Java Hashing fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Hashing fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Hashing.

The text is from its open source code.


Returns a hash function implementing the Adler-32 checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) by delegating to the Adler32 Checksum .
HashCodecombineOrdered(Iterable hashCodes)
Returns a hash code, having the same bit length as each of the input hash codes, that combines the information of these hash codes in an ordered fashion.
HashCodecombineUnordered(Iterable hashCodes)
Returns a hash code, having the same bit length as each of the input hash codes, that combines the information of these hash codes in an unordered fashion.
intconsistentHash(HashCode hashCode, int buckets)
Assigns to hashCode a "bucket" in the range [0, buckets) , in a uniform manner that minimizes the need for remapping as buckets grows.
intconsistentHash(long input, int buckets)
Assigns to input a "bucket" in the range [0, buckets) , in a uniform manner that minimizes the need for remapping as buckets grows.
Returns a hash function implementing the CRC-32 checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) by delegating to the CRC32 Checksum .
Returns a hash function implementing the CRC32C checksum algorithm (32 hash bits) as described by RFC 3720, Section 12.1.
HashFunctiongoodFastHash(int minimumBits)
Returns a general-purpose, temporary-use, non-cryptographic hash function.
HashFunctionhmacMd5(Key key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the MD5 (128 hash bits) hash function and the given secret key.
HashFunctionhmacMd5(byte[] key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the MD5 (128 hash bits) hash function and a SecretSpecKey created from the given byte array and the MD5 algorithm.
HashFunctionhmacSha1(Key key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-1 (160 hash bits) hash function and the given secret key.
HashFunctionhmacSha1(byte[] key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-1 (160 hash bits) hash function and a SecretSpecKey created from the given byte array and the SHA-1 algorithm.
HashFunctionhmacSha256(Key key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-256 (256 hash bits) hash function and the given secret key.
HashFunctionhmacSha256(byte[] key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-256 (256 hash bits) hash function and a SecretSpecKey created from the given byte array and the SHA-256 algorithm.
HashFunctionhmacSha512(Key key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-512 (512 hash bits) hash function and the given secret key.
HashFunctionhmacSha512(byte[] key)
Returns a hash function implementing the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm, using the SHA-512 (512 hash bits) hash function and a SecretSpecKey created from the given byte array and the SHA-512 algorithm.
Returns a hash function implementing the MD5 hash algorithm (128 hash bits) by delegating to the MD5 MessageDigest .
Returns a hash function implementing the 128-bit murmur3 algorithm, x64 variant (little-endian variant), using a seed value of zero.
HashFunctionmurmur3_128(int seed)
Returns a hash function implementing the 128-bit murmur3 algorithm, x64 variant (little-endian variant), using the given seed value.
Returns a hash function implementing the 32-bit murmur3 algorithm, x86 variant (little-endian variant), using a seed value of zero.
HashFunctionmurmur3_32(int seed)
Returns a hash function implementing the 32-bit murmur3 algorithm, x86 variant (little-endian variant), using the given seed value.
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-1 algorithm (160 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-1 MessageDigest .
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-256 algorithm (256 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-256 MessageDigest .
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-384 algorithm (384 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-384 MessageDigest .
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-512 algorithm (512 hash bits) by delegating to the SHA-512 MessageDigest .
Returns a hash function implementing the 64-bit SipHash-2-4 algorithm using a seed value of k = 00 01 02 ...
HashFunctionsipHash24(long k0, long k1)
Returns a hash function implementing the 64-bit SipHash-2-4 algorithm using the given seed.