Example usage for com.google.common.io CountingOutputStream CountingOutputStream

List of usage examples for com.google.common.io CountingOutputStream CountingOutputStream


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.io CountingOutputStream CountingOutputStream.


public CountingOutputStream(OutputStream out) 

Source Link


Wraps another output stream, counting the number of bytes written.


From source file:org.apache.beam.sdk.coders.Coder.java

 * Returns the size in bytes of the encoded value using this coder.
 */// w w w  .  jav a2s  .  c  om
protected long getEncodedElementByteSize(T value) throws Exception {
    try (CountingOutputStream os = new CountingOutputStream(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream())) {
        encode(value, os);
        return os.getCount();
    } catch (Exception exn) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unable to encode element '" + value + "' with coder '" + this + "'.", exn);

From source file:com.tinspx.util.net.MultipartBody.java

private long doCopyTo(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
    assert checkNotEmpty();
    CountingOutputStream counter = new CountingOutputStream(output);
    counter.write(preamble);//from w  w  w  .ja va2 s  .  com
    for (PartCache pc : partCache) {
    return counter.getCount();

From source file:io.prestosql.orc.metadata.OrcMetadataWriter.java

private static int writeProtobufObject(OutputStream output, MessageLite object) throws IOException {
    CountingOutputStream countingOutput = new CountingOutputStream(output);
    object.writeTo(countingOutput);//from   w w w  . ja  v  a 2  s  . c o  m
    return toIntExact(countingOutput.getCount());

From source file:org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.CoderProperties.java

 * A utility method that passes the given (unencoded) elements through
 * coder's registerByteSizeObserver() and encode() methods, and confirms
 * they are mutually consistent. This is useful for testing coder
 * implementations./*from w w  w .j a  v a  2s.  c om*/
public static <T> void testByteCount(Coder<T> coder, Coder.Context context, T[] elements) throws Exception {
    TestElementByteSizeObserver observer = new TestElementByteSizeObserver();

    try (CountingOutputStream os = new CountingOutputStream(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream())) {
        for (T elem : elements) {
            coder.registerByteSizeObserver(elem, observer);
            coder.encode(elem, os, context);
        long expectedLength = os.getCount();

        if (!context.isWholeStream) {
            assertEquals(expectedLength, observer.getSum());
        assertEquals(elements.length, observer.getCount());

From source file:brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj.SshjTool.java

 * Executes the script in the background (`nohup ... &`), and then executes other ssh commands to poll for the
 * stdout, stderr and exit code of that original process (which will each have been written to separate files).
 * //w  w  w. j a  va  2  s  .c o m
 * The polling is a "long poll". That is, it executes a long-running ssh command to retrieve the stdout, etc.
 * If that long-poll command fails, then we just execute another one to pick up from where it left off.
 * This means we do not need to execute many ssh commands (which are expensive), but can still return promptly
 * when the command completes.
 * Much of this was motivated by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BROOKLYN-106, which is no longer
 * an issue. The retries (e.g. in the upload-script) are arguably overkill given that {@link #acquire(SshAction)}
 * will already retry. However, leaving this in place as it could prove useful when working with flakey
 * networks in the future.
 * TODO There are (probably) issues with this method when using {@link ShellTool#PROP_RUN_AS_ROOT}.
 * I (Aled) saw the .pid file having an owner of root:root, and a failure message in stderr of:
 *   -bash: line 3: /tmp/brooklyn-20150113-161203056-XMEo-move_install_dir_from_user_to_.pid: Permission denied
protected int execScriptAsyncAndPoll(final Map<String, ?> props, final List<String> commands,
        final Map<String, ?> env) {
    return new ToolAbstractAsyncExecScript(props) {
        private int maxConsecutiveSshFailures = 3;
        private Duration maxDelayBetweenPolls = Duration.seconds(20);
        private Duration pollTimeout = getOptionalVal(props, PROP_EXEC_ASYNC_POLLING_TIMEOUT,
        private int iteration = 0;
        private int consecutiveSshFailures = 0;
        private int stdoutCount = 0;
        private int stderrCount = 0;
        private Stopwatch timer;

        public int run() {
            timer = Stopwatch.createStarted();
            final String scriptContents = toScript(props, commands, env);
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                LOG.trace("Running shell command at {} as async script: {}", host, scriptContents);

            // Upload script; try repeatedly because have seen timeout intermittently on vcloud-director (BROOKLYN-106 related).
            boolean uploadSuccess = Repeater
                    .create("async script upload on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary()
                            + ")")
                    .until(new Callable<Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                String msg = "Uploading (iteration=" + iteration + ") for async script on "
                                        + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + ")";
                                if (iteration == 1) {
                                } else {
                            copyToServer(ImmutableMap.of("permissions", "0700"), scriptContents.getBytes(),
                            return true;

            if (!uploadSuccess) {
                // Unexpected! Should have either returned true or have rethrown the exception; should never get false.
                String msg = "Unexpected state: repeated failure for async script upload on "
                        + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (" + getSummary() + ")";
                LOG.warn(msg + "; rethrowing");
                throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

            // Execute script asynchronously
            int execResult = asInt(acquire(new ShellAction(buildRunScriptCommand(), out, err, execTimeout)),
            if (execResult != 0)
                return execResult;

            // Long polling to get the status
            try {
                final AtomicReference<Integer> result = new AtomicReference<Integer>();
                boolean success = Repeater
                        .create("async script long-poll on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for "
                                + getSummary() + ")")
                        .until(new Callable<Boolean>() {
                            public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                                    LOG.debug("Doing long-poll (iteration=" + iteration
                                            + ") for async script to complete on " + SshjTool.this.toString()
                                            + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                                Integer exitstatus = longPoll();
                                return exitstatus != null;

                if (!success) {
                    // Timed out
                    String msg = "Timeout for async script to complete on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " ("
                            + getSummary() + ")";
                    LOG.warn(msg + "; rethrowing");
                    throw new TimeoutException(msg);

                return result.get();

            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.debug("Problem polling for async script on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for "
                        + getSummary() + "); rethrowing after deleting temporary files", e);
                throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
            } finally {
                // Delete the temporary files created (and the `tail -c` commands that might have been left behind by long-polls).
                // Using pollTimeout so doesn't wait forever, but waits for a reasonable (configurable) length of time.
                // TODO also execute this if the `buildRunScriptCommand` fails, as that might have left files behind?
                try {
                    int execDeleteResult = asInt(
                            acquire(new ShellAction(deleteTemporaryFilesCommand(), out, err, pollTimeout)), -1);
                    if (execDeleteResult != 0) {
                        LOG.debug("Problem deleting temporary files of async script on "
                                + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + "): exit status "
                                + execDeleteResult);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOG.debug("Problem deleting temporary files of async script on " + SshjTool.this.toString()
                            + " (for " + getSummary() + "); continuing", e);

        Integer longPoll() throws IOException {
            // Long-polling to get stdout, stderr + exit status of async task.
            // If our long-poll disconnects, we will just re-execute.
            // We wrap the stdout/stderr so that we can get the size count. 
            // If we disconnect, we will pick up from that char of the stream.
            // TODO Additional stdout/stderr written by buildLongPollCommand() could interfere, 
            //      causing us to miss some characters.
            Duration nextPollTimeout = Duration.min(pollTimeout,
                    Duration.millis(execTimeout.toMilliseconds() - timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
            CountingOutputStream countingOut = (out == null) ? null : new CountingOutputStream(out);
            CountingOutputStream countingErr = (err == null) ? null : new CountingOutputStream(err);
            List<String> pollCommand = buildLongPollCommand(stdoutCount, stderrCount, nextPollTimeout);
            Duration sshJoinTimeout = nextPollTimeout.add(Duration.TEN_SECONDS);
            ShellAction action = new ShellAction(pollCommand, countingOut, countingErr, sshJoinTimeout);

            int longPollResult;
            try {
                longPollResult = asInt(acquire(action, 3, nextPollTimeout), -1);
            } catch (RuntimeTimeoutException e) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll timed out on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary()
                            + "): " + e);
                return null;
            stdoutCount += (countingOut == null) ? 0 : countingOut.getCount();
            stderrCount += (countingErr == null) ? 0 : countingErr.getCount();

            if (longPollResult == 0) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll succeeded (exit status 0) on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for "
                            + getSummary() + ")");
                return longPollResult; // success

            } else if (longPollResult == -1) {
                // probably a connection failure; try again
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll received exit status -1; will retry on " + SshjTool.this.toString()
                            + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                return null;

            } else if (longPollResult == 125) {
                // 125 is the special code for timeout in long-poll (see buildLongPollCommand).
                // However, there is a tiny chance that the underlying command might have returned that exact exit code!
                // Don't treat a timeout as a "consecutiveSshFailure".
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll received exit status " + longPollResult
                            + "; most likely timeout; retrieving actual status on " + SshjTool.this.toString()
                            + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                return retrieveStatusCommand();

            } else {
                // want to double-check whether this is the exit-code from the async process, or
                // some unexpected failure in our long-poll command.
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll received exit status " + longPollResult
                            + "; retrieving actual status on " + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for "
                            + getSummary() + ")");
                Integer result = retrieveStatusCommand();
                if (result != null) {
                    return result;

            if (consecutiveSshFailures > maxConsecutiveSshFailures) {
                LOG.warn("Aborting on " + consecutiveSshFailures
                        + " consecutive ssh connection errors (return -1) when polling for async script to complete on "
                        + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (" + getSummary() + ")");
                return -1;
            } else {
                LOG.info("Retrying after ssh connection error when polling for async script to complete on "
                        + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (" + getSummary() + ")");
                return null;

        Integer retrieveStatusCommand() throws IOException {
            // want to double-check whether this is the exit-code from the async process, or
            // some unexpected failure in our long-poll command.
            ByteArrayOutputStream statusOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ByteArrayOutputStream statusErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            int statusResult = asInt(
                    acquire(new ShellAction(buildRetrieveStatusCommand(), statusOut, statusErr, execTimeout)),

            if (statusResult == 0) {
                // The status we retrieved really is valid; return it.
                // TODO How to ensure no additional output in stdout/stderr when parsing below?
                String statusOutStr = new String(statusOut.toByteArray()).trim();
                if (Strings.isEmpty(statusOutStr)) {
                    // suggests not yet completed; will retry with long-poll
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                                "Long-poll retrieved status directly; command successful but no result available on "
                                        + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                    return null;
                } else {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        LOG.debug("Long-poll retrieved status directly; returning '" + statusOutStr + "' on "
                                + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                    int result = Integer.parseInt(statusOutStr);
                    return result;

            } else if (statusResult == -1) {
                // probably a connection failure; try again with long-poll
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll retrieving status directly received exit status -1; will retry on "
                            + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                return null;

            } else {
                if (out != null) {
                            "retrieving status failed with exit code " + statusResult + " (stdout follow)"));
                if (err != null) {
                            "retrieving status failed with exit code " + statusResult + " (stderr follow)"));

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("Long-poll retrieving status failed; returning " + statusResult + " on "
                            + SshjTool.this.toString() + " (for " + getSummary() + ")");
                return statusResult;

From source file:org.auraframework.util.json.JsonEncoder.java

 * Start a binary stream using the given length and return an OutputStream
 * that the caller can write its binary data to.<br>
 * <br>//from  www.  ja  v  a2 s. co  m
 * After calling this, write exactly the number of bytes specified to the
 * OutputStream returned by this method. After you do that, call
 * {@link #writeBinaryStreamEnd()}.
 * @param streamLength The number of bytes that will exist in the output before the ending backtick
 * @return The OutputStream that the caller can write its output to
public OutputStream writeBinaryStreamBegin(long streamLength) throws IOException {

    // If we are in the middle of another binary stream, then complain
    if (currentBinaryStream != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Previous binary stream was not ended");

    // Signal our binary stream's beginning

    // Flush the output stream writer to push all pending characters onto the OutputStream
    if (out instanceof Writer) {
        ((Writer) out).flush();

    // A JSON+binary stream begins with the length as a big endian 64-bit long
    currentBinaryStreamLength = streamLength;

    // Wrap our binaryOutput in a CountingOutputStream so that we can
    // validate the length later
    return currentBinaryStream = new CountingOutputStream(new UncloseableOutputStream(binaryOutput));

From source file:org.auraframework.util.json.Json.java

 * Start a binary stream using the given length and return an OutputStream
 * that the caller can write its binary data to.<br>
 * <br>/*  w  ww.j  a  v  a2  s . co  m*/
 * After calling this, write exactly the number of bytes specified to the
 * OutputStream returned by this method. After you do that, call
 * {@link #writeBinaryStreamEnd()}.
 * @param streamLength The number of bytes that will exist in the output before the ending backtick
 * @return The OutputStream that the caller can write its output to
public OutputStream writeBinaryStreamBegin(long streamLength) throws IOException {

    // If we are in the middle of another binary stream, then complain
    if (currentBinaryStream != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Previous binary stream was not ended");

    // Signal our binary stream's beginning

    // Flush the output stream writer to push all pending characters onto the OutputStream
    if (out instanceof Writer) {
        ((Writer) out).flush();

    // A JSON+binary stream begins with the length as a big endian 64-bit long
    currentBinaryStreamLength = streamLength;

    // Wrap our binaryOutput in a CountingOutputStream so that we can
    // validate the length later
    return currentBinaryStream = new CountingOutputStream(new UncloseableOutputStream(binaryOutput));

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.tools.offlineImageViewer.OfflineImageReconstructor.java

 * Run the OfflineImageReconstructor./*www . j av  a2  s  . c  om*/
 * @param inputPath         The input path to use.
 * @param outputPath        The output path to use.
 * @throws Exception        On error.
public static void run(String inputPath, String outputPath) throws Exception {
    MessageDigest digester = MD5Hash.getDigester();
    FileOutputStream fout = null;
    File foutHash = new File(outputPath + ".md5");
    Files.deleteIfExists(foutHash.toPath()); // delete any .md5 file that exists
    CountingOutputStream out = null;
    FileInputStream fis = null;
    InputStreamReader reader = null;
    try {
        fout = new FileOutputStream(outputPath);
        fis = new FileInputStream(inputPath);
        reader = new InputStreamReader(fis, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        out = new CountingOutputStream(new DigestOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fout), digester));
        OfflineImageReconstructor oir = new OfflineImageReconstructor(out, reader);
    } finally {
        IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, reader, fis, out, fout);
    // Write the md5 file
    MD5FileUtils.saveMD5File(new File(outputPath), new MD5Hash(digester.digest()));