Example usage for com.google.common.hash HashCode toString

List of usage examples for com.google.common.hash HashCode toString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.hash HashCode toString.


public final String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a string containing each byte of #asBytes , in order, as a two-digit unsigned hexadecimal number in lower case.


From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.modern.builders.IsolatedExecutionStrategy.java

private void addDeserializationInputs(HashCode hash, FileTreeBuilder inputsBuilder) throws IOException {
    class DataAdder {
        void addData(Path root, String hash, Node node) throws IOException {
            inputsBuilder.addFile(root.resolve("__value__"), () -> new InputFile(hash, node.data.length, false,
                    () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(node.data)));
            for (Map.Entry<String, Node> child : node.children.entrySet()) {
                addData(root.resolve(child.getKey()), child.getKey(), child.getValue());
            }//ww w .  j a  v a2  s  .  c  om

    new DataAdder().addData(Paths.get("__data__").resolve(hash.toString()), hash.toString(),

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.modern.builders.IsolatedBuildableBuilder.java

/** Deserializes the BuildableAndTarget corresponding to hash and builds it. */
public void build(HashCode hash) throws IOException, StepFailedException, InterruptedException {
    final Instant start = Instant.now();
    Deserializer deserializer = new Deserializer(filesystemFunction, classFinder,
            // TODO(cjhopman): This gets toolchains from the root cell (instead of the cell the rule
            // is in).

    BuildableAndTarget reconstructed;//from   ww w .  ja v a 2 s.c  om
    try (Scope ignored = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "deserializing")) {
        reconstructed = deserializer.deserialize(getProvider(dataRoot.resolve(hash.toString())),

    try (Scope ignored = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "steps")) {
        ProjectFilesystem filesystem = filesystemFunction.apply(reconstructed.target.getCell());
        ModernBuildRule.injectFieldsIfNecessary(filesystem, reconstructed.target, reconstructed.buildable,
                new SourcePathRuleFinder(new AbstractBuildRuleResolver() {
                    public Optional<BuildRule> getRuleOptional(BuildTarget buildTarget) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot resolve rules in deserialized MBR state.");

        final Instant deserializationComplete = Instant.now();
        LOG.info(String.format("Finished deserializing the rule at [%s], took %d ms. Running the build now.",
                new java.util.Date(),

        for (Step step : ModernBuildRule.stepsForBuildable(buildContext, reconstructed.buildable, filesystem,
                reconstructed.target)) {
            new DefaultStepRunner().runStepForBuildTarget(executionContext, step,

        LOG.info(String.format("Finished running the build at [%s], took %d ms. Exiting buck now.",
                new java.util.Date(),

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.RuleKeyBuilder.java

public RuleKeyBuilder setPath(Path absolutePath, Path ideallyRelative) throws IOException {
    // TODO(shs96c): Enable this precondition once setPath(Path) has been removed.
    // Preconditions.checkState(absolutePath.isAbsolute());
    HashCode sha1 = hashCache.get(absolutePath);
    if (sha1 == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No SHA for " + absolutePath);
    }/* w ww.j a v a 2s . com*/

    Path addToKey;
    if (ideallyRelative.isAbsolute()) {
        logger.warn("Attempting to add absolute path to rule key. Only using file name: %s", ideallyRelative);
        addToKey = ideallyRelative.getFileName();
    } else {
        addToKey = ideallyRelative;

    if (logElms != null) {
        logElms.add(String.format("path(%s:%s):", addToKey, sha1));

    return this;

From source file:com.android.builder.internal.compiler.PreProcessCache.java

protected Node createItemNode(@NonNull Document document, @NonNull T itemKey, @NonNull BaseItem item)
        throws IOException {
    if (!item.areOutputFilesPresent()) {
        return null;
    }//w w  w. j  a va 2s . com

    Node itemNode = document.createElement(NODE_ITEM);

    Attr attr = document.createAttribute(ATTR_JAR);

    attr = document.createAttribute(ATTR_REVISION);

    HashCode hashCode = item.getSourceHash();
    if (hashCode == null) {
        try {
            hashCode = Files.hash(item.getSourceFile(), Hashing.sha1());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // If we can't compute the hash for whatever reason, simply skip this entry.
            return null;
    attr = document.createAttribute(ATTR_SHA1);

    for (File dexFile : item.getOutputFiles()) {

        Node dexNode = document.createElement(NODE_DEX);

        attr = document.createAttribute(ATTR_DEX);

    return itemNode;

From source file:de.schildbach.pte.AbstractHafasMobileProvider.java

private HttpUrl requestUrl(final String body) {
    final HttpUrl.Builder url = checkNotNull(mgateEndpoint).newBuilder();
    if (requestChecksumSalt != null) {
        final HashCode checksum = MD5.newHasher().putString(body, Charsets.UTF_8)
                .putString(requestChecksumSalt, Charsets.UTF_8).hash();
        url.addQueryParameter("checksum", checksum.toString());
    }/*from   w w  w .  j  ava  2  s  .  c  o  m*/
    if (requestMicMacSalt != null) {
        final HashCode mic = MD5.newHasher().putString(body, Charsets.UTF_8).hash();
        url.addQueryParameter("mic", HEX.encode(mic.asBytes()));
        final HashCode mac = MD5.newHasher().putString(HEX.encode(mic.asBytes()), Charsets.UTF_8)
        url.addQueryParameter("mac", HEX.encode(mac.asBytes()));
    return url.build();

From source file:com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.build.BuildHelper.java

private String getDexFileName(File inputFile) {
    // get the filename
    String name = inputFile.getName();
    // remove the extension
    int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (pos != -1) {
        name = name.substring(0, pos);//from  w w w .j  a v a  2 s . co  m

    // add a hash of the original file path
    HashFunction hashFunction = Hashing.md5();
    HashCode hashCode = hashFunction.hashString(inputFile.getAbsolutePath());

    return name + "-" + hashCode.toString() + ".jar";

From source file:org.graylog2.web.resources.WebInterfaceAssetsResource.java

private Response getResponse(Request request, String filename, URL resourceUrl, boolean fromPlugin)
        throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    final Date lastModified;
    final InputStream stream;
    final HashCode hashCode;

    switch (resourceUrl.getProtocol()) {
    case "file": {
        final File file = new File(resourceUrl.toURI());
        lastModified = new Date(file.lastModified());
        stream = new FileInputStream(file);
        hashCode = Files.hash(file, Hashing.sha256());
        break;/* w  ww .  ja va 2 s  .c  om*/
    case "jar": {
        final URI uri = resourceUrl.toURI();
        final FileSystem fileSystem = fileSystemCache.getUnchecked(uri);
        final java.nio.file.Path path = fileSystem.getPath(pluginPrefixFilename(fromPlugin, filename));
        final FileTime lastModifiedTime = java.nio.file.Files.getLastModifiedTime(path);
        lastModified = new Date(lastModifiedTime.toMillis());
        stream = resourceUrl.openStream();
        hashCode = Resources.asByteSource(resourceUrl).hash(Hashing.sha256());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a jar or file");

    final EntityTag entityTag = new EntityTag(hashCode.toString());

    final Response.ResponseBuilder response = request.evaluatePreconditions(lastModified, entityTag);
    if (response != null) {
        return response.build();

    final String contentType = firstNonNull(mimeTypes.getContentType(filename),
    final CacheControl cacheControl = new CacheControl();
    cacheControl.setMaxAge((int) TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365));
    return Response.ok(stream).header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType).tag(entityTag)

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.modern.builders.RemoteExecution.java

public void build(ExecutionContext executionContext, FileTreeBuilder inputsBuilder, Set<Path> outputs,
        Path projectRoot, HashCode hash, BuildTarget buildTarget, Path cellPrefixRoot)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException, StepFailedException {

    HashMap<Digest, ThrowingSupplier<InputStream, IOException>> requiredDataBuilder;
    Digest commandDigest;/* w w w  .  ja va  2s  . c o  m*/
    Digest inputsRootDigest;

    try (Scope ignored = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "deleting_stale_outputs")) {
        for (Path path : outputs) {

    try (Scope ignored = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "computing_action")) {
        ImmutableList<Path> isolatedClasspath = processClasspath(inputsBuilder, cellPrefixRoot,
        ImmutableList<Path> isolatedBootstrapClasspath = processClasspath(inputsBuilder, cellPrefixRoot,

        Path trampolinePath = Paths.get("./__trampoline__.sh");
        ImmutableList<String> command = getBuilderCommand(trampolinePath, projectRoot, hash.toString());
        ImmutableSortedMap<String, String> commandEnvironment = getBuilderEnvironmentOverrides(
                isolatedBootstrapClasspath, isolatedClasspath);

        inputsBuilder.addFile(trampolinePath, () -> trampoline,
                data -> Hashing.sha1().hashBytes(data).toString(), true);

        Protocol.Command actionCommand = getProtocol().newCommand(command, commandEnvironment);

        requiredDataBuilder = new HashMap<>();
        ProtocolTreeBuilder grpcTreeBuilder = new ProtocolTreeBuilder(requiredDataBuilder::put, directory -> {
        }, getProtocol());
        inputsRootDigest = inputsBuilder.buildTree(grpcTreeBuilder);
        byte[] commandData = getProtocol().toByteArray(actionCommand);
        commandDigest = getProtocol().computeDigest(commandData);
        requiredDataBuilder.put(commandDigest, () -> new ByteArrayInputStream(commandData));

    try (Scope scope = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "uploading_inputs")) {
    ExecutionResult result11 = getExecutionService().execute(commandDigest, inputsRootDigest, outputs);
    try (Scope scope = LeafEvents.scope(eventBus, "materializing_outputs")) {
        getStorage().materializeOutputs(result11.getOutputDirectories(), result11.getOutputFiles(),
    ExecutionResult result = result11;

    if (result.getExitCode() != 0) {
        throw StepFailedException
                .createForFailingStepWithExitCode(new AbstractExecutionStep("remote_execution") {
                    public StepExecutionResult execute(ExecutionContext context) {
                        throw new RuntimeException();
                }, executionContext, StepExecutionResult.of(result.getExitCode(), result.getStderr()),

From source file:org.eclipse.andmore.internal.build.BuildHelper.java

private String getDexFileName(File inputFile) {
    // get the filename
    String name = inputFile.getName();
    // remove the extension
    int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (pos != -1) {
        name = name.substring(0, pos);/*  w  w w. j  a  v  a 2s .co m*/

    // add a hash of the original file path
    HashFunction hashFunction = Hashing.md5();
    HashCode hashCode = hashFunction.hashString(inputFile.getAbsolutePath(), Charset.defaultCharset());

    return name + "-" + hashCode.toString() + ".jar";

From source file:com.facebook.buck.rules.modern.builders.ModernBuildRuleRemoteExecutionHelper.java

private MerkleTreeNode getSerializationTreeAndInputs(HashCode hash,
        Map<Digest, UploadDataSupplier> requiredDataBuilder) {
    Map<Path, FileNode> fileNodes = new HashMap<>();
    class DataAdder {
        void addData(Path root, String hash, Node node) {
            String fileName = "__value__";
            Path valuePath = root.resolve(fileName);
            Digest digest = protocol.newDigest(hash, node.data.length);
            fileNodes.put(valuePath, protocol.newFileNode(digest, fileName, false));
            requiredDataBuilder.put(digest, new UploadDataSupplier() {
                @Override//from w w  w . java 2 s  . c o m
                public InputStream get() {
                    return new ByteArrayInputStream(node.data);

                public String describe() {
                    return String.format("Serialized java object (size:%s).", node.data.length);

            for (Map.Entry<String, Node> child : node.children.entrySet()) {
                addData(root.resolve(child.getKey()), child.getKey(), child.getValue());

    new DataAdder().addData(Paths.get("__data__").resolve(hash.toString()), hash.toString(),

    return nodeCache.createNode(fileNodes, ImmutableMap.of());