Example usage for com.google.common.collect Streams mapWithIndex

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Streams mapWithIndex


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Streams mapWithIndex.


public static <R> Stream<R> mapWithIndex(DoubleStream stream, DoubleFunctionWithIndex<R> function) 

Source Link


Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given function to the elements of stream and their indexes in the stream.


From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.argumentselectiondefects.Parameter.java

static ImmutableList<Parameter> createListFromVarSymbols(List<VarSymbol> varSymbols) {
    return Streams
            .mapWithIndex(varSymbols.stream(), (s, i) -> new AutoValue_Parameter(s.getSimpleName().toString(),
                    s.asType(), (int) i, s.getSimpleName().toString(), Kind.IDENTIFIER, false))

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.argumentselectiondefects.Parameter.java

static ImmutableList<Parameter> createListFromExpressionTrees(List<? extends ExpressionTree> trees) {
    return Streams
                    (t, i) -> new AutoValue_Parameter(getArgumentName(t),
                            Optional.ofNullable(ASTHelpers.getResultType(t)).orElse(Type.noType), (int) i,
                            t.toString(), t.getKind(), ASTHelpers.constValue(t) != null))

From source file:io.prestosql.execution.scheduler.FixedSourcePartitionedScheduler.java

public ScheduleResult schedule() {
    // schedule a task on every node in the distribution
    List<RemoteTask> newTasks = ImmutableList.of();
    if (!scheduledTasks) {
        OptionalInt totalPartitions = OptionalInt.of(nodes.size());
        newTasks = Streams
                        (node, id) -> stage.scheduleTask(node, toIntExact(id), totalPartitions))
        scheduledTasks = true;/*from  w  ww .j  ava2  s. c o  m*/

    boolean allBlocked = true;
    List<ListenableFuture<?>> blocked = new ArrayList<>();
    BlockedReason blockedReason = BlockedReason.NO_ACTIVE_DRIVER_GROUP;

    if (groupedLifespanScheduler.isPresent()) {
        // Start new driver groups on the first scheduler if necessary,
        // i.e. when previous ones have finished execution (not finished scheduling).
        // Invoke schedule method to get a new SettableFuture every time.
        // Reusing previously returned SettableFuture could lead to the ListenableFuture retaining too many listeners.

    int splitsScheduled = 0;
    Iterator<SourceScheduler> schedulerIterator = sourceSchedulers.iterator();
    List<Lifespan> driverGroupsToStart = ImmutableList.of();
    boolean shouldInvokeNoMoreDriverGroups = false;
    while (schedulerIterator.hasNext()) {
        SourceScheduler sourceScheduler = schedulerIterator.next();

        for (Lifespan lifespan : driverGroupsToStart) {
            sourceScheduler.startLifespan(lifespan, partitionHandleFor(lifespan));
        if (shouldInvokeNoMoreDriverGroups) {

        ScheduleResult schedule = sourceScheduler.schedule();
        splitsScheduled += schedule.getSplitsScheduled();
        if (schedule.getBlockedReason().isPresent()) {
            blockedReason = blockedReason.combineWith(schedule.getBlockedReason().get());
        } else {
            verify(schedule.getBlocked().isDone(), "blockedReason not provided when scheduler is blocked");
            allBlocked = false;

        driverGroupsToStart = sourceScheduler.drainCompletedLifespans();

        if (schedule.isFinished()) {
            shouldInvokeNoMoreDriverGroups = true;
        } else {
            shouldInvokeNoMoreDriverGroups = false;

    if (allBlocked) {
        return new ScheduleResult(sourceSchedulers.isEmpty(), newTasks, whenAnyComplete(blocked), blockedReason,
    } else {
        return new ScheduleResult(sourceSchedulers.isEmpty(), newTasks, splitsScheduled);

From source file:com.google.googlejavaformat.java.JavaInputAstVisitor.java

private static <T> Stream<Long> indexes(Stream<T> stream, Predicate<T> predicate) {
    return Streams.mapWithIndex(stream, (x, i) -> predicate.apply(x) ? i : -1).filter(x -> x != -1);