Example usage for com.google.common.graph Graph isDirected

List of usage examples for com.google.common.graph Graph isDirected


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.graph Graph isDirected.


boolean isDirected();

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Returns true if the edges in this graph have a direction associated with them.


From source file:edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.transformation.NodePartitionCollapser.java

 * Creates a new graph whose nodes correspond to the partitions of the supplied graph. Two nodes u
 * and v in the collapsed graph will be connected if there is an edge between any of the nodes in
 * u and any of the nodes in v, and u and v are distinct. The value of the edge represents the
 * number of such edges./*from  w  ww.j  a  v a 2 s . co  m*/
 * @param partitioning a node partition of a graph
 * @return the collapsed graph
public static <N> ValueGraph<Set<N>, Integer> collapseNodePartitions(NodePartition<N> partitioning) {
    Graph<N> original = partitioning.getGraph();
    ValueGraphBuilder<Object, Object> builder = original.isDirected() ? ValueGraphBuilder.directed()
            : ValueGraphBuilder.undirected();
    MutableValueGraph<Set<N>, Integer> collapsed = builder.build();

    // create nodes in new graph corresponding to equivalence sets in the original graph
    for (Set<N> set : partitioning.getNodePartitions()) {

    // for each pair of endpoints in the original graph, connect the corresponding nodes
    // (representing partitions) in the collapsed graph if the partitions are different
    Map<N, Set<N>> nodeToPartition = partitioning.getNodeToPartitionMap();
    for (EndpointPair<N> endpoints : original.edges()) {
        N nodeU = endpoints.nodeU();
        N nodeV = endpoints.nodeV();
        Set<N> partitionU = nodeToPartition.get(nodeU);
        Set<N> partitionV = nodeToPartition.get(nodeV);
        if (nodeU.equals(nodeV) || partitionU.equals(partitionV)) {
            // we only connect partitions if the partitions are different;
            // check the nodes first as an optimization

        int edgeCount = collapsed.edgeValueOrDefault(partitionU, partitionV, 0);
        collapsed.putEdgeValue(partitionU, partitionV, edgeCount + 1);
    return collapsed;

From source file:edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.TreeUtils.java

 * A graph is "forest-shaped" if it is directed, acyclic, and each node has at most one
 * predecessor.//from  w  ww  . j  av  a  2s  .  c  om
public static <N> boolean isForestShaped(Graph<N> graph) {
    checkNotNull(graph, "graph");
    return graph.isDirected() && !Graphs.hasCycle(graph)
            && graph.nodes().stream().allMatch(node -> graph.predecessors(node).size() <= 1);

From source file:edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.metrics.TriadicCensus.java

 * Returns an array whose ith element (for i in [1,16]) is the number of occurrences of the
 * corresponding triad type in <code>g</code>. (The 0th element is not meaningful; this array is
 * effectively 1-based.)/*w  w  w .j ava 2s.  c  om*/
 * @param g the graph whose properties are being measured
 * @param <N> the node type
 * @return an array encoding the number of occurrences of each triad type
public static <N> long[] getCounts(Graph<N> g) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(g.isDirected(), "input graph must be directed");
    long[] count = new long[MAX_TRIADS];

    // TODO: can we make this more efficient and not require the extra list?
    List<N> id = new ArrayList<N>(g.nodes());

    // apply algorithm to each edge, one at at time
    for (int i_v = 0; i_v < id.size(); i_v++) {
        N v = id.get(i_v);
        for (N u : g.adjacentNodes(v)) {
            int triType = -1;
            if (id.indexOf(u) <= i_v) {
            Set<N> neighbors = new HashSet<N>(g.adjacentNodes(u));
            // TODO: use hasEdge() when available
            if (g.successors(v).contains(u) && g.successors(u).contains(v)) {
                triType = 3;
            } else {
                triType = 2;
            count[triType] += id.size() - neighbors.size() - 2;
            for (N w : neighbors) {
                if (shouldCount(g, id, u, v, w)) {
                    count[triType(triCode(g, u, v, w))]++;
    long sum = 0;
    for (int i = 2; i <= 16; i++) {
        sum += count[i];
    int n = id.size();
    count[1] = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 6 - sum;
    return count;