link PipelineOptions}.
 * @param iface The interface to validate.
 *//*from w  w w .j  a v a 2 s. c om*/
private static void validateReturnType(Class<? extends PipelineOptions> iface) {
    Iterable<Method> interfaceMethods = FluentIterable
    SortedSetMultimap<Method, Method> methodNameToMethodMap = TreeMultimap.create(MethodNameComparator.INSTANCE,
    for (Method method : interfaceMethods) {
        methodNameToMethodMap.put(method, method);
    List<MultipleDefinitions> multipleDefinitions = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<Method, Collection<Method>> entry : methodNameToMethodMap.asMap().entrySet()) {
        Set<Class<?>> returnTypes = FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue())
        SortedSet<Method> collidingMethods = FluentIterable.from(entry.getValue())
        if (returnTypes.size() > 1) {
            MultipleDefinitions defs = new MultipleDefinitions();
            defs.method = entry.getKey();
            defs.collidingMethods = collidingMethods;
    throwForMultipleDefinitions(iface, multipleDefinitions);

From source file:org.jabylon.updatecenter.repository.impl.OBRRepositoryConnectorImpl.java

protected List<String> getHighestBundleVersions(String... filenames) {
    if (filenames == null)
        return Collections.emptyList();
    SortedSetMultimap<String, String> map = TreeMultimap.create(Collator.getInstance(),
            new VersionComparator());
    for (String string : filenames) {
        Matcher matcher = BUNDLE_PATTERN.matcher(string);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            String name = matcher.group(1);
            String version = matcher.group(2);
            map.put(name, version);//www  .  j  av a  2  s  . c  o  m
        } else {
            logger.warn("{} does not match the pattern {}. Skipping", string, BUNDLE_PATTERN);
    Set<Entry<String, Collection<String>>> entrySet = map.asMap().entrySet();
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(entrySet.size());
    for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : entrySet) {
        result.add(entry.getKey() + "_" + entry.getValue().iterator().next() + ".jar");
    return result;

From source file:google.registry.dns.ReadDnsQueueAction.java

/** Leases all tasks from the pull queue and creates per-tld update actions for them. */
@Override//from  ww  w.j  a  v a2  s  . c  om
public void run() {
    Set<String> tldsOfInterest = getTlds();

    List<TaskHandle> tasks = dnsQueue.leaseTasks(writeLockTimeout);
    if (tasks.isEmpty()) {
    logger.infofmt("leased %d tasks", tasks.size());
    // Normally, all tasks will be deleted from the pull queue. But some might have to remain if
    // we are not interested in the associated TLD, or if the TLD is paused. Remember which these
    // are.
    Set<TaskHandle> tasksToKeep = new HashSet<>();
    // The paused TLDs for which we found at least one refresh request.
    Set<String> pausedTlds = new HashSet<>();
    // Create a sorted multimap into which we will insert the refresh items, so that the items for
    // each TLD will be grouped together, and domains and hosts will be grouped within a TLD. The
    // grouping and ordering of domains and hosts is not technically necessary, but a predictable
    // ordering makes it possible to write detailed tests.
    SortedSetMultimap<String, RefreshItem> refreshItemMultimap = TreeMultimap.create();
    // Read all tasks on the DNS pull queue and load them into the refresh item multimap.
    for (TaskHandle task : tasks) {
        try {
            Map<String, String> params = ImmutableMap.copyOf(task.extractParams());
            String tld = params.get(RequestParameters.PARAM_TLD);
            if (tld == null) {
                logger.severe("discarding invalid DNS refresh request; no TLD specified");
            } else if (!tldsOfInterest.contains(tld)) {
            } else if (Registry.get(tld).getDnsPaused()) {
            } else {
                String typeString = params.get(DNS_TARGET_TYPE_PARAM);
                String name = params.get(DNS_TARGET_NAME_PARAM);
                TargetType type = TargetType.valueOf(typeString);
                switch (type) {
                case DOMAIN:
                case HOST:
                    refreshItemMultimap.put(tld, RefreshItem.create(type, name));
                    logger.severefmt("discarding DNS refresh request of type %s", typeString);
        } catch (RuntimeException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            logger.severefmt(e, "discarding invalid DNS refresh request (task %s)", task);
    if (!pausedTlds.isEmpty()) {
        logger.infofmt("the dns-pull queue is paused for tlds: %s", pausedTlds);
    // Loop through the multimap by TLD and generate refresh tasks for the hosts and domains.
    for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<RefreshItem>> tldRefreshItemsEntry : refreshItemMultimap.asMap()
            .entrySet()) {
        for (List<RefreshItem> chunk : Iterables.partition(tldRefreshItemsEntry.getValue(),
                tldUpdateBatchSize)) {
            TaskOptions options = withUrl(PublishDnsUpdatesAction.PATH).countdownMillis(
                    jitterSeconds.isPresent() ? random.nextInt((int) SECONDS.toMillis(jitterSeconds.get())) : 0)
                    .param(RequestParameters.PARAM_TLD, tldRefreshItemsEntry.getKey());
            for (RefreshItem refreshItem : chunk) {
                options.param((refreshItem.type() == TargetType.HOST) ? PublishDnsUpdatesAction.HOSTS_PARAM
                        : PublishDnsUpdatesAction.DOMAINS_PARAM, refreshItem.name());
            taskEnqueuer.enqueue(dnsPublishPushQueue, options);
    Set<TaskHandle> tasksToDelete = difference(ImmutableSet.copyOf(tasks), tasksToKeep);
    // In keepTasks mode, never delete any tasks.
    if (keepTasks) {
        logger.infofmt("would have deleted %d tasks", tasksToDelete.size());
        for (TaskHandle task : tasks) {
        // Otherwise, either delete or drop the lease of each task.
    } else {
        logger.infofmt("deleting %d tasks", tasksToDelete.size());
        logger.infofmt("dropping %d tasks", tasksToKeep.size());
        for (TaskHandle task : tasksToKeep) {

From source file:org.apache.solr.search.SynonymExpandingExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin.java

 * Given the synonymAnalyzer, returns a list of all alternate queries expanded from the original user query.
 * @param synonymAnalyzer/*  w  ww. j a v  a  2s. c  om*/
 * @param solrParams
 * @return
private List<Query> generateSynonymQueries(Analyzer synonymAnalyzer, SolrParams solrParams) throws IOException {

    // TODO: make the token stream reusable?
    TokenStream tokenStream = synonymAnalyzer.tokenStream(Const.IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME,
            new StringReader(getQueryStringFromParser()));

    SortedSetMultimap<Integer, TextInQuery> startPosToTextsInQuery = TreeMultimap.create();

    boolean constructPhraseQueries = solrParams.getBool(Params.SYNONYMS_CONSTRUCT_PHRASES, false);

    boolean bag = solrParams.getBool(Params.SYNONYMS_BAG, false);
    List<String> synonymBag = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
        while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) {
            CharTermAttribute term = tokenStream.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
            OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute = tokenStream.getAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
            TypeAttribute typeAttribute = tokenStream.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class);

            if (!typeAttribute.type().equals("shingle")) {
                // ignore shingles; we only care about synonyms and the original text
                // TODO: filter other types as well

                String termToAdd = term.toString();

                if (typeAttribute.type().equals("SYNONYM")) {

                if (constructPhraseQueries && typeAttribute.type().equals("SYNONYM")) {
                    // make a phrase out of the synonym
                    termToAdd = new StringBuilder(termToAdd).insert(0, '"').append('"').toString();
                if (!bag) {
                    // create a graph of all possible synonym combinations,
                    // e.g. dog bite, hound bite, dog nibble, hound nibble, etc.
                    TextInQuery textInQuery = new TextInQuery(termToAdd, offsetAttribute.startOffset(),

                    startPosToTextsInQuery.put(offsetAttribute.startOffset(), textInQuery);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("uncaught exception in synonym processing", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("uncaught exception in synonym processing", e);

    List<String> alternateQueries = synonymBag;

    if (!bag) {
        // use a graph rather than a bag
        List<List<TextInQuery>> sortedTextsInQuery = new ArrayList<List<TextInQuery>>(
        for (Collection<TextInQuery> sortedSet : startPosToTextsInQuery.asMap().values()) {
            sortedTextsInQuery.add(new ArrayList<TextInQuery>(sortedSet));

        // have to use the start positions and end positions to figure out all possible combinations
        alternateQueries = buildUpAlternateQueries(solrParams, sortedTextsInQuery);

    // save for debugging purposes
    expandedSynonyms = alternateQueries;

    return createSynonymQueries(solrParams, alternateQueries);

From source file:com.github.healthonnet.search.SynonymExpandingExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin.java

 * Given the synonymAnalyzer, returns a list of all alternate queries expanded from the original user query.
 * /*w w  w . ja  v a2 s.c  o m*/
 * @param synonymAnalyzer
 * @param solrParams
 * @return
private List<Query> generateSynonymQueries(Analyzer synonymAnalyzer, SolrParams solrParams) {

    String origQuery = getQueryStringFromParser();
    int queryLen = origQuery.length();

    // TODO: make the token stream reusable?
    TokenStream tokenStream = synonymAnalyzer.tokenStream(Const.IMPOSSIBLE_FIELD_NAME,
            new StringReader(origQuery));

    SortedSetMultimap<Integer, TextInQuery> startPosToTextsInQuery = TreeMultimap.create();

    boolean constructPhraseQueries = solrParams.getBool(Params.SYNONYMS_CONSTRUCT_PHRASES, false);

    boolean bag = solrParams.getBool(Params.SYNONYMS_BAG, false);
    List<String> synonymBag = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) {
            CharTermAttribute term = tokenStream.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
            OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute = tokenStream.getAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
            TypeAttribute typeAttribute = tokenStream.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class);

            if (!typeAttribute.type().equals("shingle")) {
                // ignore shingles; we only care about synonyms and the original text
                // TODO: filter other types as well

                String termToAdd = term.toString();

                if (typeAttribute.type().equals("SYNONYM")) {

                // Don't quote sibgle term term synonyms
                if (constructPhraseQueries && typeAttribute.type().equals("SYNONYM")
                        && termToAdd.contains(" ")) {
                    // Don't Quote when original is already surrounded by quotes
                    if (offsetAttribute.startOffset() == 0 || offsetAttribute.endOffset() == queryLen
                            || origQuery.charAt(offsetAttribute.startOffset() - 1) != '"'
                            || origQuery.charAt(offsetAttribute.endOffset()) != '"') {
                        // make a phrase out of the synonym
                        termToAdd = new StringBuilder(termToAdd).insert(0, '"').append('"').toString();
                if (!bag) {
                    // create a graph of all possible synonym combinations,
                    // e.g. dog bite, hound bite, dog nibble, hound nibble, etc.
                    TextInQuery textInQuery = new TextInQuery(termToAdd, offsetAttribute.startOffset(),

                    startPosToTextsInQuery.put(offsetAttribute.startOffset(), textInQuery);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("uncaught exception in synonym processing", e);
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("uncaught exception in synonym processing", e);

    List<String> alternateQueries = synonymBag;

    if (!bag) {
        // use a graph rather than a bag
        List<List<TextInQuery>> sortedTextsInQuery = new ArrayList<>(startPosToTextsInQuery.values().size());

        // have to use the start positions and end positions to figure out all possible combinations
        alternateQueries = buildUpAlternateQueries(solrParams, sortedTextsInQuery);

    // save for debugging purposes
    expandedSynonyms = alternateQueries;

    return createSynonymQueries(solrParams, alternateQueries);