Example usage for com.google.common.graph MutableNetwork removeNode

List of usage examples for com.google.common.graph MutableNetwork removeNode


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.graph MutableNetwork removeNode.


boolean removeNode(Object node);

Source Link


Removes node from this graph, if it is present (optional operation).


From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.graph.Networks.java

 * Applies the {@code function} to all nodes within the {@code network}. Replaces any node which
 * is not {@link #equals(Object)} to the original node, maintaining all existing edges between
 * nodes./*from w w w. j a va  2 s.c o  m*/
public static <N, E> void replaceDirectedNetworkNodes(MutableNetwork<N, E> network, Function<N, N> function) {
    checkArgument(network.isDirected(), "Only directed networks are supported, given %s", network);
    checkArgument(!network.allowsSelfLoops(), "Only networks without self loops are supported, given %s",

    // A map from the existing node to the replacement node
    Map<N, N> oldNodesToNewNodes = new HashMap<>(network.nodes().size());
    for (N currentNode : network.nodes()) {
        N newNode = function.apply(currentNode);
        // Skip updating the network if the old node is equivalent to the new node
        if (!currentNode.equals(newNode)) {
            oldNodesToNewNodes.put(currentNode, newNode);

    // For each replacement, connect up the existing predecessors and successors to the new node
    // and then remove the old node.
    for (Map.Entry<N, N> entry : oldNodesToNewNodes.entrySet()) {
        N oldNode = entry.getKey();
        N newNode = entry.getValue();
        for (N predecessor : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.predecessors(oldNode))) {
            for (E edge : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(predecessor, oldNode))) {
                network.addEdge(predecessor, newNode, edge);
        for (N successor : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.successors(oldNode))) {
            for (E edge : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(oldNode, successor))) {
                network.addEdge(newNode, successor, edge);

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.graph.RemoveFlattenInstructionsFunction.java

public MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> apply(MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> network) {
    for (Node node : ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.filter(network.nodes(), IsFlatten.INSTANCE))) {

        // For each successor instruction after the Flatten, connect it directly to the
        // predecessor PCollections of Flatten.
        Node flattenPCollection = Iterables.getOnlyElement(network.successors(node));
        for (Node successorInstruction : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.successors(flattenPCollection))) {
            for (Edge edge : ImmutableList
                    .copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(flattenPCollection, successorInstruction))) {
                for (Node predecessorPCollection : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.predecessors(node))) {
                    network.addEdge(predecessorPCollection, successorInstruction, edge.clone());
                }/*  w  w  w  . jav a 2 s  . c o m*/

        // Remove the Flatten instruction and its output PCollection.
    return network;

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.core.construction.graph.Networks.java

 * Applies the {@code function} to all nodes within the {@code network}. Replaces any node which
 * is not {@link #equals(Object)} to the original node, maintaining all existing edges between
 * nodes.//w  w  w  . jav  a 2s. com
public static <NodeT, EdgeT> void replaceDirectedNetworkNodes(MutableNetwork<NodeT, EdgeT> network,
        Function<NodeT, NodeT> function) {
    checkArgument(network.isDirected(), "Only directed networks are supported, given %s", network);
    checkArgument(!network.allowsSelfLoops(), "Only networks without self loops are supported, given %s",

    // A map from the existing node to the replacement node
    Map<NodeT, NodeT> oldNodesToNewNodes = new HashMap<>(network.nodes().size());
    for (NodeT currentNode : network.nodes()) {
        NodeT newNode = function.apply(currentNode);
        // Skip updating the network if the old node is equivalent to the new node
        if (!currentNode.equals(newNode)) {
            oldNodesToNewNodes.put(currentNode, newNode);

    // For each replacement, connect up the existing predecessors and successors to the new node
    // and then remove the old node.
    for (Map.Entry<NodeT, NodeT> entry : oldNodesToNewNodes.entrySet()) {
        NodeT oldNode = entry.getKey();
        NodeT newNode = entry.getValue();
        for (NodeT predecessor : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.predecessors(oldNode))) {
            for (EdgeT edge : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(predecessor, oldNode))) {
                network.addEdge(predecessor, newNode, edge);
        for (NodeT successor : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.successors(oldNode))) {
            for (EdgeT edge : ImmutableSet.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(oldNode, successor))) {
                network.addEdge(newNode, successor, edge);

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.core.construction.graph.Networks.java

 * Compute the topological order for a {@link Network}.
 * <p>Nodes must be considered in the order specified by the {@link Network Network's} {@link
 * Network#nodeOrder()}. This ensures that any two Networks with the same nodes and node orders
 * produce the same result./*  www  . j a  v  a2  s. c o m*/
private static <NodeT> Iterable<NodeT> computeTopologicalOrder(MutableNetwork<NodeT, ?> network) {
    // TODO: (github/guava/2641) Upgrade Guava and remove this method if topological sorting becomes
    // supported externally or remove this comment if its not going to be supported externally.

    checkArgument(network.isDirected(), "Only directed networks are supported, given %s", network);
    checkArgument(!network.allowsSelfLoops(), "Only networks without self loops are supported, given %s",

    // Uses the following algorithm:
    //    Peter Eades, Xuemin Lin, W. F. Smyth
    // https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c7ed/d9acce96ca357876540e19664eb9d976637f.pdf
    // The only edges that are ignored by the algorithm are back edges.
    // The algorithm (while there are still nodes in the graph):
    //   1) Removes all sinks from the graph adding them to the beginning of "s2". Continue to do this till there
    //      are no more sinks.
    //   2) Removes all source from the graph adding them to the end of "s1". Continue to do this till there
    //      are no more sources.
    //   3) Remote a single node with the highest delta within the graph and add it to the end of "s1".
    // The topological order is then the s1 concatenated with s2.

    Deque<NodeT> s1 = new ArrayDeque<>();
    Deque<NodeT> s2 = new ArrayDeque<>();

    Ordering<NodeT> maximumOrdering = new Ordering<NodeT>() {
        public int compare(NodeT t0, NodeT t1) {
            return (network.outDegree(t0) - network.inDegree(t0))
                    - (network.outDegree(t1) - network.inDegree(t1));

    while (!network.nodes().isEmpty()) {
        boolean nodeRemoved;
        do {
            nodeRemoved = false;
            for (NodeT possibleSink : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.nodes())) {
                if (network.outDegree(possibleSink) == 0) {
                    nodeRemoved = true;
        } while (nodeRemoved);

        do {
            nodeRemoved = false;
            for (NodeT possibleSource : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.nodes())) {
                if (network.inDegree(possibleSource) == 0) {
                    nodeRemoved = true;
        } while (nodeRemoved);

        if (!network.nodes().isEmpty()) {
            NodeT maximum = maximumOrdering.max(network.nodes());

    return ImmutableList.<NodeT>builder().addAll(s1).addAll(s2).build();

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.graph.CloneAmbiguousFlattensFunction.java

 * A helper function which performs the actual cloning procedure, which means creating the runner
 * and SDK versions of both the ambiguous flatten and its PCollection, attaching the old flatten's
 * predecessors and successors properly, and then removing the ambiguous flatten from the network.
 *//*from   w w w.  j a  v  a2 s .co  m*/
private void cloneFlatten(Node flatten, MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> network) {
    // Start by creating the clones of the flatten and its PCollection.
    InstructionOutputNode flattenOut = (InstructionOutputNode) Iterables
    ParallelInstruction flattenInstruction = ((ParallelInstructionNode) flatten).getParallelInstruction();

    Node runnerFlatten = ParallelInstructionNode.create(flattenInstruction, ExecutionLocation.RUNNER_HARNESS);
    Node runnerFlattenOut = InstructionOutputNode.create(flattenOut.getInstructionOutput(),

    Node sdkFlatten = ParallelInstructionNode.create(flattenInstruction, ExecutionLocation.SDK_HARNESS);
    Node sdkFlattenOut = InstructionOutputNode.create(flattenOut.getInstructionOutput(),

    for (Edge edge : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(flatten, flattenOut))) {
        network.addEdge(runnerFlatten, runnerFlattenOut, edge.clone());
        network.addEdge(sdkFlatten, sdkFlattenOut, edge.clone());

    // Copy over predecessor edges to both cloned nodes.
    for (Node predecessor : network.predecessors(flatten)) {
        for (Edge edge : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(predecessor, flatten))) {
            network.addEdge(predecessor, runnerFlatten, edge.clone());
            network.addEdge(predecessor, sdkFlatten, edge.clone());

    // Copy over successor edges depending on execution locations of successors.
    for (Node successor : network.successors(flattenOut)) {
        // Connect successor to SDK harness only if sure it executes in SDK.
        Node selectedOutput = executesInSdkHarness(successor) ? sdkFlattenOut : runnerFlattenOut;
        for (Edge edge : ImmutableList.copyOf(network.edgesConnecting(flattenOut, successor))) {
            network.addEdge(selectedOutput, successor, edge.clone());


From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.worker.graph.CreateRegisterFnOperationFunction.java

public MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> apply(MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> network) {

    // Record all SDK nodes, and all root nodes.
    Set<Node> runnerRootNodes = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Node> sdkNodes = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Node> sdkRootNodes = new HashSet<>();
    for (ParallelInstructionNode node : Iterables.filter(network.nodes(), ParallelInstructionNode.class)) {
        if (executesInSdkHarness(node)) {
            sdkNodes.add(node);//from w w w  . ja va 2 s.  co m
            if (network.inDegree(node) == 0) {
        } else if (network.inDegree(node) == 0) {

    // If nothing executes within the SDK harness, return the original network.
    if (sdkNodes.isEmpty()) {
        return network;

    // Represents the set of nodes which represent gRPC boundaries from the Runner to the SDK.
    Set<Node> runnerToSdkBoundaries = new HashSet<>();
    // Represents the set of nodes which represent gRPC boundaries from the SDK to the Runner.
    Set<Node> sdkToRunnerBoundaries = new HashSet<>();

    ImmutableNetwork<Node, Edge> originalNetwork = ImmutableNetwork.copyOf(network);

    // Update the network with outputs which are meant to bridge the instructions
    // that execute in different harnesses. One output per direction of information
    // flow from runner to SDK and SDK to runner per original output node.
    for (InstructionOutputNode outputNode : Iterables.filter(originalNetwork.nodes(),
            InstructionOutputNode.class)) {

        // Categorize all predecessor instructions
        Set<Node> predecessorRunnerInstructions = new HashSet<>();
        Set<Node> predecessorSdkInstructions = new HashSet<>();
        for (Node predecessorInstruction : originalNetwork.predecessors(outputNode)) {
            if (sdkNodes.contains(predecessorInstruction)) {
            } else {

        // Categorize all successor instructions
        Set<Node> successorRunnerInstructions = new HashSet<>();
        Set<Node> successorSdkInstructions = new HashSet<>();
        for (Node successorInstruction : originalNetwork.successors(outputNode)) {
            if (sdkNodes.contains(successorInstruction)) {
            } else {

        // If there is data that will be flowing from the Runner to the SDK, rewire network to have
        // nodes connected across a gRPC node. Also add the gRPC node as an SDK root.
        if (!predecessorRunnerInstructions.isEmpty() && !successorSdkInstructions.isEmpty()) {
            runnerToSdkBoundaries.add(rewireAcrossSdkRunnerPortNode(network, outputNode,
                    predecessorRunnerInstructions, successorSdkInstructions));

        // If there is data that will be flowing from the SDK to the Runner, rewire network to have
        // nodes connected across a gRPC node.
        if (!predecessorSdkInstructions.isEmpty() && !successorRunnerInstructions.isEmpty()) {
            sdkToRunnerBoundaries.add(rewireAcrossSdkRunnerPortNode(network, outputNode,
                    predecessorSdkInstructions, successorRunnerInstructions));

        // Remove original output node if it was rewired because it will have become disconnected
        // through the new output node.
        if (network.inDegree(outputNode) == 0) {

    // Create the subnetworks that represent potentially multiple fused SDK portions and a single
    // fused Runner portion replacing the SDK portion that is embedded within the Runner portion
    // with a RegisterFnOperation, adding edges to maintain proper happens before relationships.
    Set<Node> allRunnerNodes = Networks.reachableNodes(network,
            Sets.union(runnerRootNodes, sdkToRunnerBoundaries), runnerToSdkBoundaries);
    if (this.useExecutableStageBundleExecution) {
        // When using shared library, there is no grpc node in runner graph.
        allRunnerNodes = Sets.difference(allRunnerNodes,
                Sets.union(runnerToSdkBoundaries, sdkToRunnerBoundaries));
    MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> runnerNetwork = Graphs.inducedSubgraph(network, allRunnerNodes);

    // TODO: Reduce the amount of 'copying' of SDK nodes by breaking potential cycles
    // between the SDK networks and the Runner network. Cycles can occur because entire
    // SDK subnetworks are replaced by a singular node within the Runner network.
    // khines@ suggested to look at go/priority-based-fusion for an algorithm based upon
    // using poison paths.
    for (Node sdkRoot : Sets.union(sdkRootNodes, runnerToSdkBoundaries)) {
        Set<Node> sdkSubnetworkNodes = Networks.reachableNodes(network, ImmutableSet.of(sdkRoot),
        MutableNetwork<Node, Edge> sdkNetwork = Graphs.inducedSubgraph(network, sdkSubnetworkNodes);
        Node registerFnNode = registerFnOperationFunction.apply(sdkNetwork);

        // Create happens before relationships between all Runner and SDK nodes which are in the
        // SDK subnetwork; direction dependent on whether its a predecessor of the SDK subnetwork or
        // a successor.
        if (this.useExecutableStageBundleExecution) {
            // When using shared library, there is no gprc node in runner graph. Then the registerFnNode
            // should be linked directly to 2 OutputInstruction nodes.
            for (Node predecessor : Sets.intersection(sdkSubnetworkNodes, runnerToSdkBoundaries)) {
                predecessor = network.predecessors(predecessor).iterator().next();
                runnerNetwork.addEdge(predecessor, registerFnNode, HappensBeforeEdge.create());
            for (Node successor : Sets.intersection(sdkSubnetworkNodes, sdkToRunnerBoundaries)) {
                successor = network.successors(successor).iterator().next();
                runnerNetwork.addEdge(registerFnNode, successor, HappensBeforeEdge.create());
        } else {
            for (Node predecessor : Sets.intersection(sdkSubnetworkNodes, runnerToSdkBoundaries)) {
                runnerNetwork.addEdge(predecessor, registerFnNode, HappensBeforeEdge.create());
            for (Node successor : Sets.intersection(sdkSubnetworkNodes, sdkToRunnerBoundaries)) {
                runnerNetwork.addEdge(registerFnNode, successor, HappensBeforeEdge.create());

    return runnerNetwork;