Java ByteSource fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java ByteSource fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for ByteSource.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Constructor for use by subclasses.


CharSourceasCharSource(Charset charset)
Returns a CharSource view of this byte source that decodes bytes read from this source as characters using the given Charset .
ByteSourceconcat(Iterable sources)
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
ByteSourceconcat(Iterator sources)
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
ByteSourceconcat(ByteSource... sources)
Concatenates multiple ByteSource instances into a single source.
booleancontentEquals(ByteSource other)
Checks that the contents of this byte source are equal to the contents of the given byte source.
longcopyTo(OutputStream output)
Copies the contents of this byte source to the given OutputStream .
longcopyTo(ByteSink sink)
Copies the contents of this byte source to the given ByteSink .
Returns an immutable ByteSource that contains no bytes.
HashCodehash(HashFunction hashFunction)
Hashes the contents of this byte source using the given hash function.
Returns whether the source has zero bytes.
Opens a new buffered InputStream for reading from this source.
Opens a new InputStream for reading from this source.
Reads the full contents of this byte source as a byte array.
Tread(ByteProcessor processor)
Reads the contents of this byte source using the given processor to process bytes as they are read.
Returns the size of this source in bytes, even if doing so requires opening and traversing an entire stream.
ByteSourceslice(long offset, long length)
Returns a view of a slice of this byte source that is at most length bytes long starting at the given offset .
Returns a string representation of the object.
ByteSourcewrap(byte[] b)
Returns a view of the given byte array as a ByteSource .