Example usage for com.google.common.io CharStreams readLines

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io CharStreams readLines


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io CharStreams readLines.


public static List<String> readLines(Readable r) throws IOException 

Source Link


Reads all of the lines from a Readable object.


From source file:org.waveprotocol.pst.style.PstStyler.java

public void style(File f, boolean saveBackup) {
    List<String> lines = null;
    try {/*from   ww  w.  j  av  a2 s  . c  om*/
        lines = CharStreams.readLines(new FileReader(f));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Couldn't find file " + f.getName() + " to style: " + e.getMessage());

    Joiner newlineJoiner = Joiner.on('\n');

    if (saveBackup) {
        File backup = new File(f.getAbsolutePath() + BACKUP_SUFFIX);
        try {
            Files.write(newlineJoiner.join(lines), backup, Charset.defaultCharset());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Couldn't write backup " + backup.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());

    try {
        Files.write(newlineJoiner.join(styleLines(lines)), f, Charset.defaultCharset());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Couldn't write styled file " + f.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());

From source file:org.terasology.assets.module.ModuleAssetDataProducer.java

private void processRedirectFile(Path file, Name moduleId, Map<ResourceUrn, ResourceUrn> rawRedirects) {
    Path filename = file.getFileName();
    if (filename != null) {
        Name assetName = new Name(com.google.common.io.Files.getNameWithoutExtension(filename.toString()));
        try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(file, Charsets.UTF_8)) {
            List<String> contents = CharStreams.readLines(reader);
            if (contents.isEmpty()) {
                logger.error("Failed to read redirect '{}:{}' - empty", moduleId, assetName);
            } else if (!ResourceUrn.isValid(contents.get(0))) {
                logger.error("Failed to read redirect '{}:{}' - '{}' is not a valid urn", moduleId, assetName,
            } else {
                rawRedirects.put(new ResourceUrn(moduleId, assetName), new ResourceUrn(contents.get(0)));
                resolutionMap.put(assetName, moduleId);
            }/*w ww  .  j  av  a 2s  .  c  o m*/
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Failed to read redirect '{}:{}'", moduleId, assetName, e);
    } else {
        logger.error("Missing file name for redirect");

From source file:org.obm.push.mail.ReplyEmail.java

private String quoteOnLineBreaks(String toQuote) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    List<String> linesWithoutTermination = CharStreams.readLines(new StringReader(toQuote));
    for (String line : linesWithoutTermination) {
        stringBuilder.append(EMAIL_LINEBREAKER).append("> ").append(line);
    }//from ww  w. java  2s  .  c o m
    return stringBuilder.toString();

From source file:org.obm.push.mail.ReplyEmail.java

private Reader textToHtmlReader(Reader reader) throws IOException {
    return new StringReader(encodeTxtLinesInHtml(CharStreams.readLines(reader)));

From source file:org.eclipse.xtext.generator.trace.AbstractTraceRegionToString.java

protected List<String> render(final AbstractTraceRegionToString.File file, final int width) {
    try {//from ww  w  .  ja va  2s  .co  m
        String _xifexpression = null;
        if ((file.uri == null)) {
            _xifexpression = this.getLocalText();
        } else {
            _xifexpression = this.getRemoteText(file.uri);
        final String text = _xifexpression;
        ITextRegion _elvis = null;
        ITextRegion _xifexpression_1 = null;
        if ((file.uri == null)) {
            _xifexpression_1 = this.getLocalFrame();
        } else {
            _xifexpression_1 = this.getRemoteFrame(file.uri);
        if (_xifexpression_1 != null) {
            _elvis = _xifexpression_1;
        } else {
            int _length = text.length();
            TextRegion _textRegion = new TextRegion(0, _length);
            _elvis = _textRegion;
        final ITextRegion frame = _elvis;
        final Function1<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert, Boolean> _function = (
                AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert it) -> {
            return Boolean.valueOf(((it.offset >= frame.getOffset())
                    && (it.offset <= (frame.getOffset() + frame.getLength()))));
        final Iterable<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert> inframe = IterableExtensions.<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>filter(
                file.inserts, _function);
        final Function<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert, Integer> _function_1 = (
                AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert it) -> {
            return Integer.valueOf(it.offset);
        final Function1<Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>>, Integer> _function_2 = (
                Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>> it) -> {
            return it.getKey();
        final List<Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>>> offsets = IterableExtensions.<Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>>, Integer>sortBy(
                IterableExtensions.<Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>>>toList(
                        Multimaps.<Integer, AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>index(inframe, _function_1)
        int last = frame.getOffset();
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (final Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<AbstractTraceRegionToString.Insert>> e : offsets) {
                final Integer offset = e.getKey();
                final String insert = this.render(e.getValue(), width);
                final String prefix = text.substring(last, (offset).intValue());
                last = (offset).intValue();
        int _offset = frame.getOffset();
        int _length_1 = frame.getLength();
        final int end = (_offset + _length_1);
        if ((last < end)) {
            result.append(text.substring(last, end));
        String _string = result.toString();
        StringReader _stringReader = new StringReader(_string);
        return CharStreams.readLines(_stringReader);
    } catch (Throwable _e) {
        throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.IncludeParser.java

 * Processes the output generated by an auxiliary include-scanning binary. Closes the stream upon
 * completion.//from w ww.  j  a va2s.c  o  m
 * <p>If a source file has the following include statements:
 * <pre>
 *   #include &lt;string&gt;
 *   #include "directory/header.h"
 * </pre>
 * <p>Then the output file has the following contents:
 * <pre>
 *   "directory/header.h
 *   &lt;string
 * </pre>
 * <p>Each line of the output is translated into an Inclusion object.
public static List<Inclusion> processIncludes(Object streamName, InputStream is) throws IOException {
    List<Inclusion> inclusions = new ArrayList<>();
    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is, ISO_8859_1);
    try {
        for (String line : CharStreams.readLines(reader)) {
            char qchar = line.charAt(0);
            String name = line.substring(1);
            Inclusion.Kind kind = KIND_MAP.get(qchar);
            if (kind == null) {
                throw new IOException("Illegal inclusion kind '" + qchar + "'");
            inclusions.add(new Inclusion(name, kind));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IOException("Error reading include file " + streamName + ": " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
    return inclusions;

From source file:io.prestosql.plugin.hive.BackgroundHiveSplitLoader.java

private static List<Path> getTargetPathsFromSymlink(FileSystem fileSystem, Path symlinkDir) {
    try {//from  w ww .java 2s  .  co m
        FileStatus[] symlinks = fileSystem.listStatus(symlinkDir, HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER);
        List<Path> targets = new ArrayList<>();

        for (FileStatus symlink : symlinks) {
            try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(fileSystem.open(symlink.getPath()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
        return targets;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new PrestoException(HIVE_BAD_DATA, "Error parsing symlinks from: " + symlinkDir, e);

From source file:nars.util.data.Util.java

public static List<String> inputToStrings(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    List<String> x = CharStreams.readLines(new InputStreamReader(is, Charsets.UTF_8));
    Closeables.closeQuietly(is);/*from w w  w. j  a  v a  2 s.  co m*/
    return x;