Example usage for com.google.common.geometry S2LatLng fromE6

List of usage examples for com.google.common.geometry S2LatLng fromE6


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.geometry S2LatLng fromE6.


public static S2LatLng fromE6(long latE6, long lngE6) 

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From source file:com.norman0406.slimgress.API.Common.Utils.java

public static String[] getCellIdsFromLocationArea(Location location, double areaM2, int minLevel,
        int maxLevel) {
    final double radius_m2 = 6371 * 1000;
    final double sr = areaM2 / (radius_m2 * radius_m2);

    S2LatLng pointLatLng = S2LatLng.fromE6(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());
    S2Cap cap = S2Cap.fromAxisArea(pointLatLng.toPoint(), sr);

    return getCellIdsFromRegion(cap, minLevel, maxLevel);

From source file:com.norman0406.slimgress.API.Common.Utils.java

public static String[] getCellIdsFromMinMax(Location min, Location max, int minLevel, int maxLevel) {
    S2LatLngRect region = S2LatLngRect.fromPointPair(S2LatLng.fromE6(min.getLatitude(), min.getLongitude()),
            S2LatLng.fromE6(max.getLatitude(), max.getLongitude()));
    return getCellIdsFromRegion(region, minLevel, maxLevel);

From source file:com.norman0406.slimgress.API.Common.Location.java

public LatLng getLatLng() {
    S2LatLng pos = S2LatLng.fromE6(latitude, longitude);
    return new LatLng(pos.latDegrees(), pos.lngDegrees());

From source file:com.norman0406.slimgress.API.Game.GameState.java

public void intLoadCommunication(final double radiusKM, final boolean factionOnly, final Handler handler) {
    try {//from   www.jav a  2s .c om

        final double earthKM = 2 * Math.PI * 6371; // circumference

        S2LatLng center = S2LatLng.fromE6(mLocation.getLatitude(), mLocation.getLongitude());
        S2LatLng size = S2LatLng.fromRadians((Math.PI / earthKM) * radiusKM,
                (2 * Math.PI / earthKM) * radiusKM);
        S2LatLngRect region = S2LatLngRect.fromCenterSize(center, size);

        // get cell ids for area
        String[] cellIds = Utils.getCellIdsFromRegion(region, 8, 12);

        // create cells
        JSONArray cellsAsHex = new JSONArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < cellIds.length; i++)

        // create params
        JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
        params.put("cellsAsHex", cellsAsHex);
        params.put("minTimestampMs", -1);
        params.put("maxTimestampMs", -1);
        params.put("desiredNumItems", 50);
        params.put("factionOnly", factionOnly);
        params.put("ascendingTimestampOrder", false);

        mInterface.request(mHandshake, "playerUndecorated/getPaginatedPlexts", mLocation, params,
                new RequestResult(handler) {
                    public void handleResult(JSONArray result) {
                        try {
                            // add plexts
                            for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
                                PlextBase newPlext = PlextBase.createByJSON(result.getJSONArray(i));
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
    } catch (JSONException e) {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {