Example usage for com.google.common.collect TreeMultimap create

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect TreeMultimap create


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect TreeMultimap create.


public static <K extends Comparable, V extends Comparable> TreeMultimap<K, V> create() 

Source Link


Creates an empty TreeMultimap ordered by the natural ordering of its keys and values.


From source file:com.enitalk.controllers.bots.TimeZoneTestr.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Set<String> ids = DateTimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
    TreeMultimap<Long, String> map = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (String id : ids) {
        DateTimeZone dz = DateTimeZone.forID(id);
        int offset = dz.getOffset(DateTime.now().withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC));

        map.put(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(offset), id);
    }/* w ww .  j  a  va2 s . c o m*/

    ObjectMapper j = new ObjectMapper();
    ArrayNode a = j.createArrayNode();
    map.keySet().forEach((Long key) -> {
        a.addObject().set(key.toString(), j.convertValue(map.get(key), ArrayNode.class));


    //        System.out.println(map);

From source file:icqexport.ICQExport.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    System.out.println("ICQExport - exports ICQ database files (prior to version 2003b) to HTML");

    File datFile = null;/*from  w  w w.j a  va  2  s  .  c om*/
    if (args.length > 0) {
        datFile = new File(args[0]);
    } else {
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
        chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose ICQ database file (prior to version 2003b) which should be exported");
        FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("ICQ database files", "dat");
        int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
            datFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();
        } else

    System.out.println("Processing dat file");

    LERandomAccessFile datIn = new LERandomAccessFile(datFile, "r");
    byte[] sig = new byte[15];
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> userData = Maps.<String, Map<String, String>>newHashMap();

    TreeMultimap<String, Message> msgs = TreeMultimap.create();

    try {
        while (true) {
            if (datIn.read(sig) != sig.length)
            if (Arrays.equals(sig, magic) || Arrays.equals(sig, magic2)) {
                long startPos = datIn.getFilePointer() - 0x1c;
                int size = datIn.readInt();
                if (size < 0x20) {
                    // System.out.println("Warning: suspicious entry size: "
                    // + size + " @ " + startPos);
                byte entryType = datIn.readByte();
                int flags = datIn.readInt();

                if (entryType == (byte) 0xE0 || entryType == (byte) 0x50) {
                    int subType = datIn.readShort();
                    int uin = datIn.readInt();
                    String msgText = readASCII(datIn);
                    if (msgText.indexOf((char) 0x00) >= 0) {
                        // System.out.println("possible corrupt entry @ "
                        // + startPos + " [msgtext: " + msgText + "]");
                    int status = datIn.readInt();
                    int sentOrReceived = datIn.readInt();
                    long ts = datIn.readInt();
                    Date tsDate = new java.util.Date(ts * 1000L);
                    msgs.put(uin + "", new Message(msgText, tsDate, sentOrReceived == 0));
                } else if (entryType == (byte) 0xa0) {
                    int subType = datIn.readShort();
                    int uin = datIn.readInt();
                    String url = readASCII(datIn);
                    url = url.replaceAll("" + (char) 0xFE, " - ");
                    int status = datIn.readInt();
                    int sentOrReceived = datIn.readInt();
                    long ts = datIn.readInt();
                    Date tsDate = new java.util.Date(ts * 1000L);
                    msgs.put(uin + "", new Message(url, tsDate, sentOrReceived == 0));
                } else if (entryType == (byte) 0xE5) {
                    try {

                        Map<String, String> properties = readProperties(datIn, startPos);
                        if (properties.containsKey("UIN")) {
                            userData.put(properties.get("UIN"), properties);
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("No UIN found inside properties!");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // e.printStackTrace(System.err);

            } else {
                datIn.seek(datIn.getFilePointer() - 14);

    } catch (EOFException e) {


    System.out.println(msgs.size() + " messages extracted. Writing output files...");
    File indexFile = writeIndexFile(userData, msgs);

    for (String UIN : userData.keySet()) {
        writeMessageFile(UIN, userData, msgs);


    if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {




From source file:org.apache.kylin.common.util.SortUtil.java

public static <T extends Comparable, E extends Comparable> Iterator<T> extractAndSort(Iterator<T> input,
        Function<T, E> extractor) {
    TreeMultimap<E, T> reorgnized = TreeMultimap.create();
    while (input.hasNext()) {
        T t = input.next();//from  www  . j a v  a 2 s . c  o  m
        E e = extractor.apply(t);
        reorgnized.put(e, t);
    return reorgnized.values().iterator();

From source file:com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.interfaces.AbstractRequest.java

private static Multimap<String, String> buildDefaultHeaders() {
    final Multimap<String, String> headers = TreeMultimap.create();
    headers.put("Naming-Convention", "s3");
    return headers;

From source file:org.commoncrawl.service.parser.server.ParserSlaveServer.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Multimap<String, String> options = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
        String optionName = args[i];
        if (++i != args.length) {
            String optionValue = args[i];
            options.put(optionName, optionValue);
        }//from w  w  w . j av a 2s .c  om
    options.put("--server", ParserSlaveServer.class.getName());

    Collection<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = options.entries();
    String finalArgs[] = new String[entrySet.size() * 2];
    int index = 0;
    for (Entry entry : entrySet) {
        finalArgs[index++] = (String) entry.getKey();
        finalArgs[index++] = (String) entry.getValue();

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.xumpy.grapias.Config.java

public SortedSetMultimap<Integer, MenuItem> allMenuItems() {
    SortedSetMultimap<Integer, MenuItem> allMenuItems = TreeMultimap.create();

    return allMenuItems;

From source file:org.drools.verifier.report.html.MissingRangesReportVisitor.java

public static Collection<String> visitRestrictionsCollection(String sourceFolder,
        Collection<Restriction> restrictions, Collection<MissingRange> causes) {

    Multimap<String, DataRow> dt = TreeMultimap.create();
    Collection<String> stringRows = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (MissingRange cause : causes) {
                new DataRow(null, null, cause.getOperator(), cause.getValueAsString()));
    }// w  w  w.  jav  a 2 s  . c  om

    for (Restriction r : restrictions) {
        if (r instanceof NumberRestriction) {
            try {
                NumberRestriction restriction = (NumberRestriction) r;

                dt.put(restriction.getValue().toString(), new DataRow(restriction.getRulePath(),
                        restriction.getRuleName(), restriction.getOperator(), restriction.getValueAsString()));
            } catch (Exception e) {

    DataRow previous = null;
    for (Iterator<DataRow> iterator = dt.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        DataRow current = iterator.next();

        if (previous != null) {
            // Check if previous and current are from the same rule.
            if (previous.ruleId == null && current.ruleId == null && !previous.operator.equals(Operator.EQUAL)
                    && !previous.operator.equals(Operator.NOT_EQUAL) && !current.operator.equals(Operator.EQUAL)
                    && !current.operator.equals(Operator.NOT_EQUAL)) {
                // Combine these two.
                stringRows.add("Missing : " + previous + " .. " + current);

                if (iterator.hasNext())
                    current = iterator.next();

            } else if (previous.ruleId != null && previous.ruleId.equals(current.ruleId)) {
                // Combine these two.
                stringRows.add(UrlFactory.getRuleUrl(sourceFolder, current.ruleId, current.ruleName) + " : "
                        + previous.toString() + " " + current.toString());

                if (iterator.hasNext())
                    current = iterator.next();

            } else if (!iterator.hasNext()) { // If this is last row
                // Print previous and current if they were not merged.
                processRangeOutput(previous, stringRows, sourceFolder);
                processRangeOutput(current, stringRows, sourceFolder);

            } else { // If they are not from the same rule
                // Print previous.
                processRangeOutput(previous, stringRows, sourceFolder);
        } else if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
            processRangeOutput(current, stringRows, sourceFolder);

        // Set current as previous.
        previous = current;

    return stringRows;

From source file:moa2014.MOAH52014.java

public static int principal(int[][] matrizatual) {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Multimap<Integer, String> open_list = TreeMultimap.create();
    HashMap<String, Estado> processados = new HashMap();

    int h1x = MOAH12014.diferencaMatriz(matrizatual);
    int h2x = MOAH22014.diferencaMatriz(matrizatual);
    int h3x = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(matrizatual);

    int difmatrizatual = maior(h1x, h2x, h3x);

    String stringmatriz = transformaMatrizString(matrizatual);
    open_list.put(difmatrizatual, stringmatriz);
    Estado estadoatual = new Estado(matrizatual, 0);
    processados.put(stringmatriz, estadoatual);

    int arvoresgeradas = 0;
    int arvoresprocessadas = 0;

    while (!open_list.isEmpty()) {

        Iterator iterator = open_list.keySet().iterator();

        Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
        String matrizatualx1 = open_list.asMap().get(key).iterator().next();
        Estado estadomenor = processados.get(matrizatualx1);
        int altura = estadomenor.getCusto();

        int[] zerot = localizazero(estadomenor.getMatriz());
        int x = zerot[0];
        int y = zerot[1];
        int x0 = x - 1;
        int x1 = x + 1;
        int y0 = y - 1;
        int y1 = y + 1;
        int difmatrizatualx = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(estadomenor.getMatriz());
        if (difmatrizatualx == 0) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("Arvores Geradas: " + arvoresgeradas);
            System.out.println("Arvores Processadas: " + arvoresprocessadas);
            System.out.println("Quantidade de Movimentos: " + estadomenor.getCusto());
            System.out.println("Tempo de processamento " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");
            return 0;
        }/*from  w  w w. j  a  v a  2s.c  o m*/
        int[][] matrizatualx = estadomenor.getMatriz();
        if (x0 >= 0) {

            int[][] matriz;
            matriz = copyarray(matrizatualx);
            matriz[x][y] = matrizatualx[x0][y];
            matriz[x0][y] = matrizatualx[x][y];

            String stringmatriz1 = transformaMatrizString(matriz);
            if (!(processados.containsKey(stringmatriz1))) {
                h1x = MOAH12014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h2x = MOAH22014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h3x = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                int diferencamatriz = maior(h1x, h2x, h3x);
                int custototal = diferencamatriz + altura + 1;

                Estado estadonovo = new Estado(matriz, altura + 1);
                open_list.put(custototal, stringmatriz1);

                processados.put(stringmatriz1, estadonovo);

        if (x1 <= 3) {
            int[][] matriz;
            matriz = copyarray(matrizatualx);
            matriz[x][y] = matrizatualx[x1][y];
            matriz[x1][y] = matrizatualx[x][y];
            String stringmatriz2 = transformaMatrizString(matriz);

            if (!(processados.containsKey(stringmatriz2))) {
                h1x = MOAH12014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h2x = MOAH22014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h3x = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                int diferencamatriz = maior(h1x, h2x, h3x);
                int custototal = diferencamatriz + altura + 1;

                Estado estadonovo = new Estado(matriz, altura + 1);
                open_list.put(custototal, stringmatriz2);

                processados.put(stringmatriz2, estadonovo);

        if (y0 >= 0) {
            int[][] matriz;
            matriz = copyarray(matrizatualx);
            matriz[x][y] = matrizatualx[x][y0];
            matriz[x][y0] = matrizatualx[x][y];
            String stringmatriz3 = transformaMatrizString(matriz);

            if (!(processados.containsKey(stringmatriz3))) {
                h1x = MOAH12014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h2x = MOAH22014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h3x = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                int diferencamatriz = maior(h1x, h2x, h3x);
                int custototal = diferencamatriz + altura + 1;

                Estado estadonovo = new Estado(matriz, altura + 1);
                open_list.put(custototal, stringmatriz3);

                processados.put(stringmatriz3, estadonovo);

        if (y1 <= 3) {
            int[][] matriz;
            matriz = copyarray(matrizatualx);
            matriz[x][y] = matrizatualx[x][y1];
            matriz[x][y1] = matrizatualx[x][y];

            String stringmatriz4 = transformaMatrizString(matriz);

            if (!(processados.containsKey(stringmatriz4))) {
                h1x = MOAH12014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h2x = MOAH22014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                h3x = MOAH32014.diferencaMatriz(matriz);
                int diferencamatriz = maior(h1x, h2x, h3x);
                int custototal = diferencamatriz + altura + 1;

                Estado estadonovo = new Estado(matriz, altura + 1);
                open_list.put(custototal, stringmatriz4);

                processados.put(stringmatriz4, estadonovo);

        open_list.remove(key, matrizatualx1);
    return 0;


From source file:moavns.SolucaoAleatoria.java

public static Solucao eliminarRedundancia(Solucao solucao) {
    Multimap<Float, Integer> colunas = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (Coluna coluna : solucao.getColunas()) {
        Float custo = coluna.getCusto();
        colunas.put((custo * (-1)), coluna.getNome());
    }/*from www.j  a  v  a  2 s. c om*/
    Solucao testarsolucao = new Solucao(solucao);
    for (Float chave : colunas.keySet()) {
        Iterator iterador = colunas.get(chave).iterator();
        while (iterador.hasNext()) {
            Solucao testar = new Solucao(testarsolucao);
            Coluna maiorcoluna = testarsolucao.getLinhasX().get(iterador.next());
            cobrirLinhas(maiorcoluna, testar);
            if (testar.getLinhasCobertas().size() == testar.getQtdeLinhas()) {
                testar.setCustototal(testar.getCustototal() - maiorcoluna.getCusto());
                testarsolucao = testar;
    return testarsolucao;

From source file:com.github.jasonruckman.sidney.ext.guava.MultimapSerializer.java

public static void registerMaps(AbstractSid sid) {
    sid.addSerializer(Multimap.class, MultimapSerializer.class);
    sid.addInstanceFactory(ArrayListMultimap.class, new InstanceFactory<ArrayListMultimap>() {
        @Override/*from   w ww .j  a v  a 2  s.com*/
        public ArrayListMultimap newInstance() {
            return ArrayListMultimap.create();
    sid.addInstanceFactory(LinkedListMultimap.class, new InstanceFactory<LinkedListMultimap>() {
        public LinkedListMultimap newInstance() {
            return LinkedListMultimap.create();
    sid.addInstanceFactory(LinkedHashMultimap.class, new InstanceFactory<LinkedHashMultimap>() {
        public LinkedHashMultimap newInstance() {
            return LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    sid.addInstanceFactory(TreeMultimap.class, new InstanceFactory<TreeMultimap>() {
        public TreeMultimap newInstance() {
            return TreeMultimap.create();
    sid.addInstanceFactory(HashMultimap.class, new InstanceFactory<HashMultimap>() {
        public HashMultimap newInstance() {
            return HashMultimap.create();